Healing Kidney Failure Log


Jun 11, 2017
Albuquerque, NM
I don't know because I don't have a need to use the juice. Ray said that people with special metabolic disorders can try the cooked juice.
Westside, thank you for giving a link to "The Fourth Macronutrient" ...


Sep 17, 2016
Dumped the chicken soup because I got a huge headache yesterday from it. I think it has too much salt. Sticking to my original plan of juice fasting.

Anyway, found an interesting website: http://diabeticdharma.com/. The guy has a wife that's on dialysis (and also diabetic). He has succeeded in bringing down her BP without medicine using a zero salt diet. But the most interesting article there is this: http://diabeticdharma.com/88/. Briefly, it's about the Buteyko breathing exercises. According to this guy, his wife had her health restored by doing them. She's still on dialysis but apparently her kidney function has improved, since she doesn't need the EPO injections anymore. I'm getting onto this train for sure.


Dec 23, 2017
maybe the TE has defficiency in some minerals like iodin, zinc, iron potassium, magnesium, sodium or calcium.
If you re low on magnesium or espiacilly calcium your body will look for other harmfull structural similiar molecules to get in , like heavy metals or toxins. If your body starts accumilating them, one day they will harm your kidney , liver and in general your organs.

Like some1 mentioned here he had a lead toxicity, this happens if you re low calcium, because lead replaces calcium and zinc replaces cadmium. And like others said vitamin c and vitamin e neutralizes the harmfull effect if you push those pollitants out of stage.


May 16, 2013
Ray mentioned that the juice can be cooked like an egg would be cooked, but I don't recall the need to cook the juice. What happens if the juice isn't cooked?

In my experience, the juice rarely comes out like the scrambled egg texture Ray describes.

Perhaps it is my UK potatoes, but they are usually very juicy and the water left over is like a soupy water with congealed bits floating in it. You juice in a centrifugal juicer, always peeling the potatoes first. You leave the starch to settle at the bottom of a bowl, scoop off the foam on top, and after about an hour, pour off the liquid for cooking, leaving the starch at the bottom. Without cooking, the juice would contain trace amounts of starch, as well as possibly solanine and other mildly toxic things that would be best cooked.

I cook the potato juice with mushrooms and ghee and herbs. It is so tasty, and much better than potato juice by itself.

I had high creatinine and poor functioning kidneys, amongst other things and the potato juice lowered it, if that helps.


Jun 19, 2014
In my experience, the juice rarely comes out like the scrambled egg texture Ray describes.

Perhaps it is my UK potatoes, but they are usually very juicy and the water left over is like a soupy water with congealed bits floating in it. You juice in a centrifugal juicer, always peeling the potatoes first. You leave the starch to settle at the bottom of a bowl, scoop off the foam on top, and after about an hour, pour off the liquid for cooking, leaving the starch at the bottom. Without cooking, the juice would contain trace amounts of starch, as well as possibly solanine and other mildly toxic things that would be best cooked.

I cook the potato juice with mushrooms and ghee and herbs. It is so tasty, and much better than potato juice by itself.

I had high creatinine and poor functioning kidneys, amongst other things and the potato juice lowered it, if that helps.
Thanks. I knew there was more than "juice a potato and drink it" and I didn't want the OP to get bad advice. This sounds good. I may try it myself!


Mar 29, 2016
In my experience, the juice rarely comes out like the scrambled egg texture Ray describes.

Perhaps it is my UK potatoes, but they are usually very juicy and the water left over is like a soupy water with congealed bits floating in it. You juice in a centrifugal juicer, always peeling the potatoes first. You leave the starch to settle at the bottom of a bowl, scoop off the foam on top, and after about an hour, pour off the liquid for cooking, leaving the starch at the bottom. Without cooking, the juice would contain trace amounts of starch, as well as possibly solanine and other mildly toxic things that would be best cooked.

I cook the potato juice with mushrooms and ghee and herbs. It is so tasty, and much better than potato juice by itself.

I had high creatinine and poor functioning kidneys, amongst other things and the potato juice lowered it, if that helps.
Thanks for sharing Stilgar.


Sep 17, 2016
BP is rising again, but I'm continuing the fast, since it's the only thing that makes me feel not terrible. I'm also doing the potato juice thing now.


Dec 23, 2017
BP is rising again, but I'm continuing the fast, since it's the only thing that makes me feel not terrible. I'm also doing the potato juice thing now.
dont forget to take activated charcoal if you fast really important on the normal days with out fasting i think normal fiber in food and legume is enough


Sep 17, 2016
Another guy died in the hospital today. It's been five people since I'm on dialysis (15 months). Hope I won't have to share their fate!

BTW, I love the potato soup. It's so tasty and doesn't appear to break my "fast".


Apr 9, 2015
I have had kidney stones and blood in urine and it isn't pleasant. I have also been getting a burning sensation and discomfort in the ureter area recently and wonder that maybe it has to do with too little calcium. Do you eat much calcium OP?


Sep 17, 2016
Broke the fast yesterday with some cooked vegetables. Bad idea, still feeling like ***t after eating food. So I'm back onto it.

I have had kidney stones and blood in urine and it isn't pleasant. I have also been getting a burning sensation and discomfort in the ureter area recently and wonder that maybe it has to do with too little calcium. Do you eat much calcium OP?

I never ate much calcium really. But kidney stones are different than kidney failure. They can be easily dissolved. Search for Richard Schulze.


Jul 13, 2014
Some background (short version):

26 years old. Went through very heavy, prolonged stress in 2015/2016. Overate to deal with the stress. Started getting the usual kidney disease symptoms - low energy, then headaches, vision impairment, vomiting. I discovered I had high blood pressure. Went to the doctor and got prescribed a medicine and had a blood test. While waiting for the results, more serious symptoms started appearing - suddenly I realized I was taking much longer to do basic tasks like tying my shoes. I knew something was really wrong then. Finally, the results are in - creatinine out of this world ("never seen before", as said by the doctor), had to be hospitalized immediately.

They put a tube into my penis that was supposed to take out the excess water. They said they're not asking for my permission because I will die soon. Then they asked some questions about family history and stuff. Was pressured to start dialysis the next day. Gave me a bunch of BP medicine, which failed to bring BP down. Two months later I'm out of the hospital, still with high BP. Now doing dialysis at the dialysis center. Still feeling like a zombie.

One day they tell me that my red blood cell count is very low and I have to go to the hospital again. Had 14 blood transfusions done. Another month in the hospital and they finally managed to bring my BP down slightly. Lost about 20 KG of water and muscle together during both hospital visits. But finally I'm home, still feeling bad.

What would a person like me do then? Of course, try to seek alternative therapies to heal my kidneys and get out of dialysis. They prescribe you a diet on dialysis that is low in salt, protein, potassium and phosphorus. I did that first but it didn't make me feel well, so I knew I had to make some changes, but doctors and family pressure made it tough.

Discovered the Rice Diet by Walter Kempner that apparently cured kidney failure some decades ago. It consisted or rice, sugar and fruit juice. Didn't work for me. Clearly, his patients to have some mild kind of kidney disease.

Then discovered Richard Schulze and his incurables program, of which juice fasting is the base. Of course, I stupidly did all the other stuff WITHOUT the juice fasting, because it was just too hard for me to give up all that food (which helped me deal with the stress I was constantly under).

But finally, I got myself together and am doing the juice fasting. This is day five. I got my energy back - not fully but I can live pretty much normally. Of course, I still have to limit the intake of juice since my urine output is almost zero. But I've managed to control my BP with only one medicine (where before fasting I couldn't control it with three different medicines).

I did some kind of Peat thing in-between too, but I really can't deal with any kind of food. Liquids only for me is a must.

My main juice is apple, with some carrot, beet, citrus mixed in. Sometimes other fruits and vegetables. I still have to limit potassium so too many greens are out of the question (but I do use some).

The other things I drink are herbal teas, consisting of hawthorn berries (for the heart), uva ursi (supposed to make you urinate more, we'll see), peppermint, artichoke, milk thistle (supposed to be detoxificating for the liver), ginger (supposed to help circulation), licorice, hibiscus (supposed to lower BP). I add cayenne pepper and turmeric to the teas (supposed to help with circulation, again). Some of the teas do make me sweat - I can feel it.

Was heavily constipated before. Taking senna now and it has helped along with the juices. Also drinking vegetable broth with coconut oil in it (also a Schulze recommendation).

Okay, I've rambled on too much. Off to have my glass of apple juice...
Did you ever at any point get an actual pain or soreness coming from your kidneys?


Apr 8, 2016
Just read your log. It's been a while since you posted here but I hope you found a way to recover. I believe in the body's ability to heal itself.


May 10, 2018
In my experience, the juice rarely comes out like the scrambled egg texture Ray describes.

Perhaps it is my UK potatoes, but they are usually very juicy and the water left over is like a soupy water with congealed bits floating in it. You juice in a centrifugal juicer, always peeling the potatoes first. You leave the starch to settle at the bottom of a bowl, scoop off the foam on top, and after about an hour, pour off the liquid for cooking, leaving the starch at the bottom. Without cooking, the juice would contain trace amounts of starch, as well as possibly solanine and other mildly toxic things that would be best cooked.

I cook the potato juice with mushrooms and ghee and herbs. It is so tasty, and much better than potato juice by itself.

I had high creatinine and poor functioning kidneys, amongst other things and the potato juice lowered it, if that helps.

Really interesting, I'm going to give this a try. Have you found anything else other than the potato juice has helped your kidneys?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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