Why is nobody talking about the connection between gender dysphoria and estrogenic pollutants?


Mar 31, 2021
Ok, to be fair some people are talking about it, but not that many. I've heard haidut talking about it on the podcast with Danny Roddy a few times but outside of that, nobody's talking about it in the mainstream really. Shanna Swan mentioned it on a podcast once or twice.

The connection is obvious and the amount of steps you need to take and the information you need to know to draw the conclusion is so small. Only a couple of facts need to be accepted and understood.

- Estrogen mimicking compounds are increasingly common in our every day lives.
- Male testosterone has dropped more than 50% in 50 years. Sperm counts have started plummeting 2.6% per year since around 2000, up from 1% per year prior to that.
- Overall fertility rates are plummeting.
- Estrogen has a feminizing effect on men and a masculinizing effect on women.

Now, given those simple facts, all of which are easily proven, why are we surprised by the rise in gender dysphoria rates? Sure, some can be associated with social contagion, but just take a look at the people who are in favor of all the stupid LGBTQI++ stuff and sometimes themselves have gender dysphoria. They look like people with gender dysphoria. The females look more masculine and the males look more feminine. These aren't people who've been on puberty blockers or cross sex hormones a lot of the time either yet they look like they may have been.

That is because they have been, from all the estrogenic toxins in our environment.

It frustrates me that nobody is talking about this obvious cause and effect in the mainstream when it come to debates and discussions around this topic. We know the cause and we know the solution, stop consuming or having estrogenic pollutants in your environment as much as possible.

If we were able to prove this in more mainstream circles we might to start seeing real impact on the world in terms of fixing how depraved stuff has become. All of this social degradation we see is coming from this stuff at the root. It's a health crisis.


Apr 19, 2020
Ok, to be fair some people are talking about it, but not that many. I've heard haidut talking about it on the podcast with Danny Roddy a few times but outside of that, nobody's talking about it in the mainstream really. Shanna Swan mentioned it on a podcast once or twice.

The connection is obvious and the amount of steps you need to take and the information you need to know to draw the conclusion is so small. Only a couple of facts need to be accepted and understood.

- Estrogen mimicking compounds are increasingly common in our every day lives.
- Male testosterone has dropped more than 50% in 50 years. Sperm counts have started plummeting 2.6% per year since around 2000, up from 1% per year prior to that.
- Overall fertility rates are plummeting.
- Estrogen has a feminizing effect on men and a masculinizing effect on women.

Now, given those simple facts, all of which are easily proven, why are we surprised by the rise in gender dysphoria rates? Sure, some can be associated with social contagion, but just take a look at the people who are in favor of all the stupid LGBTQI++ stuff and sometimes themselves have gender dysphoria. They look like people with gender dysphoria. The females look more masculine and the males look more feminine. These aren't people who've been on puberty blockers or cross sex hormones a lot of the time either yet they look like they may have been.

That is because they have been, from all the estrogenic toxins in our environment.

It frustrates me that nobody is talking about this obvious cause and effect in the mainstream when it come to debates and discussions around this topic. We know the cause and we know the solution, stop consuming or having estrogenic pollutants in your environment as much as possible.

If we were able to prove this in more mainstream circles we might to start seeing real impact on the world in terms of fixing how depraved stuff has become. All of this social degradation we see is coming from this stuff at the root. It's a health crisis.
Many people have in various threads BobbyJ, discussed this issue. And hormonal effects of plastics, estrogen mimickers, etc. .

Great book called 'Our Stolen Future' I read in the mid 1990's was the first example of solid info being put out there. (I posted this several times in the last years on relevant threads). Not many readers of this book with super influential powers I guess - ie Nothing happened because of it.

Many, a great many of us here in Ray Peat land do know of this. But it is akin to standing naked in the streets shouting, "The Deep State killed JFK". Gets you nowhere. or 6 feet under. So choose wisely.

Not a small aspect of the 'whole enchilada' is modelling, whereby influential folks in the media/movies, etc., let's take men as an example, are slightly feminized, or Metrosexual as they used to coin it 20+ years ago, and then other Men behave kinda like them. Imitation is the highest form of flattery. Or, Monkey see, monkey do. As one of my very wise teachers said, "most people are spinal chord jerks". I did not want to believe him at first, and then over time, I observed and came to that conclusion. Most people are not thinking for themselves, and are just repeating.

We are being assaulted on many angles, this being one of them inside of the "Food Op". So, yes, it is an issue, but lots of items of Mega importance on the radar at this time, and not much personal energy/time to devote to making these issues become more mainstream. If you have the energy go for it.
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May 22, 2021
Makes sense to me. Endocrine disruptors. estrogenic substances were things Peat referenced often. It seems that RFK Jr has mentioned some research along these lines, but was slammed for it --again -- by mainstream media as another 'conspiracy theory.' He has a long history of knowledge and concern with environmental pollutants and suing manufacturers for negligence or for damage to persons. There's research out there. Perhaps if he gets in the White House the NIH will be trying to more fully answer some of these questions.

Meanwhile, here's was MSM says:

"CNN spoke to multiple experts who said there is no link between endocrine disruptors and children’s gender and sexuality."



Mar 31, 2021
Makes sense to me. Endocrine disruptors. estrogenic substances were things Peat referenced often. It seems that RFK Jr has mentioned some research along these lines, but was slammed for it --again -- by mainstream media as another 'conspiracy theory.' He has a long history of knowledge and concern with environmental pollutants and suing manufacturers for negligence or for damage to persons. There's research out there. Perhaps if he gets in the White House the NIH will be trying to more fully answer some of these questions.

Meanwhile, here's was MSM says:

"CNN spoke to multiple experts who said there is no link between endocrine disruptors and children’s gender and sexuality."

Ah, I recall RFK Jr talking about it at one point. He’s really on point it seems when it comes to a lot of health stuff. I really like him because of that. It’s part of his work at the CHD I guess.

I guess what’s so crazy to me is how none of this stuff to do with these chemicals is actually sticking, not on the right nor on the left. It’s like it requires this crossover of the health space and the political space and that crossover is not happening for some reason even though the relation to this political issue is so absurdly obvious.

We’ve gained a lot of ground in terms of seed oils and PUFAs being seen as bad, even sugar being unfairly demonized I think.

But then this estrogenic pollutant stuff has been around forever but none of it seems to really be sticking out as more of an issue in the health sphere. It always seems to be kind of an aside to the other stuff which is crazy to me.
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May 22, 2021
Ah, I recall RFK Jr talking about it at one point. He’s really on point it seems when it comes to a lot of health stuff. I really like him because of that. It’s part of his work at the CHD I guess.

I guess what’s so crazy to me is how none of this stuff to do with these chemicals is actually sticking, not on the right nor on the left. It’s like it requires this crossover of the health space and the political space and that crossover is not happening for some reason even though the relation to this political issue is so absurdly obvious.

We’ve gained a lot of ground in terms of seed oils and PUFAs being unfairly demonized, even sugar being unfairly demonized I think.

But then this estrogenic pollutant stuff has been around forever but none of it seems to really be sticking out as more of an issue in the health sphere. It always seems to be kind of an aside to the other stuff which is crazy to me.
It seems kind of obvious that there is some sort of correllation, but our health regulatory agencies are corrupted by the industries they regulate so they aren't really interested in researching this kind of stuff. I mean, I found Peat when I felt like I was damaged by the medical system, so I can see the regulatory failures there. This is just another one -- a big one -- that it doesn't pay to research unless you're really interested in the health of taxpayers rather than the profits of the industry. The failure is more than obvious, and they've got the media dismissing valid questions so the whole thing is corrupt. I think that's why Peat gained such a following. He was doing the natural scientific thing of answering questions. So much funding comes from the gov't now to the Universities, and they're in a pharmaceutical-solution paradigm. Eliminating the regulatory agency capture like RFK Jr wants to do is really the only way to change the mainstream IMO.

BTW, I hope you meant that saturated fats have been unfairly demonized, because I still avoid PUFA'a and seed oils like the plague :)
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Mar 31, 2021
It seems kind of obvious that there is some sort of correllation, but our health regulatory agencies are corrupted by the industries they regulate so they aren't really interested in researching this kind of stuff. I mean, I found Peat when I felt like I was damaged by the medical system, so I can see the regulatory failures there. This is just another one -- a big one -- that it doesn't pay to research unless you're really interested in the health of taxpayers rather than the profits of the industry. The failure is more than obvious, and they've got the media dismissing valid questions so the whole thing is corrupt. I think that's why Peat gained such a following. He was doing the natural scientific thing of answering questions. So much funding comes from the gov't now to the Universities, and they're in a pharmaceutical-solution paradigm. Eliminating the regulatory agency capture like RFK Jr wants to do is really the only way to change the mainstream IMO.

BTW, I hope you meant that saturated fats have been unfairly demonized, because I still avoid PUFA'a and seed oils like the plague :)
I agree for sure.

Also yeah, I mistyped in a rush. I meant PUFA and seed oils are bad and sugar is unfairly demonized. Edited the post for clarity :)


Mar 31, 2021
Many people have in various threads BobbyJ, discussed this issue. And hormonal effects of plastics, estrogen mimickers, etc. .

Great book called 'Our Stolen Future' I read in the mid 1990's was the first example of solid info being put out there. (I posted this several times in the last years on relevant threads). Not many readers of this book with super influential powers I guess - ie Nothing happened because of it.

Many, a great many of us here in Ray Peat land do know of this. But it is akin to standing naked in the streets shouting, "The Deep State killed JFK". Gets you nowhere. or 6 feet under. So choose wisely.

Not a small aspect of the 'whole enchilada' is modelling, whereby influential folks in the media/movies, etc., let's take men as an example, are slightly feminized, or Metrosexual as they used to coin it 20+ years ago, and then other Men behave kinda like them. Imitation is the highest form of flattery. Or, Monkey see, monkey do. As one of my very wise teachers said, "most people are spinal chord jerks". I did not want to believe him at first, and then over time, I observed and came to that conclusion. Most people are not thinking for themselves, and are just repeating.

We are being assaulted on many angles, this being one of them inside of the "Food Op". So, yes, it is an issue, but lots of items of Mega importance on the radar at this time, and not much personal energy/time to devote to making these issues become more mainstream. If you have the energy go for it.
Maybe I’m just an optimist but I don’t think it’s an intentional conspiracy of some sort. I think that this stuff happened by accident and then people became more and more unhealthy as time went on and it’s like we’re entering a state of zombification, or maybe more akin to the movie Idiocracy.

It’s like where we’re basically chemically castrating ourselves both physically and in terms of mental cognition but the problem is that once we as a collection of people become below a certain threshold of intelligence, there’s basically no way to solve it anymore. The intelligence to actually even recognize the issue ceases to exist anymore.

If we have a society where like 90% of the people are too brain damaged from toxic environments to be able to actually even determine that something is wrong with them, we’ve basically screwed ourselves.

The worst part is it appears as though the mental crippling happens in the form of autistic attitudes and behaviors, where the person is under the illusion that they’re highly intelligent because they’re good at STEM but are completely unaware of how this condition of the mind is actually affecting their ability to think of the world in a more realistic manner. They stay stuck in some kind of autistic, neurotic, repetitive reality of their own, but are clueless as to the fact that there’s anything wrong, in fact the opposite, arrogant about how correct they are and how anyone else must be wrong; see vaccination defenders.

I’m not quite sure how to describe what I’m thinking about. I envision a world where we get progressively more autistic and end up with more and more of a dystopian drug fueled hell where we aren’t even aware there’s something wrong anymore because now it’s all normal and our minds are crippled with PUFAs and estrogenic compounds, etc.


Apr 19, 2020
The intelligence to actually even recognize the issue ceases to exist anymore.
The Intel has already left the building. And yes, there is a devious design behind the food/medical/chemical industry. That's why in part so many people are unhealthy AND the basic western model to fix people, medically and pharmaceutically, not only is expensive, but doesn't work and leads to more medicines. That's why this site exists. It is actually difficult to find healthy food of any type for many people around the globe. Over.


Jan 6, 2019
But then this estrogenic pollutant stuff has been around forever but none of it seems to really be sticking out as more of an issue in the health sphere. It always seems to be kind of an aside to the other stuff which is crazy to me.
I think it's because pollutants are a too abstract concept. PUFA avoidance is easy to comprehend because you quickly learn exactly which foods have it. And you only have to concern yourself with food items. But pollutants? What exactly are they? Where exactly do they come from? Are they in the air? In the water? Clothes, furniture packaging, gadgets, hygiene items? Well, they are everywhere and we hardly even know their names. We don't know how to completely avoid them. We just know that they are bad for us. It's not a very empowering message, hence it is no surpise that it'd not spreading.


Mar 31, 2021
I think it's because pollutants are a too abstract concept. PUFA avoidance is easy to comprehend because you quickly learn exactly which foods have it. And you only have to concern yourself with food items. But pollutants? What exactly are they? Where exactly do they come from? Are they in the air? In the water? Clothes, furniture packaging, gadgets, hygiene items? Well, they are everywhere and we hardly even know their names. We don't know how to completely avoid them. We just know that they are bad for us. It's not a very empowering message, hence it is no surpise that it'd not spreading.
I think that makes some sense. I guess also it's a lot more anxiety inducing that there's invisible nasty compounds everywhere and it requires a lot more change in your life to be able to fix it. It's easier to focus on one thing like changing your diet. Whereas when you learn this it's like, oh ok, so now I have to change all my clothes, stop using fragrances, change my soaps, shampoos, avoid using plastics everywhere, change my bed sheets, my carpet, my rug, my sofa, etc. I guess it's a very intimidating concept to tackle early on since it's so extreme it feels like it's an insurmountable issue to tackle so most people prefer not to think too much about it.


Jun 26, 2017
Endocrine disruption reduces overall fertility. They don't want anyone to STOP the endocrine disruption - that is why although many people agree that it is a big factor, no mass media will speak about it.


Mar 26, 2014
They are talking about it. They're just saying gender dysphoria, is stunning, brave, and to be applauded. Therefore whatever "causes" it is irrelevant. It's beautiful, you bigot. ;)


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Ok, to be fair some people are talking about it, but not that many. I've heard haidut talking about it on the podcast with Danny Roddy a few times but outside of that, nobody's talking about it in the mainstream really. Shanna Swan mentioned it on a podcast once or twice.

The connection is obvious and the amount of steps you need to take and the information you need to know to draw the conclusion is so small. Only a couple of facts need to be accepted and understood.

- Estrogen mimicking compounds are increasingly common in our every day lives.
- Male testosterone has dropped more than 50% in 50 years. Sperm counts have started plummeting 2.6% per year since around 2000, up from 1% per year prior to that.
- Overall fertility rates are plummeting.
- Estrogen has a feminizing effect on men and a masculinizing effect on women.

Now, given those simple facts, all of which are easily proven, why are we surprised by the rise in gender dysphoria rates? Sure, some can be associated with social contagion, but just take a look at the people who are in favor of all the stupid LGBTQI++ stuff and sometimes themselves have gender dysphoria. They look like people with gender dysphoria. The females look more masculine and the males look more feminine. These aren't people who've been on puberty blockers or cross sex hormones a lot of the time either yet they look like they may have been.

That is because they have been, from all the estrogenic toxins in our environment.

It frustrates me that nobody is talking about this obvious cause and effect in the mainstream when it come to debates and discussions around this topic. We know the cause and we know the solution, stop consuming or having estrogenic pollutants in your environment as much as possible.

If we were able to prove this in more mainstream circles we might to start seeing real impact on the world in terms of fixing how depraved stuff has become. All of this social degradation we see is coming from this stuff at the root. It's a health crisis.

The reason nobody in MSM would even pick up this topic (or would actually actively gaslight the public about it) is that the (likely) truth is much scarier and more evil than can ever be discussed publicly. Namely, just like the "incel" movement likely being a deliberate govt psyop to destroy social cohesion, the gender fluidity and sexual deviancy is also most likely a deliberate process.

Consider this. About 15 years ago, a group of researchers working for the military were jokingly awarded the (Ig)Nobel prize for their research into turning humans gay.

Now, considering the ability of most forum users to intuitively sense the truth, I think the fact that there is official, classified (of course), military-sponsored research into "modulating" sexuality is enough to make most people here reach a conclusion that the unique magnitude of gender/sexuality issues we are seeing are these days is anything but a "coincidence", or "normal". I mean, when in recorded history have 30%+ of youth experienced gender/sexuality issues? When something isn't natural, has not ever happened before, is happening now, and intensifying, the only plausible conclusion is that it is being deliberately created/promoted/driven.

In fact, if you dig around you will find that modulating sexuality and gender has been done in "animals" (imagine what subjects are used in secret govt labs) for years, and it is well-known which chemicals can achieve it. Hint: estrogenic, anti-androgenic, serotonergic, etc.

Hhhmmm, I wonder (not!) if there is a substance out there that is very popular among youth (and adults) for recreational consumption that has all of these effects (estrogenic, anti-androgenic and serotonergic)...Well, of course there is - it is marijuana/weed! Hhhmm, now I wonder (not!) why its usage has been normalized, popularized, and even turned into a new "civil right" issue over the last decade or so...

And if you look at the research the authors of the Gay Bomb research cite in their work, it is many of those studies I reference in the link above. It is an open "secret" to most people who work in animal endocrinology that you can change gender and sexuality with chemicals. However, as usual, medicine's response so far to all of this evidence (going back decades) has been either to ignore it or rabidly deny it with the usual "animal findings do not translate into humans".

So, yeah, the gender/sexuality issues of the young are not a "fad". They are not a "lifestyle" or a "game" or a "rebellion". They will not "pass". These are the responses I have been getting from many people I tried to discuss this issue with, including doctors. These issues will only continue to deteriorate as an ever-increasing percentage of the "young" are no longer biologically young and as a result get placed on chronic medication schedules, and many/most of those medications are endocrine disruptors.

@Izzybelle @AlaskaJono @JudiBlueHen @Peater
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Dec 21, 2014
On the social media front, they will go out of their way to "validate" that you're transgender if you experience autogynephilia. You put on a miniskirt and got an erection? "Gender euphoria." You think you want to be a girl? That means you ARE one--regular men don't go around wishing they were female! (Rationalizing).

And I've noticed they are discouraging men from taking any form of TRT in every way they can, basically saying it's going to cause some terrible disease.


Mar 30, 2020
Some people have been saying gender dysphoria is a mental illness, and aren’t most if not all mental disorders related to the endocrine system? I strongly believe you are right about it being related to estrogen..


Dec 2, 2022
I would say it's good if we can remove low hanging fruits first, which will be at least 50% of pollutants we get everyday, like poor food filled with preservatives, PUFAs, artificial sweeteners etc. Give up on fluoridated water. Then change clothing as the affecting surface is high, quality wool is not very expensive and very warm for cold climates. I have Nordic sweaters and barely wear any jackets in winter, unless it's very cold (like -10 Celcius degrees and lower). You can also avoid plastic where you can, for example grab ceramic cup for coffee outside home instead of relying on those made from paper and plastic.

It's hard to control pollutants in air, you can move out to some cleaner place but it takes time and effort to do so.

Pablo Cruise

Jan 7, 2018
Thank you. You spoke the most obvious reason it is a decrease in profits to see negative reports in the media. Has anyone seen a substitute for plastics? No, except glass is my guess. Do we have that option, no. Our health agencies, our govt officials are blatantly corrupt as we have seen with the dangerous Covid vaccine. That is the primary reason for the estrogenic plastics.

So to digress or not......get out there and get rid of these officials with a more honest govt and it aint the Dems(the Left). Participate, vote or you get what you give.


Mar 31, 2021
I agree with most of what you said @haidut the only thing I question is the concept of whether or not it is an intentional attack and whether the attack is being committed by the US government or some other shadow agency or a foreign government that is trying to destabilize us and neuter us.

The biggest thing that I find too coincidental about this stuff is how so many of these different things are estrogen mimicking compounds. Why is it always estrogenic stuff? That's what I find so strange. I can buy that a lot of pesticides and herbicides are estrogenic because it makes sense that this would be an effective weapon against those things and we'd naturally come across it. But why is plastic estrogenic, why are perfumes, PUFAs, etc estrogenic? It seems like we're being attacked from all angles. It's hard to see how it's a coincidence that so many unrelated things turn out to be estrogenic. It feels like an intentional attack of sorts.

The problem is who and why? Our own government? That doesn't seem likely, why would they do that against it? It goes against their own interests, since they need us to be able to function. It seems far more likely that a foreign government or even some shadow agency is poisoning the well and using it against us discreetly.

Some people have been saying gender dysphoria is a mental illness, and aren’t most if not all mental disorders related to the endocrine system? I strongly believe you are right about it being related to estrogen..
Exactly @naevastar, it is an illogical statement to say that something is simply a mental illness anyway, everything comes from physical problems. Mental stuff is downstream from physical stuff. Your thoughts are a production of your physical body. All of this stuff is obviously a hormonal issue at the core. But I think we're seeing real evidence of people merging closer and closer into this weird human without any defined sexual characteristics which would align well with the effects of all this estrogenicity we're being exposed to. I mean just pay attention to people, particularly the types of people that are so hard into this gender stuff. They actually DO look like they have hormone problems a lot of the time.


Apr 19, 2020
The problem is who and why? Our own government? That doesn't seem likely, why would they do that against it? It goes against their own interests, since they need us to be able to function. It seems far more likely that a foreign government or even some shadow agency is poisoning the well and using it against us discreetly.
YOU are the carbon they want to reduce. Get it yet? The Gov't, or any gov't, is not necessarily the STATE. You would benefit from reading more on the British Empire, for example, from Mathew Ehret regarding this and other movements of operation behind/beneath governments.

@haidut explained it very well. No accident regarding influx of chemicals, estrogen mimickers/endocrine disruptors. The endocrine disruptors are an "open secret" as Haidut said, therefore it is not a coincidence. Think about it for a bit....... . Historically entities within the USA 100 years ago discovered that toxic elements put into the workers' food supply made them more productive, then they died. So the principle is before they die they produce to 'capacity'. This is years before the Nazi concentration camp factories and their experiments (Mengele).

Profit motive is a purpose, and also control, and also population control. Why would the gov't give experimental shots to the soldiers of the US army? They wouldn't want fewer army dudes and gals, would they? The elected officials are just more managers for other entities. Get some reading done in the next few weeks to catch up. What we grew up thinking that we knew is far a and away a fairy tale. Sorry that it is me telling you the straight scoop, but.... no mollycoddling here.

Here is a fun look at (not fun, just keeping it light-ish) the Intelligence Branch of the Gov't. https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2023/11/14/253026/#comments
and actually more fun really, but equally thrilling


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I agree with most of what you said @haidut the only thing I question is the concept of whether or not it is an intentional attack and whether the attack is being committed by the US government or some other shadow agency or a foreign government that is trying to destabilize us and neuter us.

The biggest thing that I find too coincidental about this stuff is how so many of these different things are estrogen mimicking compounds. Why is it always estrogenic stuff? That's what I find so strange. I can buy that a lot of pesticides and herbicides are estrogenic because it makes sense that this would be an effective weapon against those things and we'd naturally come across it. But why is plastic estrogenic, why are perfumes, PUFAs, etc estrogenic? It seems like we're being attacked from all angles. It's hard to see how it's a coincidence that so many unrelated things turn out to be estrogenic. It feels like an intentional attack of sorts.

The problem is who and why? Our own government? That doesn't seem likely, why would they do that against it? It goes against their own interests, since they need us to be able to function. It seems far more likely that a foreign government or even some shadow agency is poisoning the well and using it against us discreetly.

Exactly @naevastar, it is an illogical statement to say that something is simply a mental illness anyway, everything comes from physical problems. Mental stuff is downstream from physical stuff. Your thoughts are a production of your physical body. All of this stuff is obviously a hormonal issue at the core. But I think we're seeing real evidence of people merging closer and closer into this weird human without any defined sexual characteristics which would align well with the effects of all this estrogenicity we're being exposed to. I mean just pay attention to people, particularly the types of people that are so hard into this gender stuff. They actually DO look like they have hormone problems a lot of the time.

Sure, it doesn't have to be the govt per se that is actually implementing/doing this. It's more along the lines of saying that for the govt to even undertake officially taxpayer-sponsored research into gender/sexuality modulation then there is definitely interest in such activity from powerful interests (private and public/military) and the govt, being nothing but the research and enforcement arm of the elite, is simply conducting the research to see if and how it can be done. Think of it akin to Bill Gates' projects with vaccines and GMO mosquitoes, plants, etc. He is the direct agent implementing a lot of those projects worldwide, but the original research on how those can be done was not his and came from govt/military labs. So, the same thing can be happening now. Advanced know-how developed by govt/academia labs could be shared with powerful financial/private/economic groups/entities akin to Gates', usually through the cover of "liaison" entities such as DARPA/ARPA, DSAC (DSAC - Home Page | DSAC), In-Q-Tel, etc and then these private interests are basically off the hook to do whatever they want with this knowledge. This gives the govt plausible deniability as it is not actual govt employees doing the nefarious stuff and the private groups can pursue whatever eugenicist/genocidal plan they have. I think there is little doubt the plan is nefarious, considering the drastic deterioration of every aspect of our environment and the accelerating trend of the young turning into zombified, genderless, sexless, prematurely aged, mindless, delusional drones.

Such drastic deterioration of the young (and oldies too, just not as quickly) on national (or even global) scale has never been seen before, At least not in the last 200 years. So, no matter how optimistic one tries to be, Peat's statement that the environment is deliberately engineered to "systematically murder people" is hard to argue with.
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