Healing a cavity log


Apr 29, 2021
i used to have perfect strong teeth when i was on the carnivore diet. as i transitioned to the ray peat diet my dental health has only gone downhill. as i increased sugar intake it only got worse.
these last couple of months i have been under-eating, super stressed, overworked, haven't been physically active, and ive been eating to much sugar. i moved to a new place and i dont know where to get good foods, yet so ive been eating a lot of white rice because its convenient.

yesterday i suddenly got a bad pain in my tooth and what do you know, there's a big ugly cavity there. the sugar finally took its toll. i think all the white rice was the final straw, depleting me of nutrients.

i really don't wanna go to the dentist, and i am broke as hell. this will be my log of trying to heal it on my own.

my new diet will be:
raw meat
raw eggs
parmesan and other hard cheeses.
vegetable broth
and i will eat a small amount of fruit because i feel like crap when i eat to many animal products. i will chop up the fruit and swallow it so the sugar doesn't reach my teeth.

I'm also gonna be flossing, brushing 3 times a day, and using Listerine. The Listerine here includes fluoride and doesn't have xylitol but oh well. i know from experience that less sugar and more animal fat is good for the teeth. sugar is the main bad guy.

ill also be eating less frequently.

if anyone has any other advice for me, please let me know.

wish me luck, will be uploading pictures as i go.

Screenshot_20211116-185810_Snapchat.jpg Screenshot_20211116-185803_Snapchat.jpg

eat my peat

had multiple cavities - blast some k2 mk4 and it'll fix it.


Oct 20, 2021
United States
forgot to mention, i am already doing that - with coconut oil. woke up the next day with ZERO pain which is amazing.

did you heal cavities as bad as mine? did they heal completely? how long are we talking? and what doses?
You should check out some of @tca300 s posts where he talks about how he healed his cavities
Mar 10, 2021
forgot to mention, i am already doing that - with coconut oil. woke up the next day with ZERO pain which is amazing.

did you heal cavities as bad as mine? did they heal completely? how long are we talking? and what doses?

Oh yayyy! It is a mouth cure all!


Sep 13, 2012
The acids created from sugar/starch in the mouth and bacteria are the cause of decay. Vitamin K2 can help put calcium back into the saliva but I wonder at what cost, There have been some new warnings about using too high of doses and lysing too much bacteria out of the arteries causing high blood pressure of some kind. Peat seemed to say that supplementing vitamin K is dangerous, to get it from cooked greens, dairy and eggs.

My advice to you would be to use silver nitrate to halt the decay and then get it drilled and filled. I regret not doing this for my cavities when they were smaller. Now I have holes in my teeth. But if yours are only very surface level you could repair them. But not if the bacteria have made their way past the enamel. Only an xray would tell you and if you have pain it's likely they are bigger than what you see on the surface. As a personal anecdote I had a very small black spot on the top of my molar for yrs and yrs, I thought it was fine, well it wasn't. The bacteria were inside completely dissolving my dentin, it finally cracked all apart this past yr and there's nothing left of the tooth. Get it looked at.


Oct 20, 2021
United States
The acids created from sugar/starch in the mouth and bacteria are the cause of decay. Vitamin K2 can help put calcium back into the saliva but I wonder at what cost, There have been some new warnings about using too high of doses and lysing too much bacteria out of the arteries causing high blood pressure of some kind. Peat seemed to say that supplementing vitamin K is dangerous, to get it from cooked greens, dairy and eggs.

My advice to you would be to use silver nitrate to halt the decay and then get it drilled and filled. I regret not doing this for my cavities when they were smaller. Now I have holes in my teeth. But if yours are only very surface level you could repair them. But not if the bacteria have made their way past the enamel. Only an xray would tell you and if you have pain it's likely they are bigger than what you see on the surface. As a personal anecdote I had a very small black spot on the top of my molar for yrs and yrs, I thought it was fine, well it wasn't. The bacteria were inside completely dissolving my dentin, it finally cracked all apart this past yr and there's nothing left of the tooth. Get it looked at.
Do you have a quote from peat talking about how vitamin k could be dangerous?


Mar 22, 2019
interesting project but i would be careful with milk, as milk is easily metabolized into lactic acid by bacteria. (streptococcus mutans can survive acidic conditions in the mouth and is probably the main driver behind cariogenesis), so drinking milk with meals not away from meals would be smart.
i think cavities are a problem of mouth dysbiosis, having a too acidic mouth from eating too frequently. mouth ph is key, so peat recommends washing the mouth with water that has extra baking soda in it (i think it is a good idea in principle, but fillings can be affected by this)

coconut oil seems to kill off all bacteria in the mouth, and usually the problematic bacteria are there because they are fitter, so they will return quickly. if the cavity has formed there are many bacteria at that place, so you will have to keep it very clean. killing 100% of bacteria is almost impossible, you would have to pressure cook your mouth.
none of the interventions (k2+d3, coconut oil pulling, baking soda after meals) have really done anything for me and the cavities that formed since "peating". drinking sugary things (lactose is not as bad but also contributes i think) is probably the quickest way to get cavities, especially if something like orange juice (acidic) is used.

i wonder if anyone really healed a cavity with taking k2mk4, i dont think it really happened, pictures would be nice.

if you eat raw meat you might know aajonus vonderplanitz, according to him it is beneficial to put raw meat on the decaying tooth, i dont know what to think of it, it doesn't sound like the worst idea. He still had a dentist though... he also talks about the benefit of the raw milk calcium not being "cauterized", i always found that interesting. i wonder what heating does to calcium (in milk).

i wish you the best and i would get the cavity treated, i dont think you really can "heal" a cavity once the enamel is gone. it is already hard enough to get a petri dish germ free, so i can not imagine how it could work with a tooth that already has a hole. Prevention is key.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7sNMbm__zc
i found this helpful, food frequency seems key if you have problems with the teeth and hitting more than the RDA for your nutrients/minerals/vitamins.
sugar is the main bad guy.
i agree, it feeds bacteria, increases your nutritional requirements and leads to snacking, because it is delicious and often comes packed with acids (coca cola, citric acid). if you have sugar eat it with your meal and not in between.
high meal frequency has its place, but not if teeth health is bad.


Oct 19, 2019
I have a jar with 50/50 baking soda and xylitol. I swish half a teaspoon in my mouth for a minute or so after every meal then spit. Works a charm.


Dec 11, 2016
I’ve been making my own toothpaste. Seems to work pretty well.

Natural Toothpaste Recipe

— 1 part Clacium Hydroxyapatite
— 2 parts CMC (Colloidal Mineral Compound)
— 8 parts Baking Soda (alkalizing, mild abrasive)
— 6 parts coconut oil (antibiotic)
— 3-4 parts Natural Soap (without glycerin or sodium lauryl (laureth) sulfate).
Hard soap works better than liquid soap. I use Grandma's Pure Lye Soap.
Grate with a serrated knife or grater so that the soap pieces can easily dissolve in water.
— Pinch of Rock Salt
— Large pinch of humic/fulvic acid powder
— A little bit of filtered water



Nov 1, 2021
I developed a few caries myself last year through new-to-me poor eating habits, specifically coming home at night after work and eating less than great foods in order to unwind, which often ended with me falling asleep on the couch with the food still all over my teeth… Same as you, I didn’t realize until chewing in certain areas began hurting.

I was looking up how to heal teeth naturally, mostly coming across diet related approaches like the one promoted by Dr. Steven Ling which sounds similar to what you posted.

In addition to getting back to diet and better cleaning, the one thing that I found that stood out to me enough that I’m about to finally start today is the approach promoted by the Dr. Mark Manhart at the Calcium Institute (they have a website and YouTube channel, but I’m new so I can’t post links.) I believe I came across a past post on this forum of someone having started it as well.
It involves various calcium and zinc infused products that are mainly set on the teeth and gums for some a little time, that the body uses to slowly restore the tooth, and help the body naturally fight off the invasive bacteria.
It’s all fairly inexpensive, and there are a ton of videos he has posted to help show how to use it all at home. He also says to stop using commercial tooth products like paste and mouth wash, and warns about the dangers of flossing and how it can spread infection. He also discourages oil pulling but I’m not sure why, and I’ve been meaning to email them about that specifically because I’d still like to use that to promote killing off the bacteria, as well as slicing garlic cloves thin and putting them against the gum off the problem teeth.
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Mar 22, 2019
— 3-4 parts Natural Soap (without glycerin or sodium lauryl (laureth) sulfate).
Hard soap better than liquid soap. I use Grandma's Pure Lye Soap.
when you make soap, does the soap not automatically contain glycerin?

Peato Diet

Feb 16, 2013
Nano-hydroxyapatite tooth paste. They use this in japan instead of fluoride:

Amazon product ASIN B0016GCZSC
View: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Apagard-Premio-toothpaste-nanohydroxyapatite-remineralizing/dp/B0016GCZSC/ref=sr_1_7?keywords=nano-hydroxyapatite&qid=1637281287&qsid=258-0347686-2478340&sr=8-7&sres=B07KX75Z49%2CB018GCBZ5C%2CB0016GCZSC%2CB07XJJN61K%2CB0725M67F1%2CB07F1Z2N9L%2CB07Z9W7KTN%2CB00BWU7MNU%2CB01C1JN2R0%2CB08HYNC7QX%2CB081QZB639%2CB07DFSQHB1%2CB00P7SKVBS%2CB0098YY6BI%2CB078J1T49Y%2CB00CLOVO8A%2CB07928JJY1%2CB07XCRJHJT%2CB00EZQ6F6I%2CB001PMRTN8&srpt=TOOTH_CLEANING_AGENT

A WaterPik for cleaning between teeth.

Carry a small bottle of water mixed with xylitol to use as a mouth rinse after eating or drinking fruit juice.

An electric tooth brush does a much better job than a regular one. I bought a Philips sonicare.

Calcium, vit D, vit K.
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