Weight Loss/Ray Peat Results

natedawggh said:
Weight gain is basically a function of endotoxin on the liver. To combat it you have to reduce body iron levels so stomach bacteria don't grow so dramatically, then get enough protein and carbs so your body can repair, heal, and create plenty of good hormones. A deficit of carbs, protein, or calories sets off stress hormones that inflame the liver and encourage bacterial overgrowth.

Weight loss can happen for people without their attention to chelating iron or ensuring proper amino acid balance... it might not be healthy, but they can often restrict calories or cut out food groups or something and lose weight. At least temporarily. Maybe they are reducing endotoxin load with what they are doing, but then later the imbalance of what they are doing (like restricting calories too much) catches up with them. And some Peat people or the raw vegan types can lose weight by reducing fat and raising carbs. Your method does seem Peaty too, with the focus on reducing iron, endotoxin, proper protein. I'm not being critical, just wonder is all. I'm glad you are back to answer our questions.
Also wondering what your method of cilantro intake was.

I am also wondering if cilantro has any benefits or drawbacks over cranberry, which @haidut has mentioned as having iron chelation properties.

Looks like a list might be in order.

Chelators: tetracyclines, cranberry, cilantro, coffee (weak), lactoferrin, lipoic acid?
Other methods: phlebotomy, B1 (idk how this works)
Westside PUFAs said:
post 119319 The gyno should go away eventually as you've cut alcohol which is estrogenic.

Having fat on top of pecs doesn't equal gyno. Puffy nips and fat on pecs while under 10% bf does.
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Westside PUFAs said:
post 119319 The gyno should go away eventually as you've cut alcohol which is estrogenic.

Not sure exactly what you're referring to, but he doesn't look estrogenic at all in either picture.
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Peata said:
post 119320
natedawggh said:
Weight gain is basically a function of endotoxin on the liver. To combat it you have to reduce body iron levels so stomach bacteria don't grow so dramatically, then get enough protein and carbs so your body can repair, heal, and create plenty of good hormones. A deficit of carbs, protein, or calories sets off stress hormones that inflame the liver and encourage bacterial overgrowth.

Weight loss can happen for people without their attention to chelating iron or ensuring proper amino acid balance... it might not be healthy, but they can often restrict calories or cut out food groups or something and lose weight. At least temporarily. Maybe they are reducing endotoxin load with what they are doing, but then later the imbalance of what they are doing (like restricting calories too much) catches up with them. And some Peat people or the raw vegan types can lose weight by reducing fat and raising carbs. Your method does seem Peaty too, with the focus on reducing iron, endotoxin, proper protein. I'm not being critical, just wonder is all. I'm glad you are back to answer our questions.
Yes you're right, weight loss is possible in that way, but that mechanism of action is to utilize stress hormones. The elevation of cortisol from low blood sugar and adrenaline from low protein intake causes organ and cellular damage along with weight loss. While there would also be a reduction in endotoxins because the bacteria have less fuel, the reciprocal increase of serotonin and cortisol would basically cancel out any health benefit. It may only work two or three times before a persons body can no longer respond to the stress in the appropriate way. My body is a prime example of this as the first few times I lost weight I did it through through either calorie/carb deprivation or strenuous exercise. I eventually ruined my health through this method and lost the ability to lose weight or to keep it off that way-subsequent attempts caused me pain and suffering with NO weight loss or improvements in health (in fact deterioration of health). The way I have lost weight now has not only been pleasant and enjoyable, but it has improved my overall health quality, required no steenuous exercises or calorie deprivation, but by restoring the body's natural and healthy state which by default includes a lack of unwanted body fat, not to mention a good mood and tons of energy.
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Congrats natedawghh! Good work!
Zachs said:
post 119347
Westside PUFAs said:
post 119319 The gyno should go away eventually as you've cut alcohol which is estrogenic.

Having fat on top of pecs doesn't equal gyno. Puffy nips and fat on pecs while under 10% bf does.

Unless you look like you just walked out of Auschwitz, you have gyno.
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superhuman said:
post 119291 :hattip

well done bro.

Did you count calories and macros during the time?
Not only did I not count either, I daily consume an excess of either carbs, fat, or protein or all of them.
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Hoping this was just sarcastic? Gyno is a build up of breast tissue. Fat accumulates on the chest, just like any other area, it's not gyno. Estrogen can make men accumulate fat in areas women usually do like hips, butt, lower back and chest. Still not gyno though.
Zachs said:
post 119360
natedawggh said:
post 119358
superhuman said:
post 119291 :hattip

well done bro.

Did you count calories and macros during the time?
Not only did I not count either, I daily consume an excess of either carbs, fat, or protein or all of them.

Hoping this was just sarcastic? Gyno is a build up of breast tissue. Fat accumulates on the chest, just like any other area, it's not gyno. Estrogen can make men accumulate fat in areas women usually do like hips, butt, lower back and chest. Still not gyno though.
Well not sarcastic...flippant maybe. I seriously consume at least 3000 cals a day or more. The effect of niacinamide and thyroid especially are to make me RAVENOUS, and if I don't eat the stress hormones come on big time and are very uncomfortable.

Yeah I know it's not gyno... That west side guy is just likes to be antagonistic (maybe he doesn't even know he's that way? I mean...my post went on and on about alcohol being estrogenic, and then he states the same thing as if I hadn't just said it many times over)... I mean there may have been a tiny bit when I was my largest, maybe, but my pecs are all muscle now.
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Even before the pics I watched your posts because of some similarities, I also love the effects of taurine, seafood, and want to lose weight. I even checked out local on the shelf casein mixes (online not reliable source here) but all had soya. Will keep an eye out. You mention carbonated drinks, I crave soda water eg lime and soda, especially in the afternoon, sometimes I've had such a boost it's like t3. It's clearly not from the sugar because I don't want coke etc and the lime is optional. Ever felt that? Could also be the bicarb, I'm not usually a fan but in the form of soda maybe.
natedawggh said:
post 119358
superhuman said:
post 119291 :hattip

well done bro.

Did you count calories and macros during the time?
Not only did I not count either, I daily consume an excess of either carbs, fat, or protein or all of them.

If you did not count, how did you know you consumed an excess of calories?
Did you take thyroid? how much? how much niacinamide ?
What other foods/supplements etc did you find usefull during this process? since you said mood and mental health improved just as much wich is just as important :) Like lowering cortisol esp since your after picture shows that your face has become really slim and good, and not puffy wich indicates cortisol esp and maybe estrogen aswell.

We have to be somewhat objective and scientific about our approach to fat loss, if not you/we can not help other people.
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natedawggh said:
post 119358 I daily consume an excess of either carbs, fat, or protein or all of them.
It would seem not. :)
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natedawggh said:
...I have decided to reveal my identity since the visual results of my journey are so profound. On the left is me during 4th of July 2015 (after already Peating and sober for 5 months) at the right is me at Christmas 2015. Please search my posts if you'd like advice, I've chronicled most of it and my most recent posts/ideas are the most accurate. I had many health issues besides weight that have all been improved or fixed as well.

I still don't gym or exercise, having achieved all this purely through diet. Obviously the photo only shows the outward changes. I went to the gym 15 times all of last year (and haven't been for three weeks). I do like concentric weight lifting, but as my health continues to improve I'll probably only do it once a week.

My previous post on weight loss:
Rockin' that beard.
natedawggh said:
post 119367
Zachs said:
post 119360
natedawggh said:
post 119358
superhuman said:
post 119291 :hattip

well done bro.

Did you count calories and macros during the time?
Not only did I not count either, I daily consume an excess of either carbs, fat, or protein or all of them.

Hoping this was just sarcastic? Gyno is a build up of breast tissue. Fat accumulates on the chest, just like any other area, it's not gyno. Estrogen can make men accumulate fat in areas women usually do like hips, butt, lower back and chest. Still not gyno though.
Well not sarcastic...flippant maybe. I seriously consume at least 3000 cals a day or more. The effect of niacinamide and thyroid especially are to make me RAVENOUS, and if I don't eat the stress hormones come on big time and are very uncomfortable.

Yeah I know it's not gyno... That west side guy is just likes to be antagonistic (maybe he doesn't even know he's that way? I mean...my post went on and on about alcohol being estrogenic, and then he states the same thing as if I hadn't just said it many times over)... I mean there may have been a tiny bit when I was my largest, maybe, but my pecs are all muscle now.

Sorry, I meant to quote Answersfound, not you.
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I'm reposting this over here from the other thread...
Really interesting, great work dude! I also lost 40lbs in about 5-6 months but I achieved this with a zero fat/low inflammatory amino diet.

Can you write up your daily routine in terms of protein/supps since you attribute this to the ratios of aminos?

Also since you don't exercise much, I encourage you to read up and try Muscle Control. It does amazing things for adding size and definition for doing basically 10 minutes of flexing a day.

I'm also interested to hear how you prepare the cilantro.
SQu said:
post 119388 Even before the pics I watched your posts because of some similarities, I also love the effects of taurine, seafood, and want to lose weight. I even checked out local on the shelf casein mixes (online not reliable source here) but all had soya. Will keep an eye out. You mention carbonated drinks, I crave soda water eg lime and soda, especially in the afternoon, sometimes I've had such a boost it's like t3. It's clearly not from the sugar because I don't want coke etc and the lime is optional. Ever felt that? Could also be the bicarb, I'm not usually a fan but in the form of soda maybe.

hey guys I have been meaning to post about BodyTech, unflavored Casein. Very good specs, clean, bit more affordable. Ingredients: Micellar casein, Aminogen. Check it out!
Nate congrats on the weight loss, looking good. This is my approach with others as well, I suggest increasing protein for weight loss.
And I couldn't agree more about alcohol!
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natedawggh said:
post 119352
Peata said:
post 119320
natedawggh said:
Weight gain is basically a function of endotoxin on the liver. To combat it you have to reduce body iron levels so stomach bacteria don't grow so dramatically, then get enough protein and carbs so your body can repair, heal, and create plenty of good hormones. A deficit of carbs, protein, or calories sets off stress hormones that inflame the liver and encourage bacterial overgrowth.

Weight loss can happen for people without their attention to chelating iron or ensuring proper amino acid balance... it might not be healthy, but they can often restrict calories or cut out food groups or something and lose weight. At least temporarily. Maybe they are reducing endotoxin load with what they are doing, but then later the imbalance of what they are doing (like restricting calories too much) catches up with them. And some Peat people or the raw vegan types can lose weight by reducing fat and raising carbs. Your method does seem Peaty too, with the focus on reducing iron, endotoxin, proper protein. I'm not being critical, just wonder is all. I'm glad you are back to answer our questions.
Yes you're right, weight loss is possible in that way, but that mechanism of action is to utilize stress hormones. The elevation of cortisol from low blood sugar and adrenaline from low protein intake causes organ and cellular damage along with weight loss. While there would also be a reduction in endotoxins because the bacteria have less fuel, the reciprocal increase of serotonin and cortisol would basically cancel out any health benefit. It may only work two or three times before a persons body can no longer respond to the stress in the appropriate way. My body is a prime example of this as the first few times I lost weight I did it through through either calorie/carb deprivation or strenuous exercise. I eventually ruined my health through this method and lost the ability to lose weight or to keep it off that way-subsequent attempts caused me pain and suffering with NO weight loss or improvements in health (in fact deterioration of health). The way I have lost weight now has not only been pleasant and enjoyable, but it has improved my overall health quality, required no steenuous exercises or calorie deprivation, but by restoring the body's natural and healthy state which by default includes a lack of unwanted body fat, not to mention a good mood and tons of energy.

I have apparently used up my easy weight loss efforts as well, as I have chronicled here in my logs that I haven't been able to lose much weight since it started coming on two years ago. Over the last two years, I have tried everything I can think of, such as calorie restriction, increased exercise (especially weights and walking), seafood/taurine (maybe I wasn't taking enough taurine), low fat (less than 20 g day often less than 10 g), high carb, high protein, and more methods, but still nothing.

Where did you learn about iron and weight loss?
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Congrats natedawggh! I also have some weight I want to lose and your journey will certainly help me and others on the forum.

So about casein, what makes it especially good for weight loss?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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