Heart Pounding Palpitations From Thyroid Supplement Log


Mar 13, 2017
@charlie Seems you may not be watching this thread anymore but I will post with a hopeful heart...

It seems like its adrenaline because at night when I have it and go to sleep, I slam right back out of sleep somtimes, not fun.

I have been dealing with this exact thing the past few weeks on and off (mostly on). I am barely getting sleep because 5-6 nights out of the week I am EXHAUSTED and feel like under normal circumstances I would fall right to sleep. But I am basically falling right to sleep then slamming awake like you described. Once that happens once, it happens over and over and over for the next several hours until I finally go to sleep in the wee hours of the morning and get a few hours of sleep before getting up for work.
Today was the first day that I have had constant heart palpitations all day; it has happened a time or two during the day in the past few weeks, but other than that my struggle has only been the heart pounding/adrenaline feeling at night.
My palpitations today have happened all day long, and seem to be a carryover from last night's episode of How Miserable Can Trying to Sleep Be
because while I had the same issues with slamming awake as usual, my heart just seemed to be POUNDING so hard in my chest, even more than normal. The quote from Dr. John Lowe about lying in bed acting as a sounding board totally resonated with me - I didn't want to lie back down because I felt like it was echoing so loudly throughout my whole body. Also have been having to pee a ton like every hour or less during these night episodes.

Me too. :mrgreen: The anxiety level went from a 9 down to a 2, or maybe even 1. Relief!

Thankfully, once I got to this point in the thread, my anxiety lowered from hearing that your anxiety lowered! I have been feeling terrible all day - so anxious, pretty much thought I was having a heart attack, only able to get a few sips of OJ and milk down for lunch because I'm so nauseous and fidgety and have pretty much bitten my lip off.
But now the anxiety is gone and all that's left is my Hard Heart Pounding----I mean my "normal" heartbeat...?? :)

Basically my question is:
I read the whole thread but you sort of lost me toward the end...
Was your end theory that you were having HYPERthyroid symptoms and needed to back off of the supplement? Or that you were HYPO and were experiencing adrenaline?
I am not on a thyroid supplement yet, but have been taking progesterone, Vit A, and aspirin and suspect one of these is affecting thyroid somehow. Contemplating if I should stick with current dosage or lower.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I read the whole thread but you sort of lost me toward the end...
Was your end theory that you were having HYPERthyroid symptoms and needed to back off of the supplement? Or that you were HYPO and were experiencing adrenaline?
I am not on a thyroid supplement yet, but have been taking progesterone, Vit A, and aspirin and suspect one of these is affecting thyroid somehow. Contemplating if I should stick with current dosage or lower.
My problem was taking too much and too fast. Ray Peat is correct when he says we only need very small amounts of T3 at a time. I am convinced most people start with way too much thyroid and that was the "hyperthyroid" symptoms I was experiencing which were indeed not truly hyperthyroid symptoms, but an over stimulation of the system. Now I only take a microgram or two at a time of T3 and if I do take T4 I do a ratio of 2:1 T4 to T3.


Mar 13, 2017
ok thanks Charlie. So the hard heart pounding was probably a hyper symptom because of going too fast with the t3 and not being used to a normal heartbeat?

But what about the slamming out of sleep issues? Were you saying that was a hypo symptom from when you backed off the thyroid supplement and the adrenaline was trying to keep your metabolic rate up?


Jan 21, 2021
My problem was taking too much and too fast. Ray Peat is correct when he says we only need very small amounts of T3 at a time. I am convinced most people start with way too much thyroid and that was the "hyperthyroid" symptoms I was experiencing which were indeed not truly hyperthyroid symptoms, but an over stimulation of the system. Now I only take a microgram or two at a time of T3 and if I do take T4 I do a ratio of 2:1 T4 to T3.
This is a very old post, but my daughter is going through something similar at the moment. In the past she took Cynoplus with heart pounding. Switched to Thyromax and pounding lessened but she was very hypo and wanted to try to conceive and there was a shortage at Idealabs, so she switched to Eurthyriod/Cynomel combo. Palps got worse so she dropped combo for a week and then started up more slowly with only T4 but the palps are still there. She has gotten pregnant and is now afraid to lower dosage as it is so important to have thyroid in pregnancy. She wanted to stabilize the T4 and then add small amounts of T3.
She does not have high pulse, nor high blood pressure. Just a constant pounding, especially after eating. Sometimes shortness of breath, or air hunger....which could be subsequent anxiety over the palps.

Anyone ever figure all of this out? @charlie. @narouz


Jan 21, 2021
The pounding has returned. So, I am gonna log a bit on my progress with supplementing thyroid.

I have been on 1/8th of a pill of thiroyd twice a day, after breakfast and after lunch. The pounding heartbeat returned yesterday, not so bad, but its there, and had trouble going to sleep.

So, if I am correct from my assumption this if from the body becoming more sensitive to adrenaline. So, I am going to push through and see if the body will down regulate the adrenaline response. Ray Peat says it takes a couple weeks to down regulate, so, let's see if it will. Who needs sleep anyways? :lol:

Some people say its from too much T3, some people say from too much T4 but I am not buying the T4 thing. I tend to lean towards too much adrenaline/cortisol or too much T3.

It does get worse after coffee, so, I have cut my coffee down to half today and also sipping it really slowly.

Here we go!!!! :rockout

This is a very old post, but my daughter is going through something similar at the moment. In the past she took Cynoplus with heart pounding. Switched to Thyromax and pounding lessened but she was very hypo and wanted to try to conceive and there was a shortage at Idealabs, so she switched to Eurthyriod/Cynomel combo. Palps got worse so she dropped combo for a week and then started up more slowly with only T4 but the palps are still there. She has gotten pregnant and is now afraid to lower dosage as it is so important to have thyroid in pregnancy. She wanted to stabilize the T4 and then add small amounts of T3.
She does not have high pulse, nor high blood pressure. Just a constant pounding, especially after eating. Sometimes shortness of breath, or air hunger....which could be subsequent anxiety over the palps.

Anyone ever figure all of this out? @charlie. @narouz

Anyone figure this out?

She is on t4/t3 combo and labs are on low end of ranges for both. Afraid yo raise dose because of palps. They come on after meals.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012

Anyone figure this out?

She is on t4/t3 combo and labs are on low end of ranges for both. Afraid yo raise dose because of palps. They come on after meals.
Most likely from potassium/magnesium deficiency.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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