Can't Get Attracted To People Anymore


Jul 19, 2018
I think attraction to people is not because of who they are but rather because of the resources they have access to, even though we might not realize it consciously. We don't have innate personalities. We are nothing but reflections of the environment we have lived in.

If someone unluckily grew up on PUFA, then he/she is screwed in so many aspects through no fault of his/her own relative to someone who grew up on butter.

PUFA can be methylated. Optimal metabolism is the cycle of renew and replace...we are not the same today as we were yesterday.

So what's the point? No one is inherently better than or worse than anyone else, we are all the same blank canvas, just painted different colors by the environment, so no one is ever actually worthy of respect or admiration and similarly no one is worthy of disrespect, because they themselves are not responsible for their good/bad qualities, the environment they grew up in is.

"The point" is to tune into your internal guidance system, and follow where it leads. In cleched / bastardised terms, find the thing you love doing, and tweak everything else to make time for that.
Fixing the hormonal pathways can help with that. Also improving your environment & routine, or replacing it with a completely new one.
On the flip side, if we're a product of our environments, diets and the relationships we have (you missed this one), then we can enact positive long-term changes on ourselves. You don't have to deep fry everything in soybean oil; you don't have to work

That's much more empowering than attributing everything to 'genetics' which is akin to consigning everything to fate.

The misanthropy in your second paragraph is recognisable to me, I find my perspective shifts in that direction from time to time. It's always correlated with periods of social isolation or 'unsatisfying' social interaction. It might help you if you spend some good quality time with old friends or family.

I second the second poster here (hee hee).

Surely attraction is at least some combination of genetics and environment? Even through a bioenergetic lens.

If we assume the evolutionary purpose of attraction is procreation (stop me if we are not assuming this), then selecting for healthy genes to match with takes at least equal precedence to me as "does this person have access to good resources"?

I don't think you can "logic" yourself out of sexual attraction. Hormonal imbalance can do that, but that is correctable, as we know....


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
,,I feel you"... but do you realy think diet, thyroid and metabolism is all of that... i think such a focus on diet is just an excause of the mind and ego to run away FROM THE REAL CAUSE, and rationalize and obesses about diet... hoping to find happines in diet in health, while the real problem lies within, deep in your self, your traumas, not being truth to who you really are, doing what you really want and love to do, and living your dreams... we depressed our self and our body by being cowards, taking compromises and pleasing society and family, lieing to our selfs just ,,to do the job" and ,,what we have to do" and not what we trully want... thinking about diet 24/7 is just a method of runnig away and distrascing our selfs about the truh... as example, 99% of insomnia is because of mental causes and psyche, yea, maybe you can tweek it with diet and even to the point of deep sleep, but its a hack, not a true direct path... i have sleep problems for 4 years, everyday i look into diet but its not that... i had deep emotional experiencea foolowed with deep sleep or super insomnia, and i would sleep if i would do what I trully want and leave this false system and this ,,lie" that i have to live... but im to weak for that so i look into milk, fat, carbs, meat, red light and other stupid things... and yeeeeeees, sometimes it is the thyroid or hormos, andddd NO, not everybody on this forum has problems that are just from food or metabolism...
An extreme advice would be to take psyhodelics and see the truth 4 ourselfs... but this can go wrong easily... true pychotherapy would let us see clear, and 90% of people here are depressed, anxious, obssesive and hypohondric, also helath hedonists, true life and happines does not give much fcck about diet and bloating, even sleep, we obsses here about thing that trully are not important, not even close...
Im a bit emotional today and i dont like the part of me that spends his life on forums ond so hardly thinking about food, when 95% of the human race does not think about diet at all, and still LIVES, and they live often ,, better then us' peace

I do think that. Why? Because I've experienced what health is. I feel like I'm in a unique situation than most people on these forums. Because I've not only been truly bottom of the barrel health, but also top of the world euphoria. I know what each extreme feels like, and trust me there is no comparison, and you are LITERALLY a different person between the two. Your true personality simply does not, can not come out until you have reached the pinnacle of health. I have proved this for myself. My personality literally changed when I was healthy. I surprised even myself with how confident, energetic, and attractive I was and barely recognized myself because it was almost a complete transformation. Self actualization occurs only at the pinnacle of health and only when all parameters of health have fallen into place.

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
I do think that. Why? Because I've experienced what health is. I feel like I'm in a unique situation than most people on these forums. Because I've not only been truly bottom of the barrel health, but also top of the world euphoria. I know what each extreme feels like, and trust me there is no comparison, and you are LITERALLY a different person between the two. Your true personality simply does not, can not come out until you have reached the pinnacle of health. I have proved this for myself. My personality literally changed when I was healthy. I surprised even myself with how confident, energetic, and attractive I was and barely recognized myself because it was almost a complete transformation. Self actualization occurs only at the pinnacle of health and only when all parameters of health have fallen into place.
If that’s your true self why do you have to chase it so hard? Makes no sense.


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
If that’s your true self why do you have to chase it so hard? Makes no sense.

Because it is only is so when I'm healthy, which I haven't returned back to yet, but I know it'll be me again when I do. It makes perfect sense, because mental health is directly connected to physical health, and mental health is impossible to restore without restoring the physical health.

You indeed do not have to chase it, that is to say, once physical health is restored, mental health also automatically is restored.

I get it, it's hard to imagine a healthy mental state if you never have had it. I myself never thought having a healthy mind was possible. I never knew what a healthy mind felt like until age 30 (and I'm 32 now) so for most of my life, I thought just having negative thoughts was just how it is... But it's not.

Dino D

Nov 14, 2017
I do think that. Why? Because I've experienced what health is. I feel like I'm in a unique situation than most people on these forums. Because I've not only been truly bottom of the barrel health, but also top of the world euphoria. I know what each extreme feels like, and trust me there is no comparison, and you are LITERALLY a different person between the two. Your true personality simply does not, can not come out until you have reached the pinnacle of health. I have proved this for myself. My personality literally changed when I was healthy. I surprised even myself with how confident, energetic, and attractive I was and barely recognized myself because it was almost a complete transformation. Self actualization occurs only at the pinnacle of health and only when all parameters of health have fallen into place.
I felt like this and even better when i took mdma... twice... heh,
But i cant chase life and a body that high like on mdma
What goes up goes down... what stays the same is death (the heartbeat line ;) )
Nov 21, 2015
Hormonal issues create ennui. Weltschmerz. World weariness.

I hate to be a broken record but at that risk, if a man stops masturbation, stops fantasy, and stops sexual triggers in his life (such as sexy videos, seeing sex scenes on TV, even sexy ads) he will over time regain hormonal balance. If he is meeting girls, dating, dancing, he will become very interested in people again.


Jun 19, 2016
Every human is different. Diet, hormones, environment, lifestyle , shape and bend it either towards pain (cortisol, serotonin, estrogen) or towards happiness (low stress hormones, high thyroid and youth hormones).

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
Because it is only is so when I'm healthy, which I haven't returned back to yet, but I know it'll be me again when I do. It makes perfect sense, because mental health is directly connected to physical health, and mental health is impossible to restore without restoring the physical health.

You indeed do not have to chase it, that is to say, once physical health is restored, mental health also automatically is restored.

I get it, it's hard to imagine a healthy mental state if you never have had it. I myself never thought having a healthy mind was possible. I never knew what a healthy mind felt like until age 30 (and I'm 32 now) so for most of my life, I thought just having negative thoughts was just how it is... But it's not.
It sounds elusive is what I’m saying. You had it, then you lost it, but once you have it you can never lose it? I agree being sick and healthy brings out different aspects of a personality.


Jun 5, 2019
Because it is only is so when I'm healthy, which I haven't returned back to yet, but I know it'll be me again when I do. It makes perfect sense, because mental health is directly connected to physical health, and mental health is impossible to restore without restoring the physical health.

You indeed do not have to chase it, that is to say, once physical health is restored, mental health also automatically is restored.

I get it, it's hard to imagine a healthy mental state if you never have had it. I myself never thought having a healthy mind was possible. I never knew what a healthy mind felt like until age 30 (and I'm 32 now) so for most of my life, I thought just having negative thoughts was just how it is... But it's not.

Actually my personal observation is that it is the most attractive beautiful and healthy looking people that suffer from mental problems the most
The harder you have it the more resilient you become... People who base their happiness on health beauty and being sexually attractive are usually miserable inside
We all age whether we want it or not we are all subject to entropy and there is no stopping entropy... Happiness and stillness of mind comes with the acceptance of
Degradation and death


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
It sounds elusive is what I’m saying. You had it, then you lost it, but once you have it you can never lose it? I agree being sick and healthy brings out different aspects of a personality.

No you can absolutely lose it, if you start living a stressful life which is what took it away from me. It is not at all elusive. You just have to fix things. I would probably be healthy again a year ago, but I made numerous mistakes along the way, so that's why it has taken so long. Now it will probably take some time because now I have to un-do all the problems I caused, but I'll get there.


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Actually my personal observation is that it is the most attractive beautiful and healthy looking people that suffer from mental problems the most
The harder you have it the more resilient you become... People who base their happiness on health beauty and being sexually attractive are usually miserable inside
We all age whether we want it or not we are all subject to entropy and there is no stopping entropy... Happiness and stillness of mind comes with the acceptance of
Degradation and death

That's because most people achieve lean bodies and seemingly healthy through the stress pathways (excess exercise, carb/calorie restriction). External appearance often has no basis on internal health. For example - I've the fattest I have ever been in my life, but I feel better than I did when I was super ripped and people were jealous of my body. Of course, because I am pretty fat, I do have other issues, and its why I'm not feeling as great as I'd like, yet, but I'm working on it.

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
No you can absolutely lose it, if you start living a stressful life which is what took it away from me. It is not at all elusive. You just have to fix things. I would probably be healthy again a year ago, but I made numerous mistakes along the way, so that's why it has taken so long. Now it will probably take some time because now I have to un-do all the problems I caused, but I'll get there.
I emphasize with you, I really do, because I have had periods of my life of being very fit, attractive and healthy and then using that time period as a referential point for everything in my life. If I could just be like I was, everything would be bettter! I think it’s great you are improving your health, but I feel like you’re chasing your tail.
Mar 30, 2019
Because it is only is so when I'm healthy, which I haven't returned back to yet, but I know it'll be me again when I do. It makes perfect sense, because mental health is directly connected to physical health, and mental health is impossible to restore without restoring the physical health.

You indeed do not have to chase it, that is to say, once physical health is restored, mental health also automatically is restored.

I get it, it's hard to imagine a healthy mental state if you never have had it. I myself never thought having a healthy mind was possible. I never knew what a healthy mind felt like until age 30 (and I'm 32 now) so for most of my life, I thought just having negative thoughts was just how it is... But it's not.

What were you doing right to achieve this state? You tie it all into achieving good temps and pulse right?

What did you do wrong to get out of this state?

Are you doing the same things you did before when you were in that good healthy state, to get back into it?


Feb 3, 2019
Because it is only is so when I'm healthy, which I haven't returned back to yet, but I know it'll be me again when I do. It makes perfect sense, because mental health is directly connected to physical health, and mental health is impossible to restore without restoring the physical health.

You indeed do not have to chase it, that is to say, once physical health is restored, mental health also automatically is restored.

I get it, it's hard to imagine a healthy mental state if you never have had it. I myself never thought having a healthy mind was possible. I never knew what a healthy mind felt like until age 30 (and I'm 32 now) so for most of my life, I thought just having negative thoughts was just how it is... But it's not.
I think a serious hormone imbalance can affect your mind, and its not possible to be ok until that is fixed. I do agree that peak physical health would be able to bring out your best personality but that's like chasing immortality, probably impossible

When I was in college like my freshman/sophomore year, I got diagnosed with Hypothyrodisim at 10 TSH. My T4/T3 were probably fine.
But I told my doctor I was tired and a little depressed so she assumed it was hypo, TSH came back high, and gave me levothyroxine (stopped taking ti after like 2 months).
All my depression and anxiety ended up having nothing to do with hypothyroidism but me hating life from controlling parents in high school and me being a full time student and working manual labor at ups. I even stayed working at ups, but my problem was huge social anxiety and depression, I had a state of complete dissociation where I could barely hear people talking to me. As I started crossfit, then parties, then playing rugby, hanging out at festivals I don't think my TSH ever went down. However my personality became more and more exposed, I felt better and had more clarity of mind and enjoyed life more and more.

I'm worried that you are using "sub-optimal" health as an excuse for mental fatigue or issues not related to absolutely perfect health. The doctor said I had hypo but I got a way better life and felt a million times better personality/emotionally by working and living my life and doing nothing for hypothyroidism.


Feb 3, 2019
I emphasize with you, I really do, because I have had periods of my life of being very fit, attractive and healthy and then using that time period as a referential point for everything in my life. If I could just be like I was, everything would be bettter! I think it’s great you are improving your health, but I feel like you’re chasing your tail.
That's a good point as well. I'm one of those people really focused on looks and trappings of success but a lot of people seem to be able to enjoy life more than me. A friend with more hairloss than me can enjoy life more, a fat friend is more social. There is more to life and enjoying it

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
I think a serious hormone imbalance can affect your mind, and its not possible to be ok until that is fixed. I do agree that peak physical health would be able to bring out your best personality but that's like chasing immortality, probably impossible

When I was in college like my freshman/sophomore year, I got diagnosed with Hypothyrodisim at 10 TSH. My T4/T3 were probably fine.
But I told my doctor I was tired and a little depressed so she assumed it was hypo, TSH came back high, and gave me levothyroxine (stopped taking ti after like 2 months).
All my depression and anxiety ended up having nothing to do with hypothyroidism but me hating life from controlling parents in high school and me being a full time student and working manual labor at ups. I even stayed working at ups, but my problem was huge social anxiety and depression, I had a state of complete dissociation where I could barely hear people talking to me. As I started crossfit, then parties, then playing rugby, hanging out at festivals I don't think my TSH ever went down. However my personality became more and more exposed, I felt better and had more clarity of mind and enjoyed life more and more.

I'm worried that you are using "sub-optimal" health as an excuse for mental fatigue or issues not related to absolutely perfect health. The doctor said I had hypo but I got a way better life and felt a million times better personality/emotionally by working and living my life and doing nothing for hypothyroidism.
That’s kind of what I’m driving out. Health is definitely biological, but it’s also social, psychological, spiritual, environmental. And holism to me is a sign of health. @Cirion i predict you will reply with something like “you can’t socialize if you’re not healthy. You get into bad relationships when you’re not healthy” infinitum. And maybe you can’t, but maybe you can, and maybe correcting a little bit of one aspect spills over to the other aspects.


Oct 29, 2016
I don't think this is true. I've seen people who grew up on crap diets, horrible conditions, look terrible, probably have high estrogen, etc, etc.. who have strong minds. Mind over matter type of thing. Where one person (maybe healthier) would crumble, another (less healthy) perseveres. They just make that choice and control their minds.

I've seen sick people go on and never complain. Seen healthy people give up and whine. If you try to explain this mathematically through health and diet, that would be trying to intellectualize everything and I don't think we humans know everything. Some people just got some fire burning inside.

I find it amazing and admirable.
Because it's their soul :): which the OP forgot about.


Jul 19, 2018
I think a serious hormone imbalance can affect your mind, and its not possible to be ok until that is fixed. I do agree that peak physical health would be able to bring out your best personality but that's like chasing immortality, probably impossible

When I was in college like my freshman/sophomore year, I got diagnosed with Hypothyrodisim at 10 TSH. My T4/T3 were probably fine.
But I told my doctor I was tired and a little depressed so she assumed it was hypo, TSH came back high, and gave me levothyroxine (stopped taking ti after like 2 months).
All my depression and anxiety ended up having nothing to do with hypothyroidism but me hating life from controlling parents in high school and me being a full time student and working manual labor at ups. I even stayed working at ups, but my problem was huge social anxiety and depression, I had a state of complete dissociation where I could barely hear people talking to me. As I started crossfit, then parties, then playing rugby, hanging out at festivals I don't think my TSH ever went down. However my personality became more and more exposed, I felt better and had more clarity of mind and enjoyed life more and more.

I'm worried that you are using "sub-optimal" health as an excuse for mental fatigue or issues not related to absolutely perfect health. The doctor said I had hypo but I got a way better life and felt a million times better personality/emotionally by working and living my life and doing nothing for hypothyroidism.

Is it possible you just cured your hypothyroidism by making autonomous environmental changes?

I'm increasingly of the view that poor thyroid function is as much a symptom as it is a cause. T4/T3 synthesis are downregulated under stress, and adrenaline and cortisol etc upregulated to compensate. Since the stress hormones all oppose thyroid, it's kind of impossible to not be somewhat thyroid-deficient when faced with an external stressor (eg, oppressive parents).

I'm just saying I don't think you can divorce the health of the organism from its environment. One is always acting an effect on the other, and vice versa...


Nov 14, 2017
your mind, rent free
That’s kind of what I’m driving out. Health is definitely biological, but it’s also social, psychological, spiritual, environmental. And holism to me is a sign of health. @Cirion i predict you will reply with something like “you can’t socialize if you’re not healthy. You get into bad relationships when you’re not healthy” infinitum. And maybe you can’t, but maybe you can, and maybe correcting a little bit of one aspect spills over to the other aspects.
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