Naturally Healing Cavities


Jul 29, 2015
My teeth have deteriorated over the past year or so, right along with the rest of my body. I'm looking to heal a couple cavities.
Can cavities be healed naturally or are fillings the only option?
I'm reading about oil pulling, vitamin k, and remineralizing toothpaste, but it seems to me that reversing cavities/tooth decay would be incredibly difficult if not impossible.
What do you guys think? Has anyone actually healed their cavities?


Jul 29, 2015
From what I've read here the consensus is that you should get a filling if it is a cavity that has progressed to the late stages. Perhaps if it was an early stage cavity you could reverse it with supplements. I suspect a bone-protective diet would also be protective to the teeth. Peat has written about that here:

Bone Density: First Do No Harm
Osteoporosis, aging, tissue renewal, and product science
I have only one or two small dark spots that I'm worried about.
But isn't true that teeth cannot be healed like other bones can?
Feb 4, 2015
Human teeth are one of the biggest weak points in natures design. A large cavity that is left untreated can cause irreversible pulpitis (the permanent death of the nerve) but paradoxically, a cavity that is treated may also cause irreversible pulpitis because of the friction and heat from the dentists drill. The tooth nerve can't stand the friction and it commits suicide. If you have irreversible pulpitis, which means your tooth will never heal, your only two options are to have a root canal or pull the tooth, unless you just enjoy pain. Someone may have irreversible pulpitis and not feel much or any pain, or pain that comes and goes, but not for long. One day the pain will strike and stay, at which point you have to make a decision. There is also the risk of an infection which is a separate issue from the tooth pain itself. But either way you must decide, root canal or extract? I don't think it's possible to heal small cavities either, where the nerve is still fine. You have to get it drilled and filled. It is possible to have the dentist drill out the cavity and not fill it, which will stop the decay but the tooth will most likely be sensitive and becasuse of the hole, over time decay will start again, unless you vigorously clean that hole after every single morsel of food or caloric liquid you swallow. Once the enamel is destroyed, there's nothing you can do to "heal" a tooth. Anyone who claims otherwise is just promoting snake oil marketing for cod liver oil supplements by Weston Price folk. The natural health world recommends against root canals. Mercola claims that most people who've had them get cancer at some point in their lives. A root canal is essentially a "dead tooth," just sitting there in your jaw and your immune system must be able to defend the dead tooth from bacteria that can get down or in there somehow and cause an abscess and a failed root canal. If you have a failed root canal, you must extract the dead tooth.


Jan 23, 2016
The natural health world recommends against root canals. Mercola claims that most people who've had them get cancer at some point in their lives.

I'm sorry - but I don't find that to be a very bold statement. We are all going to get cancer at some point and in fact, we have cancers that are constantly being eradicated as long as our immune system is optimal. I do agree that the teeth seem to be a weak point of human physiology. I have a few cavities myself and will likely opt to remove teeth if a significant problem arises.

x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
I would agree with Tenacity's first post that if your cavity is small to medium, the enamel will remineralize provided you have the right diet and vitamins. Even the ADA recognizes remineralization as scientifically proven. There is a lot of of information on this on the web so you can learn more about what to do.

I also don't think that if you have a cavity, a potential solution is to let the dentist drill it out so that you can then then let it heal. This makes no sense. The cavity is just a hole in your enamel and not a tumor that needs to be cut out. How will making this hole bigger help anything. It will just make remineralization harder if not impossible.

I am not sure why westsidepufa is down on weston price. He and his organization has done/is doing a lot of good work in promoting natural health. The fact that they differ from Ray on some areas does not detract from their work. The only group that doesn't differ from Ray, is Ray. Weston Price traveled to many primitive societies around the world and saw that they all have very little tooth decay. So no, teeth are not a weak point of nature's design. Our modern diet is the biggest weak point.


May 21, 2016
Wasn't Chris Masterjohn that recovered his teeth after his bad experience on veganism?

x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
This guy brilliantly explains why. He is non-vegan so there is no vegan bias.

I don’t think this guy says much more than that Weston Price didn’t get everything right. Who does? If you are a Ray Peat follower you would say that this guy doesn’t know what he is talking about as he says that both sugar and dairy are really bad for you. The Weston Price recommended diet still gets a lot right and is much better than most other alternative diets.
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Nov 21, 2015
not cavities, but bone loss. I had deep pockets indicating bone loss in my jaw. I added calcium and K2 etc and within a year the bone was back. I no longer have periodontal issues.


Mar 12, 2016
not cavities, but bone loss. I had deep pockets indicating bone loss in my jaw. I added calcium and K2 etc and within a year the bone was back. I no longer have periodontal issues.

Would you say that a high calcium intake from foods and liver for the vitamin K2 would be enough to reverse/prevent periodontal issues, or is it specifically a high amount in the form of supplements that'd help?
Nov 21, 2015
Would you say that a high calcium intake from foods and liver for the vitamin K2 would be enough to reverse/prevent periodontal issues, or is it specifically a high amount in the form of supplements that'd help?

I think so, and watching endotoxins.


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
a cavity that is treated may also cause irreversible pulpitis because of the friction and heat from the dentists drill. The tooth nerve can't stand the friction and it commits suicide. If you have irreversible pulpitis, which means your tooth will never heal, your only two options are to have a root canal or pull the tooth
I just experienced this today!
Thanks for all this, very informative!
I have a GOOD DENTIST. Now I understand what she told me, because she did not drill all, she used a hand tool to remove the last bits.
And she told me she was very near the nerve, and that she hoped it was good to be fine.
I reacted bad to the anaestesia but now I am fine and the tooth does not hurt at the moment...
Aug 14, 2015
Liam scheff RIP

Ironic and tragic ,his video on this particular thread .

Extreme dentistry drove him to end his life in April this year

Sadly missed , he was a true humanitarian


Oct 18, 2017
Liam scheff RIP

Ironic and tragic ,his video on this particular thread .

Extreme dentistry drove him to end his life in April this year

Sadly missed , he was a true humanitarian

What's your source on that? As far I can tell he kept his reason for ending his life a secret... only very vaguely alluding to him being unable to cope etc.
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