It's funny how "male issues" are always self-driven, i.e., men are always made out as losers in the world, whereas females never have to "woman up"


Jan 4, 2021
What parts am I right about? :joyful:
I'd correct your description of a genuinely funny guy with a genuinely confident guy instead. (Girls don't have much sense of humor so it doesn't matter if the guy is "funny" it's the emotions he brings her).

Genuine confidence can stem from 2 things imo; the spectrum of sociopathy or true self command stemming from triumph.

But perhaps other forms of confidence could be acceptance and knowingness. But these aren't very useful when you can't accept or know things lol

Actually when all your hormones are on point and you're loaded with testosterone you'll feel super confident.

I don't know where I went with this.
Last edited:
Jul 17, 2021
I'd correct your description of a genuinely funny guy with a genuinely confident guy instead. (Girls don't have much sense of humor so it doesn't matter if the guy is "funny" it's the emotions he brings her).

Genuine confidence can stem from 2 things imo; the spectrum of sociopathy or true self command stemming from triumph.

But perhaps other forms of confidence could be acceptance and knowingness.
Well, I’d disagree with your saying girls don’t have much of a sense of humor. I genuinely love to laugh. Life is ironic and crazy at times…now more than ever it seems. I always tend to see the ironic/craziness in life and someone making me laugh about it is awesome. But that’s me. Guess I’m kind of quirky. Doesn’t mean the person has to be a laugh a minute because that type of person is usually trying too hard to impress. But someone who genuinely sees the humor in any given situation. That is a big plus. And a big turn on. It makes them human. Now if you mean, women aren’t good at standup or something, I would tend to agree with you. I also think humor and confidence go hand in hand. An uptight person usually is going to be pretty humorless.
Jul 21, 2019
Near the Promised Land
I read most of the replies, so thought I'd add a little something.

I heard some postulate on the idea why women (generally) are motivated to moan more than males during sexual activities. The idea is that moaning is out of pleasure, but that idea can easily be dismantled.

For example, you can be in the most pleasurable state of being imaginable and not make a peep. Likewise you can feel like death is on its way and put up a big smile until the end comes.

Someone has a theory on why women or girls generally moan more during sex -- it is a challenge to their mate; a test if you will.

Now I am not 100 on this idea but some of it rings true -- others can chime in if they wish.

The theory is that women moan to call others to their attention -- specifically other males. In nature or natural settings time ago people would obviously mate out in the open more. I would go out on a limb and state that plenty of people still today -- in the right circumstances -- will definitely get at least semi-sexual in public too.

If women moan they make noise -- that doesn't mean they're necessarily having orgasms or etc. So correlaion1 doesn't equal causation -- or noise doesn't mean more pleasure exactly.

Plus with how much the idea of females moaning during sex implies pleasure it is a clever way to then FOOL men or anyone in general, no?

So if it was all about pleasure there would be no underhanded tactics then associated with such an act, because why, unless females are skeevy and underhanded more by nature? ?

So why moan? The idea some have said is it is to challenge her mate against other mates. How? Well think about it -- another guy sees a man having sex right in his face while he is having none ... You can understand how this could upset some, no?

If she challenges her mate he then must fight off others called to the situation - if he wins he is the most suited "alpha" then after all.

So many things we do that show our true animalistic undertones ... I'd imagine both men and women can be blissfully unaware as to how we act and what behaviors or such entail given our physiological state, environment and so forth.

Because ladies ... Think about it ... You picked the guy because YOU THINK he is good enough ... But proof is in actually seeing it, right? Obviously if a guy can stand his ground and fight off other males then this very such thing CONFIRMS his state to her. She can be totally attracted to a guy (for his looks of course) but how attractive is a good looking dead man? Not nearly as attractive as a slightly less good looking but alive one though, right?

Of course modern nonsense blurs the lines more ... But animal is always there I think. If a woman moaned out of pure pleasure then yeah, no ***t ... That is a thing and even men do it too. But to think moaning is only about pleasure ... I think not. I think women want to be re-assured that men they pick are "alpha" enough ... If it isn't about his resources then it is about his ground ... How hard could he hold up?

Even Gigachad will fail some at least if he is too passive and soft and takes zero charge (or has low testosterone, although he'd still probably get laid I'm sure) ... Smaller Chad will the right "edge" can put him in the shadows some. This is what people -- namely women -- say when they refer to "personality" of a man.

They mean how resourceful is he ... As a beta more so. They mean, "Can this guy pull through and deliver ***t?" They will want more oomph a different way if resources don't matter ... Like if they are mating with a guy that has no money and thus not relevant for him to fill his "role" in that particular way/angle. Although this probably holds as more valid in longer-established relationships.

Plus it is said women on birth control might end up as more masculine ..m the implications of such I don't know as I've never been sexually associated in any way with women on birth control (and to add -- any girl who has been interested/shown interest in me has NEVER been on birth control from what I can gather).

Can't agree with the sense of humor bit ... I've never shown any humor, yet that never affected whether a girl liked me or not.

The point here is that people want to conflate what or how things work between the sexes when the "gaps" as such can easily be closed with simple but often overlooked premises -- one major one being overlooking men and their attractiveness/prowess and how that affects their well-being and lives. Too many want to pretend appearance doesn't matter for men...

Well, let me tell you another little story or two -- I have been around lots of guys and observed the way other people treat, sexual and otherwise. I have seen the men whom women in my family have chosen to mate or associate with. I can tell you all from plenty of first-hand experiences of social situations and settings that men and their looks are VASTLY underrated as tools in how it shapes their lives. Tall, good looking guys ... Never seen any not fulfilled. I have seen how passive and willing people are to turn a blind eye over a man and his wrong actions ... So long as he is 6'3" and has a deep voice. Funny how that works ... Men and their looks do not matter, yet all I have observed is better looking men TREATED BETTER in all walks of life vs. me, a lesser attractive man. I have seen better looking guys get away with hurting others.

I live with an alcoholic man now and he is tall and makes a lot of money and has a deep voice. I have to put up with it since I have no other choice. You know what I see? I see just how much men can get away with bad things ... If they have looks, money, power, deeper voices, more muscular bodies, etc. Care to show me a bald, fat, wimpy-voiced short man who easily gets away with small "bad traits" like cursing at small kids, slamming doors when angry, breaking things and having outbursts? Those are things only "winner" males get the privilege more so at getting away with ... Because people let them.

People will be blinded by how a powerful man with looks and money and etc. can do subtle but harmful things. All men women in my family have chosen never too far are missing the mark of dominating and destructive. Even if women do not all want the worst of men they still then want the best of them in one way or another, which is why there is no real "man pass" in life like what some have heard of as the "p u ssy pass" women are given. Sure some guys get it if they have the traits I have listed ... Yet...

Even with "male privilege" men are still more easily called pedos and stuff ... Even with the growing number of FEMALE TEACHERS and educators having sexual relations with small boys.

Even with "male privilege" if a guy so much as touches women he is much more likely to be seen as an evil monster ... Yet many will laugh and ridicule a man if a woman throws (full force) punches or kicks at a man and he cowers or does not fight back.

Even with "male privilege" women get lighter sentences for the EXACT SAME crimes that males do ... I guess women are just pure angels who never do as wrong as men justifiably.

Even with "male privilege" most guys STILL have to go along with the female in some way ... If not with resources or "personality" or "humor" then he must have sexual prowess and standing his ground/masculinity/etc. (Google Briffault's Law ... Another rabbit hole if you wish).

Even with "male privilege" suicide statistics show a growing number of MEN ARE KILLING THEMSELVES, NOT WOMEN. If it was even mildly fair game out there for men and women then why are men massively outnumbering women in suicide? Clearly a lot of guys want out ... Women seem to still want to hold on though. Makes you think, right? Who really is suffering? Can't be those evil guys ... It is those innocent, poor little angels! ?


May 25, 2020
Since I started meditating and getting into spirituality I've been doing well with women. I think 'vibes' are real; I used to think they weren't. I think having a good metabolism/vibe makes it easy to attract people and to make friends. When you're in this state you're focusing on the other person and the energy dynamic you are having together; you want the best for them and they reflect that back to you :blush: Sex becomes more of an afterthought - it's just another way to feel good together, but you can also do that by laughing and joking around. When you're in a desperate state it is really obvious to others
Did you tried this strategy with gay men?


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
We are only missing @Amazoniac now
Involuntary celibate chipping in after having hesitated to post, seems in vain, but hopefully it touches someone's soul. I'm trying to offer a brighter perspective considering who may be susceptible to it.

I think that these frustrated men can be divided in two main groups: those that have been devastated by an unfair law and those that are struggling to find a woman.

Regarding the former, what we're witnessing is not a mere warning to other guys, they is scaring men away from women or turning one sex against the other, they form cults and pastor the adherents with daily sermons. Their resentfulness is passed to guys that are already bitter, lost and thirsty for an excuse to give up. It's getting customary to blame everything on the elite, they're manipulative, but people shouldn't be treated as zombified victims because it might habituate them to think that what happens is outside their influence or remove their culpability in cooperating.

It's the duty of a generation to absorb negative aspects and attempt to dissolve them without spilling over to the next; instilling the collapse mentality can make people behave accordingly and turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy. It's valuable to acknowledge a problem, but without emphasizing solutions the situation can be made worse than before. It's akin to reaching a helpless person and explaining the helplessness phenomenon; now there's a justification for it. It's worth pointing out that understanding the phenomenon is not a requirement to escape it. Nevertheless, check out the jargon of the men in question [getting out of Diokine's way (MGODIOW), pills and such], we know what they've been exposed to and the issue is not lack of awareness. Experienced guys can't exploit it, bathing them with negativity is not helpful, they may find comfort in knowing of a generalized deterioration.

Being a little ignorant and naive is good for motivation, especially in youth and restarts. We have to be cautious in how much it's wise to lift to not undermine drive. If you contemplate all that can go wrong in creating a business, you're likely to give up before its creation. Therefore, it can be damaging to have frustrated guys leading others.

"Increases in risk-taking and novelty seeking are [..] relatively conserved behavioral characteristics of adolescence. Notable increases in risk-taking behavior are seen between childhood and adolescence, with adolescents engaging in more risk-taking activities than adults (Steinberg, 2008). These increases in risk-taking behavior among human adolescents are associated with the motivation to experience multiple new and intense stimuli to attain potential rewards (Arnett, 1994; Trimpop et al., 1999; Steinberg, 2005). This motivation to seek out new experiences, i.e., novelty seeking behavior, has been identified as a significant contributor to current and future drug use, multiple drug use, and later abuse (Hittner & Swickert, 2006; Kelly et al., 2006)."​

We know that the effective result of telling boys not to cry is not that we never will, but that it won't happen unnecessarily in place of proactivity (it's alright at the end of The Notebook). Similarly, repeating for men that we have to man up can be productive because the guy will take responsibility for whatever is under control and be compelled to change it. Sometimes the person is going to be taking others' problems, but being a problem solver is a helpful trait and a whiner is not. The challenge is keeping the spirit up in spite of adversity, there are men that can serve as models, some have endured atrocities and don't go around telling how evil and unjust this world is.

Women don't have the same obligation to develop themselves like men do, but many of them refuse dependency and most of them are trying to women up somehow, it's rare to find a 'sloppy' one. You can ask on the 'Female corner' thread: for those that are married and not to Diokine, why did you settle for less?

In dating, there's no question that women are usually in an advantageous position, guys that deny differences are likely trying to manipule them appearing nice or repeating what they want to hear. A containing factor used to be a reputation to zeal, now that it's relaxing, imbalances have been accentuated, but it's not tragic. Guys are not trapped in an island with limited options, there's still plenty of possibilities. More so when you consider how many couples meet at the onlines these days, through common interests.

Women will be attracted to certain archetypes because they select desirable traits. However, even women that are mentally sick must prefer a relationship with a morally correct alternative provided that the guy can give her the same experience, only without the detrimental side. For example, a gangster may be dumped for a guy that takes her to Disney's roller coaster and rides it without praying for his life.

We know that they're much more forgiving on physical attributes than we are, guys have a lot of room for improvement. They're harsher on presentation because it reflects attitude, but it's easy to address. Dating apps don't represent reality, there are a lot of examples of Diokine-unlike guys with handsome women, and clearly not being submissive. Also, tying in to the previous paragraph, there are women that ditch rich for poor guys when they're more interesting/arousing. For every excuse there are cases to invalidate, it's better to work with what you have while striving to improve. This guy didn't let his disability deter him:

When there's self-worth, purpose in life and the libido is strong, you should draw or be drawn to females spontaneously, the stimulus for coitus is greater than inhibitions and rejections won't be a big deal, the guy leaves with the impression that it's her that's missing out, with a minimum opportunity for rumination, making it easier to move on. Unsuccessful guys can benefit from positive reinforcement and learning how to hold onto what's convenient while letting go of the rest, many men that are successful with women have mastered this.

Let women do whatever they want without shaming, and, in doing the so, reveal their essence; makes it easier for men to spot low-caliber women and avoid (future) trouble. The alternative would be a bunch of them becoming skillful in tricking guys. Not only that, but the more you attempt to impose what you deem appropriate, the more you instigate them to transgress just to prove that they can. It's unfortunate for immature women if they're corrupted in upbringing because it becomes who they are and it's difficult to undo, these may not be suitable for you as partner.

Anyway, how is it possible to have a healthy relationship with someone if you're always alert looking for means to avoid getting screwed by the person? Don't you think that it's going to reflect in behavior, be picked and mirrored? This is when the guy runs for the deranged paternal figure for support. If someone is going to question fairness in society, it's a rabbit hole, don't stop at convenience. Why are you eating well when there are so many people starving?

Lord Cola

Involuntary celibate chipping in after having hesitated to post, seems in vain, but hopefully it touches someone's soul. I'm trying to offer a brighter perspective considering who may be susceptible to it.

I think that these frustrated men can be divided in two main groups: those that have been devastated by an unfair law and those that are struggling to find a woman.

Regarding the former, what we're witnessing is not a mere warning to other guys, they is scaring men away from women or turning one sex against the other, they form cults and pastor the adherents with daily sermons. Their resentfulness is passed to guys that are already bitter, lost and thirsty for an excuse to give up. It's getting customary to blame everything on the elite, they're manipulative, but people shouldn't be treated as zombified victims because it might habituate them to think that what happens is outside their influence or remove their culpability in cooperating.

It's the duty of a generation to absorb negative aspects and attempt to dissolve them without spilling over to the next; instilling the collapse mentality can make people behave accordingly and turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy. It's valuable to acknowledge a problem, but without emphasizing solutions the situation can be made worse than before. It's akin to reaching a helpless person and explaining the helplessness phenomenon; now there's a justification for it. It's worth pointing out that understanding the phenomenon is not a requirement to escape it. Nevertheless, check out the jargon of the men in question [getting out of Diokine's way (MGODIOW), pills and such], we know what they've been exposed to and the issue is not lack of awareness. Experienced guys can't exploit it, bathing them with negativity is not helpful, they may find comfort in knowing of a generalized deterioration.

Being a little ignorant and naive is good for motivation, especially in youth and restarts. We have to be cautious in how much it's wise to lift to not undermine drive. If you contemplate all that can go wrong in creating a business, you're likely to give up before its creation. Therefore, it can be damaging to have frustrated guys leading others.

"Increases in risk-taking and novelty seeking are [..] relatively conserved behavioral characteristics of adolescence. Notable increases in risk-taking behavior are seen between childhood and adolescence, with adolescents engaging in more risk-taking activities than adults (Steinberg, 2008). These increases in risk-taking behavior among human adolescents are associated with the motivation to experience multiple new and intense stimuli to attain potential rewards (Arnett, 1994; Trimpop et al., 1999; Steinberg, 2005). This motivation to seek out new experiences, i.e., novelty seeking behavior, has been identified as a significant contributor to current and future drug use, multiple drug use, and later abuse (Hittner & Swickert, 2006; Kelly et al., 2006)."​

We know that the effective result of telling boys not to cry is not that we never will, but that it won't happen unnecessarily in place of proactivity (it's alright at the end of The Notebook). Similarly, repeating for men that we have to man up can be productive because the guy will take responsibility for whatever is under control and be compelled to change it. Sometimes the person is going to be taking others' problems, but being a problem solver is a helpful trait and a whiner is not. The challenge is keeping the spirit up in spite of adversity, there are men that can serve as models, some have endured atrocities and don't go around telling how evil and unjust this world is.

Women don't have the same obligation to develop themselves like men do, but many of them refuse dependency and most of them are trying to women up somehow, it's rare to find a 'sloppy' one. You can ask on the 'Female corner' thread: for those that are married and not to Diokine, why did you settle for less?

In dating, there's no question that women are usually in an advantageous position, guys that deny differences are likely trying to manipule them appearing nice or repeating what they want to hear. A containing factor used to be a reputation to zeal, now that it's relaxing, imbalances have been accentuated, but it's not tragic. Guys are not trapped in an island with limited options, there's still plenty of possibilities. More so when you consider how many couples meet at the onlines these days, through common interests.

Women will be attracted to certain archetypes because they select desirable traits. However, even women that are mentally sick must prefer a relationship with a morally correct alternative provided that the guy can give her the same experience, only without the detrimental side. For example, a gangster may be dumped for a guy that takes her to Disney's roller coaster and rides it without praying for his life.

We know that they're much more forgiving on physical attributes than we are, guys have a lot of room for improvement. They're harsher on presentation because it reflects attitude, but it's easy to address. Dating apps don't represent reality, there are a lot of examples of Diokine-unlike guys with handsome women, and clearly not being submissive. Also, tying in to the previous paragraph, there are women that ditch rich for poor guys when they're more interesting/arousing. For every excuse there are cases to invalidate, it's better to work with what you have while striving to improve. This guy didn't let his disability deter him:

When there's self-worth, purpose in life and the libido is strong, you should draw or be drawn to females spontaneously, the stimulus for coitus is greater than inhibitions and rejections won't be a big deal, the guy leaves with the impression that it's her that's missing out, with a minimum opportunity for rumination, making it easier to move on. Unsuccessful guys can benefit from positive reinforcement and learning how to hold onto what's convenient while letting go of the rest, many men that are successful with women have mastered this.

Let women do whatever they want without shaming, and, in doing the so, reveal their essence; makes it easier for men to spot low-caliber women and avoid (future) trouble. The alternative would be a bunch of them becoming skillful in tricking guys. Not only that, but the more you attempt to impose what you deem appropriate, the more you instigate them to transgress just to prove that they can. It's unfortunate for immature women if they're corrupted in upbringing because it becomes who they are and it's difficult to undo, these may not be suitable for you as partner.

Anyway, how is it possible to have a healthy relationship with someone if you're always alert looking for means to avoid getting screwed by the person? Don't you think that it's going to reflect in behavior, be picked and mirrored? This is when the guy runs for the deranged paternal figure for support. If someone is going to question fairness in society, it's a rabbit hole, don't stop at convenience. Why are you eating well when there are so many people starving?

Good stuff.


Forum Supporter
Mar 21, 2021
Tall chads are nice, I’ve been surrounded by tall chads, (no offense to forum chads) but what really gets a women interested, is can the guy make her laugh…honestly. A genuinely funny guy will get you all the time. That’s a fact. You can go a long way with humor and not necessarily look like a stud in the gym. It shows you have a personality and like to have fun. That’s what charmed me with my hubby. He has that Irish sense of humor.….and yes he’s got a nice rugged Irish bone structure. But if he was just a Chad with no personality, forget it! Boring! Really, I think it’s about confidence. If a guy doen’t care what people think about him, that’s very appealing.
you were a model and could have a most any man you wanted. So landing a Chad was no big deal, Now less attractive women let’s say 5-8 having insecurities about their looks especially with media and social media are more concerned then ever about society perceives the man their dating by his look , money or career status and how it reflects on them and pass on a bunch a of decent guys. While a 9-10 that feels secure in her looks and can look for a man that you connect with on deeper level not just on how society perceives that man. And society will not be that was the best you can do. Now the insecure 9-10 especially now a days go to social media almost to advertise themselves hoping to get some rock , sports star , some big social media influencer or rich guy. But all these insecure women find them selves on some carousel of men using them and generating even more insecurities.

So these 5-8 being pumped and dumped chads biologically probably causes a lot of stress to a women and the damage to their mental and physical health is probably not good affecting their relationships in the future and when they are mothers.


Jan 23, 2017
Men have been forcing themselves on women, with rape and physical abuse, since the beginning of time, and not much has changed. The prisons today are full with those who didn't get away with it. That is how we have gotten to where we are. If men loved wives, like Christ loves the Church they would get a steady girl, but on girl just isn't as fun as two or more. I am scared to open my own front door without another person in the house to back me up, because I have been terrorized by a stalker and MANY other scary situations from men. I don't blame ALL men for what has made me untrusting of men. I don't know how the hateful sterotyping of women in this thread is any different than Hitler's hate for the Jews. I for one am not happy with America with it's laziness and hands outs for hand outs, and low to no moral bar, but I am certainly not going to up the ante with hate and think I am doing better.
There are also innocent men in prison as a result of false accusations by women of rape.
False accusation of rape - Wikipedia

And the prisons don't contain all the deserving women who they falsely accused men of rape and who sent them to prison as a result

Don't you recall the Rolling Stone article that falsely accused frat men of rape at Un. of Virginia or the college lacrosse team were also accused fasley of rape? This was ruinous to the men's future even if they don't end up in jail under false accusations by women. Women are not always the innocent damsels in distress while men are always the big bad wolves.


Jan 23, 2017
They WERE interdependent. Through a largely deliberate and engineered process that is no longer the case. Not to mention the rising rates of homosexuality, transgenderism, etc. Hardly a sign of healthy and functioning societies. Hence the mess we are in, as both sexes increasingly feel their lives are meaningless and since the culture does not allow them to question/attack the real reasons for their misery, they attack each other instead. It's called "redirected aggression" and is a well-established model in animal research of how to turn animals (related or strangers) on each other.
As far as the "thread is a disaster" - such sensitive topics do tend to bring out emotional responses, but avoiding the issue altogether does not seem to be a solution either. I'd venture a guess that another reason we are in this mess is that we ignored the "men and women becoming useless to each other" problem for far too long largely out of political correctness - a fear of offending some groups by implying that !gasp! men and women need each other (as you said). They even sacked one of the most respected and accomplished doctors in the US, simply for being a male who opined that men and women physiologically need each other. (@Makrosky may like that link below too). That means, if you try to make that comment on men and women being "interdependent" publicly, you'll mostly be cancelled and shamed into submission, just like that doctor.

So, now the male/female lack of interdependency and meaning is pervasive in most Western societies, and instead of even acknowledging it, most people are busy arguing about how many genders there really are or at what point a child can "choose" to be one of those gender. Scotland says 4 years old is basically adulthood.

The elite is probably sipping their drinks and laughing at us for allowing this abomination to happen...
"They WERE interdependent." As you demonstrate very well, what might be called the men/women "superintendence quotient," has gone down from 20 years ago, and WAY DOWN since WW2.


Sep 6, 2020
There are also innocent men in prison as a result of false accusations by women of rape.
False accusation of rape - Wikipedia

And the prisons don't contain all the deserving women who they falsely accused men of rape and who sent them to prison as a result

Don't you recall the Rolling Stone article that falsely accused frat men of rape at Un. of Virginia or the college lacrosse team were also accused fasley of rape? This was ruinous to the men's future even if they don't end up in jail under false accusations by women. Women are not always the innocent damsels in distress while men are always the big bad wolves.

Women have absolutely famoosed men since the beginning of time. Cucking them with someone else's progeny for LIFE. Imagine spending resources, time, etc. on children that are not yours.

A feminine-focussed society is bad for both parties. It makes civilization UNSAFE and chaotic and will always be trampled by patriarchies.

I read this on gab: "Women have taken every male field, space and institution to which men have foolishly admitted them and they have turned them into Maoist daycare centers with 24/7 soap operas."

So true.


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
I don't mean to discourage this kind of discussion and delude guys with fairy tales, but be wary of how your thoughts are being shapen. It's easy to picture how counterproductive it can be for susceptible guys to be constantly exposed to such information. Consider the guy from the videos above, if he spent time fixated on these topics, he might view himself as a number and contrast with the girl's number for compatibility. Then, he would think that if average guys are having a difficult time with women, what are the chances of someone with a disability? He might ponder how much resources he has, perhaps to compensate, but soon be discouraged because if anything goes wrong, the law favors women. It's probable that he wouldn't invest, but if he did and the response was positive, he would be very suspicious of her intentions and behave accordingly. When interacting, he would be constantly screening her for warning signs and that's where most of his attention would go. It's likely that the outcome would be different, things wouldn't take off, he would reinforce his views, fit in the statistic and join other frustrated guys for complaining, perhaps feeling at ease the more other men failed.

Dating single moms is alright provided that it was weighed as a defect. Maybe the guy killed someone in the past, evening them and allowing a healthy relationship to occur.


Oct 5, 2014
I don't mean to discourage this kind of discussion and delude guys with fairy tales, but be wary of how your thoughts are being shapen. It's easy to picture how counterproductive it can be for susceptible guys to be constantly exposed to such information. Consider the guy from the videos above, if he spent time fixated on these topics, he might view himself as a number and contrast with the girl's number for compatibility. Then, he would think that if average guys are having a difficult time with women, what are the chances of someone with a disability? He might ponder how much resources he has, perhaps to compensate, but soon be discouraged because if anything goes wrong, the law favors women. It's probable that he wouldn't invest, but if he did and the response was positive, he would be very suspicious of her intentions and behave accordingly. When interacting, he would be constantly screening her for warning signs and that's where most of his attention would go. It's likely that the outcome would be different, things wouldn't take off, he would reinforce his views, fit in the statistic and join other frustrated guys for complaining, perhaps feeling at ease the more other men failed.
This. A hundred times. The narrative you fall into shapes your way of relating to the world (women are part of it). You are setting up a self-fulfilled prophecy trap for yourself in BOTH directions :

- What Amazoniac said
- Maybe at one point you find one that is not "like the other 99% of slutzs" and idealize her so much that when you finally realize nobody is perfect including her the hit against the wall will be devastating.

It is kind of a noocebo effect.

Enough said on this thread. Excuse me but I have to go and read lobster studies and extrapolate them to humans to finish my PhD.


Sep 6, 2020
Both men and women have weapons. But weapons of men are cut off/pushed aside from the table. Or severely limited.

What is left is in workplaces you have to develop some sort of cunning technique to not become a target.

In the workplace some females never leave me alone. It is like they are obsessed with me. It is disturbing in my opinion. As they are not people I want anything to do with. They think just because they are female they deserve attention.

They use other men to get me to do things for them. So they are constantly appealing to other men to get me to "fall in line".

They cannot handle direct conflict at all. They break or they get an emotional outburst within 10 seconds. Words are painful to women. This is why their baseline being is to cun and talk behind peoples back. Whispering. Silent stabbings.

Female imperative is to enslave you (a male) by a thousand concessions. Slowly they tear you down until you are what benefits them most. Especially if you are not what benefits them.

Fight the brainwashing and you WILL see their true character. Most men are simply "dumb" in this sense. They do not see their strings being pulled. They just think about the poosay or the feelings the girl gives them. Easy target.

This is why feminine men can be very succesful in current society. Not saying you have to be a caveman. But if you have masculine tendencies you are going to bump into people, systems, etc. Because society is setup for a female-type of existence.

If you point this out you are an incel, ***hole, piece of ***t who hates women. Yes keep believing that m'lady.

Society has fallen too much into benefitting women and not men AND women.
Last edited:


Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Society has fallen too much into benefitting women and not men AND women.

On that last part, I'll just add that I don't think society truly benefits women currently. It is hardly a measure of benefit to work insane hours, get paid the same meager salary as the males, and be loaded up on 4-5 different psychotropic drugs (and BC pills) just to get through the day. That is the reality for majority of high-achieving, professional women. The social benefits are also highly conditional - a woman better be careful what she says or she may quickly lose her "privileged" status. Even famous females, trying to act/talk reasonably or just exercise their free choice are getting immediately attacked and can also be cancelled. Kaley Cuoco (among many others) was shamed into submission for daring to say she is not part of the femi-nazis. Note that she did not even criticize them, all she said is that she likes her personal choice of not being one.

"...In December 2014, Cuoco received significant media attention surrounding a remark she made in an interview with Redbook magazine while married to Ryan Sweeting. When asked if she considered herself a feminist, she responded: "Is it bad if I say no? I was never that feminist girl demanding equality, but maybe that's because I've never really faced inequality... I cook for Ryan five nights a week: it makes me feel like a housewife. I love that. I know it sounds old-fashioned, but I like the idea of women taking care of their men".[41][42]

After her corporate sponsors sent their lawyers to explain to her just how the showbiz works, she was forced to walk back her comments and then refused to speak again on the topic when asked in the future.
"...In an interview in March 2016, Cuoco said she felt her words were misconstrued, telling Cosmopolitan magazine, "Of course I'm a ******* feminist. Look at me. I bleed feminism: I get equal pay to my male co stars on a big show, I have my own home, I'm as independent as you could possibly be. Maybe I didn't understand the question, but for me that's feminism. I'm killing the game, man".[43][44]"

It has managed, by design, to fool many/most women into acting like the guards in a prison where the inmates are the people (both men and women) who just want to liver their lives and be left alone. But make no mistake, the technocratic society the Davos crowd is trying to impose on the world has no place for either gender. TPTB are very close to "growing" babies from conception to birth (and beyond) entirely in artificial conditions (as one of my previous posts in this thread shows) and after that it is "game over" for both gender. As the movie "Matrix" said, society reached a point where humans were no longer being born, they were being grown.
Maybe the men will be culled first, but women are not far behind. That's what's most messed up about this - many women realize they were fooled and the game is not set up for them to win either, but feel it is now too late to change course. So, the guards and the prisoners are now helplessly watching how both genders are sliding towards the edge of the cliff. Oh well, at least they'll fall off together. /s


Jan 23, 2017
Women have absolutely famoosed men since the beginning of time. Cucking them with someone else's progeny for LIFE. Imagine spending resources, time, etc. on children that are not yours.

A feminine-focussed society is bad for both parties. It makes civilization UNSAFE and chaotic and will always be trampled by patriarchies.

I read this on gab: "Women have taken every male field, space and institution to which men have foolishly admitted them and they have turned them into Maoist daycare centers with 24/7 soap operas."

So true.
A couple of years ago I saw a study that concluded 2% of all married men in the UK were married to women who gave birth to babies whose actual father was another man. The birth of the child occurred after the woman got married. At 2% of the entire UK married population, that's hundreds of thousansds of cucked men who are raising and paying for another man's child and don't know it. Now married men have to get blood test to confirm it's their kid! It's not hating on women to see something very wrong with this picture.


Jan 23, 2017
Both men and women have weapons. But weapons of men are cut off/pushed aside from the table. Or severely limited.

What is left is in workplaces you have to develop some sort of cunning technique to not become a target.

In the workplace some females never leave me alone. It is like they are obsessed with me. It is disturbing in my opinion. As they are not people I want anything to do with. They think just because they are female they deserve attention.

They use other men to get me to do things for them. So they are constantly appealing to other men to get me to "fall in line".

They cannot handle direct conflict at all. They break or they get an emotional outburst within 10 seconds. Words are painful to women. This is why their baseline being is to cun and talk behind peoples back. Whispering. Silent stabbings.

Female imperative is to enslave you (a male) by a thousand concessions. Slowly they tear you down until you are what benefits them most. Especially if you are not what benefits them.

Fight the brainwashing and you WILL see their true character. Most men are simply "dumb" in this sense. They do not see their strings being pulled. They just think about the poosay or the feelings the girl gives them. Easy target.

This is why feminine men can be very succesful in current society. Not saying you have to be a caveman. But if you have masculine tendencies you are going to bump into people, systems, etc. Because society is setup for a female-type of existence.

If you point this out you are an incel, ***hole, piece of ***t who hates women. Yes keep believing that m'lady.

Society has fallen too much into benefitting women and not men AND women.

Overall brilliant post!!! This line from it: "Female imperative is to enslave you (a male) by a thousand concessions" is a masterpiece of Zen-like depth and conciseness. But as with Zen poetry and koans, few will get it.


Jun 2, 2017
I read this on gab: "Women have taken every male field, space and institution to which men have foolishly admitted them and they have turned them into Maoist daycare centers with 24/7 soap operas."
It seems men and woman stay the same, but times change. Here is a quote from the German Philosopher, Novalis (a pen name), who lived over 200 years ago. He died young, aged 28, in 1800, but still had published quite a bit of work and has influenced great authors and artists that have come after. This short quote has enough in it to offend an array of perspectives, at least on the surface, but as with most philosophical thoughts some pondering and an open mind may help:

"The Herrnhüter (Moravians) strived to influence and lead children's minds. But is this the best thing? Is it not grandmotherly — old women's management? When Christ says, "Except ye become as little children," he means unsophisticated children, not spoilt, effeminate, modern children."
– Novalis


Jan 28, 2013
The problem of Ted Kazinsky is that he is a believer. He believes in scientism. He believes in AI and genetics but we know these are just phantoms.
Not to mention the fact that he resorted to the most quintessentially human thing there is -- consciously choosing to commit violence. Not exactly the way to build your credibility as an anti-humanist.
Then again, maybe he was crazy as a fox.
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