Don't Know How Much Longer I Have. Can't Take The Constant, Unrelenting, Unexplainable; Anguish



Nov 7, 2017
Get extensive blood tests and post them. Also waking temps and pulse.
Haha, man I've gotten every blood test lnown to man, along with ct, mri, thydoid test, lyme test, etc only abnormal thing that came back was low vit d (dont remember to wjat extent). My temp was usually 96.0 average when i had my worse constipation and physical issues.


Nov 7, 2017
O wow I had the same exact thing as you for a while. Got bit by a brown recluse twice then went on insane antibiotics. I almost died twice through the journey and got serotonin syndrome and extreme endotoxin poisoning through the journey twice as well. Had the dizzy feeling as well but sometimes I would get extreme excitotoxicity to where I felt like my brain was melting. I even hallucinated before due to it. All those terrible symptoms are gone now but Im not 100 percent better yet, maybe 80 or 90. My advice is the following: colostrum and lots of it (10 grams a day is a good amount), vitamin k, D, and A. vitamin k is the most important of the fat solubles as it reduces the inflammation endotoxin causes. Vitamin A and D can cause issues when improperly dosed, avoid oral application too as your stomach cant handle much. Lots of tea and some coffee seems to help me. You have a leaky blood brain barrier as well and caffeine seems to help with that. Though be very observant with the caffeine as if you have too much lactic acid in your blood from it it could give you mild acidosis, as you probably have a lot of D lactic acid producing bacteria in your stomach. Also don't drink overly acidic coffee, make your own coffee with alkaline water. Start taking Align probiotic, it is one of the only ones that works but go easy on the probiotics at first, with your impaired immune system and leaky gut you can have bad reactions to too much bacteria, a condition akin to sepsis. Don't consume any sugar that is not from a fruit or raw honey. Fruits and honey can improve the microbiome, pure sugar will worsen it. Get plenty and I mean plenty of sun exposure. Wake up in the early morning and walk back inside when it gets dark. Find ways to work outside. Get good sleep, at first it will be impossible to sleep well due to your condition but do everything you can to have good sleep patterns, don't eat before bed too. Do a 24 hour fast once a week, it really jolts your immune system and helps improve gut microbiome. Prolonged periods of undereating is bad for this condition but short fasts are great. Gelatin and glutamate are iffy. They can help the gut repair but they can also cause glutamate toxity in the brain if you have a leaky blood brain barrier and worsen the condition. If you notice really bad head symptoms magnesium as an Epsom salt bath (don't take it orally) can help. Avoid weed, alcohol, nicotine, wheat and other grains, cheap meats, nightshades including potatoes, pill capsules and fillers, and too much protein, or at least pay attention to which protein sources aggrevate you. Try taking a bath and rubbing baking soda on your skin, if you feel better you probably are producing a lot of lactic acid which is causing the fatigue, this is all due to the gut microbiome though.
Don't worry about death, you can feel 10 times worse and not die...Though you might wish it to be so at that point.

Thanks for the reply, yeah i tried nexabiotic probiotic and it just further escelated the constipation. One of my most bothersome issues is the constipation. Hard to eat 3500 caloroes a day when it barely comes out. Just makes me feel even more crappy. Vit d was making me feel ok, then it started to make my sympto.s worse. Perhaps because no magnesium? I ordered Vit K 15mg mk4 (relentless improvement, vit d, and mag glycinate per your recommendations on my last thread.


Nov 7, 2017
I swear by Vitamin E succinate, vitamin C megadoses and niacinamide. Since taking them I feel almost perfect all the time and can take a lot of supps that would wreck me before like aminoacids. I know that it has not to be good for everyone but my experience have been great. Good luck.

Vit e destriys me, makes me feel asexual. I will try C a d Niacinamide


Nov 7, 2017
How many vaccinations did you get ? Aluminium and Mercury cause the exact symptoms you've described.They lead to brain short circuits and if indeed you have had these poisons you need a chelate and oxidative therapy. You should post more on this forum as all will do their best to advise you mate. Have you been exposed to any black molds as they can affect your sinus and lungs causing similar symptoms.
Gerd is help big time with apple cider vinegar in a little sterile water of just plain 4% hydrochloric acid in sterile water. You have to stop drinking tap water as it contains fluoride and chlorine both of which will amplify your bad feelings.

Alot, especially when i joined the Air Force, which i was seperated from do to some of the issues mentioned above.


Nov 7, 2017
Big picture: Get whatever support you can from family and friends. Being more connected = less despair + more help = more calmness = better judgment and problem-solving. And as sweetpeat said, make sure you're eating enough. If you're not, everything else is less likely to work.

Secondary stuff: If you haven't already, consider experimenting with cascara sagrada (constipation), salt (anxiety and general energy), famotidine (reflux).

Family only goes so far, it's hard when people think you're making symptoms up or over exaggerating. Considering i look completely fine. That's another thing, i thought appearance represents what's happening internaly. Guess not though. I will lool into your considerations. Constipation is sometimes my most debilitating symptom. I only get in like 1600 calories a day because of it. Don't want a bowel onstruction. Barely anything comes out.


Nov 7, 2017
Do you sleep well? This is the one of the first things I would fix. Try a one day "potato hack" of eating cold potatoes or reheated potatoes. Nip any sighing or yawning in the bud. Less is more when it comes to breathing. Not to say deep breathing is not beneficial, just as long as it is through the nose and followed by a longer pause after exhalation. I survived 40 years of sheer exhaustion and felt like dying many times. My problem was hypothyroidism not being diagnosed. As Ray has mentioned it takes about 4 years to deplete PUFA from your body as you carefully avoid it. This detox process can come with side effects that make you think your going in the wrong direction. You're not. Limiting yourself to potatoes only days can speed this process up. One day here and there is probably the best way. As for the constipation, I had very persistent constipation much like you and potatoes really cleaned that up and I'm not sure why. You could try a bit of cascara, using only the amount you need to keep things regular. You need to share more info about yourself, diet, habits.sleep issues and symptoms. Lot's of good advice above!
Hmm, yes, sleep is a huge issue for me. I wake up feeling just as tired and bleak as i did before i went to sleep. Got a sleep study, that was normal. Perhaps my gerd is causing sleep issues? Funny that you mention hypothyroid. That was THE first thing my doctors tested for, due to my symptoms. My thyroid tests came back perfectly normal my diet is bad, cant really afford a varied, dense, well thought our diet. Probably to constipated to eat it either...thank you for your suggestion. Will try the potatoes


Nov 7, 2017
To everyone suggesting i eat more, i try but my bowels don't move as they should and piling on more food on an already sluggish and underactive bowel makes me feel worse. I don't want a perforated bowel, anytime soon. Gotta try to fix this constipation, as it's one of my more debilitating symptoms.


Oct 17, 2016
Hmm, yes, sleep is a huge issue for me. I wake up feeling just as tired and bleak as i did before i went to sleep. Got a sleep study, that was normal. Perhaps my gerd is causing sleep issues? Funny that you mention hypothyroid. That was THE first thing my doctors tested for, due to my symptoms. My thyroid tests came back perfectly normal my diet is bad, cant really afford a varied, dense, well thought our diet. Probably to constipated to eat it either...thank you for your suggestion. Will try the potatoes

Go by your symptoms not blood tests for hypo, take morning temps, take after breakfast temps and afternoon temps. There will be guides all over this site on hypo symtoms. Constipation is horrible and probably a symptom as well. Perhaps don't eat more for a while, eat less volume but more calories. Honestly, I know the feeling of eating so much and you are just concrete and it's horrible. What if you ate butter and honey and jelly for a few days? Or just soups that are well cooked and pureed. Slow cooked gelatinous meats are helpful. Your diet doesn't have to be fancy or expensive. Follow danny roddy's instagram - he buys only a few things each week, whatever best quality he can find. Simple nutrition!

Also, I want to let you know - I had two young male friends go through this - They ended their lives. Please don't do this, please please. Suicide does not end the pain, it amplifies and it and sends to everyone you know. Who knows what is after this life, so hang on to this one for the weird, wonderful and chaotic thing that it is. I also wish, back then, that I knew what I know now! I experienced this following surgery a few years back, and last year after 6 months of insomnia - I know there are many people who have survived this and it is a beautiful thing to come out the other side and just enjoy life for what it is. There are so many physical reasons for feeling like this, please do not give up. Please!

I would really not go crazy on supplements either to start, and if you do stick to balanced vitamins i.e fat soluables (A, E D and K), Vitamin Bs and C. Hypnotherapy, massage, sunlight morning noon and evening, nutritious food, quitting your job and living by the sea, do anything you can. Life is short! Try and find someone to guide you/work with you through this health stuff, even if it's online consults. Write symptoms down, keep a diary of what you eat, any past health problems... Don't be overwhelmed by all this new information, take it slow, have faith in this community!

Many people have improved their health (physical and mental) using the basics here, but my main advice is use all this information as a template, don't hang your hopes on supplements or one "cure-all", know that your body wants to feel good and it will eventually with good nutrition and good environment.

You will feel better soon!


Sep 28, 2016
Thanks for the reply, yeah i tried nexabiotic probiotic and it just further escelated the constipation. One of my most bothersome issues is the constipation. Hard to eat 3500 caloroes a day when it barely comes out. Just makes me feel even more crappy. Vit d was making me feel ok, then it started to make my sympto.s worse. Perhaps because no magnesium? I ordered Vit K 15mg mk4 (relentless improvement, vit d, and mag glycinate per your recommendations on my last thread.
Yeah vitamin D will deplete your vitamin A, K and magnesium over time. If you take one you really have to take all of them. But even that is not full proof. The main thing I want to stress is sun exposure. It is so incredibly important for healing. Spend a full day outdoors and note the difference.
Last edited:


Nov 7, 2017
Can you take a deep breath with your diaphragm? Try taking a deep chest breath then a deep stomach breath then another in the middle where your diaphram is. The diaphragm breath is difficult or tight then you might have a hiatal hernia pressing on your vagus nerve making you feel miserable

I think i do have a hiatus hernia, i tried this test and others.
Yeah vitamin D will deplete your vitamin A, K and magnesium over time. If you take one you really have to take all of them. But even that is not full proof. The main thing I want to stress is sun exposure. It is so incredibly important for healing. Spend a full day outdoors and note the difference.

After accutane, i am very weary of Vitamin A (considering isotretinone is a form of A). I had slight depression/tiredness/lack of drive before tane but accutane put it into overdrive. Every effort feels overly momentous...


Sep 28, 2016
I think i do have a hiatus hernia, i tried this test and others.

After accutane, i am very weary of Vitamin A (considering isotretinone is a form of A). I had slight depression/tiredness/lack of drive before tane but accutane put it into overdrive. Every effort feels overly momentous...
O if you've had accutane you should definitely avoid supplementing vitamin A. I think a lot of accutane's negative effects are due to its anti-androgenic activities. Similar to FIN.


Nov 7, 2017
Go by your symptoms not blood tests for hypo, take morning temps, take after breakfast temps and afternoon temps. There will be guides all over this site on hypo symtoms. Constipation is horrible and probably a symptom as well. Perhaps don't eat more for a while, eat less volume but more calories. Honestly, I know the feeling of eating so much and you are just concrete and it's horrible. What if you ate butter and honey and jelly for a few days? Or just soups that are well cooked and pureed. Slow cooked gelatinous meats are helpful. Your diet doesn't have to be fancy or expensive. Follow danny roddy's instagram - he buys only a few things each week, whatever best quality he can find. Simple nutrition!

Also, I want to let you know - I had two young male friends go through this - They ended their lives. Please don't do this, please please. Suicide does not end the pain, it amplifies and it and sends to everyone you know. Who knows what is after this life, so hang on to this one for the weird, wonderful and chaotic thing that it is. I also wish, back then, that I knew what I know now! I experienced this following surgery a few years back, and last year after 6 months of insomnia - I know there are many people who have survived this and it is a beautiful thing to come out the other side and just enjoy life for what it is. There are so many physical reasons for feeling like this, please do not give up. Please!

I would really not go crazy on supplements either to start, and if you do stick to balanced vitamins i.e fat soluables (A, E D and K), Vitamin Bs and C. Hypnotherapy, massage, sunlight morning noon and evening, nutritious food, quitting your job and living by the sea, do anything you can. Life is short! Try and find someone to guide you/work with you through this health stuff, even if it's online consults. Write symptoms down, keep a diary of what you eat, any past health problems... Don't be overwhelmed by all this new information, take it slow, have faith in this community!

Many people have improved their health (physical and mental) using the basics here, but my main advice is use all this information as a template, don't hang your hopes on supplements or one "cure-all", know that your body wants to feel good and it will eventually with good nutrition and good environment.

You will feel better soon!

Thanks for this. Good advice, yeah i fluctuate from wantinh to shoot myself in the head to being "content" (fluctuates as my symptoms do). Idk, why my symptoms are present one minute and completely gone at other times. What would you stress as important to recovery?


Nov 7, 2017
Another thing that is overwhelming is not having a definitive diagnosis. I have no idea what is wrong with me. I think what if it's some rare disease that only .05% of the worlds population has. I'll never know...What if i just drop dead any second. Finding out what it is would be an EXTREME relief. It's not only the physical anguish but the mental and emotional anguish this "ailment" brings.


Sep 28, 2016
Thanks for this. Good advice, yeah i fluctuate from wantinh to shoot myself in the head to being "content" (fluctuates as my symptoms do). Idk, why my symptoms are present one minute and completely gone at other times. What would you stress as important to recovery?
Have you considered starting a very detailed journal recording literally everything you do (eat, activities, etc), might help find your triggers. Also all of your symptoms are consistent with many others who have IBS, it is just of the very bad variety.


Nov 7, 2017
Have you considered starting a very detailed journal recording literally everything you do (eat, activities, etc), might help find your triggers.
Haha honestly, yeah. Though i lack energy to do so. Just posting this thread took a lot.


Nov 7, 2017
O if you've had accutane you should definitely avoid supplementing vitamin A. I think a lot of accutane's negative effects are due to its anti-androgenic activities. Similar to FIN.

Yep, i will def get started on the vit k and d and magnesium. Once it arrives. Is 15mg of mk4 too much?


Oct 17, 2016
Thanks for this. Good advice, yeah i fluctuate from wantinh to shoot myself in the head to being "content" (fluctuates as my symptoms do). Idk, why my symptoms are present one minute and completely gone at other times. What would you stress as important to recovery?

You don't have a rare disease don't worry, you have total and complete burnout. You're running on empty, hence the wild fluctuations that seem random.

Main thing at this stage is to believe in the fact that you aren't going to die, try and sit through the feelings as you would sit through a bad movie - observe and note them and understand they are just feelings and they will pass. Like, you skin isn't rotting off and your teeth aren't falling out, you aren't physically dying. I'm not saying psychological stress isn't horrible, it is! But experiencing and also panicking about it only makes it worse. It's a difficult skill to learn but very helpful!

You are doing good already, reaching out for help, again be careful of fanatic people on the internet saying ONE THING WILL SOLVE EVERYTHING. Deep breathing in sunlight, hypnotherapy for the anxiety (honestly I did it a few times for overwhelming anxiety and it feels like taking Xanax without the side effects, PLUS it helped my extremely bad gut issues) and not eating crappy low nutrition foods is the best way to start. Do you have a phone? Can you get an app that tracks nutrition? Could be a good short term goal to track a few days of food and see what you are getting, then share on here for some advice. There is also free hypnotherapy on youtube.

Get a bit more energy back, get more stable, try some new things. Your results will be different to everyone elses.

Keep in mind over stimulation from computers and technology will also be unhelpful.
Dec 25, 2014
I think i do have a hiatus hernia, i tried this test and others.

Do the heel drop (google it) in the morning. Do it on stairs for better results. Do it early in the morning and try it with ur arms expanded as far as they can to open up ur diaphragm


Nov 28, 2014
To everyone suggesting i eat more, i try but my bowels don't move as they should and piling on more food on an already sluggish and underactive bowel makes me feel worse. I don't want a perforated bowel, anytime soon. Gotta try to fix this constipation, as it's one of my more debilitating symptoms.
Yeah, it's a vicious circle: you can't eat because you're constipated, and you're constipated because you're (possibly) undereating. I've been there, I can relate. When I get constipated, I move heaven and earth to resolve it because it starts a cascade of unpleasant issues.

When things are really bad, I resort to stool softeners. I don't know if they're Peat approved, but it's only for the short term, to soften things up so they can move along. Usually they work in a few hours. For maintenance, I've found cascara sagrada to be very helpful. You'll need to experiment with dosage to find what works for you.
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