Progest E . A Decrease In My Progesterone Levels?



Since I am a male I knew Lisa would be the ticket...@Amazoniac, Lisa is also a Lord...
You are tooooo funny and sweet :): Actually @Jennifer is the true Lord amongst us. She takes a lot of heat for sticking with her belief in Dr. Morse and remains unphased, happy in her health that she recovered!


Mar 16, 2017
It is THIS type of classroom conversation that makes this forum fun! :partydance


Obi...any thoughts on what an old guy like me should be taking? hot flashes...prostate symptoms gone...curious, do you use preg/dhea?


Mar 16, 2017
Obi...any thoughts on what an old guy like me should be taking? hot flashes...prostate symptoms gone...curious, do you use preg/dhea?
I do not use preg/dhea. I think anyone older that wants to use Progesterone better go high at first. After menopause men and women are equal in my opinion. I just like Natpro. Great ingredients (USP), easy to use and get a lot at one time. One pump in the am and one pump in the pm equals 100mgs


I do not use preg/dhea. I think anyone older that wants to use Progesterone better go high at first. After menopause men and women are equal in my opinion. I just like Natpro. Great ingredients (USP), easy to use and get a lot at one time. One pump in the am and one pump in the pm equals 100mgs
Obi Mon...thanks for your input...


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Hi Lisa,
I took 20 mg of progest E, ( 3 drops on my gums), 4 times in one particular day trying to accomplish just what you described above and I had the worst headache ever followed by feeling freezing cold and jumped into bed curled up in a ball, and then followed my hot flushes as usual. It 'frightened' me as self medicating can be quite daunting for me, which is why this forum is great, but I decided not to do it again and just stuck to the evening dose of 3 drops on my gums before bedtime! I shall try again...
I pretty sure 3 drops of Progest-e is closer to 10 mg but please someone correct me if I'm wrong!

Another tactic you can try for hot flashes is gelatin/collagen (due to glycine) if you haven't tried it yet and aren't adverse to eating animal products. I'm not opposed to progesterone whatsoever and use it myself but I reliably have menopausal night sweats on days I don't eat collagen. I believe @SQu has had a similar experience. I think it helps by lowering cortisol. What I'm experiencing with menopause symptoms is that there's not one simple fix but it seems to be more tolerable with a multifaceted approach which I'm sure is slightly different for everyone depending on their unique situation.
This is a gem of a thread and thanks to @lisaferraro and @Obi-wan for your particularly helpful replies!


Forum Supporter
Aug 4, 2017
It is THIS type of classroom conversation that makes this forum fun! :partydance
Thank you to everyone for your input here. As another timid progesterone user I will reconsider and go BIG and use enough to counter the estrogen for as long as it takes.

Thank you all again.
Corinne Harding
Feb 10, 2018
It looks like Progest-e is approximately 3 mg per drop.

@Corinne Harding I think you may not have been getting as much progesterone as you thought.

Thanks for that Blossom, somewhere along the line I have miscalculated. I am taking Haidut's progestene now 12 drops/ night , any ideas of how many drops I should take to boost my progesterone level so that it works as mentioned by @lisaferraro is this thread which has been amazing, I am so stoked with all the kindness of all of you!!


Thanks for that Blossom, somewhere along the line I have miscalculated. I am taking Haidut's progestene now 12 drops/ night , any ideas of how many drops I should take to boost my progesterone level so that it works as mentioned by @lisaferraro is this thread which has been amazing, I am so stoked with all the kindness of all of you!!
How many mg in one progestene dose? How many drops in one dose? We can do the math and figure it out :):
Corinne Harding
Feb 10, 2018
It is THIS type of classroom conversation that makes this forum fun! :partydance

Totally agree!! I too feel so much more positive today after all of the valuable information and experiences in this thread, many thanks to you all I shall sleep better tonight!:emoji_blush:


One thing I want to add for anyone reading this later. I am in no way suggesting high doses over prolonged periods of time. Just long enough to switch that internal stress button off.

Truthfully, progesterone might not even be needed if someone can control their diet and/or stress levels. I have even seen Yoga alone make the switch.

For me at the time, I had just gotten married - merging two adult lives, had just started a mediation course, had begun having perimenopausal symptoms, was getting used to running my business AND cooking for my husband etc. etc. For me simply over the top and I had less control over stress and food as I had had being single. Progesterone was a simpler route for that juncture in my life. It might not be needed now.

Soooooo....for everyone look at environmental factors of your life, your starting point as far as physical, mental and emotional health, we are all going to be different and unique requiring experimentation as to what works for us as an individual.

@Obi-wan @bzmazu @Corinne Harding @danishispsychic @Blossom @Jennifer @Dolomite @HDD


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
One thing I want to add for anyone reading this later. I am in no way suggesting high doses over prolonged periods of time. Just long enough to switch that internal stress button off.

Truthfully, progesterone might not even be needed if someone can control their diet and/or stress levels. I have even seen Yoga alone make the switch.

For me at the time, I had just gotten married - merging two adult lives, had just started a mediation course, had begun having perimenopausal symptoms, was getting used to running my business AND cooking for my husband etc. etc. For me simply over the top and I had less control over stress and food as I had had being single. Progesterone was a simpler route for that juncture in my life. It might not be needed now.

Soooooo....for everyone look at environmental factors of your life, your starting point as far as physical, mental and emotional health, we are all going to be different and unique requiring experimentation as to what works for us as an individual.

@Obi-wan @bzmazu @Corinne Harding @danishispsychic @Blossom @Jennifer @Dolomite @HDD
I took some flack back in 2013-2014 for advocating for experimentation with high doses and in hindsight I actually don't think I ever went high enough. Just last week I decided to go with 100 mg at night for half my cycle and honestly wish I'd done so sooner and not let all the haters and fear mongering influence me. We all have to figure out what's optimal for ourselves but it's certainly nice to read everyone's experiences.
Corinne Harding
Feb 10, 2018
How many mg in one progestene dose? How many drops in one dose? We can do the math and figure it out :):

According to the label 12 drops of progestene equals 20mg progesterone, I take it transdermally and have only started it over the last few days. I realise the high dose you mention is only for a short period and that there are so many other co factors that make the 'equation' work for us as individuals, that it is a case of finding a combination of life style, diet and supplements etc.


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According to the label 12 drops of progestene equals 20mg progesterone, I take it transdermally and have only started it over the last few days. I realise the high dose you mention is only for a short period and that there are so many other co factors that make the 'equation' work for us as individuals, that it is a case of finding a combination of life style, diet and supplements etc.
Okay so say you want 200 mg - that would require 120 drops yikes! The natpro cream or Progest-e would be more economical. But like @Blossom mentioned above maybe increasing dose in small increments might work better. Say go up to 60 first, then 100, then 200, etc. to find your best dose. Anyway, best of luck to you ❤️
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