Progest-E Dosing For Estrogen Dominance


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Sorry to hear that Debz. I think exploring all your options is a wise decision. I wish I had done that myself years ago before having my uterus and one ovary removed. Making an informed decision minimizes the chance of regret down the line. It's always empowering to be informed...perceive, think, act. I'm wishing you all the best.


Sep 3, 2014
Thanks Tara! I don't even have a thermometer but am definitely going to try taking my temps to see if anything is off. Actually, It seems like I may have an over active thyroid, but it is confusing since hyper and hypo have similar symptoms. But mainly my issues are sweating all day, freezing after 11:00 at night...kind of the opposite of most people. Also severe anxiety and palpitations. Uhg. Anyway, I am just happy the progesterone is working for some of my pain! I am trying it from day 6 of my cycle on this month to see if that helps even more with cramping and such. I do not notice an orange tinge to my skin or calluses so maybe I process vitamin A ok, or so I hope. One reason I really wanted to add in a few sources of vitamin A is because I got adult acne and it was making me crazy! I believe it has helped as my skin finally cleared up, I am so happy about it. I try not to take the same supplements everyday besides magnesium glycinate powder and active b-6. I did have blood tests awhile ago and everything showed within normal range(all thyroid and hormone levels) except for my ca-125 was way high! In one week I am finally(takes forever to get in with specialists around here) going in for a pelvic ultrasound...I can't wait to find out more!


Mar 29, 2014
athena7 said:
I did have blood tests awhile ago and everything showed within normal range(all thyroid and hormone levels) except for my ca-125 was way high!
I don't know what the ca-125 is.
The dr saying your hormones are in the 'normal' range doesn't mean they are necessarily in the optimal range. It is 'normal' to be quite out of balance/hypothyroid. Did you get actual test result numbers for thyroid hormones?


Sep 3, 2014
Hi there, I do have my results and have looked up what the numbers mean and it is still very confusing....
TSH 1.82 Free T3 4.00 (2.77-5.27) Free T4 0.97 (0.71-1.85)
So the T3 appears to be on the hyper side while T4 on the hypo side. I've read that the T3 usually is what symptoms are based off of which would explain the anxiety and sweating but it's not out of range. I probably need to get another blood's just frustrating that it can change so much depending on what the body is going through, it could be a million and one different reasons why the numbers are whacky. The good thing is that my Vit D was 95.3 (30.0- 100.0) My doc told me to lay off the D....I would think that high D would be a good thing. I did take supplements that day though, I was told it wouldn't matter but I am sure it affected the results. Also the CA-125 is a test they use once a woman has been diagnosed with ovarian cancer to help determine if treatment is helping or not. Otherwise if that enzyme is high it just denotes that there is a lot of inflammation in the pelvic region, which I know I have, and that is why in one week I am getting a pelvic ultrasound now that I have insurance. I noticed Debz CA-125 was 42.7 and her doctors were ready to operate.....mine was 44.2 so I am really terrified to find out what may be going on. I have never had a laparoscopic surgery to diagnose endometriosis but it runs in my family pretty severely and I have all the symptoms. I'm probably going to have to get the surgery....... it would be nice to know my status in that department.
More lab stuff just in case someone see's anything that may click or make any kind of sense:)
Cortisol 9.42 (1.7-14.1) Estradiol 17.455 pg/ml Progesterone 2.11ng/ml Prolactin 8.4ng/ml
Thoughts anyone?


Mar 15, 2017
If it were me I'd not be concerned about missing a period or two.

Dosing high as recommended for several weeks knocked down my symptoms of estrogen dominance. And when I first used Progest E, within 3 days my menses were normalized and since then I no longer have heavy bleeding and clotting. I was amazed.

I don't need to use it a lot any more. it worked wonders for me.

I will also say that I did not at first follow the recommendations for high dosing and my symptoms did worsen as a result. Once I began to dose as directed things improved swiftly.

It is a safe and very protective supplement when used properly.
I'm about to start my cycle, I jut got progest-e... I wanted to start taking it tonight as I have heavy bleeding that lasts 10 days and am trying to reduce a uterine fibroid. Do you think it's ok to skip my period for a month or two until my symptoms dissipate...? I'm 27... thanks!


I'm about to start my cycle, I jut got progest-e... I wanted to start taking it tonight as I have heavy bleeding that lasts 10 days and am trying to reduce a uterine fibroid. Do you think it's ok to skip my period for a month or two until my symptoms dissipate...? I'm 27... thanks!
Hi @bionicheart, it is me again :): If I was in your position, I would focus on healing. This will also support your cycle. I helped a friend reduce her stress which increased her Progesterone levels and decreased her Estrogen levels and she got her cycle again after 10 years of no cycle! And being told she could not have one and would never be pregnant. She also became pregnant!!! Lost it, but amazing since she was told she never would be.

Heal and your cycle will balance itself out - or at the least when healed you can return focus to your cycle and heal it.


Mar 15, 2017
Hi @bionicheart, it is me again :) If I was in your position, I would focus on healing. This will also support your cycle. I helped a friend reduce her stress which increased her Progesterone levels and decreased her Estrogen levels and she got her cycle again after 10 years of no cycle! And being told she could not have one and would never be pregnant. She also became pregnant!!! Lost it, but amazing since she was told she never would be.

Heal and your cycle will balance itself out - or at the least when healed you can return focus to your cycle and heal it.
thanks again @lisaferraro I guess my hesitation taking a dose larger than 30mg scares me because it's a hormone even though I KNOW it's a sort of "safety/protective" hormone. I took 9mg for 3 days and It was hell. I guess it just shows how estrogen dominant I really am and need progesterone to recalibrate so to speak.. and it looks like most people say take up to 300mg to get past all of the nasty side effects of the receptors being stimulated...? So say I take 10mg and experience estrogen symptoms, would I take another 10mg then another etc until symptoms are gone? Sorry if i'm not being clear, I've been reading posts on progesterone for weeks now and have just been too afraid to take that high dosage leap....Thanks


So say I take 10mg and experience estrogen symptoms, would I take another 10mg then another etc until symptoms are gone?
Precisely what Ray Peat suggested!! He said you can take every 10 min until symptoms subside. Now, I did not follow this because of inconvenience and because of the type of work I do would not be possible. So I took a big dose - between 100 and 200mgs in the morning on my gums (fast absorption) and on my skin (slow absorption) to cover my bases and 12 hours later in the evening same dose and application because progesterone has a 13 hr Half life. I did this for months and helped me soooo much. Then after about 6-9 months (forgot actually), I began to decrease slowly and returned to suggested use two weeks on, two weeks off - though more like 40-80mg a day. I might re-evaluate after some time. Truly it is an ongoing experiment.

Honestly, I was feeling sooo yukky from Estrogen dominance symptoms, that I decided Progesterone couldn't be worse than how I was feeling.


Mar 15, 2017
Precisely what Ray Peat suggested!! He said you can take every 10 min until symptoms subside. Now, I did not follow this because of inconvenience and because of the type of work I do would not be possible. So I took a big dose - between 100 and 200mgs in the morning on my gums (fast absorption) and on my skin (slow absorption) to cover my bases and 12 hours later in the evening same dose and application because progesterone has a 13 hr Half life. I did this for months and helped me soooo much. Then after about 6-9 months (forgot actually), I began to decrease slowly and returned to suggested use two weeks on, two weeks off - though more like 40-80mg a day. I might re-evaluate after some time. Truly it is an ongoing experiment.

Honestly, I was feeling sooo yukky from Estrogen dominance symptoms, that I decided Progesterone couldn't be worse than how I was feeling.
I took 40mg last night, 20 on gums and 20 on wrists..... OMG I felt so warm and fuzzy and almost euphoric, I slept so well I overslept this morning because I was having such pleasant dreams!!! I'm going to increase the dosage tonight and keep dosing morning and night. Do you think it's ok to skip my cycle this month (supposed to start in a day or two) so I can heal? Thanks for your help Lisa! I was traumatized from the last time I took progesterone, so glad I tried it again!!


Firstly, congratulations!!

In my opinion, you personally need to answer this question for yourself. When I asked a similar question to myself, I said, "Heal!!!" The body can recover a normal cycle afterwards."

Second point to consider, it might not even alter your cycle. It needs experimentation to see how YOUR system reacts.

Anyway, GOOD LUCK! It seems like you are headed in a good direction. :):


Mar 15, 2017
Firstly, congratulations!!

In my opinion, you personally need to answer this question for yourself. When I asked a similar question to myself, I said, "Heal!!!" The body can recover a normal cycle afterwards."

Second point to consider, it might not even alter your cycle. It needs experimentation to see how YOUR system reacts.

Anyway, GOOD LUCK! It seems like you are headed in a good direction. :)
Thanks Lisa, I'll listen to my body. you're the best!
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