Low Toxin Logs Attempting low vit A / low toxin lifestyle


Mar 26, 2014
Good luck with it. Are you doing any other interventions like niacin or collagen or the spray?
Yes I take a little niacin, not megadoses. A few scoops with a tiny generic scoop labelled "10-15mg"


Jan 12, 2021
@grapes sorry to hear. Are you doing any physical exercise or had existing injuries to your knees, or it just came out of nowhere?
Yes I do some sports, never have had an injury (on a knee) before, but got one a few months ago, which lasts. X-rays showed weak knee cartilage.


Jan 5, 2016
So I'm 3 days in on this and things seem to be going well.

I'm avoiding all high vitamin A foods, my vitamin A intake is about 3% RDA.
I'm having collagen with all 3 meals, about 7g at a time.
Oats in the morning to help get the A out, meat and rice for lunch and dinner.

- despite giving up coffee, my energy has been as good or better
- my knee pain feels potentially mildly better
- my skin seems to be clearing up a little
- bowels and bristol stool has been good
- libido seems to have increased a little

the above could be from other factors as well like eating more red meat (previously i was mostly having chicken, but ive been having much more lean beef mince on this), stopping the antibiotics. But either way, it seems positive. And either way, my digestion has improved - it was pretty hit and miss before this with the random foods i was eating. the oats, rice, beef and chicken all seem to go down well. i'll stick with the apple juice for now, i'm only having 1 or 1.5 cups a day generally and it has the pulp in - i like a "special" drink of some sort, more just a psychological comfort than always drinking plain water.

with my knees, it was hurting on both of them walking around. my left has the messed up cartilage injury shown on an MRI, so i don't expect that to heal and ill still most likely be going for a surgery for that. it has a clicking sound and certain things hurt it. if my general health improves i'll be happy - especially the cysts, dry eyes and general joint pain. I saw Grant wrote a blog post about how his temperature regulation improved avoiding vitamin A, thats been an issue for me for a long time. i'm either over heating or freezing.

I'll start niacin at a low dose too when it comes.
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Aug 29, 2020
The Rocky Mountains

I am sorry to hear about your knee pain. I have always tried my best to take care of mine, as my profession and hobbies aren't conducive to having bad ones.

I would check out Dr. Cobb's videos from ZHealth. Their methods for pain reduction and performance are great.

Also, look at Knees Over Toes Guy. You may have to sift a bit through his videos, but he has helped countless people with varying degrees of knee pain with his exercises. His personal story of what he overcame with his knee pain is pretty cool.

Definitely keep up with the collagen and get some red light going, as well.

My two cents.


Jan 5, 2016
thanks @UphillEndeavors , i plan on doing reverse sled pulls when my knee is sorted out to help prevent further damage and hopefully enable me to do sport again.


7 day update:

i have mostly stuck with the diet, maybe two meals in the past 7 days were a little dodgy when i was eating out, but certainty not high in vitamin A compared to baseline. I have also had 2 black coffees within this 7 days. doesn't seem like a major thing, so i am happy to include the occasional coffee. it is more my girlfriend likes to walk to the coffee shop sometimes in the mornings before work and so do i - some natural sunlight and movement can't be bad.

i had massive bowel movements yesterday and the day before. insanely big. however, it was still well formed in terms of a bristol stool. i was also more tired than usual these two days. today i feel like i have sharp mental clarity, more so than usual.

today i also started 100mg of niacin (the acid type recommended here). 100mg was the smallest dose I could see online

i've been reading more of Grant's blog

In terms of symptoms:
- no new cysts (these were coming only every 3 months or so)
- knee pain seems to have had an improvement, but far from perfect. if i were to say at the start the pain was a 7/10, its probably more like a 5/10 now and 8 months ago it was a 0/10 - didn't feel them at all.
- eyes remain dry. my skin was feeling more dry yesterday but doesn't feel dry today. eyes are potentially getting worse.
- my gut seems to have improved in a major way, digestion and bristol stool is going fantastic
- energy has been a little up and down, but i would say overall above baseline. as i write this, my mental clarity is very high

- continue low vit A diet
- i'm now having collagen (all 5 types) 3x a day with each meal
- 100mg niacin every day for the next week
- i will make the magnesium / potassium spray and start using that, just need to get the alcohol


Jan 5, 2016
Another small update:
- my dry eyes seem to be getting worse - is it possible that this is some sort of detox event, and that they will get worse before they get better?
- had 100mg nicotinic acid yesterday, didn't do anything for me. today i had 100mg nicotinic acid and chased it with an apple juice and BAM it was intense, almost took the afternoon off work. When i went to wash my hair i had a massive shed. What gives with that? I'm thinking maybe i'm better off with just some activated charcoal in the first week and then just doing the low vit A and collagen...


Apr 15, 2015
Another small update:
- my dry eyes seem to be getting worse - is it possible that this is some sort of detox event, and that they will get worse before they get better?
- had 100mg nicotinic acid yesterday, didn't do anything for me. today i had 100mg nicotinic acid and chased it with an apple juice and BAM it was intense, almost took the afternoon off work. When i went to wash my hair i had a massive shed. What gives with that? I'm thinking maybe i'm better off with just some activated charcoal in the first week and then just doing the low vit A and collagen...
Did you see the latest update from ggenereux ?

Niacin: Is it another bogus vitamin?



The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012


Aug 2, 2023
Did you know that foods are fortified with Niacinamide the toxic form of Niacin?
So we should all quit niacinamide, and find a clean Niacin instead? Have not followed this tread, but it makes me immediately think: "what about all the posted studies, regarding the benefits of Niacinamide?"


Jun 6, 2016
So we should all quit niacinamide, and find a clean Niacin instead? Have not followed this tread, but it makes me immediately think: "what about all the posted studies, regarding the benefits of Niacinamide?"

It's not like there aren't benefits. Hoffer treated schizophrenia and other problems like depression sucessfully with niacinamide. But it has some serious downsides compared to niacin. Niacin has benefits like boosting phase 2, instead of slowing down phase 1, supporting regeneration, not harming the liver, and supporting detox overall.

Did you see the latest update from ggenereux ?

Niacin: Is it another bogus vitamin?

He speculates that niacin in the form of nicotinic acid may help with dealing with retinoic acid.

I like his general attitude of questioning synthetic chemicals. No food should be fortified with anything. The idea of sodium bicarbonate as neutralizing retinoic acid is interesting.

His bread not only had niacinamide but also iron, ascorbic acid, thiamine and folic acid. Sadly, he doesn't even try to test his ideas on himself, for example by taking plain niacin and seeing what happens.

I assume by his limited diet he has made his body extremely sensitive to all kinds of things, as he is missing out on several important nutrients like potassium.

His approach of looking for downsides of chemicals and then defining them as generally toxic instead of healthy is not helpful. Everything in life comes with risks and potential downsides, depending on context.

If he would look into the history of niacin and pellagra, he would quickly realize that niacin is essential for life. Supplementing it is obviously optional, but a diet without niacin leads to disease.
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Aug 2, 2023
It's not like there aren't benefits. Hoffer treated schizophrenia and other problems like depression sucessfully with niacinamide. But it has some serious downsides compared to niacin. Niacin has benefits like boosting phase 2, instead of slowing down phase 1, supporting regeneration, not harming the liver, and supporting detox overall.

I like his general attitude of questioning synthetic chemicals. No food should be fortified with anything. The idea of sodium bicarbonate as neutralizing retinoic acid is interesting.

His bread not only had niacinamide but also iron, ascorbic acid, thiamine and folic acid. Sadly, he doesn't even try to test his ideas on himself, for example by taking plain niacin and seeing what happens.

I assume by his limited diet he has made his body extremely sensitive to all kinds of things, as he is missing out on several important nutrients like potassium.

His approach of looking for downsides of chemicals and then defining them as toxic instead of healthy is not helpful. Everything in life comes with risks and potential downsides, depending on context.

If he would look into the history of niacin and pellagra, he would quickly realize that niacin is essential for life.
Very well written.
Could niacin be better for concusion than niacinamide?


Aug 2, 2023
Yes, it's way better than niacinamide for this. The vasodilation and other effects make it neuroprotective.
Great thanks.
My girlfriend will be glad to hear this, she suffers from concussion.
Any prefered daily intake?
500 mg?


Aug 2, 2023
It's not like there aren't benefits. Hoffer treated schizophrenia and other problems like depression sucessfully with niacinamide. But it has some serious downsides compared to niacin. Niacin has benefits like boosting phase 2, instead of slowing down phase 1, supporting regeneration, not harming the liver, and supporting detox overall.

I like his general attitude of questioning synthetic chemicals. No food should be fortified with anything. The idea of sodium bicarbonate as neutralizing retinoic acid is interesting.

His bread not only had niacinamide but also iron, ascorbic acid, thiamine and folic acid. Sadly, he doesn't even try to test his ideas on himself, for example by taking plain niacin and seeing what happens.

I assume by his limited diet he has made his body extremely sensitive to all kinds of things, as he is missing out on several important nutrients like potassium.

His approach of looking for downsides of chemicals and then defining them as generally toxic instead of healthy is not helpful. Everything in life comes with risks and potential downsides, depending on context.

If he would look into the history of niacin and pellagra, he would quickly realize that niacin is essential for life. Supplementing it is obviously optional, but a diet without niacin leads to disease.
Fase 1 and fase 2, I dont even know about that....


Jun 6, 2016
My girlfriend will be glad to hear this, she suffers from concussion.
Any prefered daily intake?
500 mg?

The usual dose people start with to get pharmacological effects is 500mg three times per day.

You mean she has some kind of chronic concussion issue? CO2 baths and thiamin could also be helpful.


Aug 2, 2023
The usual dose people start with to get pharmacological effects is 500mg three times per day.

You mean she has some kind of chronic concussion issue? CO2 baths and thiamin could also be helpful.
Yes, she has issues.
Thanks, very useful.


Jan 5, 2016
Did you see the latest update from ggenereux ?

Niacin: Is it another bogus vitamin?

yes, and given that his strategy has worked for him i may just go with that. being the vain person that i am, i'd rather not lose my hair. and i work full time and can't afford massive dips in energy.

i emailed him and he sent me this: Tackling the Detox Setback - although he didn't think i was having a detox reaction so soon. but my eyes are very sensitive with their ongoing issues etc.

so i'll do something similar: drop the niacin and just have activated charcoal every 2nd or 3rd day as well as keeping up the oats. its not a race anyway.

i also had a thought: its getting colder in Australia and i've had some hot showers lately. i remember these drying out my skin a little, and im sure they could be drying out my eyes too. Also the increased energy i've had has probably put me on the computer reading and straining my eyes more. So it might not be vitamin A diet related. it was happening pre-niacin anyway. but i'm sure the hair shed was due to niacin.


Jun 6, 2016
yes, and given that his strategy has worked for him i may just go with that. being the vain person that i am, i'd rather not lose my hair. and i work full time and can't afford massive dips in energy.

The hair shedding sounds like a histamine reaction. The histamine release lessens within a couple days.

Also just a general note - one should never take a hot shower during the time of taking niacin. This makes the histamine reaction almost unbearable.
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EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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