Can't Get Attracted To People Anymore



Feb 13, 2016
Thanks for answering.
In regards to treatment of it, I seem to get elevated estrogen and fat, tired, and hairloss from T4 only. My doctor mentioned several of her female patients had male pattern balding from T4, and a spoke to a few people online with that issue. In this regard I'm wary of any thyroid supplement.
I think I also read that T3 is suppressive of your natural thyroid hormones, which concerns me to the effect of suppressing T1,T2, T4, and calcitonin.

That is cause for alarm. I'll have to fix the elevated TSH. My natural IGF is around 350, which my doctors think could be related to a tumor, though it's not excessively high imo.

I think a lot of "low estrogen" issues are low dopamine and too much serotonin. Dopamine and excitatory transmission stimulate estrogen and progesterone action, inhibitory transmission stimulates only androgenic action such as in the case of metabolic syndrome (even though overall estrogen is high). Sleep deprivation might help with "low estrogen" symptoms.
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Feb 3, 2019
I think a lot of "low estrogen" issues are low dopamine and too much serotonin. Dopamine and excitatory transmission stimulate estrogen and progesterone action, inhibitory transmission stimulates only androgenic action such as in the case of metabolic syndrome (even though overall estrogen is high). Sleep deprivation might help with "low estrogen" symptoms.
Speaking from experience, I heal and feel much better from sleeping even more. I guess you have a point as I find that's a good summary of the mental effects/chemistry of low estrogen. I felt fine before lowering my estrogen though so I think that came first -> converts/alters the brain chemistry as a result
Nov 21, 2015
I haven't watched porn or masturbated in several months. I do think porn is bad and I do regret having watched it in the past, but I don't think porn use can explain as many issues as you seem to think it does.

Plus this isn't a resentful "I'm sick of the world" anhedonia, it's more of "no one is actually responsible for their good/bad traits so it's foolish to think some people are better than others and get attached to them"

I know.

It can take 6 months or more after you stop. And the important thing is not just stopping. It is rewiring the brain by seeking out partners and spending time with them.

I have a lot of experience in this area. And perceptions change.

Congratulations that you have made it several months. If you go take dance lessons, start dating, etc., and continue on this path, in 6 months or so, you won't feel this way. You will feel very interested in people and attracted.


I've tried Black Seed oil, red clover, natto, soymilk
Honestly I think if your estrogen is real low it might be better to use test or dbol, along with hcg to prevent suppression
DBOL would raise your natty estro real quick, most phytoestrogens I'm not so sure are that effective or lowers test

TRT for life?


The first time? Many dietary mistakes and dating a crazy person (Bipolar). Second time? Caloric restriction. Those who have seen my posts on this forum know I am extremely anti-caloric restriction, and this is a huge reason why (Not to mention how I know I've felt on past calorie restricted diets). Never again.

I’ve felt my best after my two one-week fasts.

Sadly the improved well being only lasted a month


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
I’ve felt my best after my two one-week fasts.

Sadly the improved well being only lasted a month

Likely due to effects that Haidut and others have discussed in regards to protein amino acids (methionine, cysteine, histidine, tryptophan) and also fats (pufas). When you go back to the way you were eating, these problems will come back. That's why I don't think fasting is useful. It's a temporary therapeutic measure but doesn't resolve any issues in your regular diet in the long run, and I'm not interested in frequent fasting. I'd rather devise a diet that prevents the buildup of said problematic amino acids, fats, etc.


Mar 20, 2013
If you look into NLP you will see that physical health is not everything. People can be very sick with a poor diet and yet still have the ability to completely change their perspectives, given the right tools. I've done it many, many times.

I see people quite the opposite: everyone is unique. Everyone is an individual, like a universe unto themselves. Infinitely complicated. What we verbalize, what we look like, etc., is only a small part of who we all are. Don't miss the forest for the trees and get hung up on silly ideas like humans are just metabolic machines with no other substance to them.

Doing so is the same as being cynical and jaded about the universe, as if you understand it inside and out. None of us do; none of us even know the "reason" we're here, and if someone is going to argue that we're here for no reason at all, what evidence could they possibly come up with to prove that argument?

A lord asked Takuan, a Zen Teacher, to suggest how he might pass the time. He felt his days very long attending his office and sitting stiffly to receive the homage of others.

Takuan wrote eight Chinese characters and gave them to the man:

"Not twice this day

Inch time foot gem.

This day will not come again.

Each minute is worth a priceless gem."

You may find it easier to be attracted to people when you realize they, and you yourself, are all infinitely complex, with no explanation as to why we're here or they're here, and there's no telling when we'll disappear. Each moment you spend with another person is a moment that has never happened in the universe before, and will never happen ever again. Every single second you spend with a person you care about is worth more than all of the wealth in the entire universe multiplied a trillion times over.
Nov 17, 2017
So biological reductionism = hard determinism = nihilism?

Sounds legit. All to the good. Maybe pretend to believe in the supernatural.

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
If you look into NLP you will see that physical health is not everything. People can be very sick with a poor diet and yet still have the ability to completely change their perspectives, given the right tools. I've done it many, many times.

I see people quite the opposite: everyone is unique. Everyone is an individual, like a universe unto themselves. Infinitely complicated. What we verbalize, what we look like, etc., is only a small part of who we all are. Don't miss the forest for the trees and get hung up on silly ideas like humans are just metabolic machines with no other substance to them.

Doing so is the same as being cynical and jaded about the universe, as if you understand it inside and out. None of us do; none of us even know the "reason" we're here, and if someone is going to argue that we're here for no reason at all, what evidence could they possibly come up with to prove that argument?

A lord asked Takuan, a Zen Teacher, to suggest how he might pass the time. He felt his days very long attending his office and sitting stiffly to receive the homage of others.

Takuan wrote eight Chinese characters and gave them to the man:

"Not twice this day

Inch time foot gem.

This day will not come again.

Each minute is worth a priceless gem."

You may find it easier to be attracted to people when you realize they, and you yourself, are all infinitely complex, with no explanation as to why we're here or they're here, and there's no telling when we'll disappear. Each moment you spend with another person is a moment that has never happened in the universe before, and will never happen ever again. Every single second you spend with a person you care about is worth more than all of the wealth in the entire universe multiplied a trillion times over.
Too good. You have some really great posts.


Oct 11, 2016
Ever since I found out how drastically diet and environment shape personality and appearance, I've realized no one is actually unique. Good looks and charming personality mean the person has lived his/her life in a good environment, not that the person is actually a good/unique/special human being. AKA you just lucked out because your mom decided to raise you on butter instead of Crisco. Or you lucked out because you found Dr. Peat.

People who have good personalities simply were exposed to more progesterone and less estrogen over their lifetime, whereas people who are resentful, unconfident, not empathetic didn't receive much love from their parents in infancy. Very little of it is controlled by conscious choice.

People who look good are people who have access to high quality food, whereas people who are not so attractive do not.

Even things like being optimistic in the face of adversity, which people consider to be a choice, is just a function of blood sugar levels.

People might think they are making a choice as to how they behave but the fact is that the feeling comes first and the rationalization comes second, not the other way around as the majority believe.

I think attraction to people is not because of who they are but rather because of the resources they have access to, even though we might not realize it consciously. We don't have innate personalities. We are nothing but reflections of the environment we have lived in.

If someone unluckily grew up on PUFA, then he/she is screwed in so many aspects through no fault of his/her own relative to someone who grew up on butter.

So what's the point? No one is inherently better than or worse than anyone else, we are all the same blank canvas, just painted different colors by the environment, so no one is ever actually worthy of respect or admiration and similarly no one is worthy of disrespect, because they themselves are not responsible for their good/bad qualities, the environment they grew up in is.

Seems pretty full of despair! Also extremely reductionistic. What's the point of what? Life?


Dec 8, 2016
Ever since I found out how drastically diet and environment shape personality and appearance, I've realized no one is actually unique. Good looks and charming personality mean the person has lived his/her life in a good environment, not that the person is actually a good/unique/special human being. AKA you just lucked out because your mom decided to raise you on butter instead of Crisco. Or you lucked out because you found Dr. Peat.

People who have good personalities simply were exposed to more progesterone and less estrogen over their lifetime, whereas people who are resentful, unconfident, not empathetic didn't receive much love from their parents in infancy. Very little of it is controlled by conscious choice.

People who look good are people who have access to high quality food, whereas people who are not so attractive do not.

Even things like being optimistic in the face of adversity, which people consider to be a choice, is just a function of blood sugar levels.

People might think they are making a choice as to how they behave but the fact is that the feeling comes first and the rationalization comes second, not the other way around as the majority believe.

I think attraction to people is not because of who they are but rather because of the resources they have access to, even though we might not realize it consciously. We don't have innate personalities. We are nothing but reflections of the environment we have lived in.

If someone unluckily grew up on PUFA, then he/she is screwed in so many aspects through no fault of his/her own relative to someone who grew up on butter.

So what's the point? No one is inherently better than or worse than anyone else, we are all the same blank canvas, just painted different colors by the environment, so no one is ever actually worthy of respect or admiration and similarly no one is worthy of disrespect, because they themselves are not responsible for their good/bad qualities, the environment they grew up in is.

I’ll chime in - for a different opinion:

I think you possibly hold much wisdom.
But it’s how you respond to this observation, or this truth to you- is what will make you truly wise and content.

Look at Solomon (Israeli king: Hebrew Bible, Old Testament, Quran, Hadiths).
He was incredibly wealthy, and wise- and he kinda concluded what you have...
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Nov 3, 2017
I’m not sure if I agree that optimism is a result of blood sugar levels. I really don’t know. Maybe it is. In my experience learned helplessness is definitely biological but having experiences of what a better life could be like also prompts someone to make changes. Even when you don’t have ideal food you can dream. I emailed ray about a book called the continuum concept, that says a lot of what you are saying in your post regarding people being mostly a collection of their environment.
He said

A theory of determinism is built into our culture, so the mothers and/or hospitals that handle babies coldly are taught to see the outcome as normal, producing good soldiers and docile employees or aggressive entrepreneurs. People can be flexible, and can recover from early unpleasantnesses, but as far as the oppressive culture is pervasive and continuing, they choose to think and function “deterministically.” Life, itself is intelligent, and is always ready to break out of the determining continuum of culture.

From the way he writes about it, it gives me a lot of hope for those raised on Crisco or in housing projects. I think all you need is a few really good experiences and better food to completely change the way you see the world and yourself as a person in the world. That’s hopeful.

This is really beautifully written and said. I can see Dr Peat's spirit through it.

What if you are positive and take good care of yourself but are facing jealousy and mean people above all at work, because in everyday life I ignore them easily or find a way to protect myself.

Since I am peating I am more positive and calm and I see all the people trying to get on my nerve or they even try to set me up. Like pretending I am doing mistakes that they have prepared beforehand with other people in other departments.

I have the impression to be in Dallas the tv serie. The only problem is that its not funny and almost dangerous as it can impact my reputation and me financially.
Those people are not from poor environment, they know what they are doing and its not a lack of good food, sleep or housing. They are just mean and want to feel superior.


Jan 25, 2014
Thanks for answering.
In regards to treatment of it, I seem to get elevated estrogen and fat, tired, and hairloss from T4 only. My doctor mentioned several of her female patients had male pattern balding from T4, and a spoke to a few people online with that issue. In this regard I'm wary of any thyroid supplement.
I think I also read that T3 is suppressive of your natural thyroid hormones, which concerns me to the effect of suppressing T1,T2, T4, and calcitonin.

That is cause for alarm. I'll have to fix the elevated TSH. My natural IGF is around 350, which my doctors think could be related to a tumor, though it's not excessively high imo.

Biotin may be another option-[URL=""]Biotin Can Actually Raise T4 And Lower TSHn-can-actually-raise-t4-and-lower-tsh.22453/[/URL]


Nov 3, 2017
I know.

It can take 6 months or more after you stop. And the important thing is not just stopping. It is rewiring the brain by seeking out partners and spending time with them.

I have a lot of experience in this area. And perceptions change.

Congratulations that you have made it several months. If you go take dance lessons, start dating, etc., and continue on this path, in 6 months or so, you won't feel this way. You will feel very interested in people and attracted.

Do you think it's the same for women? I thought having orgasm was great to relax and be less tensed around the opposite sex.
Nov 21, 2015
Do you think it's the same for women? I thought having orgasm was great to relax and be less tensed around the opposite sex.

Totally the same for women. It creates lasting fallout with women that make other partners more attractive, make them more unhappy in general.


Nov 3, 2017
Totally the same for women. It creates lasting fallout with women that make other partners more attractive, make them more unhappy in general.

I actually attract lots of men to be honest.

It just that I am waiting to meet a good man with the qualities I want. My special someone with a good courtship.

I am honestly ok, but sometimes I can have a libido surge so that's what I thought watching porn could help once in a while.

As it is summer time here and my health is way better, I will try to go out more.
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