Impossible to Lose Weight / Recover from Fasting


New Member
Dec 25, 2022


6'2, 250 pounds, male, 25 years old. 5 years ago I was fairly fit and healthy, 185 pounds, worked out 5 times a week. After low calorie dieting for 1 year to try to cut my small amount of belly fat (which didn't work) and having no energy, I gave up on dieting and very quickly gained about 30 pounds of fat, as well as stretch marks on my belly. I then tried low carb, and eating only one meal a day, which made me gain an extra 10 or 15 pounds across the following year or two. Then, since that wasn't working, i tried doing fairly extreme fasts (7 day fasts, 3 day dry fasts, extended periods of one meal every 2 days, etc), which ultimately made me gain another 15 or 20 pounds or so. In those 5 years, strictly avoided sugar, but also avoided almost all PUFA (high fat diet). My energy from 5 years ago has never come back since dieting, and if anything is much worse after all the low carb and fasting.

Finding Ray:

About a year ago, I found Ray's work, and slowly started adding sugar and fruit into my diet, as well as gelatin, coffee, etc. All this extra sugar didn't make me gain weight (but didn't make me lose weight either), to my pleasant surprise, and made my brain fog disappear as well as generally feeling all around better and happier. About 4 months ago, I decided I wanted to try to lose weight again, so, after listening to Ray mention this weight loss diet in an interview with the Strong Sistas, I did a diet of just milk, OJ, 1 carrot and 1 egg a day. I lost about 8 pounds in the first month, which ever since has also stopped working to lose weight. Since this diet was tiring and I had stopped losing weight for a month or two, i have slowly added back in other fruits, honey and cheese.

I have also recently started talking IdeaLab's Tyromax, going at about the equivalent 1.5 grains for the first 2 weeks, before upping it to 4 grains for the following two weeks, since I wasn't getting any effects from 1.5 grains (and Dr Broda Barnes says 4 grains is the upper limit one should take of thyroid). This hasn't affected my weight at all, and has infact made me very tired. I am planning on taking a few days/weeks off from thyroid, since it isn't working and is making me tired.

I have absolutely no energy for working out, which I used to enjoy quite a lot before dieting and fasting, and struggle to complete even a few sets of exercises before being way too tired to continue.

My diet is quite peaty (milk, juice, fruit, honey, cheese, coffee, red meat + bone broth, sugar, coconut oil and butter, daily carrot salad, weekly oysters + liver).

Lifestyle wise I went through a fairly stressful period 2-3 years ago, but I am no longer very stressed, and make sure to get some sun and walk each day.

What Do I Do?

Can anyone advise me on how to actually lose weight and regain my energy? I feel like nothing at all works for me, and can barely even imagine successfully losing weight anymore (learned helplessness?) after trying and failing so many different things.

I am currently thinking of perhaps needing to supplement pregnenolone/DHEA (even though I am fairly young, which makes me think they probably wont work for me, but I don't have many other ideas), or even progesterone (which Ray mentions in Nutrition for Women section on Fasting as being the only steroid capable of restoring the thymus after damage from fasting, but I am a bit iffy on this as a young man since it can shrink penis etc).

Please recommend any ideas to me that could help me break out of this slump, regain my energy for working out and lose my excess 50 pounds of weight. Seems like absolutely nothing works for me. Open to any and all ideas.
Jun 16, 2022
Sorry to hear about your declining health and extra weight.

Have you tried tracking your calories as well to see how much food you are taking in?

If you find it what you eat in a week using something like Cronometer. Just reduce your caloric intake by about 250-300 cals for a couple weeks and do it as close as you can.

Still incorporate peaty foods and keep carbs as high as you can while keeping protein adequate. Sometimes more protein can help you feel hungry. Same with fat but only put in as much fat as it keeps you nicely satiated.

This will take some trial and error but keeping up carbs while reducing your calories should keep the metabolism as high as possible while still losing fat.

Also track your weight and get a weekly average to know if what you are doing is working or not.


Feb 10, 2016
Hi there. What are your pulses and temps like?

There are many of us like you with improving health yet weight trouble.

I remember Ray in interviews sometimes saying lowering fat is key.

I recently stopped Tyromax and am taking Cynoplus. It seems like I need less Cynoplus to keep my temperatures good.

Hopefully others can chime in to offer advice.


Oct 23, 2017
Oklahoma, USA
For those of us who have decided to take control of our own health, there is a lot of detective work involved. In my case, after years of trying MANY therapies and supplements it seems that the things that robbed me of energy besides pufas were (ubiquitous) fluoride and low thyroid (from years of eating pufas and just simply not getting enough calories).

I'm giving the short version here, and some of it isn't very Peaty (although Dr. Peat has done so much to help me, even answering my question about what he would take if he had cancer...aspirin). I have had Hashimotos for decades and although not recommended in Hashis cases, am taking iodine (Lugols) now because we just can't escape fluoride. It's in our food, water,'s everywhere. As a halogen, it competes with iodine in our cells. I had taken thyroid (Cytomel) when I first found Dr. Peat about 15 years ago, without iodine, and it just didn't help much. So I am taking iodine, selenium (important!), Idealabs Tyronene, and Tyromix. Dosing is also key. I take a baby aspirin after every meal. I do not restrict sugar. I've been in such bad shape that I needed sodium iodide symporters to help utilize the iodine and prevent the excretion of most of it. I take other supplements, but these are the big ones I think.

So here is where I am now. My sister and I went to help my mother yesterday. We're getting her house ready to sell. I worked all day with only a lunch break and was still not overly tired by the end of the day. My sister who is very fit and goes backpacking and hiking sat down and told me I was making her tired. No one has EVER said that to me. Lol.

I don't know if any of this was useful or not. Just keep reading and searching and trying the things that have helped others if you can. The people in this forum are so helpful. You're in the right place!
Last edited:


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe


6'2, 250 pounds, male, 25 years old. 5 years ago I was fairly fit and healthy, 185 pounds, worked out 5 times a week. After low calorie dieting for 1 year to try to cut my small amount of belly fat (which didn't work) and having no energy, I gave up on dieting and very quickly gained about 30 pounds of fat, as well as stretch marks on my belly. I then tried low carb, and eating only one meal a day, which made me gain an extra 10 or 15 pounds across the following year or two. Then, since that wasn't working, i tried doing fairly extreme fasts (7 day fasts, 3 day dry fasts, extended periods of one meal every 2 days, etc), which ultimately made me gain another 15 or 20 pounds or so. In those 5 years, strictly avoided sugar, but also avoided almost all PUFA (high fat diet). My energy from 5 years ago has never come back since dieting, and if anything is much worse after all the low carb and fasting.

Finding Ray:

About a year ago, I found Ray's work, and slowly started adding sugar and fruit into my diet, as well as gelatin, coffee, etc. All this extra sugar didn't make me gain weight (but didn't make me lose weight either), to my pleasant surprise, and made my brain fog disappear as well as generally feeling all around better and happier. About 4 months ago, I decided I wanted to try to lose weight again, so, after listening to Ray mention this weight loss diet in an interview with the Strong Sistas, I did a diet of just milk, OJ, 1 carrot and 1 egg a day. I lost about 8 pounds in the first month, which ever since has also stopped working to lose weight. Since this diet was tiring and I had stopped losing weight for a month or two, i have slowly added back in other fruits, honey and cheese.

I have also recently started talking IdeaLab's Tyromax, going at about the equivalent 1.5 grains for the first 2 weeks, before upping it to 4 grains for the following two weeks, since I wasn't getting any effects from 1.5 grains (and Dr Broda Barnes says 4 grains is the upper limit one should take of thyroid). This hasn't affected my weight at all, and has infact made me very tired. I am planning on taking a few days/weeks off from thyroid, since it isn't working and is making me tired.

I have absolutely no energy for working out, which I used to enjoy quite a lot before dieting and fasting, and struggle to complete even a few sets of exercises before being way too tired to continue.

My diet is quite peaty (milk, juice, fruit, honey, cheese, coffee, red meat + bone broth, sugar, coconut oil and butter, daily carrot salad, weekly oysters + liver).

Lifestyle wise I went through a fairly stressful period 2-3 years ago, but I am no longer very stressed, and make sure to get some sun and walk each day.

What Do I Do?

Can anyone advise me on how to actually lose weight and regain my energy? I feel like nothing at all works for me, and can barely even imagine successfully losing weight anymore (learned helplessness?) after trying and failing so many different things.

I am currently thinking of perhaps needing to supplement pregnenolone/DHEA (even though I am fairly young, which makes me think they probably wont work for me, but I don't have many other ideas), or even progesterone (which Ray mentions in Nutrition for Women section on Fasting as being the only steroid capable of restoring the thymus after damage from fasting, but I am a bit iffy on this as a young man since it can shrink penis etc).

Please recommend any ideas to me that could help me break out of this slump, regain my energy for working out and lose my excess 50 pounds of weight. Seems like absolutely nothing works for me. Open to any and all ideas.

Have you done any blood work for steroids, including thyroid? Sounds like the fasting and low-carbing tanked your metabolic rate and now you gain fat on even less calories than before this journey started, which is quite common. Virtually all people who took part in the "Biggest Loser" show definitely feel your pain.

My suspicion is that cortisol will come back elevated or at least the cortisol/DHEA ratio will be way above optimal (<0.5 is best). Androgens such as T and/or DHT may also be low. TSH may be high, depending on how much you suppressed your thyroid with the fasting/stress.


Sep 4, 2020
My suspicion is that cortisol will come back elevated or at least the cortisol/DHEA ratio will be way above optimal (<0.5 is best). Androgens such as T and/or DHT may also be low. TSH may be high, depending on how much you suppressed your thyroid with the fasting/stress.
Haidut, sorry for offtop, but since you're here, do you know why DMSO has cataract as contraindication?


Nov 13, 2020
Consider trying tyromix instead of tyromax. Tyromax had no noticeable effect on me, whereas tyromix was noticeable almost right away. I guess it is because of the difference in the t4/t3 ratios.


Dec 1, 2021
saudi arabia
I was in the same boat as you are, many people if they read my advice for you they gonna say its bad or whatever but it works so well.
LISTEN to me, ray peat diet and food recommendations are awesome that's not the problem.

You have to eat only when your metabolism is high! and stop eating when its low(this time your body not stressed" low cortisol" and the body prefer fat, even ray peat says muscle consume fat while resting so you wont lose muscles.

anyway the method:
for example you wake up 6AM you start eating ray peat foods, idc which one in order it doesnt matter, you keep eating until 3PM and stop eating after that. that's it.
that's all to it, you gonna feel lighter lose fat magically, your workouts and the weight you left wont decrease you gonna get stronger, people say if you fast for 6 hours or whatever your body gonna go stress mode and break muscles its bullsht(if you fat in the morning yes that's true but not always) ,but if you don't eat late in the day your body gonna use your body fat 100% from my experience.

i tried to eat all day fruits and milk and did all the ray peat stuff, honestly stopping eating after 3PM make me lose fat magically so easily.

the idea is when you wake up the cortisol is high your metabolism at its peak you eat BIG, eat all that you love, but at late in the day from my experience anything i eat (metabolism at that time is slow AF) i store all that food EVEN IF ITS RAY PEAT FOODS, i swear i tried all of it i just store all the energy i consume at late in the day.

try this method and hope its work for you! it worked very well for me.

this video from DR oz show inspires me to this way of eating(hope people here are open minded to listen to the video and not ignore it cuz its dr oz) maybe some of the food they recommend in the video are anti peat like starches, but the idea behind """WHEN TO EAT"" is what i care about most about it.



Oct 23, 2017
Oklahoma, USA
I was in the same boat as you are, many people if they read my advice for you they gonna say its bad or whatever but it works so well.
LISTEN to me, ray peat diet and food recommendations are awesome that's not the problem.

You have to eat only when your metabolism is high! and stop eating when its low(this time your body not stressed" low cortisol" and the body prefer fat, even ray peat says muscle consume fat while resting so you wont lose muscles.

anyway the method:
for example you wake up 6AM you start eating ray peat foods, idc which one in order it doesnt matter, you keep eating until 3PM and stop eating after that. that's it.
that's all to it, you gonna feel lighter lose fat magically, your workouts and the weight you left wont decrease you gonna get stronger, people say if you fast for 6 hours or whatever your body gonna go stress mode and break muscles its bullsht(if you fat in the morning yes that's true but not always) ,but if you don't eat late in the day your body gonna use your body fat 100% from my experience.

i tried to eat all day fruits and milk and did all the ray peat stuff, honestly stopping eating after 3PM make me lose fat magically so easily.

the idea is when you wake up the cortisol is high your metabolism at its peak you eat BIG, eat all that you love, but at late in the day from my experience anything i eat (metabolism at that time is slow AF) i store all that food EVEN IF ITS RAY PEAT FOODS, i swear i tried all of it i just store all the energy i consume at late in the day.

try this method and hope its work for you! it worked very well for me.

this video from DR oz show inspires me to this way of eating(hope people here are open minded to listen to the video and not ignore it cuz its dr oz) maybe some of the food they recommend in the video are anti peat like starches, but the idea behind """WHEN TO EAT"" is what i care about most about it.


If I did this I would have terrible insomnia. I must have a little sugar, salt, and fat in the evening for decent sleep.


Dec 1, 2021
saudi arabia
If I did this I would have terrible insomnia. I must have a little sugar, salt, and fat in the evening for decent sleep.
I have no problem with sleep. you can get your salt sugars during the day, i get around 3-4 grams of sodium per day. its not like if i eat sodium during the day, when it comes night time it all disappears :), your body accumulates sodium in your body up to 3 days so you have to keep sodium above 3 grams constantly daily if I am low on sodium for a couple of days I feel tired.


May 10, 2016


6'2, 250 pounds, male, 25 years old. 5 years ago I was fairly fit and healthy, 185 pounds, worked out 5 times a week. After low calorie dieting for 1 year to try to cut my small amount of belly fat (which didn't work) and having no energy, I gave up on dieting and very quickly gained about 30 pounds of fat, as well as stretch marks on my belly. I then tried low carb, and eating only one meal a day, which made me gain an extra 10 or 15 pounds across the following year or two. Then, since that wasn't working, i tried doing fairly extreme fasts (7 day fasts, 3 day dry fasts, extended periods of one meal every 2 days, etc), which ultimately made me gain another 15 or 20 pounds or so. In those 5 years, strictly avoided sugar, but also avoided almost all PUFA (high fat diet). My energy from 5 years ago has never come back since dieting, and if anything is much worse after all the low carb and fasting.

Finding Ray:

About a year ago, I found Ray's work, and slowly started adding sugar and fruit into my diet, as well as gelatin, coffee, etc. All this extra sugar didn't make me gain weight (but didn't make me lose weight either), to my pleasant surprise, and made my brain fog disappear as well as generally feeling all around better and happier. About 4 months ago, I decided I wanted to try to lose weight again, so, after listening to Ray mention this weight loss diet in an interview with the Strong Sistas, I did a diet of just milk, OJ, 1 carrot and 1 egg a day. I lost about 8 pounds in the first month, which ever since has also stopped working to lose weight. Since this diet was tiring and I had stopped losing weight for a month or two, i have slowly added back in other fruits, honey and cheese.

I have also recently started talking IdeaLab's Tyromax, going at about the equivalent 1.5 grains for the first 2 weeks, before upping it to 4 grains for the following two weeks, since I wasn't getting any effects from 1.5 grains (and Dr Broda Barnes says 4 grains is the upper limit one should take of thyroid). This hasn't affected my weight at all, and has infact made me very tired. I am planning on taking a few days/weeks off from thyroid, since it isn't working and is making me tired.

I have absolutely no energy for working out, which I used to enjoy quite a lot before dieting and fasting, and struggle to complete even a few sets of exercises before being way too tired to continue.

My diet is quite peaty (milk, juice, fruit, honey, cheese, coffee, red meat + bone broth, sugar, coconut oil and butter, daily carrot salad, weekly oysters + liver).

Lifestyle wise I went through a fairly stressful period 2-3 years ago, but I am no longer very stressed, and make sure to get some sun and walk each day.

What Do I Do?

Can anyone advise me on how to actually lose weight and regain my energy? I feel like nothing at all works for me, and can barely even imagine successfully losing weight anymore (learned helplessness?) after trying and failing so many different things.

I am currently thinking of perhaps needing to supplement pregnenolone/DHEA (even though I am fairly young, which makes me think they probably wont work for me, but I don't have many other ideas), or even progesterone (which Ray mentions in Nutrition for Women section on Fasting as being the only steroid capable of restoring the thymus after damage from fasting, but I am a bit iffy on this as a young man since it can shrink penis etc).

Please recommend any ideas to me that could help me break out of this slump, regain my energy for working out and lose my excess 50 pounds of weight. Seems like absolutely nothing works for me. Open to any and all ideas.
You went wayyyyyy too fast on the thyroid. Like @xeliex said did you measure your temp and pulse?


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria


6'2, 250 pounds, male, 25 years old. 5 years ago I was fairly fit and healthy, 185 pounds, worked out 5 times a week. After low calorie dieting for 1 year to try to cut my small amount of belly fat (which didn't work) and having no energy, I gave up on dieting and very quickly gained about 30 pounds of fat, as well as stretch marks on my belly. I then tried low carb, and eating only one meal a day, which made me gain an extra 10 or 15 pounds across the following year or two. Then, since that wasn't working, i tried doing fairly extreme fasts (7 day fasts, 3 day dry fasts, extended periods of one meal every 2 days, etc), which ultimately made me gain another 15 or 20 pounds or so. In those 5 years, strictly avoided sugar, but also avoided almost all PUFA (high fat diet). My energy from 5 years ago has never come back since dieting, and if anything is much worse after all the low carb and fasting.

Finding Ray:

About a year ago, I found Ray's work, and slowly started adding sugar and fruit into my diet, as well as gelatin, coffee, etc. All this extra sugar didn't make me gain weight (but didn't make me lose weight either), to my pleasant surprise, and made my brain fog disappear as well as generally feeling all around better and happier. About 4 months ago, I decided I wanted to try to lose weight again, so, after listening to Ray mention this weight loss diet in an interview with the Strong Sistas, I did a diet of just milk, OJ, 1 carrot and 1 egg a day. I lost about 8 pounds in the first month, which ever since has also stopped working to lose weight. Since this diet was tiring and I had stopped losing weight for a month or two, i have slowly added back in other fruits, honey and cheese.

I have also recently started talking IdeaLab's Tyromax, going at about the equivalent 1.5 grains for the first 2 weeks, before upping it to 4 grains for the following two weeks, since I wasn't getting any effects from 1.5 grains (and Dr Broda Barnes says 4 grains is the upper limit one should take of thyroid). This hasn't affected my weight at all, and has infact made me very tired. I am planning on taking a few days/weeks off from thyroid, since it isn't working and is making me tired.

I have absolutely no energy for working out, which I used to enjoy quite a lot before dieting and fasting, and struggle to complete even a few sets of exercises before being way too tired to continue.

My diet is quite peaty (milk, juice, fruit, honey, cheese, coffee, red meat + bone broth, sugar, coconut oil and butter, daily carrot salad, weekly oysters + liver).

Lifestyle wise I went through a fairly stressful period 2-3 years ago, but I am no longer very stressed, and make sure to get some sun and walk each day.

What Do I Do?

Can anyone advise me on how to actually lose weight and regain my energy? I feel like nothing at all works for me, and can barely even imagine successfully losing weight anymore (learned helplessness?) after trying and failing so many different things.

I am currently thinking of perhaps needing to supplement pregnenolone/DHEA (even though I am fairly young, which makes me think they probably wont work for me, but I don't have many other ideas), or even progesterone (which Ray mentions in Nutrition for Women section on Fasting as being the only steroid capable of restoring the thymus after damage from fasting, but I am a bit iffy on this as a young man since it can shrink penis etc).

Please recommend any ideas to me that could help me break out of this slump, regain my energy for working out and lose my excess 50 pounds of weight. Seems like absolutely nothing works for me. Open to any and all ideas.
It might be helpful if you bring in some tests, so that we can get a better picture of your status (but don`t expect miracles)


Oct 23, 2017
Oklahoma, USA
I have no problem with sleep. you can get your salt sugars during the day, i get around 3-4 grams of sodium per day. its not like if i eat sodium during the day, when it comes night time it all disappears :), your body accumulates sodium in your body up to 3 days so you have to keep sodium above 3 grams constantly daily if I am low on sodium for a couple of days I feel tired.
I have tried all kinds of strategies. Not eating after 3:00 simply doesn't work for me. When I forget to have something I will toss and turn until I finally get up and have a small snack that includes sugar at the very least. Then I fall asleep in minutes. 🤷‍♀️


Oct 23, 2017
Oklahoma, USA
I have tried all kinds of strategies. Not eating after 3:00 simply doesn't work for me. When I forget to have something I will toss and turn until I finally get up and have a small snack that includes sugar at the very least. Then I fall asleep in minutes. 🤷‍♀️
Ray Peat: "The blood sugar is always a problem at night. The effect of daylight is to maintain efficient oxidative metabolism, and just 15 minutes of darkness is enough to lower the efficiency of mitochondrial respiration. And so keeping very bright lights right up until bedtime will minimize the fall of blood sugar, but having a carbohydrate meal late in the afternoon or before bed, a glass of orange juice or milk with honey. Sometimes just the dose of sugar is enough to put you to sleep for an hour and a half or two hours. And it takes time for the liver to start storing glycogen, so it's good to have another glass ready for when you wake up or have another dose of orange juice or milk and sugar. And salty things, salty snacks at bedtime help to stabilize the blood sugar and energy production, so like a milk and maybe salty tortilla chips or puffed pork rinds something a salty snack as well as..."


Dec 15, 2022
I have tried all kinds of strategies. Not eating after 3:00 simply doesn't work for me. When I forget to have something I will toss and turn until I finally get up and have a small snack that includes sugar at the very least. Then I fall asleep in minutes. 🤷‍♀️
I think this strategy worked for him or her because they were already kinda in decent health. Meaning “you don’t lose weight to be healthy. You have to be healthy to lose weight.” Liver glycogen wasn’t an issue etc.
This definitely isn’t where the OP is; or presents to be.


Oct 23, 2017
Oklahoma, USA
I think this strategy worked for him or her because they were already kinda in decent health. Meaning “you don’t lose weight to be healthy. You have to be healthy to lose weight.” Liver glycogen wasn’t an issue etc.
This definitely isn’t where the OP is; or presents to be.


Dec 1, 2021
saudi arabia
Ray Peat: "The blood sugar is always a problem at night. The effect of daylight is to maintain efficient oxidative metabolism, and just 15 minutes of darkness is enough to lower the efficiency of mitochondrial respiration. And so keeping very bright lights right up until bedtime will minimize the fall of blood sugar, but having a carbohydrate meal late in the afternoon or before bed, a glass of orange juice or milk with honey. Sometimes just the dose of sugar is enough to put you to sleep for an hour and a half or two hours. And it takes time for the liver to start storing glycogen, so it's good to have another glass ready for when you wake up or have another dose of orange juice or milk and sugar. And salty things, salty snacks at bedtime help to stabilize the blood sugar and energy production, so like a milk and maybe salty tortilla chips or puffed pork rinds something a salty snack as well as..."
I eat so much during the day until honestly, my stomach hurts haha lots of protein fruits milk I am SO FULL, and after 3 PM i just find the idea of eating is revolting. as i said it worked magically for me, we all different so ehh whatever. its 6 PM where I am at now and I am not hungry at all feeling so FULL!! :) .

IF i eat the same amount of foods at night time i gain the energy as fat and I am eating the same foods always, btw i find this video interesting, they say at night melatonin disrupts the function of insulin so eating late is not preferred. ama share it if u wanna watch it :) .



May 10, 2022
I eat so much during the day until honestly, my stomach hurts haha lots of protein fruits milk I am SO FULL, and after 3 PM i just find the idea of eating is revolting. as i said it worked magically for me, we all different so ehh whatever. its 6 PM where I am at now and I am not hungry at all feeling so FULL!! :) .

IF i eat the same amount of foods at night time i gain the energy as fat and I am eating the same foods always, btw i find this video interesting, they say at night melatonin disrupts the function of insulin so eating late is not preferred. ama share it if u wanna watch it :) .


Early time restricted eating has been gaining alot of popularity in the fasting community. Due to my work schedule I ended up eating late at night quite often. Id like to to try the reverse and see if i can make it work.
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