INCREDIBLE Jack Kruse Interview


Jul 11, 2018
Another great resource Tony Pantaeresso is on Bye Bye Blue Sky on facebook and has many followers on you tube and around the world with remedies for any budget. Has an Herb and Bead store but refers you to your own sources since he is in Canada and their mailing and shipping fees would bankrupt most of us....He is down to earth and funny...entertaining...As we are assulted every day with chemtrails in our air and water...By the way since they are killing the butterflies, bees, earthworms and birds....What makes you think we are not next????????

The Remedy with Anthony Pantalleresso. Saturdays at 5-7 PM Pacific Time. website: LINKS ... ANTHONY PANTALLERESCO


May 30, 2017
Jack Kruse is a very intelligent individual, you have to be to fix the nerves in a spine and keep someone walking and talking after horrendous car accidents and other misadventures that people survive. He is speaking at Weston Price events so I consider him a big great resource. I think he has proved his cold therapy with his weight loss. With the coming 5G and China talking 6G...I believe we are going to have to make many concessions to survive the coming frequencies........I have already lost many friends to brain cancer due to cell phone use. Eyesight too has suffered as many have had eye surgeries...Amazing that Americans spend the most on health care and have the worst health.....I admire the fact that he is not some know it all guru trying to sell some snake oil for $69.95 a bottle, with a 30 minute you tube commmercial. Why You Must Reduce Your Exposure to EMF (ElectroMotive Force) | The Liberty Beacon

Very sorry to hear about your friends.

Do you happen to follow any of Kruse's dietary advice?


Sep 25, 2016
Just to throw in my 2 pence, I got massive benefits from following Dr Kruse's Leptin Reset before I got ill with CFS/POTS. I had tried a bunch of things before with minimal success. A lot of what he says and recommends does seem to be backed up in science and I think he is way ahead of the game on some issues, particularly those involving lights effects on health.

Whether he is correct with the quantum stuff I don't really know. My gut says he will be somewhat correct, though he rights in a style that is very difficult to follow, perhaps deliberately so. I tried understanding his blogs for 5 years, making only small progress.

I believe he does genuinely what to heal people, though I also believe he has got a big ego, even though he doesn't seem to think so. This makes me think he isn't so likely to admit when he is wrong.

Whilst I believe that following most of what he recommends has somewhat slowed down my deterioration, it wasn't enough. Of course he would then say the problem is I live in a location with minimal sun and I need to move. I respond that the heat from the sun in england causes my symptoms to massively increase (I don't sweat) and even after forcing myself to suffer through this all year last year (since having to go on disability) I didn't feel better for it. On top of this I do not meet migration standards for most countries. He would then say I don't have enough skin in the game, which is not true.

I have since drifted away from that site and have made small but significant progress with supplements, etc, whilst maintaining what I learnt from kruse. Overall I have learned a lot from him so I would say there is a benefit to trying his ideas and seeing for yourself.


Nov 29, 2017
I take bits and pieces of information from people. Jack has said some interesting things in the past but my biggest qualm with him is his ego. He lacks humility IMO and I have some cognitive dissonance because of that. Ray doesn't come off as a guru, just somebody that has dedicated a lifetime to researching body chemistry/physiology/electricity and health and delivers complex topics in a relatively digestible manner.

Danny Roddy opened my eyes to cellular metabolism and put me on to Ray.

Ray changed my life.

People on this forum like @haidut @Obi-wan @Travis @burtlancast @tara just made it better.

Sorry for detracting from the OP


Mar 16, 2017
Thanks ianut! I try to keep it simple and in laymen's terms...


Apr 9, 2015
I take bits and pieces of information from people. Jack has said some interesting things in the past but my biggest qualm with him is his ego. He lacks humility IMO and I have some cognitive dissonance because of that. Ray doesn't come off as a guru, just somebody that has dedicated a lifetime to researching body chemistry/physiology/electricity and health and delivers complex topics in a relatively digestible manner.

Danny Roddy opened my eyes to cellular metabolism and put me on to Ray.

Ray changed my life.

People on this forum like @haidut @Obi-wan @Travis @burtlancast @tara just made it better.

Sorry for detracting from the OP
In what way did he change your life?


Nov 29, 2017
my understanding of metabolism. he kind of pieced together a lot of what I had researched in the past and made my understanding more cohesive if that makes sense. like many of us on this forum, I had done a lot of self experimentation based on what I read was "healthy" or who i was following at the time. I think it's all about the journey and learning to accept that as much as we think we know, we don't really know much. it's a constant/perpetual process. "think, perceive, act" then do it all over again

i'm in the best shape of my life and probably the healthiest I've ever been. thanks to y'all and a little elbow grease

what i'm starting to lean towards now is trying to make things less complicated. trying to get the results I want with the least amount of supplements. I think they are important for getting the machine going but that dependency is not a good think long term.


Mar 16, 2017
my understanding of metabolism. he kind of pieced together a lot of what I had researched in the past and made my understanding more cohesive if that makes sense. like many of us on this forum, I had done a lot of self experimentation based on what I read was "healthy" or who i was following at the time. I think it's all about the journey and learning to accept that as much as we think we know, we don't really know much. it's a constant/perpetual process. "think, perceive, act" then do it all over again

i'm in the best shape of my life and probably the healthiest I've ever been. thanks to y'all and a little elbow grease

what i'm starting to lean towards now is trying to make things less complicated. trying to get the results I want with the least amount of supplements. I think they are important for getting the machine going but that dependency is not a good think long term.



Sep 13, 2012
I've been following Kruse's post for a couple yrs now and he always comes across as having a very very large ego where he thinks he and his friends are the only ones who know what's wrong with the world (nnEMF, blue light from screens, and lack of UV exposure). I personally don't think cell phone radiation is going to kill us I mean unless you hold it next to your face all day. But I guess no one really knows. The technology is so new.


Jul 11, 2018
Kruse is right and so are the people warning you about your vision and cell phones. many dying with brain cancer have had extensive cell phone useage and damage. Any wireless phone or gadjet is not good for you or you would have come with an electric cord to recharge your battery. Amazing what the effects of electric high power lines did to cows in the pasture causing birth defects was blown off...But it was questioned by "60 minutes" Now they are putting cell phone towers in school yards and schools and hospitals have WiFi everywhere. Building schools next to high power electric lines. If all that the radiation was good you would not get a lead sheild to cover if you want to have children. But most technicans leave the room when you get the radiation in an Xray. Most doctors office have a lead wall to protect them and others in the building from the radiation.


Mar 16, 2017
And men carry their cell phones in their front pockets all day long close to their hormone producing about constant low excitation which Ray says is the worst kind.


Sep 13, 2012
Yeah I mean I am cautious with cell radiation, I pick my home as far away from a tower as I can get (while remaining in city limits). And I bought an ethernet adapter to attach my cell to cable as I am on my smart phone a lot. I also use blue light blockers. We turn our wifi off when not needed. But really what can we possibly do about this other than try to keep our distance? I'm just waiting for ***t to hit the fan and then maybe gov'ts will be more cautious.


Nov 29, 2017
i agree that cell radiation should be minimized at all costs but if you keep your actual cells healthy, shouldn't we be somewhat protected from the dark side??


Mar 16, 2017
i agree that cell radiation should be minimized at all costs but if you keep your actual cells healthy, shouldn't we be somewhat protected from the dark side??

But the protective hormones go down and the stress hormones go up as we age...many men will actually have prostate cancer by the age of 50...


Jul 11, 2018
Prostrate cncer is a scare tactic, follow the numbers, worry about it! Cancer moves very slow after old age, if you had prostrate cancer at 25 yea you might be at a time to change your diet. The cure is worse than the disease. My Uncle started to go to the doctor after 80 th birthday. The dentist had done him in, cutting his teeh off at the gumline because the dentist was too old to pull them. My uncle ate frosted flakes by Kelloggs every morning before work. So about 82 they decide to prostrate test and decide on radiation and chemo...bad move, after he is incontinent and impotent much to my Aunt's dismay. When I say incontinent I mean no control of either urine or bowels. His friend down the block got the free nuclear implants at the VA and lived longer. My Uncle died close to his 84th birthday. Now as even the inventor of the test says it was totally a misguided test, it is still used. The worst part it could be totally avoided with diet...My Aunt died a month after her 95 or 96 birthday, no one knew for sure she lied about her age because he was younger. They ate out at the end , fried fish, fried chickenand very few vegetables like she used to cook. They always had margar,ine in the house, Crisco solid and liquid, They were always sweets in the house as my Uncle never ate a meal without dessert or cookies. The coffee pot rule was if you got the last cup you put a new pot on.. at night the coffee pot waas filled and ready just to plug in the morning. I rarely saw my Aunt drink anthing else.


Jul 11, 2018
Hormones are produced by our bodies by fats or in fats so the worst fable was low fat or no fat foods. Who would have thought the avocado seed was great to grind up and eat? The lowly flax seed that was sold as parakeet food would be so good for us too. After all a parakeet could fly on them and water. The next poison is statin drugs and blood thinners. Why if your brain is 80 to 90 % cholestrol ...would you want lower cholestrol? In nursing school , if the cholestrol was lower than 200 the patient had cancer. The doctor was always right and buy good malpractice insurance because you were going to be sued were nursing school mottos. Anything to make you a patient for life. Give you some medicine that must be monitored and keep you coming back regularly. You are what you eat so you are responsible for your own health.


Sep 12, 2015
If all that the radiation was good you would not get a lead sheild to cover if you want to have children. But most technicans leave the room when you get the radiation in an Xray. Most doctors office have a lead wall to protect them and others in the building from the radiation.
The EMF radiation used by cellphones and the ionizing radiation produced during an x-ray procedure are different. The latter has been proven to harm coherent cells, while the former has not. Laws and standards demand that only the x-ray exam room be shielded by a certain half-value layer of leaded material, and I've never encountered an unshielded room. We have inspectors come each year to test the shielding; I've watched them do it. There is less ionizing radiation exiting the shielded walls than you receive by metabolizing the potassium in a banana.


Mar 16, 2017
Then why do people get brain cancer with heavy cell phone use. Why did a friend of mine get bone cancer on his leg exactly where he keep his cell phone. why did another friend complain about breast pain and when she removed her cell phone it went away. Why did I get groin pain on the side that I keep my cell phone and when I switched to the other side the pain switched also...


Sep 13, 2012
Then why do people get brain cancer with heavy cell phone use. Why did a friend of mine get bone cancer on his leg exactly where he keep his cell phone. why did another friend complain about breast pain and when she removed her cell phone it went away. Why did I get groin pain on the side that I keep my cell phone and when I switched to the other side the pain switched also...
I agree if you hold it next to any body part that is very bad, but the exposure is dropping fast as you move it away from your body.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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