Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“So, couple of other important things about the study. First, high sucrose diet did NOT make the animals fat as opposed to high fat diet. So, this is actually a study where high sugar (sucrose) diet really was high sucrose only and not high sucrose plus other crap. So, of anybody doubts that sugar will not make them fat this should alleviate some of those doubts. Second, caffeine reduced fat/weight in the high fat diet group, which once again points to the connection between liver dysfunction and weight gain.”

“"...The HF diet caused a significant increase in weight gain per-d compared with control animals, whereas the HSu diet did not (control ¼ 1·53 (SEM0·26) g/d; HF ¼ 4·32 (SEM 0·45) g/d; HSu: 2·66 (SEM 0·25) g/d). Caffeine intake did not significantly modify weight gain either in control or in HSu animals (Caff ¼ 1·14 (SEM 0·16) g/d; HSuCaff ¼ 2·51 (SEM 0·29) g/d). In contrast, caffeine administration significantly reduced weight gain to 2·39 (SEM 0·36) g/d in HF animals (Fig. 3(a))."“

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Gelatin is practically fat- and carb-free, depending on how it’s made, so it’s quite low in calories.

Studies show it may even help you lose weight.

In one study, 22 people were each given 20 grams of gelatin. As a result, they experienced a rise in the hormones known to reduce appetite, and reported that the gelatin helped them feel full (20Trusted Source).

Many studies have found that a high-protein diet can help you to feel fuller. However, the type of protein you eat appears to play an important role (21Trusted Source, 22Trusted Source).

One study gave 23 healthy people either gelatin or casein, a protein found in milk, as the only protein in their diet for 36 hours. The researchers found that gelatin reduced hunger 44% more than casein (23Trusted Source).”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
This book “The Plant Paradox: The Hidden Dangers in "Healthy" Foods That Cause Disease and Weight Gain (The Plant Paradox, 1)” description reads like The Blood-type diet and Ray Peat combined…

“From renowned cardiac surgeon Steven R. Gundry, MD, the New York Times bestselling The Plant Paradox is arevolutionary look at the hidden compounds in "healthy" foods like fruit, vegetables, and whole grains that are causing us to gain weight and develop chronic disease.

Most of us have heard of gluten—a protein found in wheat that causes widespread inflammation in the body. Americans spend billions of dollars on gluten-free diets in an effort to protect their health. But what if we’ve been missing the root of the problem? In The Plant Paradox, renowned cardiologist Dr. Steven Gundry reveals that gluten is just one variety of a common, and highly toxic, plant-based protein called lectin. Lectins are found not only in grains like wheat but also in the “gluten-free” foods most of us commonly regard as healthy, including many fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans, and conventional dairy products. These proteins, which are found in the seeds, grains, skins, rinds, and leaves of plants, are designed by nature to protect them from predators (including humans). Once ingested, they incite a kind of chemical warfare in our bodies, causing inflammatory reactions that can lead to weight gain and serious health conditions.

At his waitlist-only clinics in California, Dr. Gundry has successfully treated tens of thousands of patients suffering from autoimmune disorders, diabetes, leaky gut syndrome, heart disease, and neurodegenerative diseases with a protocol that detoxes the cells, repairs the gut, and nourishes the body. Now, in The Plant Paradox, he shares this clinically proven program with readers around the world.

The simple (and daunting) fact is, lectins are everywhere. Thankfully, Dr. Gundry offers simple hacks we easily can employ to avoid them, including:

  • Peel your veggies. Most of the lectins are contained in the skin and seeds of plants; simply peeling and de-seeding vegetables (like tomatoes and peppers) reduces their lectin content.
  • Shop for fruit in season. Fruit contain fewer lectins when ripe, so eating apples, berries, and other lectin-containing fruits at the peak of ripeness helps minimize your lectin consumption.
  • Swap your brown rice for white. Whole grains and seeds with hard outer coatings are designed by nature to cause digestive distress—and are full of lectins.
With a full list of lectin-containing foods and simple substitutes for each, a step-by-step detox and eating plan, and delicious lectin-free recipes, The Plant Paradox illuminates the hidden dangers lurking in your salad bowl—and shows you how to eat whole foods in a whole new way.”

Apparently Kelly Clarkson lost a lot of weight on this diet AND got off of her medications…

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021

It has been more than two months since my last photo update, showing that sticking to Ray Peat’s principle has been keeping my metabolism high and weight just right. I had no fluctuations, even over the holidays. Even when I found at times having to stray from what was optimal for me, I used strategies to get me through them unscathed. I was sure to drink my raw grass-fed milk before and after a restaurant visit, so that the good saturated fats would displace the bad ones, and also to fill me up a bit so I wasn’t so hungry to eat more during those outings. If I found myself eating too much inorganic glysophate laden wheat dishes, like pasta, garlic bread, Thai food fried in PUFA oils, and other things that would wreak havoc on me and packing on the pounds I would use casacara tea whenbi would get home. For some reason I sleep better with cascara tea too.

I am still minimizing my consumption of meats, to maybe twice a week, making more meals with homemade bone broths instead. Interestingly more of my gray hairs have disappeared because of these two things also. I have never dyed my hair so they are really noticable when they are there, and I have plucked them out when they are thick or sprouting straight up wiry. Raw whole milk is still a daily staple, but now I am back to skimming the cream off the top and using it in my coffee, which cuts the extra fats I was consuming having cream on top of my whole milk. Strategizing and timing are the key to my long term success. I was eating a lot of butter the last six months, but now after the holiday splurges, and a few days feeling my pants a little tighter I cut butter back out. I also cut out most of my egg whites to minimize the hair graying tryptophan and upped my egg yolks for my skin and hair health. Here is my pic on New Year’s day, when all of my out of town guests, who had been staying with me, finally returned home, while I headed to the grocery store to get back to my “Peaty” self!

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Aug 4, 2020
“STARCH and GLUCOSE efficiently stimulate insulin secretion, and that accelerates the disposition of glucose, activating its conversion to glycogen and fat, as well as its oxidation. Fructose inhibits the stimulation of insulin by glucose, so this means that eating ordinary sugar, sucrose (a disaccharide, consisting of glucose and fructose), in place of starch, will reduce the tendency to store fat. Eating “complex carbohydrates,” rather than sugars, is a reasonable way to promote obesity. Eating starch, by increasing insulin and lowering the blood sugar, stimulates the appetite, causing a person to eat more, so the effect on fat" -Ray Peat

I have asked this question many times, how does starch plus sugar not equal a cookie? How does anybody think that is not a combination for bad health and accumulated fat? I am not saying it isn't possible to lose weight eating cookies, but Ray Peat's science isn't about weight loss, it is about a healthy metabolism and slowing down the aging process, and everything that goes with it, and cookies are not going to accomplish that goal, as we can see everywhere we look!

There are many ways to lose weight as long as there is a deficiency somewhere, whether that be low fat, low protein, low carb or low calorie, but losing weight does not mean losing fat, and sugar can be a problem or it can be helpful depending on how you use it.

"People on a standard diet will typically burn 200 or 300 more calories per day when that amount of sugar is added to their diet; but if extra fat is added, too, some of the extra calories are likely to be deposited as fat. It's important to watch the signs of changing heat production as the diet changes." -Ray Peat

If you kept your fats low, let's say around 20 to 30 grams and add in "Coke freely" it is still a VERY lowfat diet that prompts you to burn your own body's fat. No matter how many calories you consume in sugar it is still a fat burning diet. A high fat diet will create fat, but again not sugar. You can lose weight eating just potatoes without added fats because it is a ZERO fat diet and your body converts that potato to sugar, so a potato in itself does not cause weight gain it is the added fats and the slowing of digestion that creates fat. I expect ancient cultures used their potatoes differently, more as a sugar source when fruit wasn't available and didn't pile on oils or butter.

The question now is why people don't lose weight with Ray Peat recommended foods? Say you have a burger on a bun and a Coke with it, that is a recipe for disaster! The bun is already the sugar source, so the Coke adds nothing except too much! The body also has to slow down to do a lot of work converting that bun/starch into a usuable sugar source before it can use it and then spend another 6 hours to break down the protein and fats, and then we dilute all those digestive juices with a Coke? More sugar at this point just equals more calories that can't be used right away so they get stored as fat. The key to weight loss in that scenerio is to make digestion easier, by eating having the burger without the bun, or fries, and leaving your body to focus on the meat, getting it broken down quickly, by having the Coke instead, or just have the burger with the bun, or better yet open faced! Weight management is about balancing, not piling things on top of each other and expecting our bodies to fight it out with good results. That all gets even harder for a body to do when age slows everything down even more. I find the phrase "Keep it simple stupid" to be wise words to live by nowadays. That means instead of the typical American plate looking like a protein source, two sides and a dessert, my strategy is the main course IS THE MEAL, no sides, but dessert stays, just a little later! The more complicated the meal the slower the digestion and more fat not burned or stored. If I want to have a side, like mashed potatoes and gravy, I make it THE MEAL. My other strategy, to keep the jiggles at bay, is to pair fats with non fats. The excess of too much fat in one sitting gets stored until it can be used.

Many people have interpreted Ray Peat's sugar recommendation as an invitation to snack on gummy bears and bowls of fat laden ice cream, and therein lies the problems. This isn't a have your cake and eat it TOO lifestyle, but rather enjoy a LITTLE dessert with your starch free dinner. Remember starch gets converted to sugar so more sugar isn't going to build muscle, and having abundant muscles IS NECESSARY for the body to burn fat. Starch is a baby pacifier, keeping the body busy for a long time, and not leaving enough room for the proteins needed to build those fat burning muscles.

There are endless possibilities of how to lose weight while anti-aging via Ray Peat! I would never again want to count calories, fast, cram down tons of meat low carbing, be vegan living on raw vegetables, or having the most cellulite I have ever had being a vegetarian or any of those other depriving diets that take the joy out of eating. I really don't know how it can get any better than this?
There is a lot involved in weight management one of the overlooked factors are the intracellular minerals specifically potassium and magnesium. Magnesium is a cofactors in over four hundred reactions in the body. As @haidut pounts out in this interview magnesium is the body’s natural statin reducing cholesterol by being a cofactor in hormone production. In addition magnesium plays a vital role in glucose metabolism.



Aug 4, 2020
Potassium plays a large role in sugar usage by the cell @haidut describes early on in this interview that it’s role is around eighty percent responsible for the usage of sugar by the cells. If one has a low stress life with high potassium intake you may not even require insulin. Pay more attention to your fat intake and stress levels causing a release of excess FFA into the bloodstream, the release of free fatty acids will block the absorption of sugar via the rise in cortisol to keep glucose in supply to the brain which uses forty percent of the bodies glucose daily.

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Potassium plays a large role in sugar usage by the cell @haidut describes early on in this interview that it’s role is around eighty percent responsible for the usage of sugar by the cells. If one has a low stress life with high potassium intake you may not even require insulin. Pay more attention to your fat intake and stress levels causing a release of excess FFA into the bloodstream, the release of free fatty acids will block the absorption of sugar via the rise in cortisol to keep glucose in supply to the brain which uses forty percent of the bodies glucose daily.


I am just starting to listen to this video @J.R.K. The beginning Haidut talks about free flowing fatty acids in the body in the absence of carbs aka sugar, which made me think of the keto diet. I looked up that angle on the internet and sure enough! No wonder keto backfires on so many, making it difficult to go off the diet without long term trouble.….

“Several studies of keto diets have shown that an increased risk of type 2 diabetes does exist early during the diet. In a study by ETH Zurich and University Children's Hospital Zurich, mice were put on one of two different diets - the ketogenic diet or a high fat diet. Metabolic tests showed that abnormal glucose levels and insulin resistance developed in the livers of mice fed a keto diet to a greater extent than in mice fed a high fat diet. As the liver was unable to deal with normal levels of insulin for glucose control, the risk of type 2 diabetes also increased.“

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“The ketogenic diet is a high fat diet. When followed 100% the diet requires an individual to consume 50 grams or less of carbohydrates on a daily basis. Often people talk about becoming “fat burners” and having to be on the ketogenic diet long enough to adapt to fat-burning. This is a complete misunderstanding. Humans are not designed to burn fat, except for when there is an emergency. So when we create an environment in which our body has to use a resource to make energy that it would otherwise only use in the case of an emergency, we purposely create an emergency situation in our body.

Emergency situation = chronic exposure to stress hormones. 24 hours. 7 days a week. 365 days a year (if you last on the ketogenic diet that long). The entire purpose of these stress hormones is to increase access to energy for the body. What’s this energy? SUGAR. So, purposely inducing an emergency situation in the body leads to chronically high levels of sugar in the blood. Long-term excess sugar in the blood = insulin resistance. Pre-diabetes. Or even diabetes.

Now, this high fat diet has taken an individual who already has issues with processing carbohydrates farther away from a metabolism that can process carbs well. Not even just poor tolerance of carbohydrates, but full blown insulin resistance. Now, when this individual reintroduces carbohydrates, they will experience immediate weight gain or other side effects of putting excess carbs in a body that doesn’t know how to process them very well.

#2 – The Body Cannot Burn Carbohydrates Well, if There’s Too Much Fat in the Diet​

The name for this concept: the Randle Cycle. In the 1960s, Dr. Randle discovered that there is an inverse relationship between fat and carb burning. Essentially, when there is too much fat in the diet, as is the case for a ketogenic diet or the typical American diet, the body’s ability to burn the carbs we eat goes down. Which means that when we reintroduce carbs after a ketogenic diet, our body doesn’t know how to handle the carbohydrates. It’s pretty similar to a muscle – if you don’t use it, you lose it. A ketogenic diet dramatically reduces the body’s needs to burn carbs, which then stunts its ability to burn carbs when we do eat carbs. Which then leads to a poor tolerance of carbs and insulin resistance. It’s not just the ketogenic diet. Eating too much fat (>25% of your daily calories) also works in the same way.

There you have it. Two reasons why a ketogenic/high-fat diet can lead to insulin resistance, pre-diabetes, or diabetes.”



Aug 4, 2020
I am just starting to listen to this video @J.R.K. The beginning Haidut talks about free flowing fatty acids in the body in the absence of carbs aka sugar, which made me think of the keto diet. I looked up that angle on the internet and sure enough! No wonder keto backfires on so many, making it difficult to go off the diet without long term trouble.….

“Several studies of keto diets have shown that an increased risk of type 2 diabetes does exist early during the diet. In a study by ETH Zurich and University Children's Hospital Zurich, mice were put on one of two different diets - the ketogenic diet or a high fat diet. Metabolic tests showed that abnormal glucose levels and insulin resistance developed in the livers of mice fed a keto diet to a greater extent than in mice fed a high fat diet. As the liver was unable to deal with normal levels of insulin for glucose control, the risk of type 2 diabetes also increased.“

It appears that our bodies are evolutionarily designed to consume the two macronutrients, the question of which will be the dominant energy source seems to be linked to the levels of energy produced and the subsequent levels of energy.
The notion that the consumption of a cup of olive oil despite being a fruit oil still put a person into a diabetic state with sugar backing up in the blood speaks volumes in defence of this.
Dr Mecolas new found observation that mitochondria produce two ATP while burning fat, with lactate as a by product, compared with thirty two burning sugar with carbon dioxide as a by product, well what more is there to say?
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Since fat has a very low rate of metabolism, people who lose muscle by fasting are going to have increasing difficulty in losing weight, since they will have less active tissue to consume fat. Building up muscle and lymph tissue for optimal health – even if it initially causes a slight weight gain – will make reducing easier by increasing mass of metabolically active tissue.” Ray Peat
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Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021

It has been more than two months since my last photo update, showing that sticking to Ray Peat’s principle has been keeping my metabolism high and weight just right. I had no fluctuations, even over the holidays. Even when I found at times having to stray from what was optimal for me, I used strategies to get me through them unscathed. I was sure to drink my raw grass-fed milk before and after a restaurant visit, so that the good saturated fats would displace the bad ones, and also to fill me up a bit so I wasn’t so hungry to eat more during those outings. If I found myself eating too much inorganic glysophate laden wheat dishes, like pasta, garlic bread, Thai food fried in PUFA oils, and other things that would wreak havoc on me and packing on the pounds I would use casacara tea whenbi would get home. For some reason I sleep better with cascara tea too.

I am still minimizing my consumption of meats, to maybe twice a week, making more meals with homemade bone broths instead. Interestingly more of my gray hairs have disappeared because of these two things also. I have never dyed my hair so they are really noticable when they are there, and I have plucked them out when they are thick or sprouting straight up wiry. Raw whole milk is still a daily staple, but now I am back to skimming the cream off the top and using it in my coffee, which cuts the extra fats I was consuming having cream on top of my whole milk. Strategizing and timing are the key to my long term success. I was eating a lot of butter the last six months, but now after the holiday splurges, and a few days feeling my pants a little tighter I cut butter back out. I also cut out most of my egg whites to minimize the hair graying tryptophan and upped my egg yolks for my skin and hair health. Here is my pic on New Year’s day, when all of my out of town guests, who had been staying with me, finally returned home, while I headed to the grocery store to get back to my “Peaty” self!

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Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“There are different kinds of weight gain. When a person’s metabolic rate increases, and stress hormones decrease, for example when adding two quarts of milk to the daily diet, their muscle mass is likely to increase, even while their fat is decreasing. Since muscle burns fat faster than fat does, caloric requirements will gradually increase.” Ray Peat
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Potassium plays a large role in sugar usage by the cell @haidut describes early on in this interview that it’s role is around eighty percent responsible for the usage of sugar by the cells. If one has a low stress life with high potassium intake you may not even require insulin. Pay more attention to your fat intake and stress levels causing a release of excess FFA into the bloodstream, the release of free fatty acids will block the absorption of sugar via the rise in cortisol to keep glucose in supply to the brain which uses forty percent of the bodies glucose daily.


Here is to your potassium point @J.R.K



Aug 4, 2020
“The ketogenic diet is a high fat diet. When followed 100% the diet requires an individual to consume 50 grams or less of carbohydrates on a daily basis. Often people talk about becoming “fat burners” and having to be on the ketogenic diet long enough to adapt to fat-burning. This is a complete misunderstanding. Humans are not designed to burn fat, except for when there is an emergency. So when we create an environment in which our body has to use a resource to make energy that it would otherwise only use in the case of an emergency, we purposely create an emergency situation in our body.

Emergency situation = chronic exposure to stress hormones. 24 hours. 7 days a week. 365 days a year (if you last on the ketogenic diet that long). The entire purpose of these stress hormones is to increase access to energy for the body. What’s this energy? SUGAR. So, purposely inducing an emergency situation in the body leads to chronically high levels of sugar in the blood. Long-term excess sugar in the blood = insulin resistance. Pre-diabetes. Or even diabetes.

Now, this high fat diet has taken an individual who already has issues with processing carbohydrates farther away from a metabolism that can process carbs well. Not even just poor tolerance of carbohydrates, but full blown insulin resistance. Now, when this individual reintroduces carbohydrates, they will experience immediate weight gain or other side effects of putting excess carbs in a body that doesn’t know how to process them very well.

#2 – The Body Cannot Burn Carbohydrates Well, if There’s Too Much Fat in the Diet​

The name for this concept: the Randle Cycle. In the 1960s, Dr. Randle discovered that there is an inverse relationship between fat and carb burning. Essentially, when there is too much fat in the diet, as is the case for a ketogenic diet or the typical American diet, the body’s ability to burn the carbs we eat goes down. Which means that when we reintroduce carbs after a ketogenic diet, our body doesn’t know how to handle the carbohydrates. It’s pretty similar to a muscle – if you don’t use it, you lose it. A ketogenic diet dramatically reduces the body’s needs to burn carbs, which then stunts its ability to burn carbs when we do eat carbs. Which then leads to a poor tolerance of carbs and insulin resistance. It’s not just the ketogenic diet. Eating too much fat (>25% of your daily calories) also works in the same way.

There you have it. Two reasons why a ketogenic/high-fat diet can lead to insulin resistance, pre-diabetes, or diabetes.”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021

It has been more than two months since my last photo update, showing that sticking to Ray Peat’s principle has been keeping my metabolism high and weight just right. I had no fluctuations, even over the holidays. Even when I found at times having to stray from what was optimal for me, I used strategies to get me through them unscathed. I was sure to drink my raw grass-fed milk before and after a restaurant visit, so that the good saturated fats would displace the bad ones, and also to fill me up a bit so I wasn’t so hungry to eat more during those outings. If I found myself eating too much inorganic glysophate laden wheat dishes, like pasta, garlic bread, Thai food fried in PUFA oils, and other things that would wreak havoc on me and packing on the pounds I would use casacara tea whenbi would get home. For some reason I sleep better with cascara tea too.

I am still minimizing my consumption of meats, to maybe twice a week, making more meals with homemade bone broths instead. Interestingly more of my gray hairs have disappeared because of these two things also. I have never dyed my hair so they are really noticable when they are there, and I have plucked them out when they are thick or sprouting straight up wiry. Raw whole milk is still a daily staple, but now I am back to skimming the cream off the top and using it in my coffee, which cuts the extra fats I was consuming having cream on top of my whole milk. Strategizing and timing are the key to my long term success. I was eating a lot of butter the last six months, but now after the holiday splurges, and a few days feeling my pants a little tighter I cut butter back out. I also cut out most of my egg whites to minimize the hair graying tryptophan and upped my egg yolks for my skin and hair health. Here is my pic on New Year’s day, when all of my out of town guests, who had been staying with me, finally returned home, while I headed to the grocery store to get back to my “Peaty” self!

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Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
BONE BROTH SOUP with Maitake Mushrooms & Onions

1. Gather Ingredients; beef or chicken bone broth, dried maitake mushrooms, organic curry powder, green onions and Maui sweet onion. Heat filtered water to just warm, and pour over about 1/2 cup dried Maitake mushrooms, about 2 servings. Let soften for 10 minutes. Heat 2 cups of beef or chicken bone broth, preferably homemade. Finely chop one or two stalks of green onion (white and green parts) and a lot of slivered sweet Maui onion. Add them both to the broth along and salt well. Bring to a boil and turn down the heat. Pull the mushrooms out of the water, loosely chop, and add to the soup. Save the mushroom water to flavor another soup or to use in a gravy. Cook the soup for several more minutes to soften the mushrooms. Serve the soup with a sprinkle, or more, of the curry powder, or just the way it is.

The other version I like of this soup is to make it with homemade chicken bone broth, dried shiitakes, lemon zest and serve it with a wedge of lemon, so summery. You cannot get any lower in fat in a meal than this low-fat soup for losing weight. You could even add a little meat to it and have it during the day or add some potato or asparagus to it for a nighttime meal, which would also be good for sleep too.


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EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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