What Is An Average Breakfast For You?


Mar 29, 2014
I didn't realise peating involved mostly liquid breakfasts lol.
Doesn't have to.
It doesn't. Peating should mean you eat food that you enjoy, and that warms you up (ie increases your metabolism).
Most of these breakfasts listed - ie liquid, no starch, low protein - would tank my metabolic rate.
I tried for a bit, don't think it served me well long term.

Currently usually: a bit of beef, lamb or fish (or eggs in the past, just skipping them ATM) fried in a little coconut oil + potato + greens + sometimes other veges, sometimes fruit. (Sometimes leftovers from dinner the night before.)

Past Peat-inspired iterations:
- OJ + eggs [+ sometimes all-milk sweet decaf coffee]
- buckwheat pancakes with fresh or stewed fruit and/or honey, jam, cheesecake, cream

I've not measured temps and HR much, but go by how breakfast affects my energy and ability to function, and especially my health issue symptoms. Starch, protein and veges and/or fruit seem helpful ATM.


Oct 11, 2016
Lately it has been steak, 3-4 eggs, mushrooms, carrots or eggplant or onions. And coffee about half of the time with some b1 & maple syrup mixed in.


Oct 17, 2016
Cheesy Omelette with Nutritional Yeast, OJ or a bowl of fruit, coffee. Or chocolate milkshake. Or fruit smoothie. With casein.


Feb 23, 2020
[QUOTE = "Runenight201, post: 373086, miembro: 7863"] Mi ganador actual es la leche de cabra con hojuelas de maíz y miel / jarabe de arce, algo de fruta, tal vez una fruta, todo seguido de café [/ QUOTE]

My current winner is goat milk with corn flakes, and honey/maple syrup, some oj, maybe a piece of fruit, everything followed by coffee

I thought that corn flakes and other grains are not a good options according to Ray Peat, due to endotoxins and some problems.
Sorry, I'm new with Ray Peat recommendations, if I'm wrong, correct me please.


Mar 29, 2014
I thought that corn flakes and other grains are not a good options according to Ray Peat, due to endotoxins and some problems.
Sorry, I'm new with Ray Peat recommendations, if I'm wrong, correct me please.
People get to learn about Peat's ideas, and try out things that we think may be helpful based on our own thinking. Don't assume everything people here say or do is what Peat would either advise or do.

Peat seems to discourage eating lots of grains if there are better options available. Whole grains contain PUFA; starch is an issue for some people; calcium to phosphorus ratio tends to be lowish. There may be some other factors.
Lots of us eat some grain anyway.


Feb 18, 2018
[QUOTE = "Runenight201, post: 373086, miembro: 7863"] Mi ganador actual es la leche de cabra con hojuelas de maíz y miel / jarabe de arce, algo de fruta, tal vez una fruta, todo seguido de café [/ QUOTE]


I thought that corn flakes and other grains are not a good options according to Ray Peat, due to endotoxins and some problems.
Sorry, I'm new with Ray Peat recommendations, if I'm wrong, correct me please.

Yea the only starches Peat really condones are well cooked tubers and nixtamalized corn tortillas. Potentially white rice too, since he’s quoted as even eating some with coconut oil. Him and most health conscious folk are against wheat, but I like my tomato sandwiches :)

As Tara said many of us who have been at it for long enough choose to include starch in the diet as opposed to eliminating it. One has to be very careful with starch and properly food combine it (I’m a huge fan of the tomato and then other vegetation such as peppers, onions, mushrooms, etc...) to prevent starch from becoming a negative part of the diet and instead turn it into a very health promoting food.

The milk, sugar, and cereal combo is good, but I have get the ratios right. Too much starch and not enough milk and sugar and suddenly I’ve got a heavy stomach and a dull brain. With the correct amount of added sugar though I’m VERY euphoric. My happiest states hands down come from the milk and sugar combination.


Feb 23, 2020
[QUOTE = "Runenight201, post: 501029, member: 7863"] Sí, los únicos almidones La turba realmente condona los tubérculos bien cocinados y las tortillas de maíz nixtamalizadas. Potencialmente arroz blanco también, ya que se lo cita incluso comiendo algunos con aceite de coco. Él y la mayoría de las personas conscientes de la salud están en contra del trigo, pero me gustan mis sándwiches de tomate :)

Como dijo Tara, muchos de nosotros que hemos estado en esto el tiempo suficiente elegimos incluir el almidón en la dieta en lugar de eliminarlo. Hay que tener mucho cuidado con el almidón y combinar adecuadamente los alimentos (soy un gran admirador del tomate y luego de otra vegetación como pimientos, cebollas, champiñones, etc.) para evitar que el almidón se convierta en una parte negativa del dieta y, en cambio, conviértalo en un alimento que promueva la salud.

La combinación de leche, azúcar y cereales es buena, pero tengo las proporciones correctas. Demasiado almidón y poca leche y azúcar, y de repente tengo un estómago pesado y un cerebro apagado. Con la cantidad correcta de azúcar agregada, aunque estoy MUY eufórico. Mis estados más felices sin duda provienen de la combinación de leche y azúcar. [/ CITA]
Thanks Runenight201
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