Why is nobody talking about the connection between gender dysphoria and estrogenic pollutants?


May 10, 2022

“Phthalates Are More Problematic For Children, Especially Boys​

Phthalates are bad for everyone’s hormones, but scientists have recently found them to be more problematic for boys than girls. An article published in the Journal of Neurotoxicology investigated whether exposure to phthalates during pregnancy could affect the emotional and behavioral development of two-year-old children. The answer was a resounding YES, but those effects were observable for boys and not for girls at that age.

  • Shortened Anogenital Distance (AGD) — This is the skin between the anus and the base of the penis. Earlier studies have shown that the AGD is twice in boys as it is in girls, which is because of the high rates of the hormone testosterone. This AGD difference is not as pronounced in little boys exposed to higher levels of phthalates in utero.
  • Undescended Testicles — Children exposed to higher amounts of phthalates in utero are more likely to have undescended testicles.
  • Changing Masculinazation — This is best described by Dr. Fred Vom Saal as an aversion to “rough and tumble” play or reduced aggression.
  • Scored Lower in Personal & Social Development — These skills would include the ability to interact and communicate with others and they are worse among boys exposed to higher levels of phthalates in utero.
  • Emotional Discomfort — This is where scientists looked at scales of emotional reactivity, anxiety, and depression and found those to be higher among children exposed to higher rates of phthalates in utero.”
Unfortunately, my wife ate the SAD before we had our first child, and into his early years before changing our diet completely. I'm sure it lead to his Undescended testicle issue...😢
Mar 10, 2021
Unfortunately, my wife ate the SAD before we had our first child, and into his early years before changing our diet completely. I'm sure it lead to his Undescended testicle issue...😢
My mother took DES while pregnant with me, which was suppose to be safe, but turned out to be monstrous. It should have messed me up for life, but my father saved the day. He was worried about my health, and even survival he said, hearing about the damage DES was causing the daughters of the mothers who took it, with many of them getting childhood cancers and dying. So my father had us eating optimally, starting as early I can remember. He gave me brewer’s yeast and raw honey daily, homemade yogurt and homemade ice cream, we ate the seafood he caught, mostly shellfish, and traumatized me with weekly liver, which has made for really funny stories in how I would find ways to make it disappear off my plate without having to eat it, so I am not sure that liver got much credit. We ate lots of real butter and sweet ripe fruit and we rarely went out to eat, or EVER went to the doctor. I can only remember and occasional trip to A&W for a burger and root beer, Shakey’s pizza, a pastrami sandwich from somewhere, and Mc Donald’s for a Filet-O-Fish. That was back in the sixties and early seventies though, when saturated fat was considered healthy, and the meat was still somewhat grass fed, and fish wasn’t full of heavy metals. My point is eating optimally in the early years makes a huge difference. I am still alive and super healthy at sixty, and your son will be too with you being like my father and getting right on it, making changes in your son’s diet that will make the difference.


May 26, 2018
My mother took DES while pregnant with me, which was suppose to be safe, but turned out to be monstrous. It should have messed me up for life, but my father saved the day. He was worried about my health, and even survival he said, hearing about the damage DES was causing the daughters of the mothers who took it, with many of them getting childhood cancers and dying. So my father had us eating optimally, starting as early I can remember. He gave me brewer’s yeast and raw honey daily, homemade yogurt and homemade ice cream, we ate the seafood he caught, mostly shellfish, and traumatized me with weekly liver, which has made for really funny stories in how I would find ways to make it disappear off my plate without having to eat it, so I am not sure that liver got much credit. We ate lots of real butter and sweet ripe fruit and we rarely went out to eat, or EVER went to the doctor. I can only remember and occasional trip to A&W for a burger and root beer, Shakey’s pizza, a pastrami sandwich from somewhere, and Mc Donald’s for a Filet-O-Fish. That was back in the sixties and early seventies though, when saturated fat was considered healthy, and the meat was still somewhat grass fed, and fish wasn’t full of heavy metals. My point is eating optimally in the early years makes a huge difference. I am still alive and super healthy at sixty, and your son will be too with you being like my father and getting right on it, making changes in your son’s diet that will make the difference.
Nice post. Seems like a good, responsible father. Did he take you to fishing? What would he catch, mostly?


Nov 6, 2022
They won't grow out of it, if it is being caused by the endocrine disruptors you mentioned. Those disruptors are the "soft" version of chemical castration you also mentioned, and they are just as bad (if not worse) considering the exposure to them is very long-term and almost uninterrupted.
.. and insidious
Mar 10, 2021
Nice post. Seems like a good, responsible father. Did he take you to fishing? What would he catch, mostly?
He was a diver not a fisherman. We ate mostly lobster and abalone, he was good at catching those two things. My mom would make us eat fried canned oysters, and they were huge, full of green goo and another traumatic experience. Because we ate so well, I did not like candy as a child. I don’t naturally tend towards sweets still, but find ways to incorporate them in a healthy way into my diet now and I feel better for it. I made flourless peanut butter cookies last night with defatted peanut powder and refined coconut oil instead of PUFA laden peanut butter, but I made them to get the hard to get vitamins that peanuts offer. My father went that extra mile for health, that I do. I learned it from him at an early age.


Mar 4, 2019
That's what I've heard the evidence shows for many children who claim to suffer from gender dysphoria. I'm sure that this is the more leaning toward "social contagion" part of it. But perhaps the growing concern is that it'll become less and less about social contagion and what's trendy and it'll become more and more about actual gender dysphoria caused by chronic endocrine disruption.

But, to some extent, puberty should still help pre-pubescent children who have gender dysphoria, as it'll increase the level of endogenous hormones which should counteract it to some level. The continuation of endocrine disruption though will eventually take its toll on these people again.
Kids are being openly gay / gender non-confirming at even 13/14. I see what you mean, especially with say, a tomboy girl growing out of the boy phase, but in the case that it sticks and they don’t feel feminine, this keeps on going on and can even stick unless there is a massive positive change in the environment that it makes them change their mind.

I met an 18-year-old recently who is both openly autistic and bi/pansexual - his ex was a boyfriend, and his “boyfriend” now is a they/them woman who wants to be referred to as a boyfriend/partner instead of a girlfriend. They have opened up to me and told me a lot of traits that the community here would consider high classic high serotonin (narcisism, disregard of whatever they say) and high estrogen even with making almost everything sexual. They are super fun and friendly otherwise. It is still a minority, but it is sticking.

I think with how health conscious the current generation is, if they have children, they will be a bit more careful of what they feed them and how they raise them, so there may be a decline there.
Mar 10, 2021
Years ago, I read about the harmful effects of peanuts; but I cannot remember the details. Since they are seeds, they may cause intestinal inflammation. You may want to research it more.
Peanuts are a common allergen for many people, but not for me. Peanuts are a legume not a seed, and I buy the peanut powder which has most of the bad fats removed.

EDIT: Be sure to buy organic too. The refined coconut oil takes care of the rest of anything concerning.

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May 26, 2018
Peanuts is a common allergen for many people, but not for me. Peanuts are a legume not a seed, and I buy the peanut powder which has the bad fats removed.
Peanuts are seeds, so the protein structure is more problematic than its oil. Just warning you, it doesn’t have to cause a noticeable allergic reaction to determine if it’s harming you. If you eat it a lot, you may want to reconsider.
Mar 10, 2021
I am in excellent health and am not worried about an occasional coconut oil made peanut butter cookie. I enjoy everything, but go the extra mile to protect myself from harm. Considering Ray Peat gave an okay for macadamias, which I eat more than rarely, I think going the extra step in taking out bad oils and adding in the refined coconut oil would make Ray Peat proud. Ray Peat also said beans are beneficial on occasion in small amounts, and he enjoyed his small amount in hummus on occasion…

“Most of what people call nuts are not true nuts (like macadamia nuts, walnuts, pecans, peanuts, pine nuts, etc.) This is like when people call a tomato a vegetable when it is actually a fruit, specifically a berry. So in short, a macadamia nut is actually a seed.”

Mar 10, 2021
Peanuts are seeds, so the protein structure is more problematic than its oil. Just warning you, it doesn’t have to cause a noticeable allergic reaction to determine if it’s harming you. If you eat it a lot, you may want to reconsider.
I don’t eat peanut powder very often.


Oct 11, 2016
You have free will. Stop accepting degeneracy. No matter how corrupt your body is your consciousness can be free. There are unlimited proofs of this. Anything else is rationalization. Not rationalization for why to keep the world clean and the body healthy, but rationalization regarding why you're accepting what you know is wrong... Be it for status, money, ease, or whatever reasons.

One could choose to eat plastic every day and still hate what is wicked and refrain from degenerate sexuality.

Believing you have deduced biology when you can't demonstrate supernormal control of you own biology is a widespread on this forum. Likewise, the belief that people understand their minds is a widespread trap in the world. Very few can demonstrate basic and consistent control and management of mind.
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Mar 31, 2021
You have free will. Stop accepting degeneracy. No matter how corrupt your body is your consciousness can be free. There are unlimited proofs of this. Anything else is rationalization. Not rationalization for why to keep the world clean and the body healthy, but rationalization regarding why you're accepting what you know is wrong... Be it for status, money, ease, or whatever reasons.

One could choose to eat plastic every day and still hate what is wicked and refrain from degenerate sexuality.

Believing you have deduced biology when you can't demonstrate supernormal control of you own biology is a widespread on this forum. Likewise, the belief that people understand their minds is a widespread trap in the world. Very few can demonstrate basic and consistent control and management of mind.
Your own comment is contradictory. You state that humans have free will but then end your statement with the fact that very few can demonstrate basic and consistent control and management of the mind. Sounds like they are behaving as though they are being influenced by their environment and biology. The statement that people don't understand their minds is even more proof of what I'm saying. Their mind is producing thoughts based on their biology. The mind is from the brain, the brain is run by chemicals from the body.

It is not a stretch to believe that a combination of males being bombarded by estrogen from an early age, including in the womb, are born and have more feminine features. You can literally see it. These people look more feminine. Then we have the world and people telling them that they are actually the wrong gender, that's where the social part of it comes in. They are being convinced that the right thing to do is to become something that resembles the physical appearance of a woman.

We can exert our force on this by pushing the counter narrative, that they are not the wrong gender, merely that they are hormonally messed up and need gender affirming support for their real gender, using hormones that match their real gender and biology.

Yes, some of us can see more after we've done LSD and DMT and whatnot to open the doors of perception. But that is not the world we're living in and it's not going to convince people. But what will convince people is a legitimate medical explanation for what is wrong with them, rather than brainwashing them with degenerate thoughts of insanity where they are living a fantasy of being the opposite gender and we all have to play make-believe with them.


Dec 1, 2021
Your own comment is contradictory. You state that humans have free will but then end your statement with the fact that very few can demonstrate basic and consistent control and management of the mind. Sounds like they are behaving as though they are being influenced by their environment and biology. The statement that people don't understand their minds is even more proof of what I'm saying. Their mind is producing thoughts based on their biology. The mind is from the brain, the brain is run by chemicals from the body.

It is not a stretch to believe that a combination of males being bombarded by estrogen from an early age, including in the womb, are born and have more feminine features. You can literally see it. These people look more feminine. Then we have the world and people telling them that they are actually the wrong gender, that's where the social part of it comes in. They are being convinced that the right thing to do is to become something that resembles the physical appearance of a woman.

We can exert our force on this by pushing the counter narrative, that they are not the wrong gender, merely that they are hormonally messed up and need gender affirming support for their real gender, using hormones that match their real gender and biology.

Yes, some of us can see more after we've done LSD and DMT and whatnot to open the doors of perception. But that is not the world we're living in and it's not going to convince people. But what will convince people is a legitimate medical explanation for what is wrong with them, rather than brainwashing them with degenerate thoughts of insanity where they are living a fantasy of being the opposite gender and we all have to play make-believe with them.
Agree! Fix both environment and mind, but with the circumstances as they are NOW, the environment needs much more focus. But then again, fixing our environment requires some engagement of the brain, hehe.

I always tried to brute force things through the mind without realizing the actual issue being a lack of clean metabolic energy. Nowadays the narrative being pushed of "weak men" or "alpha male beta male" stuff is actually more reflective about upbringing, hormonal profile, health and emotional maturity than just "mindset". You can't force many of these things without good health. Like fixing your mindset is not suddenly gonna double your testosterone if your constantly being attacked by environmental estrogens and you have chronic stress.

Ahmed ELH

Sep 9, 2023
I always tried to brute force things through the mind without realizing the actual issue being a lack of clean metabolic energy. Nowadays the narrative being pushed of "weak men" or "alpha male beta male" stuff is actually more reflective about upbringing, hormonal profile, health and emotional maturity than just "mindset". You can't force many of these things without good health. Like fixing your mindset is not suddenly gonna double your testosterone if your constantly being attacked by environmental estrogens and you have chronic stress.
Absolutely, the two go hand in hand. Many people get trapped in that spirit/mind, brute force thinking loop, but in fact our state of consciousness is strongly impacted by our health.


Oct 11, 2016
Your own comment is contradictory. You state that humans have free will but then end your statement with the fact that very few can demonstrate basic and consistent control and management of the mind. Sounds like they are behaving as though they are being influenced by their environment and biology.
That at all... If one could exercise their entire will in the right direction, then they could become quickly enlightened - if such a thing exists. But a bit of free will not to choose dishonesty and known corrupt practices goes a long way. But many use their free will not to choose. And the idea that biology is the cause is again an entirely materialist view; the material is then above the soul in the causal chain.

Perhaps the feminization issue is more spiritual than physical as well, at root. Otherwise it wouldn't be strong men -> good times -> week men -> bad times, and the like. It would be more estrogenic compounds -> weak times -> more estrogenic compounds? -> weak/bad times? The mechanistic view when not a single person has seen an estogen molecule seems beyond the pale at this point, unless one qualifies it as a mere hypothesis. Think about it, if this were such a root cause, then so-called more powerful "anti-estrogens" would have a lot more significant effects. Not to mention those supposed "anti-estrogens" wouldn't be so similar to "estrogens" in their "molecular" action ;)


Dec 1, 2021
That at all... If one could exercise their entire will in the right direction, then they could become quickly enlightened - if such a thing exists. But a bit of free will not to choose dishonesty and known corrupt practices goes a long way. But many use their free will not to choose. And the idea that biology is the cause is again an entirely materialist view; the material is then above the soul in the causal chain.

Perhaps the feminization issue is more spiritual than physical as well, at root. Otherwise it wouldn't be strong men -> good times -> week men -> bad times, and the like. It would be more estrogenic compounds -> weak times -> more estrogenic compounds? -> weak/bad times? The mechanistic view when not a single person has seen an estogen molecule seems beyond the pale at this point, unless one qualifies it as a mere hypothesis. Think about it, if this were such a root cause, then so-called more powerful "anti-estrogens" would have a lot more significant effects. Not to mention those supposed "anti-estrogens" wouldn't be so similar to "estrogens" in their "molecular" action ;)
Your bound to the material world through the body, so the body will always be the weakest link and thus the most significant aspect of improving one's standing. How can you talk about angels when you can't even be a proper animal? Many people nowadays are so disconnected from their true nature, no amount of spirituality will fix that, but fixing their disconnection to the body will automatically make most more spiritual.

And the good times -> weak men stuff is a meme. Good times can create very good men, and weak times can definitely serve to make you weaker. People that grow up in a good household with good circumstances are more likely to be both smart and strong, and this shows on a societal scale. Darwinian perspective is wrong. Moral men create good times, immoral men create bad times.


Jan 6, 2019
Many people nowadays are so disconnected from their true nature, no amount of spirituality will fix that, but fixing their disconnection to the body will automatically make most more spiritual.
Well said. It's a major shift in perspective to realize that the most spiritual thing we can do these days is to ground ourselves better. Many seem to mistake spaciness and ungroundedness with spirituality.

Something I have been maintaining as a background habit is pushing energy towards my feet and trying to keep it there throughout the day. Gradually this has allowed my consciousness to "descend" from the head into the body in a way that feels very stabilizing to my overall being. I'm feeling more at home within myself. My body feels more solid/dense and I'm less responsive to stimuli. Through this process I have realized how much I have lived in my head in the past years, as well as how much this must have contributed to my present illness.
Mar 10, 2021
Well said. It's a major shift in perspective to realize that the most spiritual thing we can do these days is to ground ourselves better. Many seem to mistake spaciness and ungroundedness with spirituality.

Something I have been maintaining as a background habit is pushing energy towards my feet and trying to keep it there throughout the day. Gradually this has allowed my consciousness to "descend" from the head into the body in a way that feels very stabilizing to my overall being. I'm feeling more at home within myself. My body feels more solid/dense and I'm less responsive to stimuli. Through this process I have realized how much I have lived in my head in the past years, as well as how much this must have contributed to my present illness.
I like what you said here Sir.
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