Progesterone for Male - Success (Insomnia and Anxiety) A few questions.


Mar 22, 2022
West Side
Wanted to share a success story and ask a few questions - Progesterone helped me get rid of my inability to stay asleep for more than 5-5.5 hours and now feel rested upon waking with full 7-7.5 hours of uninterrupted sleep.

Used 4 days of 100mg oral dose to flush out any excess estrogen as per advice by some members of this forum and it worked really well. Big thanks! Now I have no issues with lower doses since switching to 5-10mgs for a week already using @haidut Progestene - anxiety and nervousness are not a problem. It is actually the opposite now - calmness and a lot less sexual thoughts which I find is a benefit for everyday life and work. Though on the lower doses I do dream of Sex which is something that almost never happened before.

Other benefits - I believe sharper and quicker thinking process. Judging by my chess game - used to play only longer games as my visualization skills were a bit slow yet somewhat deep, now they are a lot quicker and moved to a shorter games in duration as otherwise it gets boring waiting for the opponent to see the next move. Also - oily skin as if I am a teenager again. Dig it, even though I will need to remove more blackheads now.

Anyway - in short - I really love it. But should I be aware of something if I decide to use small doses of progesterone long term, everyday ? Can I mess something up ? From what I have researched it seems "safe", kinda.

Heard some people saying that it is good to cycle 2 weeks on , 2 weeks off to not let my liver get very good at removing the progesterone. Is there any truth to that ?

Any advice is welcome.


Feb 10, 2016
Great to hear. Yes, Dr. Peat said that himself about the liver becoming more efficient at removing its with chronic use.


Jan 24, 2014
Texas USA
I've experiemented with progesterone for quite a while, even doing about 15 months of dosing 5-10mg every night before bed, about 5mg applied to my hairline and 2-3mg orally. All via a progest-E style natural progesterone/vitamine E preparation. I think doing it daily may prove to have been a mistake, but I noticed zero negative effects. I stopped after I encountered studies suggesting it is best used intermittently, which is in line with what Peat said all along. Stopping cold turkey was not a problem, but I did notice my libido was lower after a couple weeks with no supplementation, so I began using it once or twice a month and I do notice a couple days of better erections and higher libido subsequent to a single 9mg dose.
I can't recall the specific study that reviewed the therapeutic effects of supplementation, but what motivated me to stop was the differential effects of chronic use and acute use on cardiovascular events. I'm trying to not die for another couple hundred years;) so I am motivated by data about cardiovascular health. To the same end I'm definitely keeping progesterone on deck for post-traumatic use or occasional libido boost.
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