Presentation + help


New Member
Sep 17, 2022
So hello all,
I've been lurking here and slowly trying to understand the whole peat paradigm for a few weeks now, and I thought I could present myself and ask for some help.
So I'm 25, male, french, engineer. For 3 to 4 years I've dealt with IBS with almost no real working strategy except Imodium when needed, and I've had what seems to be either overactive or stressed bladder. I'm currently quite overweight and I'd like to lose around 10 kg. I also struggle with mental health a bit.
For more details :
My ibs is rather ibs D, I mainly suffer from loose stools, multiple times a day, urgency feeling. I've found my main problems are generally fibers, especially insoluble fiber. If I have to travel, which is the hardest thing for me, I will go on almost all rice diet for a few days, + lots of Imodium. It works but not very optimal, and I tend to just not do much.
For my bladder, I got two drugs which help me, my main trigger is caffeine.

I'm currently trying to get into the peat lifestyle : daily carrot salad, more OJ and less starch, limiting PUFA. So far it seems my intestines are ok with that, but if you have advice on this part, I'm very interested in hearing it. I've also added some supplement for my ibs : glycine, collagen powder and L-glutamine. Not sure if these are helping and which one.
Anyway, I'd like to thank you all, this forum is very interesting and there is a lot to dig in, almost addictive.
Have a nice day.
Mar 10, 2021
Welcome to the forum PicardSSiette!

If you are having loose stools, I wonder if orange juice and carrot salad are contributors. Maybe eat the whole orange, and I always zest the oranges, before eating or juicing them, and consume them in water or on my ice cream or coffee. They are highly recommended by Ray Peat, because the peels are a great anti-inflammatory.

I’ve linked one of my fat loss threads for you and a couple on mental health. I am sure the forum will welcome you and have many more ideas to help you….



Feb 3, 2020
Diarrhea usually benefits from binding up excess bile in the GI tract. I know that in one study IBS-D patients had 2 times as much bile in their feces as the healthy control group. IBS-C had half the amount of bile in the feces in comparison to healthy controls. So bile seems to stimulate bowel movement.

A soluble fiber can help with that (such as oat bran / oatmeal / finely ground psyllium husk / apple) by binding up bile in the intestines.

I fixed my chronic diarrhea this way.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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