Long-lived Compilation Facts


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda

But to avoid broken links in the future:

pboy - Uncountable
Attributes his longevity to knowledge, power, wisdom, experience, money, beauty, women, cars, gambling and cigars.
Reportedly he was born "wisdoomed".

Jeanne Calment - 122 years, 164 days
Calment ascribed her longevity and relatively youthful appearance for her age to olive oil, which she said she poured on all her food and rubbed onto her skin, as well as a diet of port wine, and ate nearly one kilogram (2.2 lb) of chocolate every week.

Calment smoked from the age of 21 (1896) to 117 (1992), though according to an unspecified source, she smoked no more than two cigarettes per day.

Reportedly she had "a stomach like an ostrich's".

Sarah Knauss - 119 years, 97 days
Her passions were said to be watching golf on television; doing needlepoint; and nibbling on milk chocolate turtles, cashews, and potato chips.
Unlike Jeanne Calment, Mrs. Knauss had never smoked, but, as noted above, she shared Mme Calment's love of chocolate and all kinds of sweets, while, according to her great-granddaughter, she "hated vegetables." Even at the nursing home, she preferred to go directly to the dessert, leaving aside the chicken, potatoes and carrots.

Marie-Louise Meilleur - 117 years, 230 days
http://uk.askmen.com/sports/health_150/ ... z2Zbe3CdiE
she also never drank, never ate meat and partially attributed her longevity to salt.
She is claimed to be a vegetarian, although that may be not true.
http://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=2 ... 24,3892596
Meilleur doesn't drink or smoke, but follows no special diet, enjoying a wide variety of foods.[...]She kept pigs, cows, chickens and a large garden to provide a winter supply of canned vegetables and fruits.[...]"Some nights mother would go fishing with a friend and come back with a dozen fish"

María Capovilla - 116 years, 347 days
She never smoked or drank hard liquor.
She was a frail child who had to be raised outside the town by an aunt at a farm where she drank plenty of milk, both goat milk and donkey milk.
She never smoked or drank strong alcoholic drinks, "just one small glass of wine with lunch and not more".
She was always present at all family meals: for breakfast she drank co ee with warm milk and ate bread with cheese and jam; for lunch she liked lentils and chicken; in the afternoon she enjoyed something sweet, like cakes, jelly, and ice cream; and for supper she ate whatever the family was having. She could eat on her own if the food has been prepared. While we were there she ate a cake with ice cream on her own

Tane Ikai - 116 years, 175 days
no information on wikipedia, three meals of rice gruel a day according to other sources.

Besse Cooper - 116 years, 100 days
She reputedly attributed her longevity to "minding her own business" and avoiding junk food.
http://blog.aarp.org/2012/12/06/besse-c ... longevity/
Cooper’s son told Georgia Health News that while his mother ate lots of vegetables and generally avoided “junk food,” she occasionally had a few potato chips, as well as fried chicken and bacon-and-egg breakfasts, the sort of stuff that nutritional purists abhor.

Jiroemon Kimura - 116 years, 54 days
According to him, small portions of food were the key to a long and healthy life.
http://www.ibtimes.com/jiroemon-kimura- ... tos-555156
In honor of his birthday, Kimura divulged some of his secrets to a long life, which he says is attributed to eating small portions with meals three times a day of red bean cake and rice. For his last birthday, he dined on grilled fish, steamed rice and red beans, a Japanese tradition on special occasions.
http://retirementperfected.com/resource ... AID=411521
Kimura grew up farming in a fishing village and continued to work as a farmer up until he was 90.

He also gets served a regular breakfast of rice porridge and miso soup by his grandson's widow, Eiko Kimura.

http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2009/0 ... fE2cqw9W6M

Kimura said crisply he believes the key to his longevity is to eat healthy and in small portions.

“Not eating much without likes and dislikes,” he remarked.

Christian Mortensen - 115 years, 252 days
Mortensen enjoyed an occasional cigar and insisted that smoking in moderation was not unhealthy. Mortensen preferred a vegetarian diet.[4] He also drank boiled water.
On his 115th birthday Mortensen gave his advice for a long life: "Friends, a good cigar, drinking lots of good water, no alcohol, staying positive and lots of singing will keep you alive for a long time."
http://123annuityrates.co.uk/who-are-th ... time-1347/
Worked on a farm.

Charlotte Hughes - 115 years, 228 days
http://markforster.squarespace.com/blog ... -life.html
cooked breakfast of bacon and eggs (and brandy).

Edna Parker - 115 years, 220 days
raised eating a typical farm diet of meat and starch.
http://www.theiflife.com/edna-lived-to- ... loved-fat/
Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels commended the two women, who both grew up on small Indiana farms, became schoolteachers and ate a lot of meat and starch over the course of their exceptionally long lives. Parker especially enjoyed eggs, sausage, bacon and fried chicken.

Gertrude Baines - 115 years, 158 days
According to MSNBC.com, she enjoyed "simple pleasures" of eating a diet of bacon and eggs
http://www.nbcnews.com/id/32799091/ns/u ... n-dies-la/
Enjoyed steady diet of crispy bacon, fried chicken, ice cream

Emiliano Mercado del Toro - 115 years, 156 days
He credited his longevity to funche, a boiled corn, codfish and milk cream-like dish, which he ate every day as a habit.
According to another source, he used coconut milk in the funche. He avoided alcohol, but his favorite drink was coffee.

Misao Okawa - 115 years, 137 days

http://retirementperfected.com/resource ... AID=411521

She stated that her key to long life is eating whatever she feels like - pickled mackerel sushi is one of her favorites.

Maria de Jesus - 115 years, 114 days
For activities, Jesus enjoyed looking through her old family albums, sunbathing at her porch, eating Portuguese rice pudding and ice cream, as well as taking baths. Reportedly, she never smoked nor drank alcohol nor coffee. Jesus liked eating vegetables but avoided eating meat, though she did eat fish.

Susie Gibson - 115 years, 108 days
Susie Potts Gibson, 115; One of Oldest U.S. Women Attributed Longevity to Vinegar and Pickles

Augusta Holtz - 115 years, 79 days
no information possibly related to diet, except that her father owned a farm, so possibly typical farm food.

Hendrikje van Andel-Schipper - 115 years, 62 days
Hendrikje van Andel-Schipper had stated that the secret to her longevity was a serving of herring every day and drinking orange juice. She later jokingly added "breathing." On another occasion, she gave the following advice: "Don't smoke and don't drink too much alcohol. Just a small advocaat with cream on Sundays and holidays. And you must remain active."
(Advocaat or Advocaatenborrel is a traditional Dutch alcoholic beverage made from eggs, sugar and brandy.)


Before moving to the home, Van Andel-Schipper lived alone and made sure her diet was right. "She was a good cook," Beijering says, "and would take the time and effort to prepare healthy meals. She's very partial to the traditional Dutch raw herring."

Longevity didn't seem to be in the cards when Van Andel-Schipper was young, though. She was sickly and underweight as a child, and her parents were so concerned about her health that they kept her out of school; her father, the headmaster of the local primary school, taught her at home. Despite the shaky start, Van Andel-Schipper has enjoyed robust health ever since.

Maude Farris-Luse - 115 years, 56 days
Maude never smoked or drank. She would drop anything to fish. Great-granddaughter Cindy Coliver of Jackson remembered being taken aback to see Maude scaling bluegills in her living room. Home remedies were another eccentricity. Maud often was yellow from mustard rubs.

Marie Brémont - 115 years, 42 days
The same newspaper reported that she was a "gourmet" and fond of chocolate.

Chiyono Hasegawa - 115 years, 12 days
http://www.infoniac.com/offbeat-news/to ... world.html
An official at the care home mentioned that Hasegawa enjoys eating sweets and breads sopped in milk.

Eva Morris - 114 years, 360 days
Morris attributed her longevity to whisky and boiled onions. She was said by friends to enjoy the occasional cigarette and to have ridden a bicycle.

Maria Gomes Valentim - 114 years, 347 days
http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/w ... e-1.128056
Last month, Guinness said on its website that Valentim, who was known as "Grandma Quita," attributed her longevity to a healthy diet: eating a roll of bread every morning with coffee, fruit and the occasional milk with linseed.

Mary Josephine Ray - 114 years, 294 days
After watching baseball games, she often had cake and ice cream.

Neva Morris - 114 years, 246 days
"It didn’t hurt that she worked hard all her life and ate hearty and healthy meals prepared from meat, dairy products and vegetables produced on the farm."

Yone Minagawa - 114 years, 221 days
http://www.heraldsun.com.au/archive/new ... 1114178381
Despite her advanced age, Minagawa was said to enjoy eating sweets and counted eating well and getting a good night's sleep as the secrets of her longevity.
Her nursing home said Minagawa had celebrated becoming the world's oldest person earlier this year with a Western-style lunch of bread, stew, salad and a dessert.

Anna Eliza Williams - 114 years, 208 days
Williams attributed her longevity to "a life of idleness",[3] along with "being a non-smoker and eating lots of vegetables".

Walter Breuning - 114 years, 205 days
Breuning attributed much of his longevity to his diet. Shortly after his wife died, Breuning started eating out at restaurants. Eventually, he stopped eating out, but continued eating two meals a day. He ate a big breakfast and a hearty lunch but skipped an evening meal, snacking on fruit instead. Breuning drank lots of water through the day plus a cup and a half of coffee with breakfast and one cup with lunch.
http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/nat ... diet_N.htm
He gets up at 6:15 a.m. and has a big breakfast every day at 7:30 a.m. Usually it's eggs, toast or pancakes.
"I eat a lot of fruit every day."
Breuning remembers his family having a cow, pigs, chickens and a big garden when he was growing up, like most people did in those days.
"Everybody was poor years ago," he said. "When we were kids, we ate what was on the table. Crusts of bread or whatever it was. You ate what they put on your plate, and that's all you got," Breuning said.
Breuning celebrated his 113th birthday with not one, but two cakes, one chocolate and one vanilla. And for his birthday lunch he got his favorite: liver and onions.
http://123annuityrates.co.uk/who-are-th ... time-1347/
He was also a life long smoker, regularly enjoying cigars and only decided to quit smoking at 103 after claiming they had become ‘too expensive’. However it is claimed that Breuning restarted his smoking habit at 108 after being sent cigars as gifts from all across the globe.

Eunice Sanborn - 114 years, 195 days
Her favorite dishes are pinto beans and baked sweet potatoes

Grace Clawson - 114 years, 194 days
http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2002 ... -relatives
never smoked or drank but enjoyed a good cup of coffee

Yukichi Chuganji - 114 years, 189 days
http://123annuityrates.co.uk/who-are-th ... time-1347/
He enjoyed drinking milk each day and his favourite meal was a very healthy portion of boiled chicken and rice.

http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/mobile/uk_news/ ... 974345.stm

No booze for retired silkworm breeder Yukichi Chuganji, who lasted until the respectable age of 114 despite an aversion to vegetables. Meat and milk were on the list, but his favoured dish was boiled rice with pieces of chicken.

Adelina Domingues - 114 years, 183 days
Domingues ate beans and vegetables every day, and also avoided tobacco and alcohol.
For other sources it is "fresh fruits and vegetables"

Mitoyo Kawate - 114 years, 182 days
She was known for her fondness for custard.
(Custard is a variety of culinary preparations based on a cooked mixture of milk or cream and egg yolk.)

Charlotte Benkner - 114 years, 180 days
She also said her eating habits, which include rarely eating sugar or candy, also played a role in her longevity.

Ettie Mae Greene - 114 years, 171 days
In an interview in 1991, she claimed that her longevity was due to her "good, clean living" and a milkshake she drank every day.

Christina **** - 114 years, 148 days
"She still had an interest in her music and food, particularly chocolate cake, and all her family"

Joan Riudavets - 114 years, 81 days
He was on a Mediterranean diet, which included: olive oil, tomatoes, fish and bread.
http://123annuityrates.co.uk/who-are-th ... time-1347/
He enjoyed a typical Mediterranean diet of olive, fish and tomatoes but also quite interestingly liked nothing more than a glass of strong muscatel wine.[...]Perhaps his long life can also be explained by the fact he quit smoking when he was 33 in 1922.

Maggie Renfro - 114 years, 69 days
She also never drank nor smoked.

Leila Denmark - 114 years, 60 days
She believed that drinking cow's milk is harmful, and that children and adults should eat fruit instead of drinking fruit juices, and drink only water.
On her 100th birthday in 1998, she refused cake because there was too much sugar in it. When she refused cake again on her 103rd birthday, she explained to the restaurant's server that she had not had any food with sugar in it (other than natural sugar like fruit) in 70 years.
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/obituar ... nmark.html
Leila Denmark attributed her longevity to drinking only water, eating no refined sugars and including a protein and two vegetables with every meal.

Jeralean Talley - 114 years, 58 days
She bowled until she was 104, when her legs got too weak, but still goes on annual fishing trips with her friend Michael Kinloch and his son Tyler (who is also her Godson). In May 2013, at age 114, she caught 7 catfish.
Her favorite foods include potato salad, honey buns, McDonald’s chicken nuggets and Wendy’s chili. She says that she drinks coffee, not wine.

Florrie Baldwin - 114 years, 38 days
She credited her longevity to eating a fried egg sandwich every day.
Baldwin's daughter believes her mother's longevity was due to no drinking, no smoking and hard work.

Amy Hulmes - 114 years, 22 days
http://www.guardian.co.uk/unsolvedmyste ... 62,00.html
Amy Hulmes, who was Britain's oldest woman when she died in 2001 at the age of 114, claimed her secret was to drink four bottles of Guinness every night and take cold baths.

Susannah Mushatt Jones - 114 years, 14 days
http://www.examiner.com/article/114-yea ... -longevity
Never drinking alcoholic beverages, never smoking, diet consisting of ribs, chicken, lots of fruits and vegetables

Catherine Hagel - 114 years, 8 days
The ovo lacto vegetarian likes carrots and onions and lived on a vegetable farm. Aside from vegetables she enjoyed strawberries
From a less biased source, things look a bit different
http://archives.ecmpublishers.info/2008 ... her-death/
she spent the first 100 years living on a farm.[...]Alvin said his family would sell their eggs and milk for money.[...]That’s when Alvin had to explain her eyesight wasn’t too good, so in order to weed the carrots and onions, she’d need to get real close to see what she was doing. But, yes, she was just fine.[...]Aside from vegetables, Catherine also grew and sold strawberries at a roadside stand for extra cash.[...]Gulczinski said she still enjoys gardening, picking raspberries and just recently canned a bunch of tomatoes.
http://www.dahlheimer-bebeau.com/index_ ... age385.htm
"We grew up poor and didn't eat," laughs Al Hagel with a joking rationale.
She was known for picking berries and canning and pickling hundreds of jars of fruits and vegetables a year.
"Vegetable farm" is a nice way to put it, but they had cows and chicken, and she possibly ate them. She was likely not a vegetarian in the common sense of the word, although she could have been plant-based.

Marie-Thérèse Bardet - 114 years, 6 days
http://health.usnews.com/health-news/li ... est-people
Her son Leon (who is 90 years old) told Ouest-France.com that Bardet never smoked and that he can't remember her ever drinking anything other than water.

Bernice Madigan - 113 years, 357
An average breakfast for Madigan comprises a bowl of Wheaties, with banana slices on top and four miniature glazed doughnuts on the side.

Fred Hale - 113 years, 354 days
He often related the true story of his last successful deer hunt at age 100 in Missouri.
Hale credited his longevity and lack of arthritis to eating bee pollen and honey every day, along with the occasional nip of whiskey.

Elsie Thompson - 113 years, 350 days
Thompson, who resided in Clearwater, Florida, avoided meat outside of chicken and salmon, enjoyed coffee and cookies.

Bertha Fry - 113 years, 348 days
http://www.theiflife.com/edna-lived-to- ... loved-fat/
Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels commended the two women, who both grew up on small Indiana farms, became schoolteachers and ate a lot of meat and starch over the course of their exceptionally long lives.

Other people whose diet I was able to track down:

Soledad Mexia - 113 years, 343 days
http://www.ageangel.com/newsletter-supe ... arians.htm
Soledad Mexia turned 111 today and will celebrate with a special birthday cake and her entire family.[...]She lives with one of her daughters and still adheres to a healthy diet, starting each day with a protein drink. And while she doesn’t smoke, she has been known to relish an occasional sip of anise.

Daisey Bailey - 113 years, 342 days
She credited her longevity to always praying, loving, forgiving, and eating vegetables.

Evelyn Kozak - 113 years, 301 days
http://hamodia.com/2013/06/11/mrs-evely ... entury-ah/
She told a secular historian that the reason was that she walked five miles a day and kept away from fatty foods.

Mississippi Winn - 113 years, 289 days
cooked her own meals until the age of 103
Winn avoided dairy products, and took one vitamin and aspirin per day. Her favorite foods were fruits and vegetables.

Fannie Thomas - 113 years, 283 days
She attributed her long life to eating applesauce three times a day and never getting involved with men.

Marcelle Narbonne - 113 years, 282 days


She enjoyed poetry, a glass of champagne, and ate on her own.

http://supercentenarianstudy.blogspot.i ... e-112.html

According to GRG validator Martin Miet, Narbonne, during her birthday party, ate a large piece of strawberry cake and indulged in some champagne. She apparently loves to eat, and drinks a glass of muscatel every day.

Tomoji Tanabe - 113 years, 274 days

He credited total abstinence from alcohol and smoking as the secret to his longevity.

He ate vegetables and drank milk daily.

"I am happy. I eat a lot. I don't want to die yet."

A Miyakonojo official said: "His favorite food is fried shrimp, but we've heard that he's cut back on oily food. He said he wants to live for another 10 years, that he doesn't want to die."

Beatrice Farve - 113 years, 264 days
http://longevity.about.com/od/wholivesl ... person.htm
Her philosophy, according to her grandson, was “work hard and eat a good breakfast.” In her case, the breakfast consisted of fried bananas and bacon, daily.

John Ingram McMorran - 113 years, 250 days
According to some reports Mr McMorran liked nothing more than to drink, smoke and eat greasy food.[...]He also is quoted as saying that a regular cup and avoiding ‘cheap whiskey’ were also contributing factors.

Ella Schuler - 113 years, 244 days
Her family raised horses, milked cows, and grew corn and oats.

Emma Morano - 113 years, 231 days
she had never used drugs, eats three eggs a day, drinks a glass of homemade brandy, and savors a chocolate sometimes, but, above all, she thinks positive about the future.

Lucy d'Abreu - 113 years, 197 days

http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/mobile/uk_news/ ... 974345.stm

There's no shortage of volunteers happy to lay the secret of a long life on the odd tipple. Lucy d'Abreu, for instance, who passed away in Scotland aged 113, believed it was her "customary sun-downer of brandy and dry ginger ale" that helped her avoid an early death.

Germaine Haye - 113 years, 190 days

http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/200 ... 110-6130r/

Mrs. Haye was born Oct. 10, 1888, to parents who ran a butcher shop.

Daisy Adams - 113 years, 161 days

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Br ... aisy_Adams

Adams was a teetotaler and ate little.

Zelda McCague - 113 years, 131 days


The long-time resident of Beeton, 40 kilometres north of Toronto, once attributed her longevity to eating small meals and abstaining from alcohol and cigarettes.

Zelda Viola Strongman was born one of six children born in a log cabin on the family farm, near Alliston, Ontario. She was entitled to draw a pension in 1958, at the then-pensionable age of 70.

In 1907, she married local farmer William McCague. Together, they farmed for many years.

Leila Backman Shull - 113 years, 67 days
She was also known for her cooking, especially her biscuits and chicken.

Stella Nardari-Vecchiato - 113 years, 62 days
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_It ... -Vecchiato
Vecchiato enjoyed milk and coffee, chocolate, snacks and biscuits.

Henry Allingham - 113 years, 42 days


Allingham credited "cigarettes, whisky and wild, wild women – and a good sense of humour" for his longevity.

He also drank tea.

Cora Hansen - 113 years, 24 days


"she credited her longevity to good genes, regular walks and a lifestyle that avoided cigarettes and alcohol."

Antonio Todde - 112 years, 346 days
Born to a poor shepherd family in the medieval center of Tiana, Todde was the third of 12 children. He attended school for a year before following his father and their flock of sheep up the steep mountain paths to green pastures several days' walk away.
Todde's diet is based on pasta and soup. He has some pork or lamb each day and a glass-and-a-half of red wine. In the mornings he still crosses himself before washing and splashing on a little Azzaro aftershave, an Italian favorite.
Born in Sardinia, he lived on a Mediterranean diet.

Rebecca Hawson - 112 years, 338 days

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Br ... ca_Hewison

attributed her longevity to the occasional glass of lemon and port.

Moses Hardy - 112 years, 335 days or 113 years, 335 days
He recalled many strange experiences with food and drink, such as getting used to drinking green water from canteens and eating hardtacks, which he found to be surprisingly filling. To go with this, there was often little more than small tins of ham or chicken and occasionally coffee to drink and pudding or pie for dessert.
Hardy's longevity was also credited to a daily meal that consisted of cabbage, corn bread, butter milk, potatoes and Dr Pepper, and the fact that he never drank alcohol or smoked in his life.

John Evans - 112 years, 295 days
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Evans ... enarian%29
Evans repeatedly attributed his longevity to abstinence from smoking, drinking and swearing.
His daily routine always started with his favourite breakfast – a bowl of bran and a little honey in boiled water.
http://www.deseretnews.com/article/1438 ... tml?pg=all
The chipper Welshman, who lives with his 77-year-old son and his wife, told the BBC that much of his good health comes from a good diet with plenty of vegetables."But some part of it is taking hot water in the morning . . . (with) a small bit of honey. I've been doing that since I retired and that's going on 38 years (ago),"
"Honey is great," said Evans. "I get plenty of that on my birthday."

Anne Christopher - 112 years, 220 days
She once attributed her good health and long life to eating and sleeping well. "I never drank. I didn't smoke, either," she said.Then, her granddaughter Harriett Brock of Rome refreshed her memory.Don't you remember when you come to my house, I give you a glass of wine?" her granddaughter asked. Anne was reared on a tobacco farm, taught second grade, could easily wring a chicken's neck and pluck it clean for cooking and was a Clark Gable fan.

George Francis - 112 years, 204 days
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_su ... ge_Francis
He credited his longevity to nature, and enjoyed a rich diet of pork, eggs, milk and lard. He gave up smoking cigars at the age of 75.

Violet Wood - 112 years, 180 days


She drove a car until she was 80 years old, and worked on a farm all of her life.[1] She credited her longevity to eating toast and pickles.

John George Painter - 112 years, 162 days
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Paint ... enarian%29
John George Painter was born on a farm in Jackson County, Tennessee.

George Johnson - 112 years, 121 days
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Joh ... enarian%29
He attributed his longevity to clean living free from drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.[1] Obituaries made much of his rich diet, which consisted of toaster waffles and sausage[citation needed], but that was only in the final years of his life[citation needed], in part because he detested the Meals on Wheels food and in part because he had lost his sight and the sausage and waffles were easier to consume.
In the talk page:
George started smoking when he was 14 years old and quit at 70 years old. It was the thing to do back then. Him and his wife NEVER ate out. Up to five years ago my Mom use to prepare his meals until she moved to Florida. We then started him on a variety of diets. Frozen meals, meals on wheel for the elderly, etc. He did not have a long life because of sausage and waffles. His favorite breakfast was toast with boiled egg whites (No yoke). He would take a shot of brandy once in a while. Only alcoholic beverage I have known him to drink. He drank a lot of coffee with very little sugar and lots of whole milk. His diet only got bad a few years ago. His wife was very particular of the food they ate. I recall when my brothers and sister use to come home from school and Ida made sure we ate healthy.[...]And by the way, when he did eat out his favorite was steak and shrimp at Sizzler.

Emma Carroll - 112 years, 53 days
They had lived on a farm in Van Buren County, Iowa during the 1930s.

Edith 'Judy' Ingamells - 112 years, 48 days


A hearty breakfast of bacon and mushrooms, which she enjoyed up until a few years before her death, is also said to have been the secret to Ingamells' longevity success.

Annie Ellis Turnbull - 111 years, 347 days


She credited her longevity to hard work and a daily glass of sherry.

Walter Hamilton Seward - 111 years, 337 days
http://paperplatediaries.blogspot.it/20 ... -know.html
Marymae: “Since I’ve known him, everything has had gravy on it. The more butter, the better. And a double helping of dessert that must include strawberry ice cream.”
For those of you out there that think this justifies a decadent lifestyle, sorry to disappoint, but Walter Seward also exercised regularly and never drank alcohol. However he did take a rather unusual tonic. According to Marymae he mixed apple cider vinegar and honey as sort of a body cleanse.
http://cavemanforum.com/diet-and-nutrit ... centarian/
Certainly not to his diet, as she said he ate ice cream, cake, loved butter on his mashed potatoes, and had them with “lots of gravy” too.
“He ate veggies but he ate all of the fats and all of the sugars,” she said. “He was a meat and potatoes guy, absolutely.”

Eunice Bowman - 111 years, 327 days


"I have never drank alcohol or smoked. I have had a happy life"

http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/ne ... d-111.html

credited her health in later years to “a tipple of honey”

She worked in a fish and chip shop until well into her eighties and credited her long life to working hard and never drinking or smoking.

Maurice Noël Floquet - 111 years, 320 days


He was allowed one full glass of red wine every day — and champagne on special occasions.

Elsie Steele - 111 years, 285 days


When asked her secret to a long life, she credited hard work, avoid beer, and to not swear. She also said that she tries to concentrate on the "happy times".

http://www.burtonmail.co.uk/News/Tears- ... 5-days.htm

Elsie, who later married her second husband, Wallace, after Reg’s death, became known as ‘Mrs Eccles Cakes’ after her cakes and pastries became renowned as the best in the area.

Hermann Dörnemann - 111 years, 279 days


Dörnemann credited his longevity to drinking "a beer a day."

http://www.segacs.com/2004/drink-beer-a ... rcise.html

Avoid exercise and drink lots of beer.

Myrtle Jones - 111 years, 269 days
http://www.imakenews.com/connollyacura/ ... ?x=b11,0,w
Ms. Jones loved to bake and lived independently until the age of 109. Known as having a sharp memory and sense of humor, she did not smoke or drink. Myrtle advised, “An apple keeps the doctor away. An onion a day keeps the cold away.”

Jane Gray - 111 years, 232 days

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jane_Gray_ ... enarian%29

Her secret to longevity is simple, "eat plenty and don't drink booze or smoke".

Ernest Pusey - 111 years, 198 days
He enjoyed eating out at restaurants.
http://www.nytimes.com/2004/09/15/busin ... .html?_r=0
"As far as eating, I eat what I want," he said last week while preparing to tour a G.M. plant in Grand Blanc, Mich., near Flint, where his grandson Craig Pusey works. "Never smoked, never drank very much."

Annie Knight - 111 years, 174 days


Knight, who lived in three centuries, put her long life down to the Scottish staple of porridge, no alcohol (she had been teetotal all her life) and the occasional sweet.

Benjamin Harrison Holcomb - 111 years, 152 days
He put his longevity down to his ability to "weep freely", which he said stopped him ever getting stressed, and regular glasses of "good wine".
He celebrated his 111th birthday with an outdoor cookout and a wheelchair parade in his honor at the Carnegie Nursing Home.
In 1998, aged 109, he became the oldest known man to stalk and shoot a deer.

Emmeline Frances Brice - 111 years, 139 days


Brice attributed her longevity to good food and a glass of whisky each night.

Ada Mason - 111 years, 138 days


Mason outlived all five of her children and attributed her long life to eating bread dripping with salt every day, along with clean living.

Louisa Shephard - 111 years, 127 days

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Br ... a_Shephard

She attributed her longevity to "hot milk with a dash of whiskey each evening".

Shelby Harris - 111 years, 116 days
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... -life.html
Guests were treated to a banquet of his favourite foods: catfish, collard greens, hush puppies, coleslaw, corn-on-the-cob and sweet potato pie, Quad City reports.

Miriam Bannister - 111 years 21 days
She attributed her longevity to "simple foods, avoidance of overeating and abstinence from worry".

Margaret Ann Neve - 110 years, 321 days


She is not an abstainer, but takes a glass and a half of old sherry at her mid-day dinner, and a little weak whisky and water at supper. In diet she does not greatly restrict herself, but she has always objected to eating or drinking between the regular hours of meals, and even afternoon tea has been rigidly excluded from her household programme.

Alexander Imich - 110 years, 160 days
Imich practices calorie restriction and says that this is a part of the reason why he has lived so long.

Stanley Lucas - 110 years, 157 days


Instead, Lucas helped on the family farm during the First World War. Lucas married Ivy Nancekivell in 1926 and took over the family farm. Lucas was a breeder of Devon cattle and Devon longwool sheep and started a dairy farm in the early 1940s.

His daughter said "He has worked hard in his working life and was a teetotaller and non-smoker and since he has been elderly has been well cared for".

Lazare Ponticelli - 110 years, 96 days


His father sold livestock on the fairgrounds and occasionally worked as a carpenter and cobbler.[3] His mother cultivated the family's small plot of land and, like many women of the area, commuted three times a year to the Po Valley to work in its rice fields.[2] Despite the Ponticelli family's hard work, they were impoverished and the children often went to bed on an empty stomach.

Claude Stanley Choules - 110 years, 63 days

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/05/0 ... 57871.html

He usually told the curious that the secret to a long life was simply to "keep breathing." Sometimes, he chalked up his longevity to cod liver oil.

He was drawn to the water at an early age, fishing and swimming at the local brook.

He and Ethel bought a beach house south of Perth and spent the next 10 years cray-fishing, relishing the peaceful moments at the end of their days when they would have tea aboard their boat.

Even as he passed the century milestone, he remained remarkably healthy and active, and continued to dance until a few years ago. He liked to start each day with a bowl of porridge and occasionally indulged in his favorite treats: mango juice and chocolate.

Reg Dean - 110 years, 62 days


Dean was a vegetarian for thirty years. He attributed his vegetarianism, in addition to being lazy,[12] having good friends and a religion, and looking for the best in people, as the secret to his longevity.

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... India.html

But Britain’s oldest man – who turns 110 tomorrow – says his longevity isn’t entirely down to his strict vegetarian diet or his favourite tipple, gin.

Milly England - still living, 110 years

http://www.wickedlocal.com/bridgewater/ ... ong-at-110

does most of her own cooking

Job one is to make herself a cup of coffee, but just one. After that, she switches to tea. Raisin bread is another favorite, especially Trucchi’s brand. “More raisins” she explains zestfully.

A tour of England’s refrigerator isn’t what you’d expect, unless you think moderation is more likely the key to staying power than deprivation. There is half-and-half and butter, but also a fresh tomato, lots of vegetables and lean meat. There’s even a box of gourmet chocolates, but she never has more than one for dessert.

A tiny woman smartly dressed in a pink blouse, black cardigan and pearls, England was radiant as she presided over her birthday party at the Bridgewater senior center Her skin is remarkably unlined, her eyes sparkling, her laughter spontaneous.

When her cake arrived, she dipped her finger into the frosting and savored the flavor – and the moment.


Oct 30, 2015
Amazoniac said:
post 105832 ..ironically from justpaste.it

Hey my brazillian fellow...
Sometimes i read a post like this and really make me think: What if food really doesnt matter? What if is all about a state of mind or something else?

Thanks for this great post!
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Apr 9, 2015
I really enjoyed this post. I think it shows that not everyone is the same and different things can work for different people. I love how most of them just did what they wanted and didn't listen to anyone telling them this is right or wrong. I did notice that a lot of them ate mostly starch and bread seemed to make up a lot of diets of the poorer people on the list. Anyway, brilliant post in my opinion and makes me think even more about my own way of life and diet.


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
livrepensador said:
Amazoniac said:
post 105832 ..ironically from justpaste.it

Hey my brazillian fellow...
Sometimes i read a post like this and really make me think: What if food really doesnt matter? What if is all about a state of mind or something else?

Thanks for this great post!
Olá livrepensador,
I always suspected that those facts report what centenarians ate as treats, not the bulk of their diets. Perhaps the only commonality is that they seem wise in lowering stressors in whichever way works best for them..
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Oct 30, 2015
Amazoniac said:
post 115202
livrepensador said:
Amazoniac said:
post 105832 ..ironically from justpaste.it

Hey my brazillian fellow...
Sometimes i read a post like this and really make me think: What if food really doesnt matter? What if is all about a state of mind or something else?

Thanks for this great post!
Olá livrepensador,
I always suspected that those facts report what centenarians ate as treats, not the bulk of their diets. Perhaps the only commonality is that they seem wise in lowering stressors in whichever way works best for them..

I fully agree with you.
These days im starting to think really deep about this.... i remember when i was a child and i never have to control what i eat and always have been really lean (even eatin a lot of chocolote --> remember bolacha são luis?). In those days, my diet consists in cafe con leche for breakfast, some chocolate snack in the school and rice, beans and some meat for lunch. In the afternoon i drink a cup of whole milk with chocolate powder (toddy) and in the night i ate the same thing as the lunch. Before bed i always drink another cup of milk with chocolate powder. This is my diet for years and made me tall and lean. When i went to college the things start to going down and i gained some weight, especially around the mid section. Today im not overweight, but im really want to be lean again.
Im starting to think that what change was only my emotional relation with food: when i was a child i saw it like something "natural": eat when hungry. Now it seems to have a lot more things: eat in that time because bloodsugar, because i have to control my weight, eat some foods to achieve something, etc. Seems to me there a lot of feelings when im eating: especially the sense of duty (i have to eat this time of day or i have to eat these kinds of food to achieve that effect) and some fear and guilty when i eat what our society calls "unhealthy food" like chocolate cake.

Some random thoughts here... :D
Maybe i should only change the way i see and eat food. Not worrying about macros, about micros.
Maybe this will be my next experiment.
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Nov 26, 2013
I'm sorry but is there even one of these that remotely isn't in agreement with what Ray Peat says? Also chocolate seems to be the most powerful substance.


Oct 30, 2015
Such_Saturation said:
post 115230 I'm sorry but is there even one of these that remotely isn't in agreement with what Ray Peat says? Also chocolate seems to be the most powerful substance.

I never thought in that way SuchSaturation..... it really does make sense what you are saying...

But in my case when i was child it was not the optimum Ray diet:
- Moderates dosages of pufa (waffer and other chocolate snacks like cream biscuits made with vegetable oil) (not high ammounts but its far more then Peat suggests)
- Beans and rice was the bulk of the main meals (lunch and dinner).
- No gelatin at all at that time.
- Almost no cheese
- Some cold cuts in the afternoon (more pufa)

Thinking now, i notice something: when i left my parents house the biggest change i made was stopping eating milk :shock: Could be a point.

Im starting to think about all the PUFA thing and "data venia" im starting to disagree with Peat (especially because of various cultures who live by fish). Maybe the ratio between Satured and polyinsatured would be more important? I really like ice cream made here in Brasil (Chicabom) and 60 g of this ice cream (1 ball) have 2.5g of saturated fat and 2.5g of PUFA.

I know nothing. But i really like to think about eating guiltyless some PUFA foods (bacon, fish, sardines, etc.)
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Nov 26, 2013
It's all carbs, dairy, coffee, chocolate, vegetables...


Oct 5, 2014
livrepensador said:
Such_Saturation said:
post 115230 I'm sorry but is there even one of these that remotely isn't in agreement with what Ray Peat says? Also chocolate seems to be the most powerful substance.

I never thought in that way SuchSaturation..... it really does make sense what you are saying...

But in my case when i was child it was not the optimum Ray diet:
- Moderates dosages of pufa (waffer and other chocolate snacks like cream biscuits made with vegetable oil) (not high ammounts but its far more then Peat suggests)
- Beans and rice was the bulk of the main meals (lunch and dinner).
- No gelatin at all at that time.
- Almost no cheese
- Some cold cuts in the afternoon (more pufa)

Thinking now, i notice something: when i left my parents house the biggest change i made was stopping eating milk :shock: Could be a point.

Im starting to think about all the PUFA thing and "data venia" im starting to disagree with Peat (especially because of various cultures who live by fish). Maybe the ratio between Satured and polyinsatured would be more important? I really like ice cream made here in Brasil (Chicabom) and 60 g of this ice cream (1 ball) have 2.5g of saturated fat and 2.5g of PUFA.

I know nothing. But i really like to think about eating guiltyless some PUFA foods (bacon, fish, sardines, etc.)

If you like those foods, then eat them. For the love of god
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Oct 30, 2015
Makrosky said:
post 115295
livrepensador said:
Such_Saturation said:
post 115230 I'm sorry but is there even one of these that remotely isn't in agreement with what Ray Peat says? Also chocolate seems to be the most powerful substance.

I never thought in that way SuchSaturation..... it really does make sense what you are saying...

But in my case when i was child it was not the optimum Ray diet:
- Moderates dosages of pufa (waffer and other chocolate snacks like cream biscuits made with vegetable oil) (not high ammounts but its far more then Peat suggests)
- Beans and rice was the bulk of the main meals (lunch and dinner).
- No gelatin at all at that time.
- Almost no cheese
- Some cold cuts in the afternoon (more pufa)

Thinking now, i notice something: when i left my parents house the biggest change i made was stopping eating milk :shock: Could be a point.

Im starting to think about all the PUFA thing and "data venia" im starting to disagree with Peat (especially because of various cultures who live by fish). Maybe the ratio between Satured and polyinsatured would be more important? I really like ice cream made here in Brasil (Chicabom) and 60 g of this ice cream (1 ball) have 2.5g of saturated fat and 2.5g of PUFA.

I know nothing. But i really like to think about eating guiltyless some PUFA foods (bacon, fish, sardines, etc.)

If you like those foods, then eat them. For the love of god

:D :D :D :D :D :D :lol: :lol: :lol:
I did it 30 minutes ago!
I throw some oreos in a cup of milk chocolate! Drink the milk and after eat those wet oreos!
Its f**** delicious!
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Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
From here
Intermittent fasting (say, confining food to an 8-hour window each day) is a great way to implement calorie restriction. A practitioner is Walter Breuning of Great Falls, Montana:

So what does the world’s oldest man eat? The answer is not much, at least not too much.

Walter Breuning, who turned 113 on Monday, eats just two meals a day and has done so for the past 35 years.

“I think you should push back from the table when you’re still hungry,” Breuning said.

At 5 foot 8, (“I shrunk a little,” he admitted) and 125 pounds, Breuning limits himself to a big breakfast and lunch every day and no supper….

“You get in the habit of not eating at night, and you realize how good you feel. If you could just tell people not to eat so darn much.”…

And for his birthday lunch he got his favorite: liver and onions. [6]

I like that: liver and onions. Nutritious and fatty. [highlight=yellow]You don’t find supercentenarians eating cake on their birthdays![/highlight]

Amazoniac said:
post 105831 Walter Breuning - 114 years, 205 days
Breuning attributed much of his longevity to his diet. Shortly after his wife died, Breuning started eating out at restaurants. Eventually, he stopped eating out, but continued eating two meals a day. He ate a big breakfast and a hearty lunch but skipped an evening meal, snacking on fruit instead. Breuning drank lots of water through the day plus a cup and a half of coffee with breakfast and one cup with lunch.
http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/nat ... diet_N.htm
He gets up at 6:15 a.m. and has a big breakfast every day at 7:30 a.m. Usually it's eggs, toast or pancakes.
"I eat a lot of fruit every day."
Breuning remembers his family having a cow, pigs, chickens and a big garden when he was growing up, like most people did in those days.
"Everybody was poor years ago," he said. "When we were kids, we ate what was on the table. Crusts of bread or whatever it was. You ate what they put on your plate, and that's all you got," Breuning said.
[highlight=yellow]Breuning celebrated his 113th birthday with not one, but two cakes, one chocolate and one vanilla. And for his birthday lunch he got his favorite: liver and onions.[/highlight]
http://123annuityrates.co.uk/who-are-th ... time-1347/
He was also a life long smoker, regularly enjoying cigars and only decided to quit smoking at 103 after claiming they had become ‘too expensive’. However it is claimed that Breuning restarted his smoking habit at 108 after being sent cigars as gifts from all across the globe.

I like his diet though..
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