Don't Know How Much Longer I Have. Can't Take The Constant, Unrelenting, Unexplainable; Anguish



Nov 7, 2017
Hmm, to the people suggesting i might be hypo, how would that be possible when my tsh came back normal and I'm very lean. 6'2 178-180 pounds 21.3 bmi, If anything I'm underweight. Plus i got into the airforce when all of these symptpms were still present. Shouldn't they have seen it? Isn't massive weight gain a tale tale sign of hypo? Can i be missing one symptom and have all the others? My eyebrows are faded on the outer parts which is also a tale tale sign but my eyebrows have been like that since years ago, way before i felt like this. My body doesn't make any sense, idk what's going on.


Nov 7, 2017
True friends will not question your suffering. I went through the same thing for years. I wasn't in physical pain but felt sheer exhaustion almost every day and I would have people say "at least you don't have the pain that I suffer". As if that is any harder. I told them I'd trade for pain in a second! What is more bizarre, is that, there was not one doctor who figured it out and I went to many different ones over the years. Thankfully I found Lita Lee and in turn Ray Peat and turned my whole condition around. I am booming with energy and hardly stop from dawn til dusk and I'm now 60 years young and feel better than 20.
I hope i can reach that point one day


Nov 7, 2017
True friends will not question your suffering. I went through the same thing for years. I wasn't in physical pain but felt sheer exhaustion almost every day and I would have people say "at least you don't have the pain that I suffer". As if that is any harder. I told them I'd trade for pain in a second! What is more bizarre, is that, there was not one doctor who figured it out and I went to many different ones over the years. Thankfully I found Lita Lee and in turn Ray Peat and turned my whole condition around. I am booming with energy and hardly stop from dawn til dusk and I'm now 60 years young and feel better than 20.
Thwnks for your encouraging words


Nov 7, 2017
What makes this condition even more absurd is the fact that mt outside doesn't mirror how I'm feeling. Usually diseases show themselves on the ourside as in your appearance suffers in some way, there are some physical signs that you're suffering from something...muscle wasting, skin issues, just generally ungealthy look. not in my case, this makes it even more distressing


Nov 7, 2017
True friends will not question your suffering. I went through the same thing for years. I wasn't in physical pain but felt sheer exhaustion almost every day and I would have people say "at least you don't have the pain that I suffer". As if that is any harder. I told them I'd trade for pain in a second! What is more bizarre, is that, there was not one doctor who figured it out and I went to many different ones over the years. Thankfully I found Lita Lee and in turn Ray Peat and turned my whole condition around. I am booming with energy and hardly stop from dawn til dusk and I'm now 60 years young and feel better than 20.
At major steps would you reccomend?


Oct 17, 2016
Hmm, to the people suggesting i might be hypo, how would that be possible when my tsh came back normal and I'm very lean. 6'2 178-180 pounds 21.3 bmi, If anything I'm underweight. Plus i got into the airforce when all of these symptpms were still present. Shouldn't they have seen it? Isn't massive weight gain a tale tale sign of hypo? Can i be missing one symptom and have all the others? My eyebrows are faded on the outer parts which is also a tale tale sign but my eyebrows have been like that since years ago, way before i felt like this. My body doesn't make any sense, idk what's going on.

People who study the human body for their whole lives still don't always know whats going on, so don't worry that you don't.

The forum are asking for test results so they can analyse. Most doctors are just trained to look at standard number ranges and the TSH testing notorious for not telling the thyroid story. Your thyroid might work fine, but your liver might not be converting T4 to T3. Maybe it's more your pituitary glands, maybe it's your cells not working properly. You are young, so intense physical appearance symptoms may not manifest yet. Selena Gomez is pretty gorgeous but I think she just had to have a kidney transplant from "lupus" so physical appearance is not the be all and end all.

Docs are often taught to "diagnose" as symptom within standard parameters and treat with a symptom suppressor/drug. The point on this forum is often to look at the whole organism right down to cellular biology to figure out puzzling symptoms conventional medicine does not explain.

Hope you are going well today!You are still here! Try to remember that that is an amazing thing!


Jul 29, 2015

At major steps would you reccomend?
IBS is no joke.
You should check out some of Danny Roddy's videos and articles on character armor of illnesses. You may not have male pattern baldness, but the character armor (personality characteristics) of IBS and MPB is essentially the same. Defensiveness, depression, less emotional resiliency. It is a sign that things are not well. Ray Peat has some great interviews on YouTube that you should check out.
Has no one mentioned cyproheptadine? Anti-serotonin drugs seem to be a godsend for people with IBS.
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Oct 29, 2015
For me the first step was thyroid meds (Cynoplus from Mexico). I wasn't the typical hypothyroid person, very skinny and could never stay warm. Lab numbers were meaningless for getting my doctors to actually treat symptoms. I am not a number. So bringing what I needed in without a prescription proved very valuable. Once I could no longer get what I needed I had to find a doctor who would help. I took the empty bottles and a before and after brief explanation. I immediately got results and found a doctor who wasn't really that interested in my labs. Since then I have switched to a different doctor in the same clinic who is watching my labs to get the right dose of T4 and T3. I take both Synthroid and glandular (Erfa in Canada) The change has been like night and day. Just remember it will take a few months to feel substantially better. Yes as Dhair mentioned Cyproheptadine and I take 1 mg daily before bed and that stuff will rock your world.


Jun 16, 2015
You need a LOT more magnesium to fix the constipation, and probably a lot more vitamin B to not feel like crap. Are your knuckles chronically dry?


Nov 7, 2017
Hmm, I've been researching and tsh over 1.5 is considered hypo range. Tsh on my last test which was like 8 months ago was 3.1. I have like 70% if hypo symptoms, maybe I'm hypo... so maybe I'm deficient in iodine? I ordered magnesium Glycinate, vit k mk4, and vit d are any of those pro or anti thyroid? What suppliments should i try...


Nov 7, 2017
Hmm, I've been researching and tsh over 1.5 is considered hypo range. Tsh on my last test which was like 8 months ago was 3.1. I have like 70% of hypo symptoms, maybe I'm hypo... so maybe I'm deficient in iodine? I ordered magnesium Glycinate, vit k mk4, and vit d are any of those pro or anti thyroid? What suppliments should i try...


Nov 7, 2017
For me the first step was thyroid meds (Cynoplus from Mexico). I wasn't the typical hypothyroid person, very skinny and could never stay warm. Lab numbers were meaningless for getting my doctors to actually treat symptoms. I am not a number. So bringing what I needed in without a prescription proved very valuable. Once I could no longer get what I needed I had to find a doctor who would help. I took the empty bottles and a before and after brief explanation. I immediately got results and found a doctor who wasn't really that interested in my labs. Since then I have switched to a different doctor in the same clinic who is watching my labs to get the right dose of T4 and T3. I take both Synthroid and glandular (Erfa in Canada) The change has been like night and day. Just remember it will take a few months to feel substantially better. Yes as Dhair mentioned Cyproheptadine and I take 1 mg daily before bed and that stuff will rock your world.
Hmm shouldn't i try to correct any nuteitional deficiencies first


Nov 7, 2017
People who study the human body for their whole lives still don't always know whats going on, so don't worry that you don't.

The forum are asking for test results so they can analyse. Most doctors are just trained to look at standard number ranges and the TSH testing notorious for not telling the thyroid story. Your thyroid might work fine, but your liver might not be converting T4 to T3. Maybe it's more your pituitary glands, maybe it's your cells not working properly. You are young, so intense physical appearance symptoms may not manifest yet. Selena Gomez is pretty gorgeous but I think she just had to have a kidney transplant from "lupus" so physical appearance is not the be all and end all.

Docs are often taught to "diagnose" as symptom within standard parameters and treat with a symptom suppressor/drug. The point on this forum is often to look at the whole organism right down to cellular biology to figure out puzzling symptoms conventional medicine does not explain.

Hope you are going well today!You are still here! Try to remember that that is an amazing thing!
You make good points, i will try to get new bloid work posted. .aybe accutane screwed me on a cellular level


May 3, 2015
I asked: What is your daily diet like?

Very sporadic and inconsistent, haha...

Only like 1/3 of my eyebrows are left, any fix?

It sounds like your lack of discipline is affecting your health.

You should first work on a regular diet. Eg.

800 Calorie Breakfast
800 Calorie Lunch
800 Calorie Dinner

Why not start with a standard Peat diet and then vary from there. Eg.

Breakfast: 500ml OJ, 2 eggs scrambled with tomato, mixed herbs & spices, red pepper, 20g cheddar cheese
Lunch: 500ml OJ, 500g roast potatoes with 20g cheddar cheese topping
Dinner: smoothie comprising 500ml full cream milk, fruit from 700g bananas, 3 tablespoons honey
Supper: 1 raw grated carrot with salt, vinegar & olive oil

This should give you all the nutrients to combat your constipation & depression.

It should be inexpensive and easy to prepare at home, school or work.

Try it for a week with a view to doing something similar your whole life!

After a week you can try varying ingredients and quantities a little at a time. Listen to your body and do more of what feels healthy - calm with steady energy.
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Dec 21, 2014
@LambdaAlpha I've heard this story before, and if you don't have post-traumatic stress I'll eat my hat.

You'd be surprised what a wide variety of symptoms it can cause (due to the natural fluctuation of the autonomic nervous system being disrupted). The anxiety, panic, GERD, IBS, exhaustion... are very common.


Look into the work of Peter Levine. There's a lot of good stuff on Youtube.



Nov 7, 2017
I asked: What is your daily diet like?

It sounds like your lack of discipline is affecting your health.

You should first work on a regular diet. Eg.

800 Calorie Breakfast
800 Calorie Lunch
800 Calorie Dinner

Why not start with a standard Peat diet and then vary from there. Eg.

Breakfast: 500ml OJ, 2 eggs scrambled with tomato, mixed herbs & spices, red pepper, 20g cheddar cheese
Lunch: 500ml OJ, 500g roast potatoes with 20g cheddar cheese topping
Dinner: smoothie comprising 500ml full cream milk, fruit from 700g bananas, 3 tablespoons honey
Supper: 1 raw grated carrot with salt, vinegar & olive oil

This should give you all the nutrients to combat your constipation & depression.

It should be inexpensive and easy to prepare at home, school or work.

Try it for a week with a view to doing something similar your whole life!

After a week you can try varying ingredients and quantities a little at a time. Listen to your body and do more of what feels healthy - calm with steady energy.
Nah, definately not a lack of discipline. How dare you say that... More so a lack of knowledge and funds and energy. Making something like that everyday may seem easy to you but to me thats quite a momentous task. I eat over 2400 calories, on most days. I'm not going to keep stuffing myself when i already have discomfort from constipation. You understand? No matter what i eat, no matter how much or how little my stools come out in tiny balls. I have to fix the constipation first...


Nov 7, 2017
@LambdaAlpha I've heard this story before, and if you don't have post-traumatic stress I'll eat my hat.

You'd be surprised what a wide variety of symptoms it can cause (due to the natural fluctuation of the autonomic nervous system being disrupted). The anxiety, panic, GERD, IBS, exhaustion... are very common.


Look into the work of Peter Levine. There's a lot of good stuff on Youtube.

Interesting, i don't remember any trauma that i can thing of but alot of my symptoms are psychosomatic/mental now thatbi think of it. I developed extreme OCD, I wash my hands about 80 times a day after touching anything "i dont know where it's been" , it's like an automatic reaction a defense mechanism because of all of my symptoms, i think "what if it's some kind of chemical or contaminate that I've come in contact with that is causing this? Which causes my brain to go down several different possible scenarios and causes anxiety and ocd. I won't tpuch any chemicals unless i know thevexwct properyies etc, i won't leave any food/drin k unintended, even around people i should seemingly trust, in fear of being poisoned. A lot ofbtime i thought my father was poisoning me, then later i went to stsy with my mother and slowly thought she was poisoning me. My brain comes up with these scenarios as an aswer to my symptoms, it's like "doctors say you're perfectly healthy, someone's poisoning you! You've come into contact with some deadly chemical!" You have to wash your hands 200,000,000 times and turn the sink off with a paper towel or you'll die!" I was never like this before...never. either the physical issues are causing this extreme anxiety/ocd or the extreme anxiety ocd is causing the physical symptoms. Doctors just say i have anxiety and keep going. No way mere "anxiety" can make you feel like you're dying 24/7, no way.
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