Nobody knows how the vaccinated will end up


Jul 15, 2020
There is absolutely NO information about long-term effects. The vaxcattle may all die for all we know.
From Nobody knows how the vaccinated will end up

Following the worldwide outbreak of COVID-19, the west used mRNA vaccines on a massive scale. Before the pandemic, this new technology had not been used to treat any disease with succes. The vaccines were immediately hailed as safe and effective by media and governments. Concerns over long-term safety were dismissed as anti-vax conspiracy theories. Big Pharma was granted legal immunity against any lawsuits related to the vaccines and a massive vaccination program was launched. People were pressured by media, government and employers to get vaccinated or suffer consequences. As French president Macron put it, 'We must make life hell for the unvaccinated.'
Yet it is not those who refused, but those who took the shots that are suffering consequences. Cardiovascular issues, like myocarditis and blood clots seem to be the most common side effect. Less commonly, some people are complaining about autoimmune issues and fatigue. The vaccinated have no rights. Doctors are ignoring patients who present with vaccine-related injuries. Mainstream media is now running articles how climate change is causing heart disease.
In the 50s, a drug called thalidomide was released in Europe without extensive testing. It was marketed as a remedy for morning sickness, insomnia and headaches. Doctors called it a 'wonder drug'. It would end up causing thousands of miscarriages and horrible birth defects in tens of thousands. Note that the use of thalidomide was only very small compared to the current COVID vaccines. Vaccination has become a political decision. Anyone raising questions about safety is immediately branded as an anti-vax conspiracy nutcase. Information about side effects gets self-censored or obfuscated.
The majority has been injected with experimental technology, yet there is no serious effort by medicine or government to study the side effects and how to deal with them. We are playing Russian roulette. The mRNA shots could lead to death after a few years for all we know. Those warning about thalidomide, cigarettes and asbestos were ridiculed for decades and look what happened.
To the vaccinated, good luck.


Jun 10, 2020
This is one of Dr. Peat's main warnings against it too. Some effects are generational, showing up as symptoms in vaccinated peoples' children and grandchildren.


Nov 10, 2021
Saco Maine
Yes this vaccine is a disaster. Already we have many reports of bad vaccine outcomes (VAERS). i am sure 5 or 6 years there will be many more problems identified.

Not sure who will report the data on millions dead.


Jul 25, 2013
It is extremely likely that the vaccine was created and fully tested on unwilling participants before fake pandemic was launched. So I wouldn't say "nobody" knows...


Aug 4, 2020
There is absolutely NO information about long-term effects. The vaxcattle may all die for all we know.
From Nobody knows how the vaccinated will end up

Following the worldwide outbreak of COVID-19, the west used mRNA vaccines on a massive scale. Before the pandemic, this new technology had not been used to treat any disease with succes. The vaccines were immediately hailed as safe and effective by media and governments. Concerns over long-term safety were dismissed as anti-vax conspiracy theories. Big Pharma was granted legal immunity against any lawsuits related to the vaccines and a massive vaccination program was launched. People were pressured by media, government and employers to get vaccinated or suffer consequences. As French president Macron put it, 'We must make life hell for the unvaccinated.'
Yet it is not those who refused, but those who took the shots that are suffering consequences. Cardiovascular issues, like myocarditis and blood clots seem to be the most common side effect. Less commonly, some people are complaining about autoimmune issues and fatigue. The vaccinated have no rights. Doctors are ignoring patients who present with vaccine-related injuries. Mainstream media is now running articles how climate change is causing heart disease.
In the 50s, a drug called thalidomide was released in Europe without extensive testing. It was marketed as a remedy for morning sickness, insomnia and headaches. Doctors called it a 'wonder drug'. It would end up causing thousands of miscarriages and horrible birth defects in tens of thousands. Note that the use of thalidomide was only very small compared to the current COVID vaccines. Vaccination has become a political decision. Anyone raising questions about safety is immediately branded as an anti-vax conspiracy nutcase. Information about side effects gets self-censored or obfuscated.
The majority has been injected with experimental technology, yet there is no serious effort by medicine or government to study the side effects and how to deal with them. We are playing Russian roulette. The mRNA shots could lead to death after a few years for all we know. Those warning about thalidomide, cigarettes and asbestos were ridiculed for decades and look what happened.
To the vaccinated, good luck.
It is a question that only time can answer. Some may get away lucky and have only received a placebo or saline injection, while others might have received a toxic dose, still others may see side effects further down the road. But few will associate the side effects with the jab.
Dr Peat’s words remain true on this topic as for all pharmaceuticals,”time is the only true test for any drug”.


New Member
Nov 17, 2016
The jabs are only available as long as we’re deemed to be in a state of emergency.


Jan 25, 2014
While it's true that the long term effects aren't known, and all of these so called "vaccines" should be avoided, many are acting like this is the first time people are doing something in the medical and pharmaceutical arena that is dangerous and untested. It's not. We have many such experiments going on all the time.

One of the reasons Peat suggests the 20 year rule (not taking any new drug until at least 20 years after it's been available to the public) is that no drug is studied that long. 2-3 years is all that it's studied (obviously, 2 months is even worse than that). Long term effects aren't known, nor are interactions with other drugs, nor special conditions. And usually with drugs, it's long term effects from chronic ingestion.

And then there is the interaction with other drugs, which is never studied, and really, probably couldn't be studied in any controlled environment. Every time you add a new drug to the market, the number of potential interactions goes up exponentially. What's worse, federal agencies and other controlling interests of the medical cartel encourage this sort of experimentation. With the "Covid Boosters," they said it was fine to "mix and match" vaccine brands and types, even though they never tested those for safety or "effectiveness." With traditional vaccines, they encourage doctors to give up to six vaccines in one visit (and maybe upped that number to 7 or 8), despite the fact that such combos were never tested, and they are generally doing this to small children, who weren't in any original "safety trials" anyway. While all vaccines are dangerous, it seems to be this combination of railing small children with several vaccines at once that leads to worst outcomes, especially seizures and then being severely autistic, after developing normally prior.

My personal thoughts is that "long term" effects will be a slightly accelerated form of aging and/or degeneration. Something that most won't even notice, but might show up statistically 15-20 years from now, if anyone is looking at such data. If someone took one of the Covid Shots, and didn't have any noticeable side effects after the first month or so, they probably won't have any noticeable effects afterwards (and if they come down with, say, cancer 10 years later, it would be impossible to attribute that to the shot, and the shot only). mRNA tech is basically a bust in what it claims to do, and there doesn't seem to be this reprogramming of cells to make "unlimited spike protein," which was one of the main concerns long term, anyway.


Aug 4, 2020
While it's true that the long term effects aren't known, and all of these so called "vaccines" should be avoided, many are acting like this is the first time people are doing something in the medical and pharmaceutical arena that is dangerous and untested. It's not. We have many such experiments going on all the time.

One of the reasons Peat suggests the 20 year rule (not taking any new drug until at least 20 years after it's been available to the public) is that no drug is studied that long. 2-3 years is all that it's studied (obviously, 2 months is even worse than that). Long term effects aren't known, nor are interactions with other drugs, nor special conditions. And usually with drugs, it's long term effects from chronic ingestion.

And then there is the interaction with other drugs, which is never studied, and really, probably couldn't be studied in any controlled environment. Every time you add a new drug to the market, the number of potential interactions goes up exponentially. What's worse, federal agencies and other controlling interests of the medical cartel encourage this sort of experimentation. With the "Covid Boosters," they said it was fine to "mix and match" vaccine brands and types, even though they never tested those for safety or "effectiveness." With traditional vaccines, they encourage doctors to give up to six vaccines in one visit (and maybe upped that number to 7 or 8), despite the fact that such combos were never tested, and they are generally doing this to small children, who weren't in any original "safety trials" anyway. While all vaccines are dangerous, it seems to be this combination of railing small children with several vaccines at once that leads to worst outcomes, especially seizures and then being severely autistic, after developing normally prior.

My personal thoughts is that "long term" effects will be a slightly accelerated form of aging and/or degeneration. Something that most won't even notice, but might show up statistically 15-20 years from now, if anyone is looking at such data. If someone took one of the Covid Shots, and didn't have any noticeable side effects after the first month or so, they probably won't have any noticeable effects afterwards (and if they come down with, say, cancer 10 years later, it would be impossible to attribute that to the shot, and the shot only). mRNA tech is basically a bust in what it claims to do, and there doesn't seem to be this reprogramming of cells to make "unlimited spike protein," which was one of the main concerns long term, anyway.
Very well spoken @tankasnowgod. One of the things that does seem to be popping up is the effect these shots are having on pregnant women and the higher rates of miscarriage, as well as vaccinated moms breastfeeding their newborns. Again this will require time to determine if this will be a problem long term or if this will eventually pass. There are reports out of Israel that they are seeing a decrease in birth rates this past year.
Curious as to your thoughts on this aspect.


Jan 25, 2014
Very well spoken @tankasnowgod. One of the things that does seem to be popping up is the effect these shots are having on pregnant women and the higher rates of miscarriage, as well as vaccinated moms breastfeeding their newborns. Again this will require time to determine if this will be a problem long term or if this will eventually pass. There are reports out of Israel that they are seeing a decrease in birth rates this past year.
Curious as to your thoughts on this aspect.

It's crazy that they were pushing these things on pregnant and breastfeeding women. They don't even do that with normal drugs or vaccines, even cautioning against it. I'm sure it has caused an increase in miscarriages. That would be "short term" effect, but obviously with very long term consequences (since the baby never even got a chance at life). There was one study that showed parts of the "vaccine" end up in breast milk for the first 48 hours after the shot (along with other bodily fluids), so that time could be particularly dangerous (it wasn't the "spike protein," but actual vaccine contents). Even things that might be "fine" for adults, or even young children, could stunt growth of infants, and have serious long term consequences. This might be something that is very noticeable over the next 5-10 years, and truly, probably the greatest area of concern.

I wouldn't doubt it could cause issues with fertility in the short or longer term. Even if the effects are slight and not noticeable, fertility is one of the first things to be impaired under any stress. Maybe it would be something like a six month effect.... but if they keep on adding "boosters," that "temporary" effect could become "permanent."


Aug 4, 2020
It's crazy that they were pushing these things on pregnant and breastfeeding women. They don't even do that with normal drugs or vaccines, even cautioning against it. I'm sure it has caused an increase in miscarriages. That would be "short term" effect, but obviously with very long term consequences (since the baby never even got a chance at life). There was one study that showed parts of the "vaccine" end up in breast milk for the first 48 hours after the shot (along with other bodily fluids), so that time could be particularly dangerous (it wasn't the "spike protein," but actual vaccine contents). Even things that might be "fine" for adults, or even young children, could stunt growth of infants, and have serious long term consequences. This might be something that is very noticeable over the next 5-10 years, and truly, probably the greatest area of concern.

I wouldn't doubt it could cause issues with fertility in the short or longer term. Even if the effects are slight and not noticeable, fertility is one of the first things to be impaired under any stress. Maybe it would be something like a six month effect.... but if they keep on adding "boosters," that "temporary" effect could become "permanent."
The cumulative effect would be of concern for certain, I do see though that the shots for children have not had a very large uptake, which is encouraging.
It is a little hard to see the parents that post on social media that they have had their child treated then shortly after they are posting that child’s obituary. But there is never a connection between these two events.


Jun 18, 2016
I posted this on the animal/MRNA thread too:

This man claims he took part in an MRNA trial on 2013. He says everyone (200K participants) did great for 2 years (so that would be this January), then everyone's hearts stopped and they all died but 5. If this is true (looks like he has the scars as proof), be prepared. I already know 34 (mostly older) people who have died after the MRNA shot.



Jan 25, 2014
I posted this on the animal/MRNA thread too:

This man claims he took part in an MRNA trial on 2013. He says everyone (200K participants) did great for 2 years (so that would be this January), then everyone's hearts stopped and they all died but 5.
That's hard to believe. A 200,000 participant trial is absolutely massive. The Covid "Vaccine" trials had between 20,000-40,000 participants per trial, with about half in the placebo group for most (I think Novavax had 20,000 in the vaccine group, and 10,000 in placebo). Most of the trials for statins, look to have had between 2,000 and 20,000 participants, with most involving between 5,000 and 10,000 participants.

So, it's not like they would have needed a trial that huge for approval of a new drug.

Any trial of that size (nearly 10x the highest statin trial) would certainly have a placebo group, so you wouldn't expect over 99% people to have side effects from a medication that only 50% of the participants got.

Also, how would he (or his doctor) know how anyone else in the trial fared? That info is supposed to be kept confidential anyway, no way he was in direct contact with the other 199,999 participants, or could have even known who they were. Trials of over 10,000 are spread over several different sites, and even other countries.

And if he really signed an NDA, that would certainly preclude him from discussing his results of the trial on any public forum. Like, say, making a video on Tik Tok. But he wouldn't face any lawsuit for lying, especially since he doesn't name any particular company.


For all we know, we may be getting 'vaccinated' continuously throughout our lives with chemtrails and other various methods (now mosquitoes). Myself and my wife having had a near death experience on the night of our initial covax shot, there is no doubt in my mind this will likely affect millions for years to come.
What we can do is treat our bodies as best we can, even look into heavy metal detox protocols, and avoid as much of the nasty crap as possible, all the while having the belief things will work out. Not just belief, but knowing things will work out, I believe will drastically help people.

Power of thought and intention. Do what you can to the best that you can, and 'know' that you will be fine.


Jun 18, 2016
That's hard to believe. A 200,000 participant trial is absolutely massive. The Covid "Vaccine" trials had between 20,000-40,000 participants per trial, with about half in the placebo group for most (I think Novavax had 20,000 in the vaccine group, and 10,000 in placebo). Most of the trials for statins, look to have had between 2,000 and 20,000 participants, with most involving between 5,000 and 10,000 participants.

So, it's not like they would have needed a trial that huge for approval of a new drug.

Any trial of that size (nearly 10x the highest statin trial) would certainly have a placebo group, so you wouldn't expect over 99% people to have side effects from a medication that only 50% of the participants got.

Also, how would he (or his doctor) know how anyone else in the trial fared? That info is supposed to be kept confidential anyway, no way he was in direct contact with the other 199,999 participants, or could have even known who they were. Trials of over 10,000 are spread over several different sites, and even other countries.

And if he really signed an NDA, that would certainly preclude him from discussing his results of the trial on any public forum. Like, say, making a video on Tik Tok. But he wouldn't face any lawsuit for lying, especially since he doesn't name any particular company.
I know 34 people who have died since getting the Covid vaccine, so something is definitely wrong and not normal.

We will know more if his claims are legit after the 2 year mark, which is January of 2023 (they started giving the vaccines in January 2021). Mandates were that next fall in 2021 (so look to the fall 2023). I just spoke to a friend at my son's baseball game who has lost 5 people in her immediate family this past year, including her husband, and then she told me her boss's wife died too.


I know 34 people who have died since getting the Covid vaccine, so something is definitely wrong and not normal.

We will know more if his claims are legit after the 2 year mark, which is January of 2023 (they started giving the vaccines in January 2021). Mandates were that next fall in 2021 (so look to the fall 2023). I just spoke to a friend at my son's baseball game who has lost 5 people in her immediate family this past year, including her husband, and then she told me her boss's wife died too.
+1 on seeing much more death. I'm administration in Financial planning and my advisers are dealing with much more Deceased estates than usual since 2021. Not just elderly clients, children of clients too, from early twenties to middle aged, dying of heart attacks, strokes, cancer, and organ failure. No client or relative of a client has died with covid. My dad developed aggressive bladder cancer just a month after his shot.


Jan 25, 2014
I know 34 people who have died since getting the Covid vaccine, so something is definitely wrong and not normal.
How does that invalidate any of the points I made about his claim? 200,000 people would be a monster trial, bigger than any other I have heard of for testing a drug. Why would people in the placebo group be affected by a medication they didn't receive? How was he in contact with the other 199,999 participants, to verify their condition? How is he not being sued for violating his NDA? Why would drug companies risk the expense of such a huge trial when it wasn't necessary? And why would they select such a risky product for such trial, and risk paying insane hush money?

If all 200,000 needed serious medical care, and the average cost of such care was $50,000, then $10 Billion would be needed to hush up everyone from that one trial, on the back end. It just doesn't make sense.

Also, can I ask how you know these 34 people who passed? That is quite a large number. I have only heard about a couple extended family members personally passing away since early 2021, but I know they had poor health previously (like cancer), and have no idea if they opted for the shots or not. Nothing from coworkers or close family or friends.
We will know more if his claims are legit after the 2 year mark, which is January of 2023 (they started giving the vaccines in January 2021). Mandates were that next fall in 2021 (so look to the fall 2023). I just spoke to a friend at my son's baseball game who has lost 5 people in her immediate family this past year, including her husband, and then she told me her boss's wife died too.
Even if you believe his claims with all the issues I noted above, why would you think his timetable would be relevant to the Covid "Vaccines?" Just because both are claimed to be mRNA products?

One of the reasons the drug companies pivoted to mRNA "vaccines" instead of mRNA "therapy" was that they could use much less of the mRNA product, thus lowering the side effects. No doubt the Covid "Vaccines" are dangerous, and based on the VAERS data alone, should have been pulled from the market by March of 2021. But they are still likely less dangerous than any mRNA product that was trialed back in 2013.

And even if there is something special about that 2 year mark, why would we need to wait till January? The trials started in the summer of 2020, so there are something like 30-40,000 people out there that got either the mRNA product from Pfizer or Moderna more than 2 years ago, so shouldn't you just do some digging and see if those subjects are experiencing any seriously abnormal death rate? He was suggesting a fatality rate of over 99% (even in the placebo group), so even a death rate ten times less would be around 3-4,000 people.
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How does that invalidate any of the points I made about his claim? 200,000 people would be a monster trial, bigger than any other I have heard of for testing a drug. Why would people in the placebo group be affected by a medication they didn't receive? How was he in contact with the other 199,999 participants, to verify their condition? How is he not being sued for violating his NDA? Why would drug companies risk the expense of such a huge trial when it wasn't necessary? And why would they select such a risky product for such trial, and risk paying insane hush money?

If all 200,000 needed serious medical care, and the average cost of such care was $50,000, then $10 Billion would be needed to hush up everyone from that one trial, on the back end. It just doesn't make sense.

Also, can I ask how you know these 34 people who passed? That is quite a large number. I have only heard about a couple extended family members personally passing away since early 2021, but I know they had poor health previously (like cancer), and have no idea if they opted for the shots or not. Nothing from coworkers or close family or friends.

Even if you believe his claims with all the issues I noted above, why would you think his timetable would be relevant to the Covid "Vaccines?" Just because both are claimed to be mRNA products?

One of the reasons the drug companies pivoted to mRNA "vaccines" instead of mRNA "therapy" was that they could use much less of the mRNA product, thus lowering the side effects. No doubt the Covid "Vaccines" are dangerous, and based on the VAERS data alone, should have been pulled from the market by March of 2021. But they are still likely less dangerous than any mRNA product that was trialed back in 2013.

And even if there is something special about that 2 year mark, why would we need to wait till January? The trials started in the summer of 2020, so there are something like 30-40,000 people out there that got either the mRNA product from Pfizer or Moderna more than 2 years ago, so shouldn't you just do some digging and see if those subjects are experiencing any seriously abnormal death rate? He was suggesting a fatality rate of over 99% (even in the placebo group), so even a death rate ten times less would be around 3-4,000 people.

I agree with you that the trial mentioned likely didn't exist. What the guy says in the video is hearsay with no evidence. However I do think it important to try at least consider the possibilities. It's not out of the realm of possibility (however low that possibility is). There's no evidence to support this, so your belief won't be wavered, as I understand you are very reliant on hard evidence.

What I'm about to say is entirely hypothetical, just something to add to your thoughts, not meant to be completely dismantled. If the elites of the world did want to depopulate it, a trial might exist to intentionally find out if they could kill people with the 'vaccine' that they plan to use on the world. How would they do this? If this was the true depopulation goal, they need a trial large enough to know for sure they can kill everyone. This would not be a standard clinical trial, they would not want any placebo group, they would have a fake placebo group. They would not want any person surviving something that is designed to kill people. They would not want 100,000 people dying, and 100,000 people living. As that would mean there were 100,000 survivors who could tell about the trial they were in. They would not want the people in the trial knowing the truth of the trial, so they would be lied to, this killer trial would be under the guise of a standard clinical trial to the people involved, and unknown to everyone else. Perhaps they would be required to sign NDA's to not speak of it.

This trial would have the utmost money spent to assure its secrecy. Blacker than black ops, but it needs to 'appear' like a standard trial. If a trial existed designed with the goal for mass killing, the evidence for this trial would be virtually impossible to obtain. A trial like this likely would have hand selected people with little to no families, so the person dying wouldn't lead to investigation, or what little investigation arose could be snuffed out with enough money. Perhaps the people would be told they would be paid a great deal more after a certain time frame (after the kill clock runs out), only if they told absolutely no one.

Do the top 0.01% of the elites of the world consider the people of classes lower than theirs, ants? I think there's a good chance many do. Many people of even middle class don't even bat an eye to homeless people, as if they are less than human. So I think there is a possibility the true rulers of this world could easily do this.

So essentially, there are people in this world with enough power and influence to do this. If a trial like this did ever exist, we would never know it. And if a person from a trial like this did manage to survive and speak out, we would never believe it. Thus why there's a slim chance the man in that video might be telling a truth.
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