Recovering "used up" cartilage ?


Jan 1, 2013
I'm adding organic silicium, in liquid form to ingest.

Incredibly effective.

If you can't afford it, use horsetail infusion: take the dried herb and cover it with water for 24 hours; bring it to slow boil for 40 minutes; let it cool and separate the leaves.

Store the pure tea in the fridge (no more than 1 week) and take half a glass in the morning each day. Do it for 1 week and then 1 week off. Repeat until joints get better.

Effects are almost miraculous, provided your joints aren't already completely destroyed, in which case the only thing that will work is local growth hormone injections (not Peaty, i know)


Jan 18, 2020
organic silicium
I presume you mean when one is deficient in silica? i understand that silica is co-factor of the joints?

Can you post what product you taking, please?

My current protocol is gelatine(building up the dosage slowly), type 2 collagen caps, hyaluronic acid caps - saw very good reviews so it has to be helping to lubricate the joints.
Last edited:


Jan 1, 2013
Silica is the building block for collagen fibers.

I've been using the organic silicium from Spain, who has used the original methods of Loic Le Ribault.

But since it was a bit pricey, i switched to horsetail infusions, and never looked back.


Jan 18, 2020
Silica is the building block for collagen fibers.

I've been using the organic silicium from Spain, who has used the original methods of Loic Le Ribault.

But since it was a bit pricey, i switched to horsetail infusions, and never looked back.
how about simple bamboo or horsetail supplement?

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
You could also try making high silica water, similar to Fiji water etc. Read Dennis Crouse's book, and check out his home formula for silica water, Silicade. This gives you the highest level of orthosilicic acid, OSA, of any product, for pennies.
You only need three ingredients along with water to make it, and once purchased, they will last for years, with normal water consumption.


Jan 1, 2013
how about simple bamboo or horsetail supplement?

Of course you can buy horsetail supplement (but why would you rather buy something you have access everywhere).

I've never tried bamboo; it's even richer in silica than horsetail.

One thing that is being discussed in the alternative community is that plant silica isn't always being absorbed similarly; in the spring, the silica in horsetail is under it's organic form the most, and later on in the summer-fall it's turning back into it's mineral form. So the spring form would be better absorbed and the older form would be more irritant to the kidneys. I think that Kervran even devised a special brand of silica from horsetail based on this principle.

Plus horsetail has many other compounds, one of them being being rich in Vit K.

I don't know how all this would apply to bamboo.


Aug 10, 2018
A very good way of making bioavailable silica water is to add a teaspoon of diatomaceous earth to a gallon of water and wait for it to settle and the water to turn transparent again. New water can be added continuously and the diatomaceous earth should keep giving up silica for a good while, several months at the very least.

Austin Resch

Oct 11, 2020
I have personally experienced significant improvements with knee pain. I injured my right knee playing soccer a few years back, and tried various supplements listed above without much improvement. The pain remained when putting the knee in deeper flexion. After implementing therapeutic movements, in less than a week the pain had decreased noticeably. After one month of doing these exercises/movements, the pain had significantly subsided and my ability to reach deeper knee flexion had greatly improved. At this point, I can now play soccer again and my knee feels great in all aspects (kicking, pivoting, deep knee over toes positions, hyperextension, jumping/landing on one leg, etc.).

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon
BioSil has over 48 hundred positive reviews at Amazon. Mostly beauty review but some for bone density,

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon
I have personally experienced significant improvements with knee pain. I injured my right knee playing soccer a few years back, and tried various supplements listed above without much improvement. The pain remained when putting the knee in deeper flexion. After implementing therapeutic movements, in less than a week the pain had decreased noticeably. After one month of doing these exercises/movements, the pain had significantly subsided and my ability to reach deeper knee flexion had greatly improved. At this point, I can now play soccer again and my knee feels great in all aspects (kicking, pivoting, deep knee over toes positions, hyperextension, jumping/landing on one leg, etc.).
I agree therapeutic movements are essential. This video was posted today on YouTube and has some great exercises.


Austin Resch

Oct 11, 2020
I agree therapeutic movements are essential. This video was posted today on YouTube and has some great exercises.


Thank you for sharing!

The movements I have experienced the most success with are based on progressing (pain-free) knee over toes positions, and other "functional" movements based on the knowledge of world renown strength and conditioning coach Charles Poliquin.

The video you shared shows exactly those movements, but at the "easiest" beginner progression which is great for when someone needs to start somewhere while their knees are in a lot of pain and cannot reach deep positions yet.


May 30, 2018
Three years ago I did 3 day dry fast once per month for 5 months to heal my leg. I had pain in both knees and one leg was stiff as a board. Dr. examined my knees and said it was "normal degeneration"? At 44 I could hardly walk and they wanted me to believe this was normal!

I took matter into my own hands. First I did water fast. Then I learned about dry fasting. After five months of dry fasting I could squat and jog and I lost weight. And even though I've gained the weight back (my lifestyle demands didn't allow me space to continue fasting and I am emotional eater, which I'm now intentionally working on) , my knees are still healed.


Jan 1, 2013
How much silicium should I supplement for getting joint health benefits?
As much as your kidneys lets you.
If you drink horsetail infusion you'll pee a lot (it's a natural diuretic)
Drink max 2 glasses a day
The improvements in the knee begin within 12 hours and builds up and add up over months.
My knees were wrecked in the winter but as soon as i started drinking the tea the improvements were incredible, to the point now i don't feel them at all anymore.
And now even my bad back has improved tremendously, but it took longer than the knees for the effects to manifest.


Jan 18, 2020
Not sure if it's the same kind of situation that might apply in your case, but I had saved this post from one forum member here who seemed to have good results with gelatin for a knee/cartilage issue: "After just afew days of upping it to 40g of gelatin per day, my left knee cartilage is almost back to 100% after years of bone on bone crunching/pain when climbing stairs, there is no more crunch and no more pain"

Their whole post:
"In terms of stats I am female, 39 and overweight since childhood and for the last couple of years had left knee joint bone on bone crunching that I only thought surgery could fix.

I have been using gelatin daily for over a month, I bought a bulk 1kg cheap brand of bovine gelatin, I was taking one heaped tablespoon (12-15g) in my hot cocoa before bed, the only benefit for the 1 month was my nails grew stronger (no more splitting/brittleness), and also with sleep, I would become immediately drowsy and drift off into a very deep sleep, the only problem was waking up was so difficult, I'd feel very groggy every morning and could barely hear my alarm. I almost gave up.

Then after doing more research just this week and landing on this forum (as of 4 days ago), I decided to up my intake to 40g a day, the first two days I got a massive migraine and almost quit but decided to push through as I wasn't sure if the migraine was from increase in gelatin or my PMS migraine.

So yesterday I went to the gym (I hadn't gone in a week), I was in shock, almost 5 years worth of daily bone on bone crunching in my left knee (I would experience pain/crunching when climbing stairs, elliptical, biking etc and I knew that only surgery would be able to solve it). After just 4 days at 40g daily gelatin (split 20g morning and 20g before bed), my knee is almost back to 100%, I almost couldn't believe it, in the past I would experience pain when doing squats and especially reverse lunges, I could never go beyond 2 sets due to pain, yesterday I did 4 sets easy!

The biggest test was climbing a flight of steps, I haven't been able to do that without my left knee crunching/pain again I was in shock, I climbed them just fine (with an ever so slight discomfort that was barely there, meaning with time I believe this should fix itself as well). I am still amazed and cannot believe the benefits in just afew days. Interestingly enough, at 40g a day (20g x 2 times a day), I do not have the grogginess feeling at night or in the morning, but I still get healthy deep sleep and able to wake up very fresh with no grogginess and able to jump out of bed with joint pains, inflammation whatsoever. I am so excited to continue at 40g daily and see what further benefits I may experience. (my initial reason for taking the gelatin was to see if it will help with regrowth of hair in my crown area as it has thinned out quite abit, so I'm still hopeful that things may change in that regard, if they do, i'll report).

(For the 40g daily gelatin I now instead make it in a jello form the night before and split it in two, to have a 20g worth slice in the morning and a 20g worth slice before bed.)

TL;DR: At 15g gelatin daily for a month, only saw improvement in nails. After just afew days of upping it to 40g of gelatin per day, my left knee cartilage is almost back to 100% after years of bone on bone crunching/pain when climbing stairs, there is no more crunch and no more pain. I am a gelatin convert for life."

That person had a follow up post after (same link as above):
"Just another quick update, today was my 2nd day at the gym (now after 5 days of gelatin), the one thing I gave up a long time ago was trying to do incline on the treadmill due to my left knee crunch/pain, I could only ever reach incline level 3 out of 15 because beyond that my knee would hurt. Today I decided to test it out and was able to reach incline level 15 with no knee crunch and no pain and was able to keep it up for 10mins. I am still amazed at what increasing gelatin intake to 40g has done in just afew days."
This could be due to the anti-inflammatory effect of gelatine, i know peeps and myself that it helps but once you stop effect fade. Still going to take it long-term with the hope it will replenish connective tissue over time


Jan 18, 2020
As much as your kidneys lets you.
If you drink horsetail infusion you'll pee a lot (it's a natural diuretic)
Drink max 2 glasses a day
The improvements in the knee begin within 12 hours and builds up and add up over months.
My knees were wrecked in the winter but as soon as i started drinking the tea the improvements were incredible, to the point now i don't feel them at all anymore.
And now even my bad back has improved tremendously, but it took longer than the knees for the effects to manifest.
did you ever stop taking it to see if the effect stays ?

did you notice changes in skin/wrinkles quality?

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
Consuming collagen does not necessarily build collagen. To optimize that, ascorbate sufficiency is the best bet. Vitamin C is debated quite frequently here, but the science is strong regarding the relationship between having high ascorbate levels and collagen synthesis:
Find a good pharma-grade C powder and get a few grams/day to help with that issue.


Jan 1, 2013
did you ever stop taking it to see if the effect stays ?

did you notice changes in skin/wrinkles quality?
It tends to stay after you stopped : but if you work out a lot you start to feel the knees again, but not as hard as before: taking more tea returns the knee to it's state before the workout

never noticed changes to wrinkles

but it noticeably increased my libido for 3 days when i first used it.


Jan 18, 2020
It tends to stay after you stopped : but if you work out a lot you start to feel the knees again, but not as hard as before: taking more tea returns the knee to it's state before the workout

never noticed changes to wrinkles

but it noticeably increased my libido for 3 days when i first used it.
Would you say that this will be better than horsetail infusion? i know you were using one of these products.

Amazon product ASIN B082Q6548NView:
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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