List of all the problems humanity faces, what's missing?


Jun 13, 2019
I'm trying to make a list of all the problems human life faces in the current world, just to understand the gravity of what humanity is up against for long term flourishment. I've listed some below, if there is anything you can think of that I didn't include yet please comment it.

- unsaturated vegtebles oils steadily increasing in use, used in all restaurants and many homes and processed foods.
- fish oil
- added iron in all wheat products and many supplements
- carrageenan and other toxic gums, fibers, thickeners, and stabilizers used in many supermarket foods
- excess heavy metals in the food, air, and environment
- radiation used in various industries, such as medical, military, dentistry, etc.
- EMF everywhere, implementation of 5g, cell towers near homes and schools
- hundreds of pesticides such as glyphosate used on food and clothes
- birth control estrogen contraceptives used by hundreds of millions of women world wide.
- excess estrogen caused by various endocrine disruptors
- undercooked starches in the food supply which get persorbed
- industrial food additives, artificial ingredients, and other toxins used freely in most packaged foods
- fruits picked unripe and sprayed with chemicals to artificially alter its ripening process
- milk and sugar and meat and carbs wrongly blamed and demonized for the obesity crisis
- loss of food culture and truth, noone knows whats healthy and whats not, rise of fad diets such as veganism for "health benefits"
- kids fed formula instead of breast milk
- microbiome destroyed by various environmental toxins
- the dietary confusion allows companies to make fake meat and fake milk and people cheer it on or indifferent to it
- billions of plastics produced yearly, which are estrogenic and alter and harm our bodies
- plastics and other trash filling landfills which leech into the soil and food and water and let off toxic gasses in the air.
- plastics degrade into micro plastics, which are largely permanent.
- plastic production rapidly rising with no end in sight. estimated multi billion tons of plastic put in trash yearly, a handful of corporations are responsible for the vast majority of it
- overfilled land fills, nowhere to put our trash, so countries ship it out to poor countries which kills that population slowly
- toxic asbestos used in housing and other material and is still present in many houses, replaced with silica which is just as bad and causes silicosis
- other toxins used in housing and material such as flame retardants
- widespread, underdiagnosed hypothyroidism causing nearly ever degenerative disease and mental/personality disorders
- rise in cancer, heart disease, diabetes, alzheimers, dementia, autism, autoimmune disorders
- Diseases treated with harmful medications which makes pharma companies billions while it kills the patient,
- simple cheap cures are shunned
- Opioid and other drug addiction epidemics, rise in overdoses
- rapid deforestation
- multiple species going extinct from envrionmental pollutants and ecological destruction/changes
- oceans overfished and filled with plastics and pollutants
- climate changing (not necessarily man made, but natural shifts which may destabilize tens of millions of people)
- Soy and corn governmntal subisidies which allows cheap production of soybean oil and high-fructose corn syrup which is in all food
- soy and corn fed to all animals, causing high pufa fat content
- animals are crowded and stressed and injected with various substances to make them grow faster
- meat soaked in various solutions so they increase in weight
- meat aged which increase polyamine content
- Hypothyroid medication is horribly used, NDT products taken over by pharma companies and altered, most people treated with t4 only which harms many
- silica and titatnium dioxide in almost all medications
- fluoride and other toxins in water
- dental industry uses various harmful substances to fill teeth
- medical malpractice kills 400,000 a year, the real number most likely in the millions
- totalitarian lockdowns
- technocratic elites using their power to implement any agenda they wish
- virus being used as bioweapons by countries, increase pharma profits when they produce a cure
- Untested MRNA vaccines potnetially permantly altering peoples bodies
- aluminum adjuvants still used in many vaccines
- loneliness epidemic
- phone and technology addiction/reliance
- social bonds being broken
- 9-5 jobs that pay horribly and pay very little wages
- minimum wage still only 7 dollars
- 0% interest rates and quantitative easing policies by the federal reserve pumps up stock prices increasing wealth inequality and helping the elites
- the money printing increases inflation which reduces the purchasing power of ordinary Americans on fixed wages
- predatory banks create legal slavery through debt, many nations crippled/reliant on powerful banks because of debt
- companies like Dupont produce chemicals in Teflon, poison the world, and nothing happens to them. Their stock is still going up
- private prisons, Monsanto, and other corporations are highly profitable
- widespread cancel cullture and censorship
- wokeism taking over public discourse
- identity politics distracts from corporate and governments killing everyone
- CIA ideologically subverting people with false flags and psyops, cant trust anything and anyone
- IQ dropping world wide
- religious extremism, from Zionists, warmongering neocon Christians, and Islamic extremists never stop killing others
- widespread endocrine problems
- sperm count in western world dropped by 50%, noone may be able to have children soon as fertility rates continue to drop
- irrationality, chaos, and disorder are the new normal
- the food, environment, culture, and profit will kill us all through biological destruction
- The world has very little vitality, love, comfort, and nourishment left, while competition, anger, psychosis, seperation, and discontent are increasing

It seems as if all of these are caused by two things: Profit and Power. Did I miss anything?
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Oct 6, 2020
Good List.

Perhaps i missed it or it is not considered as much of an issue, but genmodified Plants, Seeds, Microbes and manmade viruses and in the future, eventually modified humans causing unforeseeable issues in our Ecosystem, Microbiome/Virome and our health (or is it realy the advertised mainstream field of science that will safe humanity from its selfinflicted demise?)

Further increasing Technological advancements and interconnection such as with the financial system, citys and as it will be the case with Transhumanism, is something truly problematic considering all the potential manipulation, control and "dictatorship" this would allow for the "wrong" people.

And last but not least my personal pov: No change to be seen anywhere in the near future with the fundamental flawed basis that our world/society operates on, which led to its own, mostly artificial, manmade problems and thus prevents the solution of thoose by its very own concept. Probably due people not understanding/realizing it or being oblivious/ignorant towards it.

But your last pharagraph said it alot easier i guess. Profit and Power ...


Jun 13, 2019
Good List.

Perhaps i missed it or it is not considered as much of an issue, but genmodified Plants, Seeds, Microbes and manmade viruses and in the future, eventually modified humans causing unforeseeable issues in our Ecosystem, Microbiome/Virome and our health (or is it realy the advertised mainstream field of science that will safe humanity from its selfinflicted demise?)

Further increasing Technological advancements and interconnection such as with the financial system, citys and as it will be the case with Transhumanism, is something truly problematic considering all the potential manipulation, control and "dictatorship" this would allow for the "wrong" people.

And last but not least my personal pov: No change to be seen anywhere in the near future with the fundamental flawed basis that our world/society operates on, which led to its own, mostly artificial, manmade problems and thus prevents the solution of thoose by its very own concept. Probably due people not understanding/realizing it or being oblivious/ignorant towards it.

But your last pharagraph said it alot easier i guess. Profit and Power ...
oh good point about transhumanism, that reminds me of some other related problems as well:

- eugenics
- "gene" therapy and potential future alterations
- forced sterilization taking part in some places of the world
- it's debatable, but circumcision?
- pedophilia and rape, non-consensual relationships
- domestic violence
- crime rates increasing, school shootings, etc.


Jun 13, 2019
Also some additional things I forgot to add:

- military industrial complex: annual budget of 750 billion, probably more in secret payments
- "forever wars", US killing and overthrowing regimes and killing/displacing millions, using chemical weapons, napalm, agent orange, etc.
- threat of nuclear war, the US already has committed the worst evil by dropping nuclear bombs, killing hundreds of thousands in Japan
- threat of nuclear energy leaks, japan is currently releasing radioactive waste into oceans


Dec 8, 2016
-lack of hope. Lack of love. Lack of inner freedom.
-school’s indoctrination. Lack of critical thinking.

many many many more


Dec 9, 2015
- threat of nuclear war, the US already has committed the worst evil by dropping nuclear bombs, killing hundreds of thousands in Japan
- threat of nuclear energy leaks, japan is currently releasing radioactive waste into oceans

I was going to add that, but glad you caught it. The whole premise of nuclear energy and weapons requires a critical mass of rational, smart, abled-bodied humans to tend to them, as well as all the other supporting infrastructure around them. As many of your other points highlight, the outlook for the number of such people isn't good.

Add maybe autonomous, AI-based weaponry, which all powers are likely developing. I'm not so worried about Terminator-type scenarios, but more computer- & internet- based "weapons" that could easily take down economies or critical infrastructure.

It seems as if all of these are caused by two things: Profit and Power. Did I miss anything?

I'd trace it back to whenever humans started seeing themselves as separate: that is, separate from nature and natural laws, their environment, and separate from each other. Things like greed necessitate that sort of separation.


Jun 13, 2019
Add maybe autonomous, AI-based weaponry, which all powers are likely developing. I'm not so worried about Terminator-type scenarios, but more computer- & internet- based "weapons" that could easily take down economies or critical infrastructure.
good catch on the AI. that may even be a top 5 issue going forward, although it can be used in so many different ways that theres no telling which direction it heads in. Also, internet weapons, such as cyber attacks, pose two huge problems. The first is that cyber attacks themselves can destabilize the world, by crashing supply chains, economic systems, etc like you said, but cyber attacks also give leverage for governments to commit the worst of false flags, by taking down systems of their own countries to get people panicked, to blame it on other countries in order to start wars and increase cybersecurity funding, and to create the perpetual threat of crisis. Making the entire world reliant on technology to function properly is probably not going to end well unfortunately.


Jun 13, 2019
also another problem going off the AI, technology, cyber attacks, etc:

- Social credit system
- digital currencies

These two may become heavily intertwined, with governments being able to allocate or take away your funds based on how you act, behave, i.e your social credit.
Nov 26, 2017
The list is ultraprecise, thank you.

It seems as if all of these are caused by two things: Profit and Power.

I'd say Ignorance and Power.

Have you seen this thread before?



Mar 3, 2013
That's an impressive list, but what unites those details? I think it largely boils down to relationships: how humans see ourselves and our surroundings. As the poster dfspcc20 above mentioned, seeing ourselves as distinct from our environment, when in fact we are interdependent with our environments. We are a reflection of our failure to see the consequences of this illusion of separation. Our degraded soil, food, water, reflects in our degraded food, which reflects in our degraded health. The mistake is thinking we can destroy Nature, and not have that pollute/degrade our own bodies, not to mention make us miserable. Prior to this era of self-deception, it's a matter of speculation to what led to our degeneration as a species, some have suggested simply the diet, and later, the evolution of technology, such as modern agriculture, which helped create the illusion of separation. From a habitat perhaps originally near the equator, with humans eating oily tropical fruits, to then migrating north, eating higher PUFA foods, you can imagine how that lead to degenerative effects over thousands of years.
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Oct 11, 2015
oh good point about transhumanism, that reminds me of some other related problems as well:

- eugenics
- "gene" therapy and potential future alterations
- forced sterilization taking part in some places of the world
- it's debatable, but circumcision?
- pedophilia and rape, non-consensual relationships
- domestic violence
- crime rates increasing, school shootings, etc.
Circumcision is not debatable. People do it because of the Bible and "tradition", theres nothing good about it


Sep 24, 2016
Availabilit of too many addictive stimuli already added? Internet, Smartphone, Netflix, Games, drugs, porn.

Estrangement from nature / our environment as you all pointed out in detail.

And the estrangement from anything evolved and meaningful that our health reacts to: family bonds - even the broader „tribe“. Large families are looked upon now in the war or get scattered by „mobility“

Tradition, values etc.... everything is suspect.
The Lack of physical activity that we evolved to.

It’s all messed up. Our species and our way of life is deranged beyond help. And the sickest and wickets sit behind the curtains and pull the strings.

Ironically, their aim is to redeem all that is wrong with human life for themselves.

They want ultimate health and undieability.

They want ultimate freedom - to enjoy nature and pleasurable activity

They want meaning - possibly the quest to unravel the laws of nature

I don’t know.

That’s why I don’t care for climate change or the prevalent fake climate change narrative. They use the ultimate argument: we need to ensure the survival of Homo sapiens.
Not to me. Not that way.
And that’s the shizoid aspect of climate protection. Yes, „they“ really want cleaner energy and getting rid of certain toxins. They too strive for a more life-friendly environment - but not for you and me. We have to toil and suffer to get there


Oct 19, 2019
Mainstream media reliant on advertising from corporations/pharma etc and the impact that has on the “news” agenda and what they report. This aligned with a lack of critical thinking in the population at large due to dumbed down education system and learned helplessness feeds into the appeal of cult like movements and autocratic political leaders to provide “safety”. All of which is magnified through social media too.


Dec 9, 2015
That's an impressive list, but what unites those details? I think it largely boils down to relationships: how humans see ourselves and our surroundings. As the poster dfspcc20 above mentioned, seeing ourselves as distinct from our environment, when in fact we are interdependent with our environments. We are a reflection of our failure to see the consequences of this illusion of separation. Our degraded soil, food, water, reflects in our degraded food, which reflects in our degraded health. The mistake is thinking we can destroy Nature, and not have that pollute/degrade our own bodies, not to mention make us miserable. Prior to this era of self-deception, it's a matter of speculation to what led to our degeneration as a species, some have suggested simply the diet, and later, the evolution of technology, such as modern agriculture, which helped create the illusion of separation. From a habitat perhaps originally near the equator, with humans eating oily tropical fruits, to then migrating north, eating higher PUFA foods, you can imagine how that lead to degenerative effects over thousands of years.

I like how several of Peat's recent newsletters really hammer home the interactions between an organism and its environment.
We are reflections of our environment, while at the same time the environment can be a reflection of us. With humans being the global keystone species, able to make such a positive or negative impact.


Jun 13, 2019
@meatbag do you think a critque of capital could fit in here to help unify these developments , alienation, and decay under one central framework ? I wonder if you could provide a quick overview to help conceptualize it, since your analyses are always spot on.


Mar 26, 2014
Circumcision is not debatable. People do it because of the Bible and "tradition", theres nothing good about it

Huh? The Bible says circumcision is worthless.

I honestly don't know how you said Bible and not Talmud or Quran.


Mar 3, 2013
I like how several of Peat's recent newsletters really hammer home the interactions between an organism and its environment.
We are reflections of our environment, while at the same time the environment can be a reflection of us. With humans being the global keystone species, able to make such a positive or negative impact.
I second that. The idea that we can make our environments better, instead of trying to adapt to bad environments, is an optimistic and empowering attitude.


Jan 15, 2016
@meatbag do you think a critque of capital could fit in here to help unify these developments , alienation, and decay under one central framework ? I wonder if you could provide a quick overview to help conceptualize it, since your analyses are always spot on.
I think James Corbett's "How Big Oil Conquered the World" and Richard E. Brown's "Rockefeller Medicine" have probably done a better job than I ever could;

How & Why Big Oil Conquered The World : The Corbett Report
Rockefeller medicine men : medicine and capitalism in America : Brown, E. Richard : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
A great example of how the state in a capitalist society colludes with the top of the capitalist class and their firms in the interest of the capitalist class rather than the population, a majority of which are not part of the ruling capitalist class, is given by Peter McCullough MD , who holds the honor of being the most cited medical doctor on COVID-19 treatments at the National Library of Medicine, with more than 600 citations and has testified before Congress and won numerous awards during his distinguished medical career;

"McCullough suggested that there is an incestuous relationship between the U.S. government and certain elements within Big Pharma, which causes regulators to look the other way when confronted with safety issues.

“A lot of Americans don’t understand how tight these stakeholders are. Keep in mind the NIH [National Institutes of Health] is a co-owner of the Moderna patent, so they have a vested financial interest in keeping these vaccines going,” he said.

More than 15 months into the COVID nightmare, the evidence is beginning to suggest the U.S. government colluded from the outset with the Gates Foundation, CDC, FDA, the United Nations World Health Organization and Big Pharma to make the vaccines the central focus of the global COVID response effort. They started promoting the vaccines before they were even out of clinical trials, McCullough said, which is against U.S. regulatory law."

>Highly Cited COVID Doctor Comes to Stunning Conclusion: Government ‘Scrubbing Unprecedented Numbers’ of Injection-related Deaths - Global Research


Feb 9, 2022
- People do not demand payment in real money (silver) or barter for their valuable goods and services causing life and labor to become worthless death debt/wage slavery
- Working/trading time/life/labor for currency/capital only instead of refusing to build anything that degrades or enslaves and doesn't generate life and a better world
- Crypto"currencies" promoted as an alternative to valueless fiat currency that don't work as currency and can be tracked and/or disabled
- CBDC UBI rent everything from the owners, own nothing China style social credit system as a replacement for the hyperinflating US dollar
- High population density causing behavioral sink
- Cities with high population that can't support themselves with small land area must depend on industrialization, chinese slave labor factory imports, and rural resources that are increasingly under the control of corporations and governments
- Home prices inflated necessitating taking a mortgage due to bidding home prices up with mortgages which people slave to pay off for much of their life.
- Most people acquire little real wealth and instead "invest" in speculative financial assets with no value while the wealthy buy up and regulate natural resources such as water rights and land, things required for life
- Destruction of the home as the center of life and production of goods necessary for life
- Water and land rights/use restrictions
- Self sufficient or self employed people decreasing from over 90% of american population 100 years ago to less than 10% today
- Umbilical cord clamping causing decreased neurogenesis (low intelligence, flynn effect environmentally caused) and poor fine motor control (bad handwriting) due to hypoxia; umbilical cord stem cells that would have repaired birthing damage are sold
- Continually increasing vaccination schedule causing brain damage/autism, autoimmunity and sometimes infertility due to lacing with antifertility drugs
- EMFs (present day urban levels 1 trillion times higher than earth background rf power levels) cumulatively degrading germ line cells.
- Alienation of the sexes
- Divorce incentivized by law
- Being a stay-at-home mother is increasingly impossible.
- "Educating" women in college increasing the percentage of divorces initiated by women from 70% to 90% (i.e. 90% of marriages with a college educated woman which end in divorce are initiated by the woman)
- Weakening, sickening, and disfiguring of men by various means including xenoestrogens altering sex hormones making them feminine, impotent, and undesirable to women increasing likelihood of divorce.
- Pornography as an outlet for sexual frustration that would otherwise cause societal damage.
- Destruction of face to face communication and communities and replacement with virtual spaces that consumes you(r data) such as zoom calls and the Metaverse
- Surveillance camera internet connected security systems and surveillance and control 'smart' devices and 'smart'phones in homes and on people at all times; internet of things soon to be internet of bodies (look it up)
- Surrogate activities and endless bread and circus distracting people from the desert of the real
- "Recreational" drugs and antidepressants smothering the intellect and making you feel good when you should feel bad and rewiring your brain to accept living death
- Cars required to access cities
- Electric vehicles with surveillance cameras internet connections and kill switches that can be activated by social credit system
- Faith that voting will fix things and not taking meaningful action to make your life and community better
- Smart dust and chemtrails
- Neuralink
- 5G enabling smart meters and many of the aforementioned technologies to collectively form the smart grid.
- GMO plants (and in the future probably animals) that produce mrna vaccines within the cells
- Mosquito vaccines
- Conventional farming causing soil mineral depletion and topsoil washoff leading to mineral deficiency diseases in consumers of crops grown in mineral deficient soil
- Forever chemicals and microplastics in food, water, land, and air
- All cookware except unleaded uncolored unglazed completely inert soda-lime or borosilicate or tempered glass potentially leaches toxins
- Abortion flesh consumed by science to research lucrative healthcare treatments and how to get people to consume more (stem cells used to test for best flavorings of pepsi for example)
- Mind control news media psychological operations false flags corrupt courts and regulatory agencies controlled opposition religion inability to accept painful truths and work to alter worldview and actions and empower yourself through self sufficiency at any cost

Which Way Western Man - William Gayley Simpson home and the machine industrial revolution civi...png

the system is murdering you ray peat.jpeg

Me: What would you like your legacy to be?

Peat: Ending oligarchy and ending the digital culture are important goals.
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