". Doing It Every Day(soap) Is An "Endocrine Disrupter. "


Nov 20, 2012
Tennessee, USA
Good to know Peat isn't worried about the fluoride. My water is fluoridated and it's been a minor thought. Probably more so, it irritates the hell out of me that they do it. Grrr. :smack

I never got the deodorant thing, certainly never put any scented crap on myself. I always thought my faint BO was part of me, that it was natural for an animal to have a scent. A girlfriend once told me she liked the way I smelled, so I can't be too far wrong.

The only times I have gotten kind of stinky it was after eating excessive red meat and/or alcohol, and went away after a day or two. I wonder if BO is a function of gut health. Wouldn't be surprising.

I started the no soap no shampoo experiment a few weeks ago and it's been great. I thought my hair would get oily but it's been fine.

If you ever visit north Florida try and go to a state park with a natural spring that you can swim in. It's the most fabulous water, and you'll leave with no doubt that water alone can get you clean.
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Aug 28, 2012
Easiest solution, which I use myself, is take a pair of clippers and zero that hair. Easy. Same goes for body hair in 'those' areas. Less sweat and easier to wash with just plain water.
I think the chlorine is more of an issue in showers if you are having them hot. So a chlorine filter is a must to reduce the amount. Breathing in chloramine is definitely not a good idea for good health. I never take my showers hot for this reason.
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Mar 29, 2014
Apple cider vinegar works to some extent as a conditioner.

I've read of people making their own gel out of gelatine. I imagine it might not keep as long as a bought one, so you might need to make a fresh batch pretty regularly. Haven't tried it myself.

Baking soda is effective for cleaning, can be too drying for some people, and probably has the same endocrine disruption effects as even plain unadulterated soap on the skin. But may be better for some people than some of the shampoos around that have various other chemicals in them.


Mar 10, 2016
Water works well. If something is needed, baking soda works well especially for hair.
you're a dude, charlie, and haven't read the horror stories about "baking soda broke all my hair off". hehe! cocoa powder is much gentler, or corn / rice starch for a fat-free option!


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
you're a dude, charlie, and haven't read the horror stories about "baking soda broke all my hair off". hehe! cocoa powder is much gentler, or corn / rice starch for a fat-free option!
Thanks for the tips, I will try out the cocoa powder!
Nov 21, 2015
I don't wash with soap anymore. I have found a good deodorant though. A tiny amount of honey or similar syrup.


Mar 29, 2014


May 23, 2013
What about soap berries (soap nuts)?
Make the liquid and add it to 90deg hydrogenated coconut oil??


Mar 29, 2014


Jul 29, 2014
I have been using alcohol in a spray bottle as a "deodorant" for about 4 years now. It works well. I wash my hair and body with water, though I have short hair. My wife uses the baking soda and vinegar thing. Our daughter, who is just turning 3, has never had her hair washed with soap and she has beautiful hair. I do use soap on my hands after handling livestock or fixing the car or something.

People get really upset when we tell them we don't use soap, deodorant, shampoo, body wash, cologne, lotion, etc... They act like we're disgusting or breaking the law or something. We don't smell or anything so I don't see the point of both wasting money and putting toxic chemicals on my body. Meanwhile people who use all the stinky products smell awful in my opinion. My wife has this faint, very sexual smell to her and it's amazing (she'd kill me for saying this on a public forum lol). It's not pungent like bad body odour, it's delicate and feminine. Sort of hard to explain, but I love it and it sort of bothers me when she washes it away.

This whole subject is very interesting to me. I feel that eating healthy and being healthy sort of corrects all or a lot of the problems that we use these products to mask. I notice that when I have a project due (I am self employed) and I am behind on it and stressed I have to put alcohol on several times a day because I start smelling. Other times I can go countless days without using it or anything really and I have almost zero smell.

Anyway, sorry for boring ya'll.


Jul 17, 2016
I have been using alcohol in a spray bottle as a "deodorant" for about 4 years now. It works well. I wash my hair and body with water, though I have short hair. My wife uses the baking soda and vinegar thing. Our daughter, who is just turning 3, has never had her hair washed with soap and she has beautiful hair. I do use soap on my hands after handling livestock or fixing the car or something.

People get really upset when we tell them we don't use soap, deodorant, shampoo, body wash, cologne, lotion, etc... They act like we're disgusting or breaking the law or something. We don't smell or anything so I don't see the point of both wasting money and putting toxic chemicals on my body. Meanwhile people who use all the stinky products smell awful in my opinion. My wife has this faint, very sexual smell to her and it's amazing (she'd kill me for saying this on a public forum lol). It's not pungent like bad body odour, it's delicate and feminine. Sort of hard to explain, but I love it and it sort of bothers me when she washes it away.

This whole subject is very interesting to me. I feel that eating healthy and being healthy sort of corrects all or a lot of the problems that we use these products to mask. I notice that when I have a project due (I am self employed) and I am behind on it and stressed I have to put alcohol on several times a day because I start smelling. Other times I can go countless days without using it or anything really and I have almost zero smell.

Anyway, sorry for boring ya'll.


Feb 9, 2013
I have been using alcohol in a spray bottle as a "deodorant" for about 4 years now. It works well. I wash my hair and body with water, though I have short hair. My wife uses the baking soda and vinegar thing. Our daughter, who is just turning 3, has never had her hair washed with soap and she has beautiful hair. I do use soap on my hands after handling livestock or fixing the car or something.

People get really upset when we tell them we don't use soap, deodorant, shampoo, body wash, cologne, lotion, etc... They act like we're disgusting or breaking the law or something. We don't smell or anything so I don't see the point of both wasting money and putting toxic chemicals on my body. Meanwhile people who use all the stinky products smell awful in my opinion. My wife has this faint, very sexual smell to her and it's amazing (she'd kill me for saying this on a public forum lol). It's not pungent like bad body odour, it's delicate and feminine. Sort of hard to explain, but I love it and it sort of bothers me when she washes it away.

This whole subject is very interesting to me. I feel that eating healthy and being healthy sort of corrects all or a lot of the problems that we use these products to mask. I notice that when I have a project due (I am self employed) and I am behind on it and stressed I have to put alcohol on several times a day because I start smelling. Other times I can go countless days without using it or anything really and I have almost zero smell.

Anyway, sorry for boring ya'll.

Ha I love what you said about your wife! I agree, healthy people don't need the toxic perfumes and detergents... they smell gross to me. Although I haven't been able to stop washing my hair. I hate the feeling of dirty hair, and my hair is fine and straight so it looks bad after a couple days. I guess I'm not willing to go through the adjustment period right now to see if it gets used to not being washed!

I use a coconut oil and baking soda deodorant but sometimes I forget to wear it and don't smell at all. It is only when I am stressed or premenstrual I ever notice anything, and even then nothing terrible.

I think commercial deodorants and antiperspirants actually cause the odour that people use them for, because they alter your armpit bacteria.


Mar 10, 2016
So, how does one go about doing dishes? Is dish soap needed or will scrubbing hard remove the harmful germs?
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