Low Toxin Diet 100 Day Update on Low-"Vitamin"-A/Low-Toxin Diet

Sebastian B

Forum Supporter
Mar 12, 2024
Hi all,

It's been 100 days since I started the diet, and I wanted to update the forum with my results. I began on March 11 of this year. The main reasons for switching from the RP diet were uncontrollable weight gain and a three-day bout of insomnia where I thought I was going to die or lose my mind, despite taking Trazodone.

Since switching, I've lost 30 lbs, going from 225 lbs to 195 lbs. I feel significantly more energetic, mentally sharp, and relaxed. I can go much longer between meals, which has improved my insulin sensitivity and contributed to the weight loss.

However, all is not well. I've developed sleep apnea unlike anything I've ever experienced. I catch myself completely stopping breathing just as I'm about to fall asleep, then gasping for air in a panic. This happens many times before I can finally fall asleep, and I've had to supplement with Clonidine these past few nights. I've tried thiamine, baking soda, and activated charcoal, and recently reduced my fiber intake to just a few grams a day, primarily from sourdough bread. I cut out black beans, which I believe were causing the issue by stimulating too much bile dumping, leading to toxic bile causing breathing problems.

I'm going to reduce fiber for a week, hoping that since my gut is compromised, avoiding consistent fiber intake will prevent vitamin A from causing further damage. Previously, I was consuming half a cup of black beans with each meal.

My constipation is as bad as when I started. I rely on a tablespoon of magnesium hydroxide and a teaspoon of magnesium malate daily to achieve at least one large bowel movement, along with one or two tiny ones throughout the day.

I'm also supplementing potassium citrate, sea salt, selenium, zinc, and topical magnesium. My diet includes white rice, sourdough bread, chicken, beef, and cucumbers. I cut out black beans and apples to reduce fiber. Notably, cucumbers sometimes prompt a bowel movement and make me feel good.

That's all for now. I'm planning to make a video about my experiences with fad diets over the past five years, including keto/fasting and Ray Peat, to discuss the challenges and near-death experiences. It's amazing how I went from being in top physical shape—running a 4:25 mile, being shredded, and napping on command—to being overweight, ill, and dependent on supplements and medications, both prescribed and bought from Mexico. Despite the hurdles, I feel like I'm recovering.

The key takeaway is that this diet works, but because the poisons that made you sick must be expelled from your liver and enter your digestive tract, you may still suffer some problems. However, this is controlled by fiber intake. In my case, I'll reduce fiber until my sleep apnea improves so I can sleep, but it's worth noting that even with constipation and sleep struggles, I still lost 30 lbs in 100 days and feel better than I did on the RP diet.

Please feel free to ask questions in the comments.


Forum Supporter
Jan 28, 2024
United kingdom
I am not saying this as advice and what you should do, but rather what would be the cause of your issues if it were me...

The only food on your list that's a problem for me is cucumbers. I find they just sit in me and rot. The fact they stimulate a bowel movement sounds like evidence there is an issue also.

30lbweihht loss in 100 days is very quick and indicates a 1200 Cal deficient a day, ( 1lb of.fat bring about 3500Cal) so around half your maintenance needs. I would increase the amount eat to get more fuel for my body to work properly and reduce the stress it is experiencing by being so poorly supplied with energy.

purple pill

Nov 19, 2022
United Kingdom
I wonder if some dextrose before bed might help for sleep apnea. Getting the brain fueled before sleep may help it regulate breathing in deep sleep, it may be "shutting down" too much in an effort to conserve energy (especially if it's been caffeine fueled through the day). Have you jumped on the dextrose bandwagon lately? I had been using it for a while but recently upped the dose with nothing but positive experiences.

Sebastian B

Forum Supporter
Mar 12, 2024
@purple pill

No, I have not tried dextrose yet. I figured the white rice and sourdough bread were giving me plenty of carbohydrates. I'll order some soon.

Sebastian B

Forum Supporter
Mar 12, 2024

I love cucumbers. I always feel amazing after eating them.

My intention wasn't to lose weight; it just happened. I always eat when I'm hungry, and I'm full after eating.


Forum Supporter
Jan 28, 2024
United kingdom

I love cucumbers. I always feel amazing after eating them.

My intention wasn't to lose weight; it just happened. I always eat when I'm hungry, and I'm full after eating.

Personally I don't trust hunger, and especially if you are losing so much weight so quickly. Its possible to be so engaged and excited in something, or so anxious, or caught up in a manic state that you don't feel hunger at all. There are also plenty of obese people around to show how eating when hungry doesn't seemto be a good regulator of body weight. Virtually every obese person who managed to lose weight and keep it off, did so by careful measurements of food and their body weight. This is a very unpopular opinion in the bioenergetic or carnivore or vegan etc circles, as all tend to disbelieve that weight loss is tied to calorific intake.

purple pill

Nov 19, 2022
United Kingdom
What did you notice physically and mentally ?
A bit hard to pin down exactly but for example....I'm not a morning person at all but a couple tablespoons in my decaf tea or coffee in the morning and I'm pretty much good to go. I know that sounds like a "no ***t you just took a huge amount of sugar" but sucrose has never done this for me and if it did I would soon crash, I recently came off all caffeine sources too so this is a big relief to have something that can kick me up the arse in the mornings lol.

blood sugar seems more stable (ironically), never tested before but feel a more steady energy.

Brain just feels generally more switched on.

Dr Stephen's says he asks his patients before treatment how they feel their brain is operating on a 1-10 scale and keeps them at high dose until they get to 10....feel like I've went up a couple points in just the past couple weeks.

Sebastian B

Forum Supporter
Mar 12, 2024

I had plenty of body fat, so my body never experienced a caloric deficit; it simply used my fat stores for energy. I lost all that weight while being completely sedentary and consuming more protein than I did on keto or Ray Peat. I ate around 2 pounds of beef or chicken daily, along with protein from beans, rice, or sourdough, resulting in a substantial protein intake. I believe that by consuming a balanced amount of carbs and protein, you can preserve muscle mass and avoid the stress that sometimes comes from lacking protein or carbs.


Mar 26, 2014
A bit hard to pin down exactly but for example....I'm not a morning person at all but a couple tablespoons in my decaf tea or coffee in the morning and I'm pretty much good to go. I know that sounds like a "no ***t you just took a huge amount of sugar" but sucrose has never done this for me and if it did I would soon crash, I recently came off all caffeine sources too so this is a big relief to have something that can kick me up the arse in the mornings lol.

blood sugar seems more stable (ironically), never tested before but feel a more steady energy.

Brain just feels generally more switched on.

Dr Stephen's says he asks his patients before treatment how they feel their brain is operating on a 1-10 scale and keeps them at high dose until they get to 10....feel like I've went up a couple points in just the past couple weeks.
I found some this morning left over that was still good (I threw some away the other day) and had it with my porridge (1 tablespoon) and coffee (3 teaspoons) and felt OK. Didn't notice much remarkable but certainly no ill effects.

purple pill

Nov 19, 2022
United Kingdom
I found some this morning left over that was still good (I threw some away the other day) and had it with my porridge (1 tablespoon) and coffee (3 teaspoons) and felt OK. Didn't notice much remarkable but certainly no ill effects.
I never really got much from it till I went to 50g which is the size scoop that came with the bag. The bag it came with recommend 50g before during and after a workout surprisingly. (Not that I've been doing workouts lately) before that I was taking about 3 tsp in my coffee without much effect. 50g is a bit much for me though especially 3x a day, usually go 40g/30g/30g....doesn't seem to bother my teeth either which has been another surprise.


Mar 26, 2014
I never really got much from it till I went to 50g which is the size scoop that came with the bag. The bag it came with recommend 50g before during and after a workout surprisingly. (Not that I've been doing workouts lately) before that I was taking about 3 tsp in my coffee without much effect. 50g is a bit much for me though especially 3x a day, usually go 40g/30g/30g....doesn't seem to bother my teeth either which has been another surprise.
Roughly how many heaped tablespoons would you say 50g is?
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