Were The 60s 70s And 80s The Peak Of Modern Society?


Oct 19, 2020
No economical freedom either, education in the US costs a ton, so is healthcare...
Anyone with money in the usa sends their kids to private schools because public education is failing even though we spend more per student than any other country. Have you seen what common core math is?


Aug 17, 2016
It's Science.


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Mar 10, 2016
Just want to say that the aesthetics of 80's etc were so bad, I nearly have a panic attack when I hear certain songs / guitar solos and how "musicians" would just ramp up the dissonance / chaos to a max. Also those clothes looked good on NO one and saying "but it was the style!" just makes it even stupider.


Apr 8, 2016
From the perspective of the average American worker, the 40s, 50s, and 60s were the economic peak of the United States. Richard Nixon's administration marked the beginning of the downfall of the American worker when Nixon went to china in 1972.

From the perspective of the billionaire globalist, the present is better than any other time in history. Also no better time to be alive than the present if you are in the top 1% of wealth or income.

The economic theory behind globalization was "The Law of Comparative Advantage". The idea behind this economic principle is the more free trade a nation has, the more efficient the workers in that nation will be. The workers in a nation can focus on what they are best at and the nation can produce what they are most efficient at. The increase in worker productivity due to free trade will be a tide that raises all ships.

Although the theory did prove correct and average worker productivity did increase with the rise of globalism beginning in the early 1970s, the result was a disaster. The rich got richer and the poor got poorer. The tide did not raise all ships but mostly the ships of the super rich.

Fast forward to the end result of globalism in 2021. A small number of billionaires have taken over the United States and rule over us now. These billionaires control the fortune 500 corporations and the US Government. More ironically a militia that called themselves "antifa" fought on the side of the billionaires who took over the country to impose fascist rule upon the United States.


Apr 15, 2020
Anyone with money in the usa sends their kids to private schools because public education is failing even though we spend more per student than any other country. Have you seen what common core math is?
Common core math? I don't know what that is


Oct 22, 2018
Just want to say that the aesthetics of 80's etc were so bad, I nearly have a panic attack when I hear certain songs / guitar solos and how "musicians" would just ramp up the dissonance / chaos to a max. Also those clothes looked good on NO one and saying "but it was the style!" just makes it even stupider.

80's aesthetics was the best. In the rock scene at least.

Pablo Cruise

Jan 7, 2018
I was born in the 90s but for some reason I yearn for those golden decades between the 60s and 80s.

I feel like it was a perfect mix between the old and the new. We had modern machinery that made human lives easier so we weren't just toiling in a jungle all day but we also had the old traditions such as eating high quality foods, average people still ate organ meats, and one the biggest things in my opinion which is no internet and smartphones. The people we were around were the people we were around. We were more involved in our real daily lives and truly knew the people around us, friends, family teachers, milkman, garbage man, preacher, etc.

The world seemed bigger, and if you heard some major news from China or Egypt, it would really fascinate you. What could these exotic countries and people really be like you'd wonder.

Porn and sex wasn't around every corner so those emotional and sexual experiences would have probably felt a lot more magical and the discoveries would have been in and of themselves more memorable.

Am I just romanticising in my head or was this really how it was?

I really hate how the world now feels so small and less mysterious. I don't wonder what the Gaza pyramids or the Eiffel tower are like because I can see a 4K video of it.

Social media has made all relationships feel so superficial, and it just boils down to who has the best looking selfies and who has the most likes. It's harder to enjoy life when it seems like everyone is doing so much better than you on Instagram.
It was a time when countries had culture. When the U.S. had laws, values, and respect. That is all going with the NewWorld Order. That means AI, internet, and wokism. They are trying to make us forget our culture and history while mankind becomes brain implanted virtually robotic instruments.

The age of values and innocence was the 50's, 60's and 70's. It was the good old days I long for.

But life is not for the sentimental. It is time to relish the past and fight back at Globalism. People are waking up. Countries are waking up. We simply must save our history. We cannot go back in time. Don't give up. Life changes and we must accept that or throw in the towel. Appreciate the past and hold it special but be ready to stand up for what has made us special. We can beat Globalism. We have to. We can have joy and we can appreciate life again.


Mar 15, 2014
I feel that the 1990s was the best decade and not just because it was my coming of age (16 in 1990).
I didn't even exist in 1990 and I agree

The 90s and 00s were the peak of technological change for the average western + Japanese citizen, anyone who grew up here experienced the most radical period of media change in human history as their *childhood baseline*, which of course sets them up for unfulfilledness later on.

I don't think anything comes close to the 90s except for electrification in the early 1900s, but even that is far less infinite than the possibilities that were unlocked by personal computers

And it wasn't just the internet, it was all other type of personal electronic device--music players got smaller and went from holding dozens to thousands of songs, video games went from 8 bit cartoons to lifelike realism in 20 years (and have plateaued since), cameras went from bulky to tiny rectangles, and then all of these aforementioned things themselves got further consolidated into one-gadget-fits all smartphone, for better or worse (the start of the current era)

And most importantly like you said, the 90s and 00s were still free of financial-internet. It had not yet been consolidated, so there was diversity and a lot of individuality. Instead of reddit-tiktok-4chan-tumblr-twitter ruling everything and homogenizing everyone's interactions, not just their opinions but also things like their speech patterns, slang, etc.

The "bad" things about the 90s:
- stress levels (from wage deflation since the 70s) were high to begin with (still way lower than now though)
- plastics had begun to creep into unsafe territory
- the worst era for food, lying perfectly in the valley between the traditional food of the 70s and the "food connoisseur rediscovery" of the late 2000s-onward

Another good thing is that leaded gasoline was phased out by this time

The testosterone is low in this one.
You can really smell the zoomer gap through the screen
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