Depression, Isolation, And The Modern World


Apr 8, 2016
same here, do people ask you when you're going back (to buy your degree, like a normal youth would)?

no, i did get questions like that a lot in the first year after leaving, been a bit more than three years now

started dying down when i told people there was a slim chance of me going back

in the last months i've moved states into a more rural area, living on a farm, people can see i'm happy where i am

my problem is now getting skills and finding a higher paying job


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
i find that willing things to stop really doesn't work, just creates a fakeness about yourself

the only way i've found to better deal with the world is meditation, i do a form called shikantaza where i just think, aggressive thoughts, repetitive, whatever ! i do about two hours a day

microdosing lithium carbonate helps with anxiety as well

i actually left college because i was so stressed, i think it was one of the best decisions i've made for myself !
I feel like leaving. I may do so.

Did you do the lithium carbonate by yourself or with a psych?


Jul 13, 2014
Adaptive response to stress makes sense, not knowing what love is,they require constant approval from others,no energy to think for themselves therefore they/we mimick.

We become a thought,verbal ejaculator of ideas from the past?
Are the ideas they project coherent? This is where free will comes into question, the thoughts you think,words you speak are all from the past.

Is their a real you in their somewhere? Or is life about building the "you"?
Is it possible to access originality? Is this what is labelled genius?
Recognising this potential may be the first step toward free will, the only thing that may be unchanging is the forms underlying reality that create the continues change we decode with our 5 senses, Wolgang Smith speaks of the senses as a freezing of motion device of sorts,hence the reason you can envision different potentials within the mind.

Outside of these forms it seems we can change everything with energy applied to the change. Being coherent with these forms is genius? Biologically you can access this?
The philosophies teach the good work/behaviour will get you there,the alchemist was for changing psychology and with that everything changes to the higher thoughts,coherent with the underlying forms causing motion and change.they keep it hidden that they used ergot derivatives and psilocybin,this is intentionally done? Or is it hubris and ignorance of biology?
You can access infinite potential relative to this body's state.

We are all possessed by ghosts, some are demonic, some are angelic like, this is what the ancient philosophy's/religions seem obssesed with, Ray Peat however might apply hormones,epigentics changes to demonic and angelic entities for example.
The ghosts are epigentics marks from past behaviour of ancestors,we are all connected through this, your selfishness now will be affecting other people epigentically, their offspring generations later may be the reason your offspring are oppressed and enslaved.

Humanities wars and deplorable behaviour in general is like you fighting with your reflection,a slightly delayed reflection.

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