Not Getting Temperature Increase With Caffeine


Feb 27, 2017
I've been taking 325mg aspirin with 500g B3 and 200mg caffeine (sometimes via coffee, some caffeine tabs and some RedBull) three times a day with 1mg cypro morning and evening and at least 1.6l milk, skimmed or semi-skimmed and 0.8l OJ daily.
As this was going well, i.e. no stress response from the caffeine in conjunction with the Aspirin/B3, but there was no significant change of temperature, I decided to up the caffeine to 400mg.

I still don't get any temperature increase. What does the board think, is this likely due to suppression by aspirin/B3? I am a little confused. Is it only the stress hormones that bump up metabolism and/or thyroid? After 400mg caffeine, my temp is still in the mid 35C for an hour before and after.:confused:
Nov 21, 2015
This much caffeine can drop temps a lot due to stress hormones. Without proper backing of a good meal an hour beforehand. It takes time for food to process and caffeine can drop temps if you take it too soon.


Feb 27, 2017
This much caffeine can drop temps a lot due to stress hormones. Without proper backing of a good meal an hour beforehand. It takes time for food to process and caffeine can drop temps if you take it too soon.

That's what is confusing. I had a good meal 400ml skimmed milk, some 5g hydrolysed collagen powder, 200ml OJ with bicarb of soda and salt 50g cheddar and 50g sugar cubes- about 1 1/2 - 2 hours beforehand.
I took the stack with 10g sugar and another 200ml OJ and aspirin etc. I don't have any stress hormone symptoms. Caffeine never seems to raise my temperature :(


Feb 27, 2017
not sure caffeine ever raised my temperature. But it does raise heart rate for me.

Not measured my pulse rate much but it's 79 steady and is always around this number. Guess I is :coffeejust 'cool' :dancingsmileyman

Well, I better keep on doing what I've doing as there are no ill-effects so far apart from weight gain. I get bloods in August and although they might not do my thyroid I might get liver function which is not normal at the moment.

How's your journey going? @ecstatichamster
Nov 21, 2015
trying to lose 30 pounds that I gained starting high fat high sugar diet, LOL.

I wonder why I gained weight? Because my metabolism did not go up that much.

Everyone's journey is different. I am very careful to eat first before consuming caffeine. I drink about 5 cups or more of espresso a day, but it's stovetop espresso, not sure how much caffeine is in it.


Feb 27, 2017
trying to lose 30 pounds that I gained starting high fat high sugar diet, LOL.

I wonder why I gained weight? Because my metabolism did not go up that much.

Everyone's journey is different. I am very careful to eat first before consuming caffeine. ...

Yep, I hear that. I had an awful adrenaline rush that lasted from 12pm through to 4am from 1 cup of regular instant coffee early on in my flirtation with caffeine. Now there is always food beforehand, during and aspirin and B3 to accompany it, too.

I hope I don't gain 30lbs :( I have 100lbs to lose as it is. I think I can gain weight on 1400 Kcals atm - most calculators have me at 1600 and with that I can get all peaty and necessaries in. Working out at about 1lb a week gain. I can lose if I let the stress hormones take over. They've been ever present, I think for the last 10-15 years (my weight gained steadily trying low carb (for a week) and eat-stop-eat (worked for a bit)) even when living and working at altitude for 7 months (I blame the awful food generally available to me, there and then - mostly PUFA and starch - and the lack of knowledge of RP)

I see my Mum dieting in her 80's and eating like a bird - it's working for her but not at all fun and it's only to maintain. No, no suggestions needed here - we have a truce.:cat:

My metabolism will increase, maybe but my PUFA intake will go down, massively and general health will improve. Liver first is the plan... I have a plan :nailbiting:


Oct 23, 2015
I've been taking 325mg aspirin with 500g B3 and 200mg caffeine

That is alot of B3 and aspirin. If you are currently hypo, they will most likely backfire on you. Caffeine will push glycogen usage, and aspirin/B3 will block FFA oxidization, setting you up for a big stress response. Are your hands and feet cold when trying this? How is your sleep, 6 to 8hrs deep, no interruptions?


Feb 27, 2017
That is alot of B3 and aspirin. If you are currently hypo, they will most likely backfire on you. Caffeine will push glycogen usage, and aspirin/B3 will block FFA oxidization, setting you up for a big stress response. Are your hands and feet cold when trying this? How is your sleep, 6 to 8hrs deep, no interruptions?

It seems to be working better than my previous attempts and diet. I don't take caffeine past about 3pm otherwise it will keep me awake. Before Peating, I was waking 3- 4 times a night for about 5 years (since before I was diagnosed with sarcoidosis). Then, on Peating OJ, milk etc. with no supplements and lots of honey and sugar, low fat, every 2-3 hours.
With this stack, I wake every 4 hours. If I add a meal before sleep including fat, perhaps 5 or 6 but then I wake with a headache typical of me having produced PGE2 chain chemicals.

Possibly, I am trying to get rid of PUFA and kickstart the liver at the same time which may be too much. Starting Peat, I did have some nasty spleen pain and that has subsided. Now my main (i.e. irritating) side-effect seems to be sore teeth; I hope the teeth issue is just positive bone changes.

Interesting to see how different everyone's journey is.

I will keep an eye on the stress signals to back off or stop if they appear to be detrimental, Orion. For a few years, I couldn't touch caffeine as it gave me 2 hours of vertigo with extreme nausea. That nerve inflammation has thankfully subsided apart from the early warning tinnitus.

If I keep glycogen well-stocked and wake before stocks are depleted, are there any other downsides?


Oct 23, 2015
If I keep glycogen well-stocked and wake before stocks are depleted, are there any other downsides?

RP has mentioned setting at timer at 3:45hr mark if you can only sleep 4hrs for example, to wake and have a snack before stress hormones kick off. I think be able to sleep 8-9hrs straight with no wakings would mean full restorative sleep and full liver and brain glycogen stores. It takes lots of energy to have restful restorative sleep and keep cortisol/adrenaline low enough that they do not wake you.

I was like you, waking every 2hrs, then 3hrs, then 4hrs, and now I can do 6hrs straight. PUFA depletion seems to be what is helping my liver the most, large doses of B3 or aspirin would send me on blood sugar drop and stress reactions along with night wakings. I now use 5mg B3 occasionally and sometimes 81mg of aspirin, I do eat liver every second day. Vitamin E and K, along with 150mg of caffeine each day have been beneficial. I have been doing zero fat and zero starch also for the last 6 months. I think having estrogen at the right levels help too. I found too much vitamin E will cause sleep issues, I suspect due to lowered estrogen.

When I wake now at 6hrs, I have 1 cup salted-glycine/OJ-apple juice, then sleep for 2 more hours to get 8hrs total.


Feb 27, 2017
RP has mentioned setting at timer at 3:45hr mark if you can only sleep 4hrs for example, to wake and have a snack before stress hormones kick off. I think be able to sleep 8-9hrs straight with no wakings would mean full restorative sleep and full liver and brain glycogen stores. It takes lots of energy to have restful restorative sleep and keep cortisol/adrenaline low enough that they do not wake you.

I was like you, waking every 2hrs, then 3hrs, then 4hrs, and now I can do 6hrs straight. PUFA depletion seems to be what is helping my liver the most, large doses of B3 or aspirin would send me on blood sugar drop and stress reactions along with night wakings. I now use 5mg B3 occasionally and sometimes 81mg of aspirin, I do eat liver every second day. Vitamin E and K, along with 150mg of caffeine each day have been beneficial. I have been doing zero fat and zero starch also for the last 6 months. I think having estrogen at the right levels help too. I found too much vitamin E will cause sleep issues, I suspect due to lowered estrogen.

When I wake now at 6hrs, I have 1 cup salted-glycine/OJ-apple juice, then sleep for 2 more hours to get 8hrs total.

Nice to hear about your journey, @Orion. I'm getting so much from everyone who posts on this forum.

I have just come off low fat (pretty much no fat :) ) as my skin started getting dry with a dry patch on my leg that wouldn't heal. I made it about a month but am now trying to add in some cheese (to add more protein, too) and some semi-skimmed milk with a tsp of CO.
Wow, first I've read of a progressive improvement in sleep; it gives me hope.:playful: I'll continue trying to deplete PUFA and improve liver function. Luckily, when I waken in the night, I don't get huge stress reactions, just a pleasant alert feeling and can drop back off within 5-30mins max.

I have cut back on the liver a little; laziness really. :( Perhaps, I'll munch a little raw daily to save me having to cook. If I eat too much of it, I get keratosis pilaris on my upper arms.

Perhaps I'l start dropping the B3 down a little. Did you ever take high dose B3 or aspirin? I only do 1 Vite 400 Ui every other day atm and vit K1/2 is only in the 0.1mg range as it is hard to get and expensive. Occasionally, I boil up some cavolo nero and drink the juice. I bought some potatoes to try the juice but haven't been brave enough yet. I'd like to increase protein a little without adding too many more calories or liquid (although today I am thirsty for the first time ever since RP)

I never thought about sleep needing a lot of energy... I'll continue with a little fat overnight avoiding haagen daaz binges :P (I rarely buy it as it is expensive and I always want to nibble until 500ml have disappeared, hungry or not.:hungry::hilarious:

I must try the carrot salad again - it's been a little tough to produce lately.

Again, thanks to Orion and all.


Feb 27, 2017
I found this...
The problem of Alzheimer's disease as a clue to immortality Part 2:
"The older the person is, the more emphasis should be put on protective inhibition, rather than immediately increasing energy production. Magnesium, carbon dioxide, sleep, red light, and naloxone might be appropriate at the beginning of therapy."

@Orion, thanks to your upload I read again those articles.

... and am now off for a read. Inhibition seems to be the core journey atm.


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
Hope for Health: Thyroid
Ray said:
[..]cold feet interestingly can cause serious inflammatory problems elsewhere in the body, so a first aid for some of the symptoms of hypothyroidism is just to get some woolly underwear and thick stockings and keep your extremities warm because you can actually cure anemia even without correcting your whole metabolic situation, just by keeping your long bones warmer and reducing the inflammatory substances produced in cold feet.


Feb 27, 2017
Hope for Health: Thyroid

Luckily, I rarely get cold feet, nowadays. That seemed to resolve itself when I was a ski instructor (12 years ago). I only ever wore 1 thin short pair of socks (all that would fit) and as long as I didn't hammer the first run of the day and took that run easy, I was good to go. If, however, I hammered the first run, about an hour later I had to take my boots off and stamp in the snow in my socks as I got horrendous cramps.
Currently, I get warm and swollen extremities. It's a pleasure for them to be a little cool.

Off for more reading, thanks @Amazoniac for the two links


Mar 17, 2017
drinking coffee without sugar increase my body temp and makes me sweaty about 30min. then I get cold feet.
I think its from adrenaline.
but coffee with sugar increase my body temp for more than 4 hours with no stress.
because sugar will prevent increase cortisol and adrenaline from coffee.

James IV

Coffee (And aspirin and thyroid) stimulates metabolism, this alone will not increase temps in a way you desire. It will actually drop temps in the end, if nutrition isn't available. Eat food to increase your temp. Add coffee after you get your temp up. And if you are working on temp, I wouldn't be drinking skim milk.


Feb 27, 2017
Coffee (And aspirin and thyroid) stimulates metabolism, this alone will not increase temps in a way you desire. It will actually drop temps in the end, if nutrition isn't available. Eat food to increase your temp. Add coffee after you get your temp up. And if you are working on temp, I wouldn't be drinking skim milk.
Even if I am carrying an extra 37kgs of fat?
Have do almost no coffee and aspirin amd b3 this week. Progest-E arrived,

James IV

Even if I am carrying an extra 37kgs of fat?
Have do almost no coffee and aspirin amd b3 this week. Progest-E arrived,

You likely aren't going to get your temps up while also trying to lower bodyfat. You will likely have to pick one goal or the other.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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