

Forum Supporter
Oct 28, 2020
I am new to Peat but embrace all he has to say. I will try to be as concise as possible because it is a long story.
I am 50 yo female diagnosed with sub clinical hypothyroid 20 y ago w/ TSH of 3.35. I had all symptoms but in range at the time. Been on Armour Thyroid (NDT) for 20 yrs. my dr up and retired and he was unique in the field of endocrinology. Found a new dr. She redid all testing and up’d my dose from 120 to 180 mg due to a reflex test and all other-t3,t4, rt3, etc. I feel nothing different since up’d dose and still struggle with weight, fatigue, cold intolerance, comstipation, low body temp. My temp ranges from 96.5 to 97.3 daily.
I have recent symptoms of pre menopause with cycle being erratic after always having 21 day cycle. She put me on progesterone & testosterone.
I have been on low sugar, low carb diet for a long time but recently have up’d fat intake with full fat yogurt, cottage cheese, coconut oil, avocados.
i have a huge supply of supplements I’ve taken but she wants me in another thyroid support, b complex, iron (low due to heavy periods), vitamin c, fish oil, liver support.
I am overwhelmed in where to start. I am at least 30lbs over weight. At 25 yo I was 125 lbs at 5’9”. Where do I start? I need to lose the weight. I guess I am athletic since normally I love running 5 miles 3-4x a week and play volleyball 1-2 x a week plus walk my dogs daily. I am recovery from hip surgery now so not active for 6 weeks. I’ve managed not gain more weight while recovering.
My weight has made me depressed because I do all the things that are SUPPOSED to help stay healthy: intermittent fasting, low sugar, low carb, healthy fats, exercise...but obviously this is not the right thing as Peat’s principles have shown.
I have asthma, endometriosis & hypothyroid. I recently found out that my adrenals are wiped due to stress of work and, I think my exercise is too taxing for my body. For example I did a spinning class for 60 min and was wiped out for days.
Where do I start with eating? I know to cut PUFA but I really don’t want to gain more weight transitioning and am willing to anything to lose some weight. I’ve done WHOLE 30, no sugar diets in the past and managed to lose weight but now those things aren’t working.
Can someone help me with where to start?
RT3: 14.0
TSH: 0.03
FREE T3: 3.4
FREE T4: 1.0
Vit D: 47.9
Ferritin: 51
B12: 568


Forum Supporter
Oct 28, 2020
Okay, I bought the book and will start here. Reviews of the book say that she basically takes Peat’s principles and lays it out in a more easy-to-follow way. Negative reviews, IMO, are people who maybe haven’t followed the same journey as many of us. Thanks!
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