How Do People Handle Caffeine?


Aug 14, 2019
So I love coffee.

I cant imagine a life without it. But I come to realize that I barely can’t live with it the way I would like to. My drinking always escalate to the point where I easily drink 5 cups per day and I barely feel anything from it except normal. And thats the problem. I need to drink 5 cups to feel normal. If I dont drink em I feel tired, headache. Like a hangover. I cant get out of bed in the mornings coz caffeine withdrawal kicks in while i sleep and I wake up so tired I cant get out of bed. Head is pounding. I have to crawl out of bed and brew some more coffee just to be able to get on with my day and drink more.
So now I actually detoxed myself. I wake up early and I feel twice as good as before. But big problem is. Ill probably fall back. And I dont want to be without coffee. Decaff is not the same. I love how I feel without coffe so much more energy. But I love this brew aswell. Anyone got any good ideas? Like no one really considers coffee is just an addictive drug. Dont think it can be good for your health to consume it in a way where you feel like crap eventually.


Nov 21, 2019
So I love coffee.

I cant imagine a life without it. But I come to realize that I barely can’t live with it the way I would like to. My drinking always escalate to the point where I easily drink 5 cups per day and I barely feel anything from it except normal. And thats the problem. I need to drink 5 cups to feel normal. If I dont drink em I feel tired, headache. Like a hangover. I cant get out of bed in the mornings coz caffeine withdrawal kicks in while i sleep and I wake up so tired I cant get out of bed. Head is pounding. I have to crawl out of bed and brew some more coffee just to be able to get on with my day and drink more.
So now I actually detoxed myself. I wake up early and I feel twice as good as before. But big problem is. Ill probably fall back. And I dont want to be without coffee. Decaff is not the same. I love how I feel without coffe so much more energy. But I love this brew aswell. Anyone got any good ideas? Like no one really considers coffee is just an addictive drug. Dont think it can be good for your health to consume it in a way where you feel like crap eventually.

i was rhe same.
Coffee to compensate with an overstimulated nervous system for inadequate thyroid function.
At some point you crash.
I think this is commonly found in fast oxidizers and it surprises me that peatarians are so pro coffee.
Although, as usual, it‘s about the amount.
People do well on coffee if they are too low in adrenaline and the likes. They are most likely bound to gain and retain fat easily.
So basically, you should applaud fat people sitzing at starbucks, not laugh at them
Coffee as fast oxidizer i believe mimics hyperthyroidism, you burn through your resources like crazy, and that is not good
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Nov 21, 2019
i was rhe same.
Coffee to compensate with an overstimulated nervous system for inadequate thyroid function.
At some point you crash.
I think this is commonly found in fast oxidizers and it surprises me that peatarians are so pro coffee.
Although, as usual, it‘s about the amount.
People do well on coffee if they are too low in adrenaline and the likes. They are most likely bound to gain and retain fat easily.
So basically, you should applaud fat people sitzing at starbucks, not laugh at them

to answer your question:
Naturally improve thyroid, and never have coffee on empty stomach/low blood sugar. But I believe 5 cups is too much for many
Check out my post history i posted a nice explaining link explaining overstimulated nervous systems and how it relates to thyroid and coffee and so on. One of my last 20 posts


Aug 14, 2019
I don’t use thyroid. Dont need to my temps are always great. Im hot and have lots of energy as long as i dont drink coffee. I dont drink coffee coz i need it. I drink it coz i like
It. Addicted to it. And drinking it makes me sluggish and sick eventually. When im free from coffee i feel fantastic.


Nov 21, 2019
I don’t use thyroid. Dont need to my temps are always great. Im hot and have lots of energy as long as i dont drink coffee. I dont drink coffee coz i need it. I drink it coz i like
It. Addicted to it. And drinking it makes me sluggish and sick eventually. When im free from coffee i feel fantastic.
So you know your problem. Are you here to get reinforced in your addiction?
Perceive, think, ACT
Sorry bud, I loved coffee as well :(


Jul 29, 2014
it surprises me that peatarians are so pro coffee.

"When a drug such as caffeine or aspirin turns out to have a great variety of protective effects, it's important to understand what it's doing."


Nov 21, 2019
"When a drug such as caffeine or aspirin turns out to have a great variety of protective effects, it's important to understand what it's doing."
Well I just gave an explanation of what I think it was doing to me and likely op.
I doubt the positives outweigh the negatives, based on the description
This does not mean it is bad for you.
I also gave an explanation of my understanding on who benefits from it


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
So I love coffee.

I cant imagine a life without it. But I come to realize that I barely can’t live with it the way I would like to. My drinking always escalate to the point where I easily drink 5 cups per day and I barely feel anything from it except normal. And thats the problem. I need to drink 5 cups to feel normal. If I dont drink em I feel tired, headache. Like a hangover. I cant get out of bed in the mornings coz caffeine withdrawal kicks in while i sleep and I wake up so tired I cant get out of bed. Head is pounding. I have to crawl out of bed and brew some more coffee just to be able to get on with my day and drink more.
So now I actually detoxed myself. I wake up early and I feel twice as good as before. But big problem is. Ill probably fall back. And I dont want to be without coffee. Decaff is not the same. I love how I feel without coffe so much more energy. But I love this brew aswell. Anyone got any good ideas? Like no one really considers coffee is just an addictive drug. Dont think it can be good for your health to consume it in a way where you feel like crap eventually.

By "detox" do you mean you quit coffee and don't drink it anymore?

How can you have more energy without coffee? I don't know anyone with this problem. Too much coffee usually results in increased cortisol, anxiety, jitters etc. Withdrawal symptoms could have you feeling tired. But less energy while drinking coffee?


Dec 17, 2018
So I love coffee.

I cant imagine a life without it. But I come to realize that I barely can’t live with it the way I would like to. My drinking always escalate to the point where I easily drink 5 cups per day and I barely feel anything from it except normal. And thats the problem. I need to drink 5 cups to feel normal. If I dont drink em I feel tired, headache. Like a hangover. I cant get out of bed in the mornings coz caffeine withdrawal kicks in while i sleep and I wake up so tired I cant get out of bed. Head is pounding. I have to crawl out of bed and brew some more coffee just to be able to get on with my day and drink more.
So now I actually detoxed myself. I wake up early and I feel twice as good as before. But big problem is. Ill probably fall back. And I dont want to be without coffee. Decaff is not the same. I love how I feel without coffe so much more energy. But I love this brew aswell. Anyone got any good ideas? Like no one really considers coffee is just an addictive drug. Dont think it can be good for your health to consume it in a way where you feel like crap eventually.

When I detoxed from caffeine one time, I knew the moment I was actually withdrawn from it was when I could barely fall asleep and cant stay in bed and I was like a engine, never ending stream of energy but the stream was weaker than caffeine energy.

The energy burst from caffeine is stronger than without it but you also get on and come off as the caffeine gets metabolized out of your system.

You are just craving that hit of catecholamines from caffeine. I am back on caffeine now I think it was because of classes. I may get off it again idk when my classes end no time for withdrawal when finals are coming up.

Gone Peating

Sep 16, 2018
I don’t use thyroid. Dont need to my temps are always great. Im hot and have lots of energy as long as i dont drink coffee. I dont drink coffee coz i need it. I drink it coz i like
It. Addicted to it. And drinking it makes me sluggish and sick eventually. When im free from coffee i feel fantastic.

Coffee makes me feel off and unable to concentrate


Aug 14, 2019
By "detox" do you mean you quit coffee and don't drink it anymore?

How can you have more energy without coffee? I don't know anyone with this problem. Too much coffee usually results in increased cortisol, anxiety, jitters etc. Withdrawal symptoms could have you feeling tired. But less energy while drinking coffee?

Well if your energy is at a medium level without coffee. And then you drink you get above average energy for awhile but eventually thats becomes your new medium. And every 8 hours when caffeine has been metabolized you just go from being medium to slow/low. Thats what happens. So id rather be medium all the time without coffee. Than going medium low medium low. With coffee. Coffee doesnt give me anything. It just helps me get going. But if i remove coffee i domt even need it to get going. My energy levels are much more stable and honstly just feels like a constant slight buzz. Once you quit and completely withdrawn from caffeine and your body just rely on your natural adenosine levels being stable. You wake up more fresh, you have a more balanced energy etc. Only problem is. Coffee taste so freaking damn gooooood!!!!


Nov 21, 2019
Well if your energy is at a medium level without coffee. And then you drink you get above average energy for awhile but eventually thats becomes your new medium. And every 8 hours when caffeine has been metabolized you just go from being medium to slow/low. Thats what happens. So id rather be medium all the time without coffee. Than going medium low medium low. With coffee. Coffee doesnt give me anything. It just helps me get going. But if i remove coffee i domt even need it to get going. My energy levels are much more stable and honstly just feels like a constant slight buzz. Once you quit and completely withdrawn from caffeine and your body just rely on your natural adenosine levels being stable. You wake up more fresh, you have a more balanced energy etc. Only problem is. Coffee taste so freaking damn gooooood!!!!
Yup. I’ll probably try decaf again. With tons of milk and sugar the difference shouldn’t be too big


Mar 27, 2018
Caffeine tolerance develops quickly. I think I may try doing 1 day on/1 day off of Caffeine.

Coffee makes me feel off and unable to concentrate

Are you drinking it black or on an empty stomach?
Black coffee would be absorbed the quickest and having it with some food will slow down the absorption and should result in a sustained level of energy, vs. an energy spike that can make you feel frazzles/unable to concentrate.

Gone Peating

Sep 16, 2018
Caffeine tolerance develops quickly. I think I may try doing 1 day on/1 day off of Caffeine.

Are you drinking it black or on an empty stomach?
Black coffee would be absorbed the quickest and having it with some food will slow down the absorption and should result in a sustained level of energy, vs. an energy spike that can make you feel frazzles/unable to concentrate.

Yea it doesn’t matter if I drink it with milk and sugar alongside food. It impairs my ability to concentrate on reading, which is weird bc I feel like it is the opposite for everyone else lol. It’s a shame bc I do like the taste


Sep 25, 2018
I might try tapering off coffee to see how I feel.

Would a T3 supplement help to compensate the caffeine withdrawal?
Apr 22, 2019
@Kingpinguin, I think these videos might help you with your described troubles:


-Adding a tablespoon of fat slows caffeine uptake which helps decrease a spiked stress response. It also facilitates the uptake of amino acids in coffee which are said to have their own stimulating properties.

-Espresso and shorter hot-water exposure time when preparing coffee grounds helps to lessen total caffeine content (and lower potential oxidation imo)

-Putting 1/2 - 1 teaspoon of heavy clay will adsorb positively charged particles like fungus, pesticides, etc. Allow it to settle at the bottom before drinking, don't consume the clay at the bottom of the cup. I use illite clay because that's what I happened to have... Paul mentions bentonite and pascalite as other options. I'll tell you that kaolin clay is too fine and frankly ruins the cup.

-If you're trying to quit coffee, Paul recommends keeping a dozen or so coffee beans in the pocket and chewing/sucking on them if you have a 'craving' for coffee. Yerba mate, fresh squeezed fruit juice, (and bone broth as mentioned by Josh Rubin, Tim Berzins, Matt Blackburn) can be used as a replacement for coffee. Also cold showers can be used for a sympathetic response in place of coffee.

-Berries are stimulating to the adrenal glands and coffee is draining of them... Berries help rehabilitate weak adrenal glands.

-The rate at which caffeine is cleared from the body is dependent on liver function.

I personally add about 15-20g of sugar in addition to the 12g of fat per cup... Seems to really balance out any of the stress responses I get from coffee. I'm mindful to eat an appreciable amount of fruit (say 30g+) at least 30 minutes before the coffee as an attempt at preventing glycogen depletion of the liver.

Anyhow, out of all of my coffee experiments over the last two years using high fat, high sugar, activated charcoal, collagen, and any combinations therein... Using less water on the grounds, adding some fat and some sugar, a bit of clay, eating fruit away from meals and drinking water away from meals definitely gives me the most even-keeled effect. I think there's something to be said about protein and it's contribution to the liver as an energetic substrate that helps coffee to be more like a medicine and less like a drug, too... But I can't say much else other than I think it plays a role in stress-less coffee consumption.

Well wishes!
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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