Suggestions To Speed Up Recovery From Hypothyroid Induced SIBO?


Oct 23, 2018
Back in November 2018, my thyroid health dropped dramatically. I had hovered in the "sub-clinical hypo" stage for about a year prior (possibly longer due to unknown diagnosis). I never had any digestion issues that I would have related to thyroid function until about November when my TSH went into the "primary hypo" zone, and T4 dropped just off reference range. It was at this time I began to have frequent, chronic diarrhea. Like having to go immediately after a meal, extreme urgency, very loose watery stool, undigested looking food bits, etc. This became a constant, along with bloating and severe stomach irritation.

It is my understanding that slow motility can cause an excess overgrowth of stomach bacteria? I don't ever remember being constipated, but I would remember at a time when I was probably at my worst (in health and mind) that a night of heavy drinking would often lead to what is referred to as "the beer shits". Well, it's like that, but it just didn't go away.

Fast forward to now, and through the things, I have learned from this forum and elsewhere, I have significantly improved my thyroid function. In over body feeling, quality of life and lab results. Which I will post about at a later date once I have continued further and made more progress.

While I feel terrific, and stomach bloating is minimal, sometimes, but minimal. Stomach pain has decreased to maybe only 5% - 8% of the time, if at all. (As opposed to 90% late last year) Unfortunately, my stools are still not yet well-formed. They are not watery, just maybe a bit grainy? They feel solid coming out, but not quite there yet.

A couple of months ago I took a 14 day prescription of ciprofloxacin (for unrelated issues), I noticed my stools became more solid from watery, bloating gone, stomach irritation zero. However a couple of weeks after stopping the antibiotics, symptoms sort of returned, although not nearly as bad. I definitely had improvements from the antibiotics.

So my question is if I were to take another 2-week dosing of antibiotics what would you suggest? I have been considering either Minocycline or Doxycycline. Any suggestions based on the information above would be incredibly appreciated!

Also, I made my progress without taking thyroid supplements. I had a terrible reaction to exogenous thyroid that I feel I am still recovering from nearly a year later. And that is a topic for another post. So I can't, and won't take T3, T4 or NDT.


Oct 23, 2018

Probiotics and digestive enzymes in the past seemed to worsen the effects when I would take them. But I will look into your suggestion and perhaps give it a shot considering the Lacto Plantarum.

I'm curious about the Betaine hydrochloride, but some quick research on it reveals that it may not be safe for everyone. Increasing stomach acid is something I've yet to try. But not sure if that is something necessary in my case, at least now since things have improved somewhat.

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
There is a thread about L. Reuteri on the forum. Dr. William Davis feels it is helpful for SIBO since it colonizes the upper digestive system, which would then help prevent other bacterial overgrowth, in theory: The unique probiotic effects of L. reuteri | The Undoctored Blog
The thread also talks about making a high count yogurt using L. Reuteri tablets. I do it, and it is easy, albeit varying consistencies in texture, thickness, etc., depending on your base liquid. Or, you can simply take the tablets: BioGaia Gastrus – BioGaia.
May work well with the L. plantarum.
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