There Is Probably No Limit To Human Lifespan



Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I just meant a pun with Muslim + ov but I guess the bad pun was the reason for the name in the first place.

I'm not convinced most emperors or kings who had access to an abundance of foods fared well in terms of health. It would be interesting to know.

Oh, they fared quite well health-wise but had other unhealthy practices which trumped the effects of a better diet. Drug use of all sorts was rampant among the "elite" (as it is today), incest, dangerous religious rituals, internal squabbling and regicide from competing relatives, etc could all easily overpower the effects of a better diet.


Aug 28, 2012
Oh, they fared quite well health-wise but had other unhealthy practices which trumped the effects of a better diet. Drug use of all sorts was rampant among the "elite" (as it is today), incest, dangerous religious rituals, internal squabbling and regicide from competing relatives, etc could all easily overpower the effects of a better diet.

Yes the high iron content of the babies/children's blood consumed by the paedophilic inbred elite and royals probably adds to the list of lifetime shortening pursuits.


Oct 15, 2016
Yes the high iron content of the babies/children's blood consumed by the paedophilic inbred elite and royals probably adds to the list of lifetime shortening pursuits.

Bon appétit!

I hope Amazoniac doesn't call us Lords after that one.


Sep 20, 2015
capitalism would be great if someone tried it.

Anyway, gosh, this thread is supposed to be about lifespan, LOL.

How are people's tomato plants doing this summer? Anyone?
The "free market," left to itself, is criminogenic." -- James Galbraith. Aint nothin' truer than that. Just read in a book by Seymour Hersch that when he was young and trying to run his dead dad's business, the local venerable old rabbi called him over to give him a distillation of Jewish business wisdom: "F' the other guy before the other guy f's you." This is how private business works. F' the customer, especially, and f' the govt. in the A' every chance you get. Cheat, steal, poison, murder. That's how you get ahead. Dem's da facks of caplist life. None of which has anything to do with lifespan.
Nov 21, 2015
How are people's tomato plants doing this summer? Anyone?
The "free market," left to itself, is criminogenic." -- James Galbraith. Aint nothin' truer than that. Just read in a book by Seymour Hersch that when he was young and trying to run his dead dad's business, the local venerable old rabbi called him over to give him a distillation of Jewish business wisdom: "F' the other guy before the other guy f's you." This is how private business works. F' the customer, especially, and f' the govt. in the A' every chance you get. Cheat, steal, poison, murder. That's how you get ahead. Dem's da facks of caplist life. None of which has anything to do with lifespan.

okay I'm going to tie this into lifespan.

There are two business scenarios. One is the Prisoner's Dilemma, and without getting into that specific fact set, it's about doing business with the same customer again and again. The super market is a great example. They won't F a customer because they rely on that customer coming back again and again. If someone today Fs a customer, they are put on the social media and castigated.

It's ridiculous to think this is what business is like. Everything in our daily life belies it. I go to the market and have amazing amounts of appetizing food (if I look for it)...and so on and on...all delivered by invisible people organized into complex supply chains that I can't even fathom.

the second scenario is when you are selling your house. You will never see the buyer again, and you want to get as much as you can from them, and they from you. I try to stay away from those "one time" scenarios. eBay has done a good thing by building reputation into buying and selling online to avoid this problem of one time sales.

Now, lifespan: The truth is, that life span will be increased as there are free market rewards for increasing it. There will be entrepreneurs who discover elixirs of youth (used in its grandest most encompassing meaning) and these will be licensed and consumed by people who will live far longer than anyone has, ever.

Or, you can leave it to government and you'll have the NHS refusing to provide health care for people over X years of age. It's your choice. Ridiculous to believe that a government socialist monopoly on something is going to deliver better than the market does, but most people are very brainwashed by government-run schools and they simply do not know better. I am not trying to offend you, I see this every day.

Dr. Peat has incredibly terrible ideas about capitalism and that man's a genius, so great minds fall for this fallacy. Galbraith was basically a socialist so your quote from him doesn't exactly carry weight. Let's see you quote someone like Mises or Rothbard...


Dec 3, 2016
What about a change in consciousness? Rather than us imagining the way of the past, is it possible we can create a new feeling? The way my life has been, I’ve explored every avenue of the tangible; ie lived in cities, suburbs, low altitude, high altitude. And my mind is not where I want. Based on thoughts.

It’s very exiting to me to find some portal out of my thoughts. Buddha says “the end of suffering”, Krishnamurti saw it as “the awakening of intelligence”. If I could get there/here, I want to live and live and live. That’s what I want from my diet. To have stability and a clear vision. I wonder why people are looking outside, when for me it all needs to come from inside.

I don’t like the ego driven society. Even in forums, it’s a unique microcosm of society. And I am hoping that we all will say enough is enough. Sometimes I’m great being alone, sometimes not. I think this form of misery are my thoughts, past and future. I want to be old and happy! But I want to feel elated now in the present.


Jan 25, 2014
How are people's tomato plants doing this summer? Anyone?
The "free market," left to itself, is criminogenic." -- James Galbraith. Aint nothin' truer than that. Just read in a book by Seymour Hersch that when he was young and trying to run his dead dad's business, the local venerable old rabbi called him over to give him a distillation of Jewish business wisdom: "F' the other guy before the other guy f's you." This is how private business works. F' the customer, especially, and f' the govt. in the A' every chance you get. Cheat, steal, poison, murder. That's how you get ahead. Dem's da facks of caplist life. None of which has anything to do with lifespan.

James Galbraith is the Chairman of something called "Economists for Peace and Security," an international Non-Government Organization that works towards "freedom from fear" and "freedom from want" for all, and it United Nations registered and accredited. It's no wonder that Galbraith speaks against a free market, he has put himself in a position to be a market rigger.

As for Seymor Hersh, well, he was born in the USA in 1937, which would probably put him running his dad's business sometime in the 50's, 60's or 70's. As such, any advice given, if indeed accurate and from experience, did not reflect capitalist life, and certainly did not reflect anything resembling "free markets," but instead, a light fascism dominated by central bank control and heavy government regulation.


Sep 9, 2019
Throw him and family a prayer, read his history and you may find your answer on the wind. I can tell you, there are much better questions you can ask this man.
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