How long will it take for progesterone to reverse hirsutism



Hi there!
Currently I am taking a low dose of topical progest-e mixed with raw extra virgin coconut oil everyday with no bad effects (unlike when I was taking it internally and it was making me feel on edge and jittery). I haven't been noticing anything at all apart from some thermogenic effects that could be from the coconut oil and a temporary extreme increase in intelligence and quick thinking after I take it (which I'm guessing is not from the coconut oil) - it's not like I feel smarter, its that I notice almost in a detached way that my thinking's quicker, I can grasp more concepts, I can wrap my head around things, I'm making better decisions etc. There are many reasons that I'm using progest-e but the principle one is the hirsutism that I've been struggling with because of overall hormonal imbalances that's spiralled out of control recently. I do have some Indian ancestry, mixed with British & Dutch, which have never made me naturally hairy but have made it very obvious when there IS hair growth if that makes sense, because if there is hair, it's going to be thick and black, just like the hair on my head. I also have extremely pale skin which makes everything 100% more obvious; again, no problem if there's no hair ... but when there is, you can see it from a mile away. Lol. The hirsutism was the last thing to come ... it was the years and years of health issues before hand combined with some very stressful situations that suddenly made me do a double take in the mirror on the first day of 2021 - I began to see the beginnings of a moustache. I'm not embarrassed - for me it was precipitated by some very awful health problems and life circumstances and to me it made sense ... but at the same time, as a seventeen year old who was generally considered pretty before all of these health issues hit me like a truck ... I want it gone. And the hirsutism is a very visual representation, to me, of everything that I've been through. Its a representation of all of the other reproductive issues that I've had - the painful long periods with a dangerous amount of blood loss - the mood disorders - the weight gain - the psychotic behaviour - the loss of years of my youth to agoraphobia - the acne - everything! I love beauty and I won't apologize for loving beauty. I would love to be an emblem of beauty to the world. It means something to me.

I know that the progesterone should help and I do think it's doing something but often when it comes to hair follicles it takes a long time to see a change, unlike with skin, where sometimes using something makes a blemish or bump disappear over night.

I'm guessing that I'll begin to see an improvement or difference in a month or so, but, to be honest, I want this hirsutism gone (along with all of my other high estrogen/androgen/cortisol symptoms).

So, assuming that I will get rid of it with the progesterone and it's a question of when rather than if ... does anyone have any experience with how long it will be until the hirsutism vanishes? Should I be thinking 2 months, 3, 4 ... a year? Looking for some anecdotes. It would be nice to know what to expect.

I am feeling impatient and down about the lack of results. For some reason I expected it to start working sort of instantly and that I'd be seeing a significant change within a week of using. This has obviously not been the case. And in some ways, with the extreme nature of my health issues, it would be counterintuitive that this symptom that was the last to come and the slowest to develop, the result of the straw that broke the camel's back, being the first to go. Slow and steady wins the race, I guess.

Thanks for reading :)


Sep 3, 2020
From what I have read you cannot reverse it. Once those hair follicles have been stimulated you can’t reverse that, what you can do is continue to balance out hormones which will improve health but as far as beauty standards if it concerns you it may require laser hair removal, everything else out there besides that only lessens them. When I find the study that mentions that I will link . But again your experience may be different

Michael Mohn

Dec 7, 2019
My mom had hirsutism and she had low thyroid and high serotonin too. I think like balding this is a chronic stress phenomenon with very deep roots. There's no quick fix. Low pufa & good diet, low stress environment, thyroid, progesterone, aspirin, gelatin... high metabolism diet. Spironolacton is a progestin and might be worth a try as a short term intervention. I heard from mtf trans that it wipes out body hair and stimulates scalp hair.


Feb 27, 2019
Please do not use laser hair removal! I tried it for some chin hairs I had and it stimulated growth!
It is well known, but the dermatologist who used the laser did not inform me. I ended up with way more hair in the long run.
The only way I found to help was electrolysis and a very clean diet. No processed food, grains, natural sugars.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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