I’ve found a way to counteract cyproheptadine side effects! Also discussion


Jan 19, 2021
@Lokzo @ecstatichamster @haidut

Greetings peaters. Ever since I had Covid I’ve had hypothyroid symptoms and increased serotonin symptoms. I’m a track sprinter also. I currently weigh 200lbs, I’m 6’6 in tall(1.98m) and my body fat percentage lies around 9%. I recently had a blood test last month and my test levels were at 576. That was when I was feeling a wee bit worse. If I tested them back when I was feeling good then we probably would’ve been in the 1000 ranges. Anyways I’ve found a POWERFUL combination. I’ve noticed that even the lower doses of cyproheptadine ruin my libido and are extremely sedating. I’ve noticed that there’s one thing in particular that stands out while I’m taking cyproheptadine. If I take a 250mg dose of Shilajit combined with a 750mg capsule of cordyceps CS-4 standardized for .2% cordycepin/adenosine then I get strong dopaminergic, adrenergic and anti-prolactin effects. This feeling is the closest I’ve felt to the “old me” when I was super androgenic and dopaminergic. This effect is compounded if I take the combo multiple times a day which I plan to take at least two of. I don’t get those effects if I take Shilajit(which is supposed to lower serotonin) by itself. Perhaps is it due to the lowering of prolactin by cordycepin? Here’s the study for that:
Cordyceps also has dopaminergic enhancing effects and possibly adrenergic. Mild DHT enhancing effects also. We know that cypro is a D2 antagonist. One of the 1000s of thoughts that I’ve had was that perhaps cypro sensitizes the D2 receptor due to its antagonizing effects so that when cordyceps is taken the dopaminergic effects are even stronger? Just a thought but could maybe not be the case.

I also do other things that help well too. Other things that help are:
- 2 tsp of black Maca with my coffee with lunch that has 1 TBSP of coconut oil, 1 TBSP of butter, and 2 TBSP of sugar. Strong dopamine enhancing effects.
- 2 eggs in the morning with a TBSP of coconut oil, mozzarella cheese and white button mushrooms, 2 thick slices of organic bacon, 4 sweet mandarin oranges, serving of blueberries and a glass of fruit juice. The mandarins have to be sweet and tart or else they won’t contain the mood boosting, dopamine boosting compounds(anecdotal).
- L Reuteri 6475 probiotic juice. Yes I ferment the fruit juice. I add 3 TBSP of inulin too it also. I ferment for 30 hours(might increase that).
- 30mg of zinc glycinate with 450mg of magnesium citrate at night and a tsp of glycine gives strong dopaminergic/anti prolactin effects that help me relax before bed. I take .5mg of cypro 2 hours before I take this.
- 1g of Fish Oil that has a 1.5:1 EPA DHA ratio twice daily. This amounts to 600mg EPA and 400mg DHA. This helps to augment the dopaminergic effects of the blueberries, mandarins and Uridine too. I know peaters are against Pufas but I notice really good effects with some omega 3’s.
- 100iu of vitamin E after breakfast
- 2 large Brazil nuts before bed
- Casein protein before bed
- eating animal protein and minimizing high tryptophan protein sources.
- Had good results with gelatin after high protein meals but it’s starting to ruin my mood after taking it for 2 weeks. Going to try bcaa after lunch and dinner instead of gelatin. Then retry lower amounts of gelatin after a while.
- BCAA with l phenylalanine and tyrosine on an empty stomach or after workouts gives very good effects. I’m not consistent with this one though.
- 250mg of Uridine Monophosphate with a Shilajit dose 3 days per week OR <125mg(thanks lokzo) of Uridine with a Shilajit dose 6 days a week.
- 1 capsule of nootropic depots microzinc every so often with my nightly Mg and glycine has very strong dopaminergic/anti serotonin effects. Perhaps because sucrosomial zinc happens to pass the blood brain barrier and increase sert more than zinc glycinate.
- I react good to starches like potatoes and sweet potatoes and these Synergize well with red meat.
- 1 raw carrot whole(washed thoroughly) after lunch or dinner
- avoiding insulin spikes
- doing track??‍♂️related stuff such as running, weight lifting, calisthenics.

So these were all things that help as well but of course I felt the most noticeable difference with the cordyceps/Shilajit/cypro combination. I don’t want to experiment with low dose bromocriptine because I’ve heard that it can cause heart valve issues but if I can stick with this protocol and I see positive changes then I won’t have to try bromo. Any suggestions or thoughts about this protocol?

I’m addition, Lokzo I’ve heard you say good things about Cistanche. I’ve tried Cistanche at night with a tsp of glycine, Zn and Mg and experienced serotonin syndrome like symptoms and had to take famotidine when it happened to me twice. This is with 150mg of a 50% echinacoside, 22% acetoside extract. Doesn’t happen when I take Cistanche extract by itself with the Zn and Mg and it’s less severe when I take it with a lower dose of glycine. Perhaps because glycine increases extra cellular levels of serotonin and because of Cistanche’s mao inhibitor effects it can exponentially increase the amount of whatever neurotransmitter you increase in the brain. Possibly it’s a stronger maoi than we thought. Thus perhaps taking it with cordyceps and Shilajit will yield a stronger dopaminergic effect. I’m going to experiment with that and report that back here if you guys are curious about that effect.

Last thing I’ll say I noticed was that the effects of cordyceps cs-4 become very apparent when I have cypro effects in my system. Otherwise cordyceps militaris gives me the effects I want possibly due to its tyrosine hydroxylase, DHT enhancing effects.

Lemme know what y’all think.


Forum Supporter
Mar 26, 2016
@Lokzo @ecstatichamster @haidut

Greetings peaters. Ever since I had Covid I’ve had hypothyroid symptoms and increased serotonin symptoms. I’m a track sprinter also. I currently weigh 200lbs, I’m 6’6 in tall(1.98m) and my body fat percentage lies around 9%. I recently had a blood test last month and my test levels were at 576. That was when I was feeling a wee bit worse. If I tested them back when I was feeling good then we probably would’ve been in the 1000 ranges. Anyways I’ve found a POWERFUL combination. I’ve noticed that even the lower doses of cyproheptadine ruin my libido and are extremely sedating. I’ve noticed that there’s one thing in particular that stands out while I’m taking cyproheptadine. If I take a 250mg dose of Shilajit combined with a 750mg capsule of cordyceps CS-4 standardized for .2% cordycepin/adenosine then I get strong dopaminergic, adrenergic and anti-prolactin effects. This feeling is the closest I’ve felt to the “old me” when I was super androgenic and dopaminergic. This effect is compounded if I take the combo multiple times a day which I plan to take at least two of. I don’t get those effects if I take Shilajit(which is supposed to lower serotonin) by itself. Perhaps is it due to the lowering of prolactin by cordycepin? Here’s the study for that:
Cordyceps also has dopaminergic enhancing effects and possibly adrenergic. Mild DHT enhancing effects also. We know that cypro is a D2 antagonist. One of the 1000s of thoughts that I’ve had was that perhaps cypro sensitizes the D2 receptor due to its antagonizing effects so that when cordyceps is taken the dopaminergic effects are even stronger? Just a thought but could maybe not be the case.

I also do other things that help well too. Other things that help are:
- 2 tsp of black Maca with my coffee with lunch that has 1 TBSP of coconut oil, 1 TBSP of butter, and 2 TBSP of sugar. Strong dopamine enhancing effects.
- 2 eggs in the morning with a TBSP of coconut oil, mozzarella cheese and white button mushrooms, 2 thick slices of organic bacon, 4 sweet mandarin oranges, serving of blueberries and a glass of fruit juice. The mandarins have to be sweet and tart or else they won’t contain the mood boosting, dopamine boosting compounds(anecdotal).
- L Reuteri 6475 probiotic juice. Yes I ferment the fruit juice. I add 3 TBSP of inulin too it also. I ferment for 30 hours(might increase that).
- 30mg of zinc glycinate with 450mg of magnesium citrate at night and a tsp of glycine gives strong dopaminergic/anti prolactin effects that help me relax before bed. I take .5mg of cypro 2 hours before I take this.
- 1g of Fish Oil that has a 1.5:1 EPA DHA ratio twice daily. This amounts to 600mg EPA and 400mg DHA. This helps to augment the dopaminergic effects of the blueberries, mandarins and Uridine too. I know peaters are against Pufas but I notice really good effects with some omega 3’s.
- 100iu of vitamin E after breakfast
- 2 large Brazil nuts before bed
- Casein protein before bed
- eating animal protein and minimizing high tryptophan protein sources.
- Had good results with gelatin after high protein meals but it’s starting to ruin my mood after taking it for 2 weeks. Going to try bcaa after lunch and dinner instead of gelatin. Then retry lower amounts of gelatin after a while.
- BCAA with l phenylalanine and tyrosine on an empty stomach or after workouts gives very good effects. I’m not consistent with this one though.
- 250mg of Uridine Monophosphate with a Shilajit dose 3 days per week OR <125mg(thanks lokzo) of Uridine with a Shilajit dose 6 days a week.
- 1 capsule of nootropic depots microzinc every so often with my nightly Mg and glycine has very strong dopaminergic/anti serotonin effects. Perhaps because sucrosomial zinc happens to pass the blood brain barrier and increase sert more than zinc glycinate.
- I react good to starches like potatoes and sweet potatoes and these Synergize well with red meat.
- 1 raw carrot whole(washed thoroughly) after lunch or dinner
- avoiding insulin spikes
- doing track??‍♂️related stuff such as running, weight lifting, calisthenics.

So these were all things that help as well but of course I felt the most noticeable difference with the cordyceps/Shilajit/cypro combination. I don’t want to experiment with low dose bromocriptine because I’ve heard that it can cause heart valve issues but if I can stick with this protocol and I see positive changes then I won’t have to try bromo. Any suggestions or thoughts about this protocol?

I’m addition, Lokzo I’ve heard you say good things about Cistanche. I’ve tried Cistanche at night with a tsp of glycine, Zn and Mg and experienced serotonin syndrome like symptoms and had to take famotidine when it happened to me twice. This is with 150mg of a 50% echinacoside, 22% acetoside extract. Doesn’t happen when I take Cistanche extract by itself with the Zn and Mg and it’s less severe when I take it with a lower dose of glycine. Perhaps because glycine increases extra cellular levels of serotonin and because of Cistanche’s mao inhibitor effects it can exponentially increase the amount of whatever neurotransmitter you increase in the brain. Possibly it’s a stronger maoi than we thought. Thus perhaps taking it with cordyceps and Shilajit will yield a stronger dopaminergic effect. I’m going to experiment with that and report that back here if you guys are curious about that effect.

Last thing I’ll say I noticed was that the effects of cordyceps cs-4 become very apparent when I have cypro effects in my system. Otherwise cordyceps militaris gives me the effects I want possibly due to its tyrosine hydroxylase, DHT enhancing effects.

Lemme know what y’all think.

Thanks for reporting in brother!!

these are great theories and experiments!!

glycine never sat well for me for me either...

always made me feel spaced out the following day and dizzy.

cordyceps is one of my favourite mushrooms which I abused for 4 years straight playing soccer.
I used to notice “sleepiness” 6-8 hours after dosing (adenosine build up)

cypro I have probably used now over 60 times in my life - and it always causes sedation until I combined with St. John’s wort... which you’d think doesn’t make sense - but I realise SJW is more dopaminergic than serotonergic.

Did you see my video on Bromantane? That could be one longer lasting alternative instead of CORDYCEPS!


Jan 19, 2021
I took 1mg the first night and .5mg for the past 2 nights. I will say that I’ll have to take it every other night because the bp lowering properties are starting to affect me to much. I already have a low heart rate and cypro makes it go too low.
Thanks for reporting in brother!!

these are great theories and experiments!!

glycine never sat well for me for me either...

always made me feel spaced out the following day and dizzy.

cordyceps is one of my favourite mushrooms which I abused for 4 years straight playing soccer.
I used to notice “sleepiness” 6-8 hours after dosing (adenosine build up)

cypro I have probably used now over 60 times in my life - and it always causes sedation until I combined with St. John’s wort... which you’d think doesn’t make sense - but I realise SJW is more dopaminergic than serotonergic.

Did you see my video on Bromantane? That could be one longer lasting alternative instead of CORDYCEPS!
No problem Lucas.

Keep in mind glycine always works wonderful for me but when I take too much and combine it with the Cistanche that’s when it gave me serotonin syndrome symptoms. Taurine however never sat well for me. Funny how some things work well for some and not for others haha.

Cordyceps is definitely amazing for workouts and athletes. I’m going to experiment it with Cistanche then report back. I’ll probably end up abusing it also lol.

I’ve tried SJW but it started to give me serotonin like symptoms so I had to stop. Maybe if I tried to Ze 117 extract I would get good effects? I can’t get my hands on it though. I’m in the Florida.

Also as far as Cypro goes, I’ll have to use it every other day or 3 days a week because the blood pressure effects seem to be building up. Not good for me as I already have low blood pressure. It was giving me mild chest pains last night.

I’ve seen your video and I tried bromantane in the past but didn’t notice anything from it until I went in higher dosages. I might give it another run though. Seems to absorb well with a meal containing fat.
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Apr 18, 2020
I took 1mg the first night and .5mg for the past 2 nights. I will say that I’ll have to take it every other night because the bp lowering properties are starting to affect me to much. I already have a low heart rate and cypro makes it go too low.

No problem Lucas.

Keep in mind glycine always works wonderful for me but when I take too much and combine it with the Cistanche that’s when it gave me serotonin syndrome symptoms. Taurine however never sat well for me. Funny how some things work well for some and not for others haha.

Cordyceps is definitely amazing for workouts and athletes. I’m going to experiment it with Cistanche then report back. I’ll probably end up abusing it also lol.

I’ve tried SJW but it started to give me serotonin like symptoms so I had to stop. Maybe if I tried to Ze 117 extract I would get good effects? I can’t get my hands on it though. I’m in the Florida.

Also as far as Cypro goes, I’ll have to use it every other day or 3 days a week because the blood pressure effects seem to be building up. Not good for me as I already have low blood pressure. It was giving me mild chest pains last night.

I’ve seen your video and I tried bromantane in the past but didn’t notice anything from it until I went in higher dosages. I might give it another run though. Seems to absorb well with a meal containing fat.
How you getting on with the above? Have you changed anything in terms of your supplementation etc.?

Thanks 🙏


Apr 18, 2020
Cistanche’s mao inhibitor affects it can exponentially increase the amount of whatever neurotransmitter you increase in the brain. Possibly it’s a stronger maoi than we thought. Thus perhaps taking it with cordyceps and Shilajit will yield a stronger dopaminergic effect. I’m going to experiment with that and report that back here if you guys are curious about that effect.
Very interested in whether you tried this 👆
Nov 21, 2015
cordyceps is very estrogenic.

I have no sides from cyproheptadine if I take 4mg per day after about 5 days.


Jun 18, 2023
Quotes on cyproheptadine's dopaminergic properties:
Cypro has some dopamine antagonist properties on the D3 "receptor" and at really low concentrations too. So, taking even 1mg - 2mg would probably have some antagonistic effect on D3.
The dopamine "receptors" D1, D2, and D3 are also antagonized by cypro. For D1 and D2, the concentration needed is about 100nM/L, which is achievable with 8mg single dose cypro.
Cyproheptadine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Given that long half life of cypro (9 hours) taking 4mg a few times a day can also probably achieve it over a few days. The D3 receptor is antagonized at concentrations of 8 nM/L, so taking lower dose cypro seems to have predominantly anti-serotonin effect withouht antagonizing dopamine except possibly D3. It is the dopamine antagonism at higher doses that probably makes some people feel like not doing anything.
Once again, Peat's knowledge is hard to deny given his recommendations of taking cypro at 1mg for general purposes and 2mg only for very serious conditions like cancer.
This also reduces the impact on the d3 receptor, of which, cyproheptadine is a fairly efficient antagonist (at 8nm). D3 receptors are responsible for lots of positive things, especially mood (which might explain cyproheptadine's mood lowering effect when the drug is dosed at higher dosages). A low dose will also lessen the anti-cholinergic side effects (dry mouth, etc).
Haidut himself posted somewhere that cyphroheptadone in doses above 2mg was enough to reach blood levels of 8 nanomol. So above there it starts inhibiting D3.

Re cyproheptadine's H1 histamine blocking effects:
H2 receptor strongly stimulates adenylate cyclase (thus increases cAMP).

H1 receptor increases tyrosine hydroxylase (rate-limiting step in dopamine synthesis).
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Jun 18, 2023
On cyproheptadine pharmacological profile (receptors):

Cyproheptadine is a very potent antihistamine antagonist of the H1 receptor. At higher concentrations, it also has anticholinergic, antiserotonergic, and antidopaminergic activities.

Values are Ki (nM). The smaller the value,
the more strongly the drug binds to the site.
The ↓ and ↑ indicate antagonist and
agonist type actions respectively.

Site Ki (nM) Action Species Ref
H1 0.06 ↓ Human
H3 >10,000 Human
H4 202 Human
M1 12 ↓ Human
M2 7 ↓ Human
M3 12 ↓ Human
M4 8 ↓ Human
M5 11.8 ↓ Human
5-HT1A 59 Human
5-HT2A 1.67 ↓ Human
5-HT2B 1.54 ↓ Human
5-HT2C 2.23 ↓ Human

5-HT3 228 Mouse
5-HT6 142 Human
5-HT7 123 Human

D1 117 Human
D2 112 ↓ Human
D3 8 Human

SERT 4,100 Rat
NET 290 Rat
Nov 21, 2015
I have taken 1 - 4mg. I would probably use 4mg for maybe 7 consecutive days and then cut back and by then I’d not have too many sleepiness problems.
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