As a Woman, I just can’t relate to other women anymore

Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal
Do you really believe that? What about drugs? Is quitting them as simple as doing nothing? Why are ~100% of all alcoholics/addicts in treatment/counselling relapsing and ultimately regressing even more? The issue of "addiction", as with any learned helplessness, is not simply a state of mind that you can somehow magically snap out of. It is lack of energy, and no amount of positivity will change that for the better. I would certainly much rather prefer a "shot" of energy, instead of shock, into the arm of every zombified normie around me, but I don't see how that can materialize. Until the physiology is changed, the mind will remain imprisoned. The only realistic hope is that if those people get scared for their very existence they may do something about it. Yes, the majority will do something stupid, but a certain percentage won't and will get back to reality. The time for reforming the system has long passed. It is now time to let it collapse and work with the ones that survive to rebuild it anew.
Btw, this is really not just my position. The leaders of Russia, China, India, and most of the Global South are of the same opinion. Not b/c they have realized that they cannot deal with the "leaders" of the West, but because they have realized the majority of the Western population is on board with the abominations of the WEF and their Great Reset.
Simple is not the same as easy. Not doing a thing you don't need to do is extremely simple.

But the big problems do not have simple solutions.
Jul 17, 2021
I’m not referring to the 72 or so shots already on the schedule I am talking about the covid 19 shots!!!! Bitching about women is not waking up it's bitching
I’m revisiting this thread I started.

I don’t think talking about this subject is “bitching”. Not a lot of women are talking about it. Or let’s just say they are not allowed to talk about it on social media platforms. Fortunately this forum openmindedly supports all kinds of thought (within reason) so basically I’m highlighting a perspective that is increasingly being drowned out by the ones who want to redefine what womanhood is all about.

Perfect example, the transgender movement. They make a mockery of what real women are. Yet you have brain dead mothers who gleefully take their impressionable little children to these trannyfests without a care in the world, endodsing that it’s perfectly normal to let your little one sit in the lap of a heavily made up tranified MAN and applaud and laugh at their entertainment.

And the poor children are left confused and without any role models. It’s a genuine sickness that our society is embracing. Insanity has become the norm. They want to cancel what being a woman means. And what being a man means. Of course the movement to redefine traditional genders has been going on for the last 60 or so years, but now it’s on overdrive.

There really are malevolent forces at work, working thru compromised individuals, that truely want to eradicate the original definition of what manhood and womanhood means. Redefine it. Eradicate our humanity. People need to wake up to what is really going on behind the curtain. At least discuss it before it’s too late.

So, I say let’s talk about it before we can no longer speak.
Jul 17, 2021
God bless your soul:):
In another thread you and I discussed a woman being unhappy with her restaurant meal and the expectation many modern women would have that the husband MUST commiserate and throw himself on the floor to repent for "his" sins that the meal was not good enough. You said this kind of expectation is insane and it is not the man's fault that the meal was not good enough. I said I applauded your attitude/views and I do again for this comment above...but I also said in that thread the vast majority of modern women (at least the urbanized, highly career-aggressive, multi-degree kind) are NOT like you.
So, now you are experiencing the female-to-female version of the same artificially manufactured alienation that destroyed the relationships/pact between men and women over the last 20-30 years, implemented largely through corporate/govt sponsored militant psyops, mass medication of women with both hormones and psychotropic drugs, and the chemical/emotional castration of men. The final goal is alienation of anybody capable of independent thought and action and, most importantly, authentic bond with another fellow human, from the rest (regardless of sex) and this is now more of less complete on a female-female, female-male and male-male level. Steady "progress" is being made on a parent-child level as well.

I can tell you as a male that I also lost quite a few "friends" over the last 2-3 years over very similar concerns and in every single case it was because the other side demanded that I do/think/accept whatever X they favor or it's over. Just like that, after knowing each other for decades, No option whatsoever for discussing or working things out.
As far as the blame/fault., I don't blame either sex. Things like pron addiction, twisted gender expectations, etc on behalf of males are all coping mechanisms for living basically meaningless lives, which are on top of that severely messed up on an endocrine level. I always shudder when I hear a parent demand in a patronizing voice that a feminized boy "man up" and act tough. How can that happen if the boy is hormonally a semi-female and is so physically weak it is afraid of a stiff wind?? Same goes with another parent demanding that an androgynous-looking girl "act like a lady so the boys like you". How can she, if she is hormonally a semi-male and regularly beats up the feminized bullies that gang up on her?
Anyways, there is no coming back from this. The people that "cancelled" you have been made (through decades of environmental/social assault) physically incapable of living in your (real) world and you probably don't want to or can't live in the absolute abomination of theirs. Some people will say to ignore them and just live your life. Sure...but the freaks won't leave you alone in turn. Their world can only materialize if any trace of sanity/reality is either destroyed or firmly under the elite's control so that there is no risk that some pesky normie men and women somewhere, who still love each other to death and actually look forward to touching each other every night, end up revolting against the "life" the WEF fan-base wants - i.e. VR goggles on 24x7, immersed into the sterile Metaverse that Facebook quite openly advertises is the future "reality" for most of humanity...and it won't be voluntary.
So, love and cherish the ones around you that have your back and if we are lucky enough to survive the total wipeout that is already on its way maybe one day we get a chance to start anew and with all this knowledge that we now have on how to prevent another such calamity in the future.
Just my 2c.
@haidut Thank you. You’ve explained better than I have, why I wrote what I wrote. I might have failed to mention this before.
I agree that the masses who embrace the lies- yes there’s no coming back. But for the individual who is willing to stand autonomously against the tide, who is willing to be rejected by their peers, we can still reach others of likemind. Those who are also not willing to accept the lies, the perversions and the insanity.
Jul 17, 2021
As a female I do understand where you're coming from, as most my age (37) are still setting in bars trying to act like they're 21 still & look at me like I'm crazy for preferring to run a farm/business/do things with my teenagers.

However, beyond all of the estrogen/chemical/social media/unresolved trauma factors in all honesty there's a bit of judgement in your posting.

Which I know is human behavior.

I just think, regardless of what "side" a person is on, the internet has made it to where we only accept someone into our social circle if they exactly mirror our likely highly influenced "morals".

This can be something like a person being die hard LGBTQ++++ demanding every human know every pronoun & or any similar rabid ideology.


It could be someone who's conservative that calls someone a slut because they feel comfortable enough with their body wear something more revealing or calling a woman a murderer for deciding not to let a clump of cells turn into a baby.

I grew up in an extremely small town, went to an even smaller school, & one thing we learned naturally is that we had no choice but to accept people's differences if we wanted to be friends.

Does this mean that we all turned out lifelong friends?


Did this help most of us learn how to see our fellow humans inherent worth beyond things we may not have agreed on/enjoyed/related to?


Again, I do understand where you're coming from & people are...much...these days so discernment is not a bad idea.

I just also think we need to evaluate our own role in a situation when we're blaming everyone else for our inability to relate/make a friend as there's probably something there.

Anyhow I hope you're able to find women you can relate to.
The intent of my thread was not to judge but to honestly share how I felt.
Jul 17, 2021
A woman calls other women whores, the men are incredibly impressed and applaud her. Damn it's so easy. Do any of you go outside and speak to actual women or are your views based on "SJW destroyed" youtube compilations? Those kinds of women are not even in the majority. I rent to college aged girls and they open up about their problems and they're nothing like the strawman created by you or the men online. And what's with calling women whores anyway when the stats show both men and women are having less sex? Nevermind relatioships. Though your idea of what is right for women is just that, your idea and others can decide for themselves what being a woman means to them. My grandmothers and great grandmothers don't fit those demure, delicate feminine ideals of the 50s that both men and women like you are such fans of.

"They are never happy. I don’t think they even know what they are so angry about." ask and listen, like you are willing to do for the men. Neither side is willing to listen to the other and see things from their perspective, both sides are angry and don't communicate. That's the whole point, it's on purpose, it's divide and conquer, all the posts I've seen from you put down other women to raise yourself up, so you're doing your part for that, congrats.

The sad and tragic fact is, women today, ARE acting like whores. On social media. And society reflects social media.

I’m not condemning these women. Just stating a fact. They act like whores. It’s the norm, not the exception. They have sex indiscrimanently and by their behavior, cause men to treat them like whores. They show everything they’ve got and leave nothing to the imagination.

Our imaginations, our mysteries are one of the sexiest things about us.

It didn’t use to be this way in society. Women really were the ones who were the doorkeepers so to speak, in the sexual arena. Just because I am against indiscriminate sexual encounters does not mean I advocate a return to sexual repression.

But basically I see women having no self respect for themselves. Of course they are a product of what is being fed to them by society, by social media. As are men.

And that’s my unapologetic observation and opinion.
Jul 17, 2021
LIBERAL women. PLEASE, let's clarify, as this is a very wrong and offensive statement to non-liberal women who are NOTHING like these loons.
Yes, liberal women but now it IS the norm….as I said, via social media. And social media is dominating society right now.


Mar 10, 2016
I hear what you are saying, but I am completely uncomfortable with language like that, especially given recent events on the forum.
Jul 17, 2021
@FocusedOnHealth, I understand how you feel. I didn’t have any female friends to speak of from age 20-45 and didn’t want any. I was pretty miserable.

About 7 years ago I realized it wasn’t other women that bothered me but what the world had done to us/how we had (in some cases) let the world change us. It became pretty clear there was an agenda to divide people so I consciously tried to change my outlook towards others in general and women in particular.

I have several close female friends now that I have bonded with and they are all different than me in many ways and it has greatly enriched my life and I hope theirs too.

Each of us has been broken in different ways and react to those situations uniquely. We are all swimming in the same muck so to speak and the only thing I know to do about it is try my best to no longer judge my sisters (or brothers) and be kind to them.

I go with my elderly neighbor lady to women’s group once a week because it means a lot to her. There was a brouhaha over roe v wade last week and I honestly considered not going with her anymore but decided the loving thing to do would be to continue to support her and not be offended by those other women who feel differently than I do.

Sometimes it’s hard but putting myself out there because I’m an introvert but in the end I think isolating myself like I used to do would be much worse and lonelier.

I too hope you are able to find some women friends. The only way we can fight this division is to start with ourselves and work outward in our own families and communities.
Great points.
Jul 17, 2021
I hear what you are saying, but I am completely uncomfortable with language like that, especially given recent events on the forum.
Elaborate. Meaning me calling certain women “whores”?
Jul 17, 2021
A lot of them view a fetus as a parasite.
I didn’t want the thread to be about abortion necessarily, but yes this is true. Life is not considered sacred anymore. And hasn’t been since 1973, at least here in the states. But I digress.


Dec 4, 2021
Elaborate. Meaning me calling certain women “whores”?
I'm guessing they're referring to the thread that said all women secretly want to be raped...

That guy would probably be in agreement with your option that all women (who don't reflect you) are whores.


Dec 4, 2021
The intent of my thread was not to judge but to honestly share how I felt.
Yeah but here's a good opportunity for you to look inwardly because how you "feel" is that if women don't perfectly match your morals they are whores...

That is the literal definition of judgement.

Do I think people (by definition men are more whoremongers than women are whores)are having far to casual of sex & this makes meaningful relationships harder?


Do I think that just because a woman doesn't feel the need to hide her body all the way down to her ankles or has more than one sexual partner in life she's a whore?


But why don't you tell us again, as the mouthpiece for all women, how many partners we're allowed to have before we become a whore?

What % of skin should we have covered to make you comfortable with our appearance?

How many babies we should give birth to in our lifetime even if we don't have the desire or capacity to parent them well?

I mean it would be a HUGE burden off of us because then we women will be perfect friendship material for you...the person who's obviously not the problem in your inability to make other female friends.
Jul 17, 2021
Yeah but here's a good opportunity for you to look inwardly because how you "feel" is that if women don't perfectly match your morals they are whores...

That is the literal definition of judgement.

Do I think people (by definition men are more whoremongers than women are whores)are having far to casual of sex & this makes meaningful relationships harder?


Do I think that just because a woman doesn't feel the need to hide her body all the way down to her ankles or has more than one sexual partner in life she's a whore?


But why don't you tell us again, as the mouthpiece for all women, how many partners we're allowed to have before we become a whore?

What % of skin should we have covered to make you comfortable with our appearance?

How many babies we should give birth to in our lifetime even if we don't have the desire or capacity to parent them well?

I mean it would be a HUGE burden off of us because then we women will be perfect friendship material for you...the person who's obviously not the problem in your inability to make other female friends.
Look, even in our anything goes society, people understand what a whore means. If you sleep around indiscriminately with multiple partners, you are indulging in whoreish behavior.

That’s a whore.

That’s a woman’s choice if they want to do that, but it is traditionally what society would call whorish behavior.

Plus you risk getting sexually transmitted diseases. And unwanted pregnancies. And abortions if you don’t believe the life created inside of you is a viable human being.

Not healthy things.

If you choose to expose most of your body in your photos, like many women on Tinder or Instagram or OnlyFans do, you are advertising yourself as someone who is willing to indulge in indiscriminate behavior. ie. acting like a whore.

You don’t go to a job dressed with a tiny bit of clothing do you? Of course not. You wouldn’t be taken seriously or professionally.

As to the friends issue, I don’t have friends who are perfect. I now have a small circle of friends who are likeminded, in that we share the same understanding about things and reject the anything goes mentality that permeates most of society today.


Dec 4, 2021
Look, even in our anything goes society, people understand what a whore means. If you sleep around indiscriminately with multiple partners, you are indulging in whoreish behavior.
Actually no, that's just you being myopic & thinking everyone agrees with you.

Again, what's the number?

Because you're able to make this such a defined thing you'd better tell us the number of men you've fu*ked so we can be sure you're not a whore.
That’s a whore.
Again, better tell us the number that's allowed then your own number.
That’s a woman’s choice if they want to do that, but it is traditionally what society would call whorish behavior.
Who's society? Your tiny circle of friends that had to fit a very specific narrative?

So what do you call a man who's had a lot of partners? An Alpha? High T?

Again what's the number we're supposed to adhere too to match up to your standards?

1? 3? 5?

Does it have an age bracket difference?

Like once we're 40 are we whores if we've had ten dicks?

We need a solid number lady.
Plus you risk getting sexually transmitted diseases. And unwanted pregnancies. And abortions if you don’t believe the life created inside of you is a viable human being.

Not healthy things.
Just wanted you to know that I've been married for 16 years, have two teenage kids, have had 3 abortions of life I did think was a human being.

We just decided I didn't want any of them😉

But also before I got married I had plenty of partners that I didn't get STDS from or pregnant.

You do know that you don't have to bang the grossest person you can find on some app right?
If you choose to expose most of your body in your photos, like many women on Tinder or Instagram or OnlyFans do, you are advertising yourself as someone who is willing to indulge in indiscriminate behavior. ie. acting like a whore.
So there's a HUGE swing of examples here one's a porn site, one a dating site, one social media.

Do I think women have self worth issues that might be made worse by sexually exploiting their bodies on only fans/dating sites?


Do I think that you're actually pretty self conscious about your own body & lashing out at women who feel comfortable in their skin in let's say selfies they feel attractive in?


Again how should they dress?

What's your standard for men? Are they whores for posturing their muscles? Abs? Talking about how much they earn?

You don’t go to a job dressed with a tiny bit of clothing do you? Of course not. You wouldn’t be taken seriously or professionally.
Yeah but I have a feeling you're a full button up kinda gal who hates anyone who shows curves, cleavage, or any pride in their physical appearance.

But I don't know I own my own business & am not afraid to have some titty showing.
As to the friends issue, I don’t have friends who are perfect. I now have a small circle of friends who are likeminded, in that we share the same understanding about things and reject the anything goes mentality that permeates most of society today.
Here, let me re-write that for you:

"As to the friends issue, I don’t have friends who are perfect. I now have a small circle of friends who are likeminded, in that we share the same understanding about things and reject the anything goes mentality that permeates most of society today. The same rigid mindset that if people aren't exactly like us they're BIG OL whores because we don't allow room for nuances & hide behind fake morals that allow us to make wide casting judgments."

There, that's better.

You're just a female version of the guy who said all women secretly want to be raped, it's probably the only way we can't be whores right?

But hey what do I know, I'm just some dumb whore right?


Oct 20, 2021
United States
Actually no, that's just you being myopic & thinking everyone agrees with you.

Again, what's the number?

Because you're able to make this such a defined thing you'd better tell us the number of men you've fu*ked so we can be sure you're not a whore.

Again, better tell us the number that's allowed then your own number.

Who's society? Your tiny circle of friends that had to fit a very specific narrative?

So what do you call a man who's had a lot of partners? An Alpha? High T?

Again what's the number we're supposed to adhere too to match up to your standards?

1? 3? 5?

Does it have an age bracket difference?

Like once we're 40 are we whores if we've had ten dicks?

We need a solid number lady.

Just wanted you to know that I've been married for 16 years, have two teenage kids, have had 3 abortions of life I did think was a human being.

We just decided I didn't want any of them😉

But also before I got married I had plenty of partners that I didn't get STDS from or pregnant.

You do know that you don't have to bang the grossest person you can find on some app right?

So there's a HUGE swing of examples here one's a porn site, one a dating site, one social media.

Do I think women have self worth issues that might be made worse by sexually exploiting their bodies on only fans/dating sites?


Do I think that you're actually pretty self conscious about your own body & lashing out at women who feel comfortable in their skin in let's say selfies they feel attractive in?


Again how should they dress?

What's your standard for men? Are they whores for posturing their muscles? Abs? Talking about how much they earn?

Yeah but I have a feeling you're a full button up kinda gal who hates anyone who shows curves, cleavage, or any pride in their physical appearance.

But I don't know I own my own business & am not afraid to have some titty showing.

Here, let me re-write that for you:

"As to the friends issue, I don’t have friends who are perfect. I now have a small circle of friends who are likeminded, in that we share the same understanding about things and reject the anything goes mentality that permeates most of society today. The same rigid mindset that if people aren't exactly like us they're BIG OL whores because we don't allow room for nuances & hide behind fake morals that allow us to make wide casting judgments."

There, that's better.

You're just a female version of the guy who said all women secretly want to be raped, it's probably the only way we can't be whores right?

But hey what do I know, I'm just some dumb whore right?
Your physiognomy checks out


Apr 28, 2018
Look, even in our anything goes society, people understand what a whore means. If you sleep around indiscriminately with multiple partners, you are indulging in whoreish behavior.

That’s a whore.

That’s a woman’s choice if they want to do that, but it is traditionally what society would call whorish behavior.

Plus you risk getting sexually transmitted diseases. And unwanted pregnancies. And abortions if you don’t believe the life created inside of you is a viable human being.

Not healthy things.

If you choose to expose most of your body in your photos, like many women on Tinder or Instagram or OnlyFans do, you are advertising yourself as someone who is willing to indulge in indiscriminate behavior. ie. acting like a whore.

You don’t go to a job dressed with a tiny bit of clothing do you? Of course not. You wouldn’t be taken seriously or professionally.

As to the friends issue, I don’t have friends who are perfect. I now have a small circle of friends who are likeminded, in that we share the same understanding about things and reject the anything goes mentality that permeates most of society today.
I am grateful for your revisiting this thread. It has fleshed out more of the factors in Real Life, as influenced by social media, biochemistry, propaganda of globalist intent, and mechanisms of the human animal within a society.
Indeed, reading the thread as a whole reveals some brutal opinions from our forum mates. The word "abortion" could not be avoided, even as it's meaning is loaded and interpreted several ways. It is, and has always been an issue of woman.
I will always count myself fortunate to have had a broad understanding of womens issues by my 20's. I worked with Jeri, who had been sexually abused by 2 uncles from age 6 to 13. Her internal female parts were literally ripped up, and years of therapy and medical care was her life until age 21 when the system ejected her and she had to survive on her own. Jeri had little sense of what it meant to be female. We worked together stocking retail store shelves, talking deeply of our most private hopes and dreams. The culture of men-women relationships as presented by media made no sense to her. Long story short, she fell in love and married a great guy, who knew that she could never have kids, and that even sex would be questionable. The doctors told her she would never even get pregnant. That turned out untrue. The growing cluster of cells in her egg sac now threatened her life, as she had no fallopians nor uterus. These 2 humans clung to each other, crying out in fear and pain for losing each other for weeks. It was agonizing to watch her quit her job and feel so powerless once again. She was at the mercy of men's politics and the mores of a few who interpreted her life as less important than the cell mass inside her.
That and another incident where a brilliant young genius who graduated college age 19 and was accepted to MIT as a biochem research student destined for great things, was raped by a large man of very different race. She had no family and was reduced to welfare, living in a trailer, surviving alone.
And then there was my HighSchool gf Layuna. She left home and married an Iranian and completely integrated into muslim culture. The hijab, everything. 3 years later we met at her moms house and I asked her about sex. Her shy 1950s mom listened intently. Yes, she had to make herself available at her husbands whim just like the other TWO wives. When I asked how she felt about her whole life being about pregnant and raising babies, she said the older women had shown her how to cut a lime in half and fashion it to insert like a diaphram for birth control. That conversation led me to some old midwives who told me about blue cohosh and black cohosh as herbal preparations used for centuries as birth control.
History: a whole "nother" world.
Those stories told, now I am fully fledged. I have had several careers, many relationships of many types, worked closely with both women and men for many decades. The opportunities traveling in many countries, living with diverse cultures was my beginners education. This thread embraces so accurately the many facets of our human nature, and I love that our forum can tease out so much relevant information in civil discourse. Bravo!
We really are so very messy, you know.


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
I can’t relate to other women in today’s modern society. And I am a woman. Seems collectively, women today have taken pills that make them literally insane. I really do think it’s a spiritual issue. Women have lost touch with who they are…we are women. We are supposed to be feminine. The fairer sex. loving our offspring. loving our husbands. Nurturing.

How can they not see that all their repulsive screaming and demanding and acting like idiots will get them nowhere but disrespect?

Seems other women are just miserable, like they hate themselves. Self loathing. They believe the medias lies, the tel- lie-vision’s lies. What they are taught in their indoctrination centers called higher education. They are never happy. I don’t think they even know what they are so angry about. But they are furious. Really, as a woman, I don’t belong on the same planet as them.

They are proud of being massively huge. Like it just doesn’t matter how they look. Or they act like whores on social media, showing everything they’ve got. Act like a whore, you will be treated like one. I don’t get it. I really don’t.

These lost women see nothing wrong in murdering another human being, their unborn child, who deserves to live just as much as they do.

The only women I now choose to be friends with, all think like I do. They all value things that modern women despise. I’m quite happy to have a small exclusive group of likeminded friends. I don’t mind that I’m the minority.

I don’t think I am better than these women, but I don’t understand them, I don’t support them and I don’t want to be around them.

I really can understand how bad it is for men today. That’s not giving men a free pass either. Many have porn addictions that lead to warped, unrealistic and reprobate expectations. And they are taught to be irresponcible. But how women act today, doesn’t help.

Women used to be the moral keepers for society as a whole. I’m not talking religionista uptight humorless women who are negative karen gestapo crews who are rude and get in your face over the smallest things.. But women who just have self dignity and common sense. And don’t fall for the disgusting societal lies.

And who actually like themselves.

Maybe that’s what we need. A movement of women who have the moral fortitude to stand up to these screaming, demanding mee mees, by just being decent, wholesome, healthy individuals, and rejecting their hysterical demands.
:hattip :clap:
Jul 17, 2021
I'm guessing they're referring to the thread that said all women secretly want to be raped...

That guy would probably be in agreement with your option that all women (who don't reflect you) are whores.
Actually no, that's just you being myopic & thinking everyone agrees with you.

Again, what's the number?

Because you're able to make this such a defined thing you'd better tell us the number of men you've fu*ked so we can be sure you're not a whore.

Again, better tell us the number that's allowed then your own number.

Who's society? Your tiny circle of friends that had to fit a very specific narrative?

So what do you call a man who's had a lot of partners? An Alpha? High T?

Again what's the number we're supposed to adhere too to match up to your standards?

1? 3? 5?

Does it have an age bracket difference?

Like once we're 40 are we whores if we've had ten dicks?

We need a solid number lady.

Just wanted you to know that I've been married for 16 years, have two teenage kids, have had 3 abortions of life I did think was a human being.

We just decided I didn't want any of them😉

But also before I got married I had plenty of partners that I didn't get STDS from or pregnant.

You do know that you don't have to bang the grossest person you can find on some app right?

So there's a HUGE swing of examples here one's a porn site, one a dating site, one social media.

Do I think women have self worth issues that might be made worse by sexually exploiting their bodies on only fans/dating sites?


Do I think that you're actually pretty self conscious about your own body & lashing out at women who feel comfortable in their skin in let's say selfies they feel attractive in?


Again how should they dress?

What's your standard for men? Are they whores for posturing their muscles? Abs? Talking about how much they earn?

Yeah but I have a feeling you're a full button up kinda gal who hates anyone who shows curves, cleavage, or any pride in their physical appearance.

But I don't know I own my own business & am not afraid to have some titty showing.

Here, let me re-write that for you:

"As to the friends issue, I don’t have friends who are perfect. I now have a small circle of friends who are likeminded, in that we share the same understanding about things and reject the anything goes mentality that permeates most of society today. The same rigid mindset that if people aren't exactly like us they're BIG OL whores because we don't allow room for nuances & hide behind fake morals that allow us to make wide casting judgments."

There, that's better.

You're just a female version of the guy who said all women secretly want to be raped, it's probably the only way we can't be whores right?

But hey what do I know, I'm just some dumb whore right?

You’ve made some pretty broad assumptions about me without knowing me. Interesting.

1) No, I don’t think everyone agrees with me.

2) You sound angry. Am I offending you? Why the need to get personal? I didn’t personally call you a whore. I was giving my opinions in general terms based upon observation of behavior.

3) No I’m not going to divulge personal information about my sexual history on a public forum. If that bothers you, sorry.

4) I’m married also. And happily. And I have a child.

5) I find it quite sad that you did not want the 3 children you aborted. You cool with that? Not condemning you, just that I know several friends who truly regreted their decision about aborting thier child’s life. It truly devastated them. I don’t judge them. They’ve come to terms with their regretful decision and have found forgiveness, and peace.

6) No, I don’t think women have to go around in buttoned up granny gowns if that’s what you got out of my post. Really, that’s what you got from it?

It’s not about clothes…it’s about having self respect. When you have self respect, you don’t have the need to put it all out there on social media. In other words, exposing all ya got. All the time. Like the majority do on social media nowadays. And yeah, it’s across the board.

If I had a daughter ( which I don’t) I wouldn’t want her exposing herself on social media. You ok with that?

Still, I have a feeling you will probably miss my points about what I’m saying, intentionally or unintentionally.

For the record I enjoy fashion. I was a model in the fashion industry so no, that’s not the issue. Being comfortable in one’s skin…..there’s a big difference being comfortable with your self, and acting like, well, a whore.

There’s sexy and then there’s acting like a slut. But slut behavior is just fine with you it appears. Correct me if I’m wrong about that.

It just seems to me you have a difficult time deciphering the points I’ve made.

Are you asking me to change my tune and say I think it’s admirable behavior if a woman sleeps around with many men? Indiscriminately? I don’t think that’s admirable, or something to be proud of.

It’s what they used to call …….. fill in the blanks.

But that’s me. You appear to think it’s just fine. That attitude is why I personally think we have many of the problems we do today.
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