Feeling really depressed before and after COVID vaccine (Pfizer)


Lord Cola

agree, i'm being weak and submissive to the authorities but at the time being i can't afford not to go to university or not work.
It is a tough choice for many but it has to be resisted however possible.

Ray Peat has talked about ways one might be able to mitigate harm from the injections. With bioenergetic.life you can search the transcripts of his interviews.


Jun 10, 2020
agree, i'm being weak and submissive to the authorities but at the time being i can't afford not to go to university or not work.

Some people here just won’t get this. Sometimes there’s one crucial factor lacking, e.g. time, money, independence. It’s just not that easy. Makes me furious to read how people on here asking for help for themselves do give nothing but unnecessary judgments here.

I’d maybe eat a little more and put an emphasis on balancing blood sugar and keeping metabolism high and gut irritation low, whatever that means to you and how you can reach it, because everyone’s different. But I would maybe drop the NAC.
T3 could help you also, in tiny doses spread throughout the day.
Did you consider cyproheptadine?
Just hit the basics (food frequency, sleeping enough, stress and inflammation low, giving yourself time, positive self-talk) and give it time. I’m sure it’ll be better soon.


Feb 20, 2020
I really don't understand anyone who claims they are forced to take the vaccine. They are not holding you down and putting it in your arm. There's nothing that will make me take it; losing my job, losing access to normal activities etc etc. I'll find a way around it. A way to make money and or live. This farce cannot go on forever and the more people that take this vaccine the worse the vaccine mandates and vaccine passport controls are going to get.

I do hope your symptoms subside though OP.
thank you for your kind word!


Feb 20, 2020
Some people here just won’t get this. Sometimes there’s one crucial factor lacking, e.g. time, money, independence. It’s just not that easy. Makes me furious to read how people on here asking for help for themselves do give nothing but unnecessary judgments here.

I’d maybe eat a little more and put an emphasis on balancing blood sugar and keeping metabolism high and gut irritation low, whatever that means to you and how you can reach it, because everyone’s different. But I would maybe drop the NAC.
T3 could help you also, in tiny doses spread throughout the day.
Did you consider cyproheptadine?
Just hit the basics (food frequency, sleeping enough, stress and inflammation low, giving yourself time, positive self-talk) and give it time. I’m sure it’ll be better soon.
I've never used cyproheptadine, but I read a lot about it on the forum, I plan to test it eventually, I think this week. I have a bit of trepidation because of the possibility of increasing serotonin depending on the dose.


I've never used cyproheptadine, but I read a lot about it on the forum, I plan to test it eventually, I think this week. I have a bit of trepidation because of the possibility of increasing serotonin depending on the dose.
It could be that your serotonin is really low, in that case you could benefit from it.

Eggs, liver, cheese, ripe fruit, milk with coffe, rice, sometimes bread. Nothing that strays too far from what people on the forum usually eat.
In addition to turmeric, another spice from which I have been recently benefiting is allspice - freshly ground on top of my fruit. Very uplifting!

I always go through sublte routes (i.e., turmeric rather than curcumin) because if I take anything that would significantly raise serotonin, then I get a migraine and a painful stiff shoulder.


Aug 10, 2012
Eggs, liver, cheese, ripe fruit, milk with coffe, rice, sometimes bread. Nothing that strays too far from what people on the forum usually eat.
Yeah. It's always good to know what somebody views as a peaty sort of diet. Background info. You probably drink oj and know its importance. Anyway, I just remembered the thread, "Remedies and solutions..." Our old really smart member Nemo posted some help there.


Aug 10, 2014
Vitamin D and thyroid to escape depression. Up to 10,000 IU per day is safe for a short while, if you need that much. Some t3 or a combination t3&t4 pill.


Nov 2, 2019
my access to supplements in limited so i will stick to coffee and aspirin in the days near the injection and i will focus on activating AMPK and autophagy (by exercising, maybe eating a little less etc.) to detox spike proteins. I know it's nothing compared to your stack but it's something.

the vaccine passport is needed to do everything aside from buying food here in italy so i will have to bite the bullet to avoid having to be a neet
Something I learned here in America when you take the shot they ask you if you have taken a steroidal anti inflammatory like prednisone. They won't let you get the shot after taking prednisone within 2 weeks of the shot. Because prednisone will make the shot not work. Lots of people are taking prednisone before during and a week after the shot to stop their immune system from producing antibodies and spike proteins. If you can find someone who takes it already and is willing to share enough to get you through the first week of the shot that might be a big help. And you can order ivermectin and hcq from India which should get to you in 2 weeks and helps block spike proteins. I ordered mine through alldaychemist . I've been ordering from them for years now.


Jul 31, 2020
Something I learned here in America when you take the shot they ask you if you have taken a steroidal anti inflammatory like prednisone. They won't let you get the shot after taking prednisone within 2 weeks of the shot. Because prednisone will make the shot not work. Lots of people are taking prednisone before during and a week after the shot to stop their immune system from producing antibodies and spike proteins. If you can find someone who takes it already and is willing to share enough to get you through the first week of the shot that might be a big help. And you can order ivermectin and hcq from India which should get to you in 2 weeks and helps block spike proteins. I ordered mine through alldaychemist . I've been ordering from them for years now.
thank you for the valuable information


New Member
Dec 5, 2021
Hi, i was coerced into taking the COVID vaccine, without it i would be left to starve. I took the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine and days before taking it I was already feeling very depressed, and now that I've had it, it's even worse. I am taking aspirin (500mg everyday), methylene blue (1mg everyday, with taurine), taurine (about 2-3g, everyday), NAC (600mg before bed, everyday) and ivermectin (6mg every 15 days) . I really don't know what else to do to make myself feel better. From what I read on the forum, COVID has its inflammatory action as it inactivates the ACE2 enzyme, and Dr Peat recommends losartan to treat COVID. Would it be a good idea to take losartan as a way to prevent the inflammatory response that i will surely have for the rest of my life?
The depression is probably caused by the fact that you were coerced into doing something that you not only knew was going to be horrible for your health, but that you also did not want to do at all.

You are demoralized, because you are feeling just how much of an open-air prison this world is turning into.


Dec 1, 2020
Hi, i was coerced into taking the COVID vaccine, without it i would be left to starve. I took the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine and days before taking it I was already feeling very depressed, and now that I've had it, it's even worse. I am taking aspirin (500mg everyday), methylene blue (1mg everyday, with taurine), taurine (about 2-3g, everyday), NAC (600mg before bed, everyday) and ivermectin (6mg every 15 days) . I really don't know what else to do to make myself feel better. From what I read on the forum, COVID has its inflammatory action as it inactivates the ACE2 enzyme, and Dr Peat recommends losartan to treat COVID. Would it be a good idea to take losartan as a way to prevent the inflammatory response that i will surely have for the rest of my life?
I would increase the aspirin and take alot of vitamin k2 with it.


Dec 1, 2020
If the vaccine has the graphene oxide and other poison like documented in that spanish study, its going to be rough. If the inflammation stems from the spike, your stack will help.
If you do things correctly with diet and supplements, do you think the liver will succeed with the graphene oxide and other poisons?


The depression is probably caused by the fact that you were coerced into doing something that you not only knew was going to be horrible for your health, but that you also did not want to do at all.

You are demoralized, because you are feeling just how much of an open-air prison this world is turning into.
Nope, the inflammation from the vax really causes depression, I have seen it happening in many people in a higher or lower degree


Jan 26, 2020
If you do things correctly with diet and supplements, do you think the liver will succeed with the graphene oxide and other poisons?
The problem is, nobody really knows what happens with graphene oxide in the human body. There are some rat and fish studies that give some idea. For example in this rat study some of the injected GO sheets were excreted in urine. Unfortunately only 24h was observed.

"Our results showed that a significantly larger fraction of the thicker GO sheets (47.5% of injected dose) remained within the body of living animals 24 h after intravenous administration, residing mainly in the spleen and liver. The thinner GO sheets were predominantly (76.9% of injected dose) excreted through the glomerular filter into the urine"

Here they injected quite large doses intraperitoneally (should be similar to oral in humans)

"In the present work, GO was administered intraperitoneally to adult Wistar rats in four incremental doses, i.e., 0.0 mg/kg (control), 0.4 mg/kg (low dose), 2.0 mg/kg (mid-dose), and 10.0 mg/kg (high dose). After 15 repeated doses over a period of 30 days, biochemical assays for alanine transaminase (ALT), aspartate transaminase (AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), catalase (CAT), and malondialdehyde (MDA) were carried out. Histopathological and morphometric analyses of liver and kidney were also performed. Results demonstrated dose-dependent toxicity of GO. General behavior and liver indices remained unaffected in the study. Serum levels of ALT, ALP, and AST were altered significantly in high-dose treated animals. Changes were found insignificant in the low- and mid-dose groups.

These findings show that GO has considerable toxic potential to mammalian liver and thorough toxicity studies are needed before these nanosheets are used in biomedicine."

Here they tested on zebrafish, from embryo to fish. Mostly environmental exposure, as in polluted water.

"Two month old zebrafish were exposed to 1, 5, 10, and 50 mg/L GO for 14 days with a 50% static renewal of the medium every day (Chen et al. 2016). No obvious acute toxicity was observed; however, histological analysis indicated that in liver and intestine, cellular vacuolation, loose arrangement, histolysis, and disintegration of cellular boundaries occurred (Chen et al. 2016). Further analysis showed that enzyme activities related to oxidative stress such as superoxide dismutase and catalase (CAT) were increased that enhanced malondialdehyde (MDA) and decreased glutathione (GSH) content of liver after GO treatment (Table 2). Moreover, in the spleen, the transcription of proinflammatory cytokine genes such as tumor necrosis factor-α (tnf-α), interleukin-1β (il-1β), and interleukin-6 (il-6) were increased. Although any significant toxic effects of GO on zebrafish morphology were not observed, modulation of enzymes related to oxidative stress and inflammation suggested that GO has the potential to target biochemical pathways such as oxidative stress that induced immune-mediated toxicity.

Six months old adult zebrafish (both male and female) were exposed to sub-lethal concentrations (2, 10, and 20 mg/L) of GO (thickness 0.1 nm, average area 0.58 μm2) either for 24 or 72 h as short-term exposure (for apoptosis, necrosis, DNA damage and oxidative stress) or for 14 days for chronic assay (histopathology) (Souza et al. 2017) in fasting conditions. In short-term exposure, as a result of significant induction of ROS, the number of apoptotic and necrotic cells in gills were increased. However, no significant damage in blood cell DNA was observed. In chronic exposure, structural analysis of gills revealed injuries and necrosis, including a dilated marginal channel, lamellar fusion, clubbed tips, swollen mucocytes, epithelial lifting, and aneurysms. In liver, the lesions also appeared in hepatocytes with peripherally located nuclei; moreover, hepatocytes exhibited a non-uniform shape, picnotic nuclei, vacuole formation, cell rapture and necrosis (Table 2). The gut of the GO-exposed fish was filled with unidentified brown spots, probably the accumulation of GO in gut tissues, even though the fish were in fasting conditions during the entire period of exposure (14 days)."

Here is another on zebrafish Uptake and effects of graphene oxide nanomaterials alone and in combination with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in zebrafish


Graphene oxide showed a high capacity to sorb PAHs depending on their hydrophobicity.

Graphene oxide alone or with PAHs caused malformations in zebrafish embryos.

Adult and embryo zebrafish ingested graphene oxide.

Sublethal effects provoked by graphene oxide included neurotoxicity.

Graphene oxide with sorbed PAHs caused oxidative stress in the gills.

But honestly it feels a bit surreal if GO was in the vaccines, but in these times you can't expect anything. They are still DARPA developed...

Blue Water

Apr 26, 2020
my access to supplements in limited so i will stick to coffee and aspirin in the days near the injection and i will focus on activating AMPK and autophagy (by exercising, maybe eating a little less etc.) to detox spike proteins. I know it's nothing compared to your stack but it's something.

the vaccine passport is needed to do everything aside from buying food here in italy so i will have to bite the bullet to avoid having to be a neet
Soon they will make you take the mark of the beast just to eat. And that time it won't just be your health on earth you will lose, it will be your soul. So be careful man.

I have an Italian friend who had to move to Poland to escape. I understand the issue, it is not good, hold on. Prayers go out to you.

Blue Water

Apr 26, 2020
The problem is, nobody really knows what happens with graphene oxide in the human body. There are some rat and fish studies that give some idea. For example in this rat study some of the injected GO sheets were excreted in urine. Unfortunately only 24h was observed.

"Our results showed that a significantly larger fraction of the thicker GO sheets (47.5% of injected dose) remained within the body of living animals 24 h after intravenous administration, residing mainly in the spleen and liver. The thinner GO sheets were predominantly (76.9% of injected dose) excreted through the glomerular filter into the urine"

Here they injected quite large doses intraperitoneally (should be similar to oral in humans)

"In the present work, GO was administered intraperitoneally to adult Wistar rats in four incremental doses, i.e., 0.0 mg/kg (control), 0.4 mg/kg (low dose), 2.0 mg/kg (mid-dose), and 10.0 mg/kg (high dose). After 15 repeated doses over a period of 30 days, biochemical assays for alanine transaminase (ALT), aspartate transaminase (AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), catalase (CAT), and malondialdehyde (MDA) were carried out. Histopathological and morphometric analyses of liver and kidney were also performed. Results demonstrated dose-dependent toxicity of GO. General behavior and liver indices remained unaffected in the study. Serum levels of ALT, ALP, and AST were altered significantly in high-dose treated animals. Changes were found insignificant in the low- and mid-dose groups.

These findings show that GO has considerable toxic potential to mammalian liver and thorough toxicity studies are needed before these nanosheets are used in biomedicine."

Here they tested on zebrafish, from embryo to fish. Mostly environmental exposure, as in polluted water.

"Two month old zebrafish were exposed to 1, 5, 10, and 50 mg/L GO for 14 days with a 50% static renewal of the medium every day (Chen et al. 2016). No obvious acute toxicity was observed; however, histological analysis indicated that in liver and intestine, cellular vacuolation, loose arrangement, histolysis, and disintegration of cellular boundaries occurred (Chen et al. 2016). Further analysis showed that enzyme activities related to oxidative stress such as superoxide dismutase and catalase (CAT) were increased that enhanced malondialdehyde (MDA) and decreased glutathione (GSH) content of liver after GO treatment (Table 2). Moreover, in the spleen, the transcription of proinflammatory cytokine genes such as tumor necrosis factor-α (tnf-α), interleukin-1β (il-1β), and interleukin-6 (il-6) were increased. Although any significant toxic effects of GO on zebrafish morphology were not observed, modulation of enzymes related to oxidative stress and inflammation suggested that GO has the potential to target biochemical pathways such as oxidative stress that induced immune-mediated toxicity.

Six months old adult zebrafish (both male and female) were exposed to sub-lethal concentrations (2, 10, and 20 mg/L) of GO (thickness 0.1 nm, average area 0.58 μm2) either for 24 or 72 h as short-term exposure (for apoptosis, necrosis, DNA damage and oxidative stress) or for 14 days for chronic assay (histopathology) (Souza et al. 2017) in fasting conditions. In short-term exposure, as a result of significant induction of ROS, the number of apoptotic and necrotic cells in gills were increased. However, no significant damage in blood cell DNA was observed. In chronic exposure, structural analysis of gills revealed injuries and necrosis, including a dilated marginal channel, lamellar fusion, clubbed tips, swollen mucocytes, epithelial lifting, and aneurysms. In liver, the lesions also appeared in hepatocytes with peripherally located nuclei; moreover, hepatocytes exhibited a non-uniform shape, picnotic nuclei, vacuole formation, cell rapture and necrosis (Table 2). The gut of the GO-exposed fish was filled with unidentified brown spots, probably the accumulation of GO in gut tissues, even though the fish were in fasting conditions during the entire period of exposure (14 days)."

Here is another on zebrafish Uptake and effects of graphene oxide nanomaterials alone and in combination with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in zebrafish


Graphene oxide showed a high capacity to sorb PAHs depending on their hydrophobicity.

Graphene oxide alone or with PAHs caused malformations in zebrafish embryos.

Adult and embryo zebrafish ingested graphene oxide.

Sublethal effects provoked by graphene oxide included neurotoxicity.

Graphene oxide with sorbed PAHs caused oxidative stress in the gills.

But honestly it feels a bit surreal if GO was in the vaccines, but in these times you can't expect anything. They are still DARPA developed...
Someone on the forum said horse radish enzyme can get degrade GO. There was a study posted.


Jul 31, 2020
Soon they will make you take the mark of the beast just to eat. And that time it won't just be your health on earth you will lose, it will be your soul. So be careful man.

I have an Italian friend who had to move to Poland to escape. I understand the issue, it is not good, hold on. Prayers go out to you.
Thank you


Nov 12, 2021
Hey OP,
These would be my top 2, not just for vaxx detox, but for everything:
Grounding / earthing.
Sauna. Since you have a passport, you should be able to get access to a sauna if you don't have one at home :)

They discuss a lot of vaxx detox methods in this podcast:
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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