Were The 60s 70s And 80s The Peak Of Modern Society?

Feb 10, 2020
Boomer nostalgia. Life is struggle for development and meaning and this stagnated when the children of ww2 generation decided materialism is the best God and let the state educate and raise their own kids.

“Do SOMETHING” is the advice mantra of boomer, what that something is, is unknown, they have no clue what do tell you for guidance and when they do give you some direction it’s mostly peanuts, just repeating something they’ve heard rather than thought deeply about.

Not everyone, but boomers were at the helm as the west was parceled off and sold off for nothing. They tried to reverse mortgaged their inner selves.
Feb 10, 2020
I drank, drugged, ****88, fought and partied like a shore leave sailor for most of it (and well in to the noughts) and theres barely a picture of me between ages 18 - 30 never mind having my entire life mapped to online. I wish I could do it all again.

Your attitude is why the west is so rotten. Spiritual boomers reliving their glory days of drinking drugging and fighting. My gosh, man, have you no shame? And to want to do it over again? Meanwhile the dystopia continue to march on. People like you wonder how we got here, it was because you were asleep at the wheel and don’t even know it. At least if it was mapped online others could learn from it and see the true nature of it.
Feb 10, 2020
Also saying America has peaked is operating on an idea of history taught to you in books. Since I learned of the civilization the land on which America sits, was taken from (not speaking of Indian tribes), it really throws for a head spin this idea of America as some greatness. Look up Tartarian civilization. Jonlevi has a good YouTube channel explaining this with evidence.

America probably was never great as the civilization it somehow took these lands from, according to the theory. Even our modern technology can’t compare in some ways.

Anyways, you all idealizing the past seem to have boomer goggles on. What was so great about Vietnam war facilitating narcotics trade, hyper consumerism, new and innovative pollutants, being raised by talmudvision, etc? America is built on myths that don’t even really exist in the first place.


Mar 29, 2016
Wish you were born as a boomer. Then you may know you fought against the Vietnam War, to no avail. And now, that you never lifted a finger against the current perpetual war being waged by your state is a surprise and definitely a regression. The college campus now is about anything (mostly nits) but Anti-War. Yeah, it's because you don't have to be drafted. Rrrighttt! And spare us your excuses, Forester!
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Mar 25, 2016
Your attitude is why the west is so rotten. Spiritual boomers reliving their glory days of drinking drugging and fighting. My gosh, man, have you no shame? And to want to do it over again? Meanwhile the dystopia continue to march on. People like you wonder how we got here, it was because you were asleep at the wheel and don’t even know it. At least if it was mapped online others could learn from it and see the true nature of it.

I'm not a boomer, I'm not old enough (which you should be able to work out for yourself) and no I don't "wonder how we got here". My rite of passage, ie - enjoying my responsibility free youth and early adulthood isn't the cause of any malaise in society. In fact, its quite traditional in most Western societies, like the UK and has been for centuries to one degree or another. If there's a problem in Western society its not due to too many males being like me. In fact I'd argue that if more young men these days were in touch with the masculinity, there wouldn't be half the tyranies your *****-whipped posterior seems to be suffering under! Man up and sort out your own reality.

You remember the scene in the Godfather when Vito Corleone loses his temper with Johnny Fontaine? Thats what I would do to you if we were in a room together right now. You female canine, you!
Feb 23, 2020
Your attitude is why the west is so rotten. Spiritual boomers reliving their glory days of drinking drugging and fighting. My gosh, man, have you no shame? And to want to do it over again? Meanwhile the dystopia continue to march on. People like you wonder how we got here, it was because you were asleep at the wheel and don’t even know it. At least if it was mapped online others could learn from it and see the true nature of it.

The testosterone is low in this one.

I’m 31 and spent my 20s drinking and fu**ing with pretty much no trace of it anywhere. Avoiding Facebook, Snapchat and Instagram wasn’t hard in 2012-2018, it might be a bit harder now but still. Not a huge deal.

if people are socially autistic and don’t know how to be discreet, it’s on them.


Nov 21, 2019
Once you realize that your hedonistic days are over due to your decline in looks you are eventually forced to make a greater goal for yourself, or you just rot away with a decreasing life quality. That might be boomer ideals (house, kids, family, job at deloitte) or a more individualistic dream like retiring at 35 and escaping the matrix, or becoming great at something you actually love. Once you see through a significant amount of the bull**** (human nature, society, ideals) you better bluepill yourself again to fit in. Or you find true fulfillment in an alternative way of life, which is probably even harder. I wish I was born earlier, as I think my „tougher“ environment would have led me to a clearer outline of life, and a more fulfilling brain chemistry. Kind of jealous of the lives my grandparents and parents had. If I ever have kids, I will barely have anything remarkable to tell them about my life before them


Sep 6, 2018
Kind of jealous of the lives my grandparents and parents had. If I ever have kids, I will barely have anything remarkable to tell them about my life before them

I see guys in their 40s and 50s they are so upset their kids know everything and they can't really teach them anything, that their children can take a plan and go places and that when their were 18yr old planes were expensive they had no idea how to reach a place and did not know the language. Well of course now you go online and book a hotel or airbnb, etc. Have google maps, have videos of cities and well there you are.

Of course not all guys in their 40s and 50s are living in the past but they can't completely break off from the past, there is an order of events and things that happen in their life which cannot be changed.
Yeah back in the day if your parents were tailors you learned the job from them, if they were farmers you probably was a farmer, if they were traders their children probably were traders also. Things are completely different today, the access to information is way simpler and will get even simpler besides most of these jobs are not present anymore on large scale in society there are devices and automation for that, you do not need 2000 guys with their hoes in the filed when there are tractors.

I see until now guys saying they would like to smack the hell out of their children just like they were smacked when they were little. So this can also be the golden age for some, remembering the daily smacks from their early life.
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Nov 21, 2019
I see guys in their 40s and 50s they are so upset their kids know everything and they can't really teach them anything, that their children can take a plan and go places and that when their were 18yr old planes were expensive they had no idea how to reach a place and did not know the language. Well of course now you go online and book a hotel or airbnb, etc. Have google maps, have videos of cities and well there you are.

Of course not all guys in their 40s and 50s are living in the past but they can't completely break off from the past, there is an order of events and things that happen in their life which cannot be changed.
Yeah back in the day if you parents were tailors you learned the job from them, if they were farmers you probably was a farmer, if they were traders their children probably were traders also. Things are completely different today, the access to information is way simpler and will get even simpler besides most of these jobs are not present anymore on large scale in society there are devices and automation for that, you do not need 2000 guys with their hoes in the filed when there are tractors.

I see until now guys saying they would like to smack they hell out of their children just like they were smacked when they were little. So this can also be the golden age for some, remembering the daily smacks from their early life.

tbh I don’t think I will be like this. I am dystopian about the future of this technological society. Sex-bots, designer babies, hypernudging taken to new extremes, I think ***t will be changing our world just like smartphones, social media, big data etc do now, in increasingly decadent ways. I will not blame my children for that, or for participating in it. Technology is truly unstoppable. Technology is our god


Oct 21, 2013
I was born in the 90s but for some reason I yearn for those golden decades between the 60s and 80s.

Am I just romanticising in my head or was this really how it was?

I was born in the 70s, and the golden decades without a doubt were the 40's and 50's. :sunglasses: Time is a funny thing. When I tell my kids about the 80's (that decade SUCKED btw, 70s was much better and 90s better still), I realize it is like my own mom telling me about the 1940s. ANCIENT HISTORY.

Why were the 70s so great? Pre-Walmart. One might say Walmart in many ways is largely responsible for our cheap, throw-away society, but then it is a product of it itself.


Apr 15, 2020
Living in the USSR in 1960-1975 was the best time for humans in history. It is the closest you can get to heaven.


Mar 29, 2016
Tell us why.


Oct 19, 2020
The early 80s were ok but if I had a time mmachine I wouldn't want to go back prior to maybe 1988. The cars sucked. You would have a v8 camaro with something like 180hp which isn't even a 4 cylinder subaru today. The fashion and hair styles sucked.... e.g. the mullet. Home fashion sucked and was depressing. 40 was considered over the hill. Nearly all men had beer bellies. Dental car was horrible and if you were 62 you had dentures. There were maybe 4 channels on TV worth watching and cable TV didn't exist in every market.

To me life didn't really pick up until around 1988. The 90s was the best decade. You had internet and email but you didn't have it in your pocket distracting you from important real world things. Cars were much improved. Fashion and style stopped being so depressingly old fashioned. Tv and entertainment was modernized but didn't dominate your life. People started taking better care of themselves. The world was still big and full of wonder but not a complete mystery.

When I think about the 90s and today the big difference is people were not glued to the internet and watching to see what their favorite influencer told them to think or to like and weren't trying to outdo each other with elaborate vacation pics. People didn't spend all day texting people they knew in the 3rd grade.

You also didn't graduate from college and need to compete with 5 people from India for every decent paying job and companies used to give a 3% cost of living increase every year. Now you can go 2or 3 years without a 1% raise. Flying on a jet was still not like being put into a cattle car and told to shut up if you wanted an extra pillow.

1998 is when I would say life started getting worse


Apr 6, 2018
The early 80s were ok but if I had a time mmachine I wouldn't want to go back prior to maybe 1988. The cars sucked. You would have a v8 camaro with something like 180hp which isn't even a 4 cylinder subaru today. The fashion and hair styles sucked.... e.g. the mullet. Home fashion sucked and was depressing. 40 was considered over the hill. Nearly all men had beer bellies. Dental car was horrible and if you were 62 you had dentures. There were maybe 4 channels on TV worth watching and cable TV didn't exist in every market.

To me life didn't really pick up until around 1988. The 90s was the best decade. You had internet and email but you didn't have it in your pocket distracting you from important real world things. Cars were much improved. Fashion and style stopped being so depressingly old fashioned. Tv and entertainment was modernized but didn't dominate your life. People started taking better care of themselves. The world was still big and full of wonder but not a complete mystery.

When I think about the 90s and today the big difference is people were not glued to the internet and watching to see what their favorite influencer told them to think or to like and weren't trying to outdo each other with elaborate vacation pics. People didn't spend all day texting people they knew in the 3rd grade.

You also didn't graduate from college and need to compete with 5 people from India for every decent paying job and companies used to give a 3% cost of living increase every year. Now you can go 2or 3 years without a 1% raise. Flying on a jet was still not like being put into a cattle car and told to shut up if you wanted an extra pillow.

1998 is when I would say life started getting worse
In the movie The Matrix Agent Smith says
The perfect world was a dream that your primitive cerebrum kept trying to wake up from. Which is why the Matrix was redesigned to this: the peak of your civilization.
That year of “peak civilization” was 1999...


Oct 19, 2020
In the movie The Matrix Agent Smith says

That year of “peak civilization” was 1999...
I forgot about that.
In brief 1988 through 1998 were the 10 best years.
2008 through present have sucked big time. And its getting worse


Oct 21, 2013
The early 80s were ok but if I had a time mmachine I wouldn't want to go back prior to maybe 1988. The cars sucked. You would have a v8 camaro with something like 180hp which isn't even a 4 cylinder subaru today. The fashion and hair styles sucked.... e.g. the mullet. Home fashion sucked and was depressing. 40 was considered over the hill. Nearly all men had beer bellies. Dental car was horrible and if you were 62 you had dentures. There were maybe 4 channels on TV worth watching and cable TV didn't exist in every market.

To me life didn't really pick up until around 1988. The 90s was the best decade. You had internet and email but you didn't have it in your pocket distracting you from important real world things. Cars were much improved. Fashion and style stopped being so depressingly old fashioned. Tv and entertainment was modernized but didn't dominate your life. People started taking better care of themselves. The world was still big and full of wonder but not a complete mystery.

When I think about the 90s and today the big difference is people were not glued to the internet and watching to see what their favorite influencer told them to think or to like and weren't trying to outdo each other with elaborate vacation pics. People didn't spend all day texting people they knew in the 3rd grade.

You also didn't graduate from college and need to compete with 5 people from India for every decent paying job and companies used to give a 3% cost of living increase every year. Now you can go 2or 3 years without a 1% raise. Flying on a jet was still not like being put into a cattle car and told to shut up if you wanted an extra pillow.

1998 is when I would say life started getting worse
Agree, the 90's were the last decade of freedom, and that's even with the signing of the AWB in '94. (A truly dark blot in the decade). But the internet was still open.


Oct 19, 2020
Agree, the 90's were the last decade of freedom, and that's even with the signing of the AWB in '94. (A truly dark blot in the decade). But the internet was still open.
Yes we still had freedom! The governments and big tech companies didn't track our every movement of every day of our life.

Right this very moment, what I'm writing here is being stored in the massive Utah complex under my file.

No cameras with facial recognition on every corner. No 'no fly lists' for people who heckle a politician.

911 was the nail in coffin of what began in 98 or 99.

We had freedom. Hell I can remember when steroids were legal in the USA. I was very young but they were legal at one time in the usa. You could even get a rx from your doctor if you lifted weights!!

Any semblance of freedom now us just that, a semblance. A few years ago I got a life insurance policy and the company had a list of every single prescription med ever given to me by any doctor since 2000. There is no freedom and no privacy left in the civilized world.


Apr 15, 2020
Yes we still had freedom! The governments and big tech companies didn't track our every movement of every day of our life.

Right this very moment, what I'm writing here is being stored in the massive Utah complex under my file.

No cameras with facial recognition on every corner. No 'no fly lists' for people who heckle a politician.

911 was the nail in coffin of what began in 98 or 99.

We had freedom. Hell I can remember when steroids were legal in the USA. I was very young but they were legal at one time in the usa. You could even get a rx from your doctor if you lifted weights!!

Any semblance of freedom now us just that, a semblance. A few years ago I got a life insurance policy and the company had a list of every single prescription med ever given to me by any doctor since 2000. There is no freedom and no privacy left in the civilized world.

No economical freedom either, education in the US costs a ton, so is healthcare...
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