Foods Consumed By The Healthiest People, Part 5: The Nicoya Peninsula


Apr 28, 2018
Being new to this forum, and having read this long, largely 2016 discussion on starch, longevity in Blue Zones etc, I find it perplexing that a bare reference to the added poisons that make certain starches toxic were given scarce discussion in the Costa Rica example. We know, for instance, that since the 1970's that USA corn and grain were seriously modified genetically. Doesn't anyone remember the media on places with starving children like Biafra, and the"We Are Going To Feed The World" campaign? and ever after, farmers forced to use the govt sanctified seed for millions of acres of wheat ? Then, the now banned in Europe Monsanto came in to help with the cost of processing, by plane spraying of glyphosate, aka RoundUP, to defoliate said grains. Bazillions of dollars saved in threshing: man hours, fuel, machine wear and tear etc. Grains laid in the fields overnight, sometimes longer,and mildewed or molded with the dew....bleached that wheat then to clean it up, and then the hippie generation sez We Don't Want Bleach, so they used another solvent, thus another choice: Unbleached. Meantime, the gooey, sticky glop that evolved was so devalued, the FDA sez well, its not really fit for human consumption, but if you ENRICH it....hence we now have a label that begins Enriched Flour, with Thiamine, Riboflavin,B-1, B-6 etc make it consumable. Not healthy, consumable. Does anyone really believe that industry spent $$for vitamin additions because they wanted Americans to become Rocket Scientists? Consequently and years after, we do see a documented rise in Diabetes, FAT AMERICA, and loads of people who think they are gluten intolerant, when quite likely they are all just poison intolerant. Equally as deplorable, the meat and dairy industry as subsidized by the govt., where milk cows live only 4 years instead of 25 because they are not on a grassy field allowing their 4 stomachs to process grass, but instead raped and caged to be attached to heavy milking machinery, all the while slurping a gruel of gmo fatty corn and water slush to stay alive. I imagine the end product of this industry to be rife with toxic terror hormones, blood, pus, all homogenized and pasteurized with "vitamin D" and a host of cosmetic fixes into a porous plastic container that I don't even want to think about putting in my body. (As a former Director in American Red Cross, I can state that literature for emergency water storage indicates Never, Ever to use plastic milk containers because of their porosity.) I see other threads talking about mold or mycotoxins that RayPeat warns about in certain foods, but are these topics Verboten to speak on? I thought the time and effort by the member revealing exactly what his diet looked like was thoughtful and gracious in its offering, especially listing his milk proteins as coming from goat products. Additionally, not one mention of the discovery and cultivation of Einkorn, the original "staff of life" wheat, which upon analysis was found to have the same chromosome count as humans, instead of the 44 modifications in current wheatology, is nearly gluten free, and extremely high in protein. This should give the ENTIRE discussion of starch pause. Or, the option of some northern cultivars in Montana which are left to defoliate with the first freeze, without such use of documented poison as glyphosate, and whose seed cannot be the same as gmo breadbasket America is eating to the detriment of health, intelligence and creativity. Is the Ray Peat Forum at risk for shutdown by Corporate powers for such discussion?


Sep 13, 2012
Being new to this forum, and having read this long, largely 2016 discussion on starch, longevity in Blue Zones etc, I find it perplexing that a bare reference to the added poisons that make certain starches toxic were given scarce discussion in the Costa Rica example. We know, for instance, that since the 1970's that USA corn and grain were seriously modified genetically. Doesn't anyone remember the media on places with starving children like Biafra, and the"We Are Going To Feed The World" campaign? and ever after, farmers forced to use the govt sanctified seed for millions of acres of wheat ? Then, the now banned in Europe Monsanto came in to help with the cost of processing, by plane spraying of glyphosate, aka RoundUP, to defoliate said grains. Bazillions of dollars saved in threshing: man hours, fuel, machine wear and tear etc. Grains laid in the fields overnight, sometimes longer,and mildewed or molded with the dew....bleached that wheat then to clean it up, and then the hippie generation sez We Don't Want Bleach, so they used another solvent, thus another choice: Unbleached. Meantime, the gooey, sticky glop that evolved was so devalued, the FDA sez well, its not really fit for human consumption, but if you ENRICH it....hence we now have a label that begins Enriched Flour, with Thiamine, Riboflavin,B-1, B-6 etc make it consumable. Not healthy, consumable. Does anyone really believe that industry spent $$for vitamin additions because they wanted Americans to become Rocket Scientists? Consequently and years after, we do see a documented rise in Diabetes, FAT AMERICA, and loads of people who think they are gluten intolerant, when quite likely they are all just poison intolerant. Equally as deplorable, the meat and dairy industry as subsidized by the govt., where milk cows live only 4 years instead of 25 because they are not on a grassy field allowing their 4 stomachs to process grass, but instead raped and caged to be attached to heavy milking machinery, all the while slurping a gruel of gmo fatty corn and water slush to stay alive. I imagine the end product of this industry to be rife with toxic terror hormones, blood, pus, all homogenized and pasteurized with "vitamin D" and a host of cosmetic fixes into a porous plastic container that I don't even want to think about putting in my body. (As a former Director in American Red Cross, I can state that literature for emergency water storage indicates Never, Ever to use plastic milk containers because of their porosity.) I see other threads talking about mold or mycotoxins that RayPeat warns about in certain foods, but are these topics Verboten to speak on? I thought the time and effort by the member revealing exactly what his diet looked like was thoughtful and gracious in its offering, especially listing his milk proteins as coming from goat products. Additionally, not one mention of the discovery and cultivation of Einkorn, the original "staff of life" wheat, which upon analysis was found to have the same chromosome count as humans, instead of the 44 modifications in current wheatology, is nearly gluten free, and extremely high in protein. This should give the ENTIRE discussion of starch pause. Or, the option of some northern cultivars in Montana which are left to defoliate with the first freeze, without such use of documented poison as glyphosate, and whose seed cannot be the same as gmo breadbasket America is eating to the detriment of health, intelligence and creativity. Is the Ray Peat Forum at risk for shutdown by Corporate powers for such discussion?
That's a pretty grim outlook. I mean we have generations of people who were fed formula instead of breastmilk and they are still reproducing. I know a few of them. Sure they are having health issues but reproduction takes a load of energy. Sometimes I wonder how? given the horrible quality of food they were raised on but then again I have hope that the human species is very resilient.


Oct 11, 2016
Being new to this forum, and having read this long, largely 2016 discussion on starch, longevity in Blue Zones etc, I find it perplexing that a bare reference to the added poisons that make certain starches toxic were given scarce discussion in the Costa Rica example. We know, for instance, that since the 1970's that USA corn and grain were seriously modified genetically. Doesn't anyone remember the media on places with starving children like Biafra, and the"We Are Going To Feed The World" campaign? and ever after, farmers forced to use the govt sanctified seed for millions of acres of wheat ? Then, the now banned in Europe Monsanto came in to help with the cost of processing, by plane spraying of glyphosate, aka RoundUP, to defoliate said grains. Bazillions of dollars saved in threshing: man hours, fuel, machine wear and tear etc. Grains laid in the fields overnight, sometimes longer,and mildewed or molded with the dew....bleached that wheat then to clean it up, and then the hippie generation sez We Don't Want Bleach, so they used another solvent, thus another choice: Unbleached. Meantime, the gooey, sticky glop that evolved was so devalued, the FDA sez well, its not really fit for human consumption, but if you ENRICH it....hence we now have a label that begins Enriched Flour, with Thiamine, Riboflavin,B-1, B-6 etc make it consumable. Not healthy, consumable. Does anyone really believe that industry spent $$for vitamin additions because they wanted Americans to become Rocket Scientists? Consequently and years after, we do see a documented rise in Diabetes, FAT AMERICA, and loads of people who think they are gluten intolerant, when quite likely they are all just poison intolerant. Equally as deplorable, the meat and dairy industry as subsidized by the govt., where milk cows live only 4 years instead of 25 because they are not on a grassy field allowing their 4 stomachs to process grass, but instead raped and caged to be attached to heavy milking machinery, all the while slurping a gruel of gmo fatty corn and water slush to stay alive. I imagine the end product of this industry to be rife with toxic terror hormones, blood, pus, all homogenized and pasteurized with "vitamin D" and a host of cosmetic fixes into a porous plastic container that I don't even want to think about putting in my body. (As a former Director in American Red Cross, I can state that literature for emergency water storage indicates Never, Ever to use plastic milk containers because of their porosity.) I see other threads talking about mold or mycotoxins that RayPeat warns about in certain foods, but are these topics Verboten to speak on? I thought the time and effort by the member revealing exactly what his diet looked like was thoughtful and gracious in its offering, especially listing his milk proteins as coming from goat products. Additionally, not one mention of the discovery and cultivation of Einkorn, the original "staff of life" wheat, which upon analysis was found to have the same chromosome count as humans, instead of the 44 modifications in current wheatology, is nearly gluten free, and extremely high in protein. This should give the ENTIRE discussion of starch pause. Or, the option of some northern cultivars in Montana which are left to defoliate with the first freeze, without such use of documented poison as glyphosate, and whose seed cannot be the same as gmo breadbasket America is eating to the detriment of health, intelligence and creativity. Is the Ray Peat Forum at risk for shutdown by Corporate powers for such discussion?

Generally true - but for different reasons, I would argue, akgrrrl. Same number of chromosomes in a certain type of wheat? If it is true, then I would say it is not the issue. These massive mono-crops - even if they were somehow genetically engineered as superior (which is not possible with today's bioengineering processes I would argue) - are inherently worse. All of these mono-crops are going to be less fit for eating than produce grown properly. Many smart people have argued that mono crops are less economical, actually. They seem cheaper for the customer temporarily and like more profit for the companies - but if the markets were working properly, then the companies would crash and the customers would start buying better nutrition per dollar from local farmers. The smart people who work in "big agra" are likely scared of this fact.


Apr 28, 2018
Generally true - but for different reasons, I would argue, akgrrrl. Same number of chromosomes in a certain type of wheat? If it is true, then I would say it is not the issue. These massive mono-crops - even if they were somehow genetically engineered as superior (which is not possible with today's bioengineering processes I would argue) - are inherently worse. All of these mono-crops are going to be less fit for eating than produce grown properly. Many smart people have argued that mono crops are less economical, actually. They seem cheaper for the customer temporarily and like more profit for the companies - but if the markets were working properly, then the companies would crash and the customers would start buying better nutrition per dollar from local farmers. The smart people who work in "big agra" are likely scared of this fact.

Thank you Waynish, you said more succinctly what I was attempting...that was a totally inaccurate sentence I concocted re: the chromosomes. Rather, it is " Einkorn is of the triticum genus..all wheat is a descendant of wild einkorn, and yet einkorn remains as the original diploid wheat, with only two sets of chromosomes, and the only one never to be hybridized. Emmer apeared about ten thousand yrs ago through the hybridization of wild einkorn and a wild grass, and is a tetraploid wheat with four sets of chromosomes...Spelt originated in the Near East about 5,000 yrs later through the hybridization of emmer and a wild goat grass, and is a hexaploid wheat with sex sets of chromosomes. During the Bronze Age, einkorn was slowly abandoned by farmers for higher yielding varieties...1960's found breeders creating new high-yielding varieties of wheat with hybrid seeds that would carry better traits for large-scale farming. While einkorn emmer and spelt grow with a protective layer that covers each grain, modern varieties of wheat grown without the outer husk, making them easier to mill into greater amounts of flour. However, the ancient grains' husks protect the inner seed from mycotoxins, spores of dangerous fungus that develop on exposed kernels...hybridization changed the size of the kernels. Modern wheat is 3 times the size of einkorn grains. Large seeds have a different ratio of bran, germ, and endosperm. Einkorn contains roughly 30% more protein than modern wheat, and more protein than any other grain while have 15% less starch, translating to fewer carbs..." Einkorn, Recipes For Nature's Original Wheat, Carla Bartolucci, Founder of Jovial Foods and Bionaturae


Apr 28, 2018
That's a pretty grim outlook. I mean we have generations of people who were fed formula instead of breastmilk and they are still reproducing. I know a few of them. Sure they are having health issues but reproduction takes a load of energy. Sometimes I wonder how? given the horrible quality of food they were raised on but then again I have hope that the human species is very resilient.

I agree Janelle, grim it is well posted and predicted now, that the current generation of Americans in their 20's will be the first to live shorter lives than their parents or grandparents.
I have had the privilege of teaching a rare group of men that do some of the toughest work on the planet for the State of Alaska Railroad the last 16 years. The schism between the generations is clear, when seasoned veterans refuse to work with those 20-somethings at the risk of losing their own jobs. Their reasons include but are not limited to: poor diet (blood sugar crashes, inattention (unsafe), combative response mechanisms, poor strength and reaction time) poor hygiene (strong body odor, bad teeth, sneezing and coughing without covering in close quarters, failure to handwash ever) poor social habits/skills (binge drinking the night before work, multiple "energy drinks"during shifts (unsafe), failure to communicate, poor work ethic). I never had a Health and Safety class stay on topic because issues between these generations are so polarized. Very challenging, indeed.
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