Downtrend of sperm count, penis length accelerating; humans now endangered species


Aug 4, 2020
A number of eminent fertility experts are now sounding a dire alarm in regards to the human species. What used to be mostly the stuff of girls-night-out jokes in regards to the size of a male's member has now apparently acquired catastrophic proportions due to male penis size emerging as a reliable metric of endocrine disruptor exposure. Namely, penis length is a reliable surrogate of serum testosterone (T), and its decline is a reliable indication of plummeting T levels. In corroboration, the decline of sperm count (another good surrogate of T levels) globally is not only continuing but is accelerating. Females are also not exempt from this epidemic, with the average twenty-something woman now apparently having the same fertility as her grandmother...when she was 35. In other words, not only are the "young" quickly becoming the "old", as I mentioned in previous posts of mine, but the trend is accelerating to the point where the authors of the declining fertility and penis length studies claim that humans are now meeting the criteria of endangered species. The main culprit blamed in both studies are the endocrine disruptors found mostly in plastics. However, I think dietary factors such as PUFA, hormonal birth control, stress and toxic drugs such as SSRI, PPI, statins, etc are also very big factors in this fertility catastrophe.

Now, the million dollar questions is - if humans are an endangered species and on a VERY strong downtrend in both their development and count, then are all the desperate cries coming from WHO, GAVI, Gates, WEF, etc about the dire need to reduce global population nothing but theater? Theater, designed to fool the masses into accepting open fascism, terrible living standards and mass deaths under the pretext of saving the planet from climate disaster due to overpopulation...when in reality, the human race is already "on its way out".

@Regina @Drareg @tankasnowgod @ecstatichamster @burtlancast @AlaskaJono @Michael Mohn @FocusedOnHealth @Rinse & rePeat

Pollution is causing penises to shrink, warns this scientist

"...Pollution is causing human penises to shrink, according to one scientist. A leading epidemiologist and environmental expert has published a book that examines the link between industrial chemicals and penile length. Dr Shanna Swan's book, Count Down, argues that our modern world is altering humans' reproductive development and threatening the future of our species. The book outlines how pollution is leading to higher rates of erectile dysfunction, fertility decline, and growing numbers of babies born with small penises. Though the headline fact about shrinkage may sound like a laughing matter, the research paints a bleak portrait of humanity's longevity and ability to survive. "In some parts of the world, the average twenty-something today is less fertile than her grandmother was at 35," Dr Swan writes, dubbing the situation a "global existential crisis" in the book."

"...According to the book, humans meet three of the five possible criteria used to define whether or not a species is endangered. "Only one needs to be met," writes Dr Swan, "the current state of affairs for humans meets at least three." According to Dr Swan's research, this disruption is caused by phthalates, chemicals used in plastic manufacturing, which can impact how the hormone endocrine is produced."

Sperm counts worldwide are falling even faster than we thought

"...Sperm counts worldwide have halved over the past five decades, and the pace of the decline has more than doubled since the turn of the century, new research shows. The international team behind it says the data is alarming and points to a fertility crisis threatening the survival of humanity. Their meta-analysis looked at 223 studies based on sperm samples from over 57,000 men across 53 countries. It shows for the first time that men in Latin America, Asia, and Africa share a similar decline in total sperm counts and concentration as previously observed in Europe, North America, and Australia. The authors warn that the mean sperm count has now dropped dangerously close to the threshold that makes conception more difficult, meaning couples around the world may encounter problems having a baby without medical assistance."
I would also add into this mix as a contributing factor, the psychological aspect starting at school age the agenda of organizations such as UNESCO, implementing the environmentalism mentality into kids daily. To impress upon them that their very existence is contributing to killing the planet.
This would play into the later life decision to not bring a child into the world which is based upon a deep seeded false belief spiraling downward as a direct result of human existence.


Jun 22, 2022
I wonder if even the elites are better than the non-elites in avoiding swallowing their own lies. Say something often enough and pretty soon it becomes the truth that even the first born of the original source of the lie, or the eldest granchild, gets caught in the web of lies.

I doubt the people who came from exclusive prep schools know more than us, even if their parents are involved in creating the big lies. They drink from the same well they poison.

This means it is those who can step back from the maddening crowd and take stock, and articulate and establish their own creed, in a naturally derived profession of faith, borne of their own conscious observations and inherent wisdom, that one can find hope and even salvation for our species.
An ex girlfriend of mine was really rich, like Ferrari in a villa with 15 bathrooms and an indoor pool rich
Her dad was in the snack business (like Mars or Kitkat bars)
She NEVER ate McDonald’s in her life, didn’t even know much about it
Just anecdotal evidence I know, but I’m pretty sure they do avoid a lot of these stuff
Even indirectly
If you have a big house emf will be lower by chance
If you have a lot of money you don’t even think much about eating unhealthy
It’s also a resource issue


Jun 14, 2020
I think we are seeing social divides, a top 20-25% is emerging in most developed societies, if men were getting weaker in general we wouldn't see records being broken by zoomer athletes across sports for example, we are also seeing some incredible achievements in the sciences in general, didn't some 17 year old American kid just solve the field equations recently?

Unfortunately it seems the bottom 75% are becoming increasingly degenerate because of the environment, the advancements at the top have demoralised a lot of people outside the top, people don't have the biological energy to keep up, add bad diet and lifestyle choices to deal with the depression and we are stuck in a feedback loop that points downward, so many are hitting their early 30's and dropping out, this isn't good for societal cohesion, the ruling class think they can replace them with cheap labour migrants but the migrants hit their early 30's and start to feel the same way.

Peat was right, society is becoming increasingly psychopathic, keep this in mind when dealing with people, do not lead a crusade with the metabolically incoherent, learn to move through the forest without people noticing, find like minds, some people are naturally "peaty".
Good luck everyone.
I think there is good insight here. Today's world is hostile, but if it was THAT hostile then these great things could not be happening. We just have to be more conscious and more present at all times, so that we may create a proper environment for rightful living.


May 4, 2022
I can vaguely recall in the 1980's about EMF being a genuine concern. Many people were aware of it including power company technicians, and testing with Gauss/Tesla/EMF meters were done by some people. People kept their kids further away from cathode ray TV's. You were also steered away from buying homes near huge power lines. Then sometime i think in the 1990's a lot of this talk slowed down to a trickle. Mention it now and you may become "that weirdo"...

It should be more of a concern now than ever before. Am also thinking about purchasing a meter/tester and doing a few sweeps.
The memory hole.
Apr 25, 2018
Our evil ***t government frying us with microwave energy doesn't help


Feb 18, 2016
Can you name some examples of some recent big record breaking? Also, if there these great achievements in science, how would you explain the threads below?

Keep in mind that sports (and even intellectual) records are subject to great manipulation by performance enhancing drugs (PED). So, one cannot use sports performance, or solving some math puzzle, as an indication of health. Longevity, fertility and rates of chronic illness are much more reliable indicators of health, and cannot be as easily manipulated. And those latter metrics have been declining for decades. Recently we even saw a reversal of the "Flynn Effect" - the trend of increasing IQ seen in the 20th century flattenned around 1975 and has been strongly declining since.
"...In 1984, New Zealand educator, James R. Flynn researched how much average IQ test scores had increased over the 20th century and found they increased by an average of 3 points per decade. Flynn attributed this increase to better nutrition. Flynn continued his work and other scientists followed suit until they all noticed that children born in 1975 reached ‘peak IQ’ and average intelligence had been dropping ever since. This is called the ‘Reverse Flynn Effect’."
The use of PED's is a good point, in saying that they have used them since 50's, if anything its evidence they should be used, of course the ruling class want depopulation so its unlikely.
I think we reach physical limitations, maximum bioenergetic coherency relative to current size will naturally cause a plateaux, as long as its not declining it should be ok at the top, no question the bottom of society are obese and unhealthy, even more tragic is they don't seem to care, its a form of social defeat.
I think the IQ decline is part euthyroid issues and also migration, migration likely being a stronger cause of it.


Feb 18, 2016
Several researchers early in the 20th century suggested something similar could happen, but were shot down due to the dogma that genes were governing everything so a decline that fast could not happen. I mentioned in one of the interview with Danny and Ray that evolution works just as well in reverse (de-complexification) as it does forward (complexification). Cancer is a very good example of reverse evolution. I mentioned that if current trends continue, the human race will speciate and we may end up with several distinct humanoid species that cannot reproduce with each other. There is plenty of evidence of this happening in the past, with the co-existence of the primitive Neanderthals and the more "refined" and intelligent Cro-magnons, and the completely distinct Denisovans. If somebody subscribes to the Lamarckian (and actually even Darwin's original) view of evolution then such separation are not only to be expected but probably not rare throughout the ages, if one were to look at the available evidence with an open mind.
With the advance of tech as means to secure boundaries this will happen much quicker, brighter people perceive dysfunctional organism's and will move away.


Sep 9, 2019
Apologies for sh***ing on your thread in the small hours of Sunday morning Mr Dinkov. I stand by but still...


Sep 9, 2019
I would also add into this mix as a contributing factor, the psychological aspect starting at school age the agenda of organizations such as UNESCO, implementing the environmentalism mentality into kids daily. To impress upon them that their very existence is contributing to killing the planet.
This would play into the later life decision to not bring a child into the world which is based upon a deep seeded false belief spiraling downward as a direct result of human existence.
This point shouldn't be discounted and I'd add it's deeper than the green meme. Although that in itself can have powerful effect on people who swallow it.


Mar 20, 2021


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I doubt humans are going to become close to extiction from this sort of things. What will wipe us out is nuclear weapons or something else powerful that gets invented, or something celestial.

But from pollution and such, everything will balance out. I think humans are highly adaptable. Many will die, and many may not be born, but as the generations continue on and perhaps shrink, selection bias will keep the strong and adaptable alive. This will breed more strong and adaptable humans to balance things out.

Our 7 Billion might become 2 billion, but they will be the strongest and most adaptable among us. This will drastically reduce the pollution as well, and less pollution may cause another rise in population.

This may even be a repeating pattern for humanity. There's more than a little bit of evidence that humans 12000+ years ago were even more advanced than us. Yet humans are still here. We do something stupid like invent something that can kill the weakest of us, then the strong survive to repopulate.


Sep 9, 2019
I doubt humans are going to become close to extiction from this sort of things. What will wipe us out is nuclear weapons or something else powerful that gets invented, or something celestial.

You would be more likely to have a brain aneurysm and a bowel movement simultaneously, while being nowhere near a bathroom or medical assistance, than "nuclear weapons", "something else powerful that gets invented" or "something celestial" ever being sufficient to "wipe us out". Thinking otherwise is just a Hollywood meme Mr Ada.

Estimating, let alone projecting human population is exceedingly difficult if not impossible. Anyone taking UN figures literally isn't paying attention.



You would be more likely to have a brain aneurysm and a bowel movement simultaneously, while being nowhere near a bathroom or medical assistance, than "nuclear weapons", "something else powerful that gets invented" or "something celestial" ever being sufficient to "wipe us out". Thinking otherwise is just a Hollywood meme Mr Ada.

Doesn't mean it's not possible. I meant that I simply have more faith in human adaptive ability to keep our species alive, in my opinion it's more likely something else will wipe us out if we do indeed get wiped out. I don't think the issues in Haidut's post will bring us to extinction. If the danger is slow enough, I believe humans will adapt and the strong will survive.

Estimating, let alone projecting human population is exceedingly difficult if not impossible. Anyone taking UN figures literally isn't paying attention.

That is something I've wondered about. Especially since there is a good chance a country can intentionally overinflate their numbers to make their military seem more intimidating or for other such reasons.
Similar to, how do we really know our science on carbon dating isn't completely false? Maybe in the future the theory of carbon dating will be replaced by another theory that says the Earth is 1 million years old. Science is forever fluid as our knowledge changes.


Mar 20, 2021
Do you feel a difference when you wear the pendant and when you do not @LadyRae ?
I think it's calming in general... But I wouldn't say it's hugely noticeable. What I need is an EMF meter...

Since I've been wearing it (and ever since I had covid in early Oct.) my sleep has been amazing.. 8-10 hours every night...


Mar 29, 2016
An ex girlfriend of mine was really rich, like Ferrari in a villa with 15 bathrooms and an indoor pool rich
Her dad was in the snack business (like Mars or Kitkat bars)
She NEVER ate McDonald’s in her life, didn’t even know much about it
Just anecdotal evidence I know, but I’m pretty sure they do avoid a lot of these stuff
Even indirectly
If you have a big house emf will be lower by chance
If you have a lot of money you don’t even think much about eating unhealthy
It’s also a resource issue
We could trade anecdotes with each other but that doesn't do much to convince each other of the contrary opinion.

As I have billionaire first cousins and I couldn't preach to them about Ray Pest as I'd be called loco. They all got vaxed with Pfizer and wonder with great amazement why I didn't.

But kudos to your ex-girlfriend's dad. He wouldnbe a perfect father-in-law.


Jun 22, 2022
We could trade anecdotes with each other but that doesn't do much to convince each other of the contrary opinion.

As I have billionaire first cousins and I couldn't preach to them about Ray Pest as I'd be called loco. They all got vaxed with Pfizer and wonder with great amazement why I didn't.

But kudos to your ex-girlfriend's dad. He wouldnbe a perfect father-in-law.
Damn I hoped that at least the upper classes would’ve had some common sense
I’m starting to think that there is no such thing as “elites”, just different kind of idiots
I wonder if Bill Gates and such had their dose or it was just on paper
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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