Please Help: Severe Premature Ejaculation from Calcium Carbonate Supps? Intra-muscular Calcium?


Dec 5, 2022
those who take phenibut, which has something to do with gaba, claim it makes them last forever
It makes it difficult to stay hard. Even with Cialis. However it makes your more sexual at the same time lol. Kinda cruel.

OP, I recently quit using kratom for health reasons. But I started using it years ago to extend my performance in bed. It works great for that. I’m not sure what it would indicate that is unique to your situation. But maybe it would rule out the mental aspect cause of premature ejaculation. I’m not sure what it is in opiates, although kratom isn’t one, that once those receptors are saturated it makes things less sensitive down there and in turn, last longer. I’m not sure what a kratom dose would indicate for you but I know it would illuminate some things somehow based on how you respond to it.


Sep 27, 2015
Hi Nick,

Many thanks for this.

You just jogged my memory - it was actually Esther Gokhale's information that made me change my posture to this more extended posture about 5 or 6 years ago... perhaps I have been doing it wrong...

Around 5 or so years ago I started hyper-focusing on squats / hip thrusts in my bodybuilding training, but also my posture overall (oral posture and "mewing", but also spinal posture and the Esther Gokhale Method...) - I think this has actually created some dysfunctions where my body is out of alignment - but I've been in the holding pattern for so long that I can't break out of it.

I'm not saying their method is wrong (Gokhale or GOATA), but the cues I took from this has put me into this problem.

Nevertheless, this was 5 or 6 years ago... whilst I did occasionally notice some issues with control then (5-10 mins intercourse), it was *no where near* as bad as it has become in the last year and a bit...... maybe the two things are not related at all - but I suspect incorrect diaphragm and pelvic floor diaphragm alignment is likely to lead to a whole host of symptoms. Namely:

In women: vaginismus (where penetration becomes impossible), urinary incontinence, possibly even prolapse, pain during sex

In men: hard flaccid, premature ejaculation, possibly erectile dysfunction for some, urinary incontinence / post-stream drip etc.......... I can't believe I'm having to talk about this stuff at age 32 - this is a problem for an old-age pensioner! (and even they would not welcome it!)

I'll give these links and honest look and try to understand it all.
I had a similar experience in the sense that I had been following the suggestions of Esther Gokhale for 10 years or so while also doing a lot of squats and deadlifts. The top hip-thrust position of most people's squat and deadlift is kind of the opposite of the Gokhale posture and I think the nervous system input from the hip thrust in squats and deadlifts is so much stronger than the input of static posture and slowly caused the pelvic muscle issues and premature ejaculation to develop, as well as some bladder issues that I think were related. Anything that made the muscle tension worse in the short term would make it worse temporarily but I think the muscle/fascia was more the root cause than those triggers. I think it's possible to squat/deadlift some without the hip thrust at the top but I did have to stop them completely for some time to see the improvement. I actually only did this because of an injury from deadlifting, I wasn't expecting the improvement in the premature ejaculation. If biomechanics are working well I suspect sprinting and pushing a sled may be a better way to get a similar intense exercise effect to the lower body barbell stuff.

My wife also started to develop several of the issues you listed after years of squats and deadlifts and they cleared up after implementing the GOATA ideas.

I don't want to sound like a GOATA evangelist because I don't think they are right about everything but even partially implementing their ideas was enough to clear up this issue for me. Especially helpful for the hips I think are mastering the child rockers exercise and sitting on the floor often in the seiza position with the ribcage stacked in alignment with the pelvis. Also possibly relevant to this issue of pelvic muscle tightness was that when I had the issues with premature ejaculation I had been breathing more in the chest as per Gokhale's suggestions but have since switched to more diaphramatic breathing into the whole abdomen.


Nov 1, 2021
I had a similar experience in the sense that I had been following the suggestions of Esther Gokhale for 10 years or so while also doing a lot of squats and deadlifts. The top hip-thrust position of most people's squat and deadlift is kind of the opposite of the Gokhale posture and I think the nervous system input from the hip thrust in squats and deadlifts is so much stronger than the input of static posture and slowly caused the pelvic muscle issues and premature ejaculation to develop, as well as some bladder issues that I think were related. Anything that made the muscle tension worse in the short term would make it worse temporarily but I think the muscle/fascia was more the root cause than those triggers. I think it's possible to squat/deadlift some without the hip thrust at the top but I did have to stop them completely for some time to see the improvement. I actually only did this because of an injury from deadlifting, I wasn't expecting the improvement in the premature ejaculation. If biomechanics are working well I suspect sprinting and pushing a sled may be a better way to get a similar intense exercise effect to the lower body barbell stuff.

My wife also started to develop several of the issues you listed after years of squats and deadlifts and they cleared up after implementing the GOATA ideas.

I don't want to sound like a GOATA evangelist because I don't think they are right about everything but even partially implementing their ideas was enough to clear up this issue for me. Especially helpful for the hips I think are mastering the child rockers exercise and sitting on the floor often in the seiza position with the ribcage stacked in alignment with the pelvis. Also possibly relevant to this issue of pelvic muscle tightness was that when I had the issues with premature ejaculation I had been breathing more in the chest as per Gokhale's suggestions but have since switched to more diaphramatic breathing into the whole abdomen.
Hi Nick,

Thanks for this again. It's really interesting to read / hear. When you say 'Hip Thurst at the top of a squat', do you mean pushing the hips out in front of the body like way out in front?

I have also reached the same conclusion RE: lower body training. I have completely stopped all squats and hip thrusts a few months ago. I figured the only way I could still train the muscles would be sled-pushing (which I don't have access to) or walking up steep hills trying to focus on the hamstrings doing the work rather than the quads.

This may be on to something... but I *really* feel like what has gotten me into the trouble in the first place (assuming the problem is even posture) is this lordotic lower back... one thing is for sure, I know my posture is sub-optimal. I struggle with alignment now due to imbalanced training - very quad-dominant, often tight lower back / hip flexors, unconsciously holding my belly in etc.

I'm very confused with which way to go!


Mar 22, 2022
West Side

I have been suffering with premature ejaculation for the last couple of years. 32 y/o man.

In the past year or so, I have now been suffering with *severe* premature ejaculation - less than 10 seconds to finish. It is so bad that it is preventing me from finding a relationship, and causing me intense distress. Note, this is not "Oh I only lasted 2-3 minutes, I wish I could go for longer" or "I finished before my partner could finish, I need to improve my stamina." This is almost immediate ejaculation upon stimulation - it is uncontrollable. This happens with masturbation too, not only with a partner.

My thoughts:

A significant worsening of my symptoms actually seems to coincide with me taking an interest in Peat's work and Danny Roddy's videos for reducing / reversing hair fall and hair loss around mid 2021 (I am quite new to the forum and this work).

Specifically, one of the things I have been doing in response to my reading of Peat's work / Roddy's videos (since around October 2021) is supplementing calcium carbonate. I am supplementing enough per day to balance calcium to phosphorus approximately / at least 1:1. I have been doing this because I do not tolerate dairy proteins very well - milk causes me to have constipation (I have tried A1, A2, raw vs. pasteurized, Friesian, Jersey, Guernsey - all with the same effect - I believe it may be the casein).

Checking my emails: my first purchase of calcium carbonate supps was October 2021. My first visits / consultations with physiotherapists around my premature ejaculation issue was November 2021... whilst I had been experiencing the problem for a good few months before this date (not saying CaCO3 was the only direct cause), it was only following a month or so of CaCO3 supplementation that I was prompted to seek medical help because the problem had gotten so bad - there may be a link??

My Theory / Question: could intra-muscular calcium excess (or magnesium deficiency) be causing chronic tightness / over-contraction in ALL muscles in the body, and hence, the pelvic floor tightness and premature ejaculation is actually a symptom of a wider "muscle tightness" issue?

- I ask this because my calcium intake has been significantly raised in the past year or so. I thought this would be a good thing in lowering PTH, reducing prolactin and helping with my hair fall.
- In addition to the premature ejaculation, after really paying attention to my body, I have noticed that lots of my muscles are often very tight. This tightness is not alleviated by extended periods of rest and relaxation (sitting around, slow walks, calming down) - the tendency to be tight and tense is always there. I notice that the muscles below my glutes are very tight upon ejaculation too (piriformis?), my glute and leg muscles are often ache-y in the morning, I do feel muscular fatigue too.
- Sodium, Potassium, Calcium and Magnesium play a significant role in muscle contraction and relaxation.
- Calcium is specifically responsible for Muscle Contraction
- Magnesium is specifically responsible for Muscle Relaxation

Treatment Suggestion: Might it be useful to stop all calcium supplementation, and begin magnesium and / or potassium supplementation?
- I have been using Magnesium Chloride Flake baths for a while now, but there does appear to be some debate about whether it is really absorbed. I wonder if higher dose magnesium taken orally could help to calm the entire muscular system down?? Combine this with much less calcium could help to balance things out?

- However, wouldn't supplementing magnesium raise my PTH and worsen hair fall? (not that calcium carbonate supplementation has done anything to reduce my hair fall either)

- How long might it take to notice a shift?

- Am I way off-base here??

Similarly to hair loss, premature ejaculation is a very difficult and frustrating condition - it must have existed for so many years, yet we still haven't found a direct cause / easy way to prevent it. I have been searching for solution for over a year.

I would HUGELY appreciate any advice or help any of you could give in answering this question, plus any other info that may have helped for you - I know PE has been discussed on the forum before, but it is quite difficult to sift through to see if my theory has been discussed. I hope I am not guilt-tripping anyone here, but it is not an exaggeration to say that this problem is ruining my self-esteem, putting my romantic life on hold (I really want to have a family), and seriously harming my quality of life. So I would be eternally grateful for any wisdom / info.

Thank you.

Supplemental info. for anyone still reading:

What is happening with premature ejaculation is that: when erect, even a minor amount of stimulation leads to uncontrollable "kegels" (involuntary kegels) i.e. strong contractions of the BC muscle (bulbospongiosus muscle - google it / wiki it) surrounding the base of the penis. This is the muscle that you can use to make the penis "twitch" or "bounce". However, for me and for others with premature ejaculation, when this muscle tenses, it DOES NOT relax. It stays tense... and this tension is what prompts the stimulation of the prostate / glands to signal an ejaculation to fire. The only way to relax it is to SERIOUSLY focus and "reverse kegel" (i.e. push out like you are trying to pee), but this is not sustainable, and also not normal. I know for a fact in my younger days that I was not constantly forcing out like I was trying to pee in order to keep control...

Some other areas of interest that I have seen mentioned:
(i) excess sympathetic tone vs. parasympathetic tone - this is very general, and not massively helpful in itself. Why might someone experience excess sympathetic tone? : Stress, nervousness, tension, not breathing properly, under-methylation, life circumstances...... loads of potential factors. I don't think general "relaxation" is enough to fix this (see below).
(ii) under-methylation - very recently (one week ago) started using TMG (tri-methyl-glycine) - very early days yet, but no improvements at all.
(iii) lack of choline - diet may have been choline deficient. I have eaten a reasonable amount of meat, but no eggs etc. for a very long time. Choline -> acetylcholine which is a major parasympathetic neurotransmitter.
(iv) generally having a "stressed metabolism" and stressed body. Possibly could be a factor, but after reading Peat's writings and writings on the forum, I feel I am doing everything that is advised in terms of dietary measures: 2-4:1 carbs to protein, sugar > starch, saturated animal fat, low PUFA, 100g protein (usually a minimum), ADEK supplementation, B Complex occasionally.
(v) I have seen it written that PE is a sign of high dopamine and low serotonin and is therefore a "good" thing. I highly doubt this is the cause of my problem - this is clearly a serious dysfunction and not a sign of health. Uncontrollable muscle tension upon stimulus is not a good thing.
(vi) I do lift weights, which may also be contributing to the tension. But I have been lifting since I was 18, and I never experienced these symptoms for years and years after starting weightlifting.

Some routes I have already tried / explored:
- general relaxation and "mindfulness" - has not worked for me at all. Whilst it's true that I can be mentally tense / stressed sometimes (a little Type A), I have always been like this - and I *never* experienced PE in my youth, or up until my mid to late 20s - almost the opposite problem, I could go for an hour. I do not believe it is brought on by mental "nervousness" or "anxiety", but that the nervousness / tension is a coinciding symptom. I have tried "calming myself down" to an almost zen state when masturbating, and I still have uncontrollable contractions upon stimulus.
- correction of breathing and posture - the breathing diaphragm and pelvic floor diaphragm are supposed to work together like a piston. If you are out of alignment (e.g. military posture) and your breathing diaphragm is not descending properly (i.e. you are chest breathing) then your pelvic floor is also not working as it should, which may lead to some tension / lock ups. However, I have worked very hard over the past year to try to restore an optimal breathing pattern. Whilst I am certainly not perfect, very few people are.... and severe premature ejaculation is apparently not that common... finishing before you would like to seems to be common, and this *could* be called premature ejaculation in a sense, but it is not the same as "five pumps and you're there".
- Reverse kegel work (i.e. pushing out and "relaxing" the pelvic floor) - both during stimulation and outside of stimulation to help the area to relax. Again, perhaps I could have done this more diligently, but I have observed ZERO benefit from doing this.
- Note: I have never taken SSRIs
I think this is Neurotransmitter issue. Too little serotonin to dopamine ratio maybe.

I had the very same thing happen to me when I started Peating. This happened in the very first weeks of modulating my original diet that was very similar to Peat but added crystal sugar/coffee/b1/b3 etc etc . Literally was done in like 30 seconds and the only way to stop the orgasm was to stop any sort of touch but still felt like it wants to explode :D 5-10 seconds is all it took to feel like I am about to cum. I also felt extremely euphoric during this time.

This lasted about 10 to 14 days and I got really worried as my girl was not happy and I was wondering whether it is the diet. I decided to push and let the body adapt. I cannot clearly remember what changes I did but I did some. I remember the event and my afterthoughts:

Drugs and excess of foods that act on the dopamine/serotonin system also make me either unable to finish or finishing too quick. You can have this type of issue. I would stop anything that skews the balance too much. Enjoy some ***t food, relax for a few weeks, stop coffee, lower sugar, and stop ALL supplements. Give about 7-14 days per intervention. I would try to eat fat instead of sugar for sometime like keto or similar to slow you down a bit. When I was on Keto I could not finish for 40 mins.

Let us know when you fix the issue.

Edit: I thought of a way to test out the theory - but I do NOT suggest it just saying it is a possibility for science - 1 a bit more than avarage dose MDMA around 150mg-160mg. See what happens during and 1-2days later. If it is a neurotransmitter issue you must see your ejaculation normalize or you may be even unable to finish especially before falling asleep after taking it and when you first wake up. This might help with the tensions as well.
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Mar 26, 2014
@BigShoes I remember reading that it could be caused by low CO2 (And/or high nitric oxide) maybe try one of the breathing techniques next time you're having sex or masturbating and see if that helps. Sounds like even a small improvement would be noticeable so hopefully this would be a fairly simple step to try and see if it helps.


Feb 3, 2020
To the person who recommended TMG.

Bless your soul!

Basically a cure for PE.
I helped someone with this. Undermethylation makes one prone to PE.



Nov 1, 2021
I think this is Neurotransmitter issue. Too little serotonin to dopamine ratio maybe.

I had the very same thing happen to me when I started Peating. This happened in the very first weeks of modulating my original diet that was very similar to Peat but added crystal sugar/coffee/b1/b3 etc etc . Literally was done in like 30 seconds and the only way to stop the orgasm was to stop any sort of touch but still felt like it wants to explode :D 5-10 seconds is all it took to feel like I am about to cum. I also felt extremely euphoric during this time.

This lasted about 10 to 14 days and I got really worried as my girl was not happy and I was wondering whether it is the diet. I decided to push and let the body adapt. I cannot clearly remember what changes I did but I did some. I remember the event and my afterthoughts:

Drugs and excess of foods that act on the dopamine/serotonin system also make me either unable to finish or finishing too quick. You can have this type of issue. I would stop anything that skews the balance too much. Enjoy some ***t food, relax for a few weeks, stop coffee, lower sugar, and stop ALL supplements. Give about 7-14 days per intervention. I would try to eat fat instead of sugar for sometime like keto or similar to slow you down a bit. When I was on Keto I could not finish for 40 mins.

Let us know when you fix the issue.

Edit: I thought of a way to test out the theory - but I do NOT suggest it just saying it is a possibility for science - 1 a bit more than avarage dose MDMA around 150mg-160mg. See what happens during and 1-2days later. If it is a neurotransmitter issue you must see your ejaculation normalize or you may be even unable to finish especially before falling asleep after taking it and when you first wake up. This might help with the tensions as well.
Hi DeadCatBounce,

Thanks for your message.

Yes I had seen it hypothesized here that high dopamine and low serotonin could be a major influencer. Someone even went as far as to say that PE ws a good thing because of this high dopamine state (I certainly disagree haha).

I'll have a look into this further. I'm not really one to try drugs like MDMA so I'll give that a miss (total square, I know). But it is interesting - my diet was *very* grain heavy as a young kid / late 20s (lots of cereal and pasta for extra calories) - and I almost had the opposite problem (delayed ejaculation). Perhaps the two are related.
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Nov 1, 2021
@BigShoes I remember reading that it could be caused by low CO2 (And/or high nitric oxide) maybe try one of the breathing techniques next time you're having sex or masturbating and see if that helps. Sounds like even a small improvement would be noticeable so hopefully this would be a fairly simple step to try and see if it helps.
Hi Peater,

Yes I'd seen this too.

But believe me (sorry to be crass), I have tried self-stimulation after a significant period of relaxation and meditation.... breathing exercises and calm state 'Zen' stuff for like an hour beforehand. And the same problem still occurred.

Obviously, it's possible that I was still not relaxed properly - pretty hard to turn from low CO2 stressed state to super relaxed in just one hour... but I'm not sure this is the problem. I'll keep exploring though.


Nov 1, 2021
I helped someone with this. Undermethylation makes one prone to PE.

Hi Young Sinatra,

Thank you for your comment.

Funnily enough, I have been supplementing TMG for about 2 weeks specifically because of your post... I read 'Aad's comment and thought... I have to give this a try.

I had been speaking to another member of this forum who recommended to me that I may be undermethylating due to my diet (it has been quite low in choline for the last year or so due to no eggs / fish etc. ... no choline -> low acetylcholine. And undermethylating could be confounding with that. I have been using TMG for around a fortnight - no luck yet, but it is still early days.

Side note: I've found your comments on *many* threads I've been checking out lately, and I really appreciate them. You often see things that others miss, and always bring value / a new perspective... I've seen a number of commenters say words to the effect of "woah! thanks YS... I'd never realized 'xyz' before." Cheers!


Mar 26, 2014
Hi Peater,

Yes I'd seen this too.

But believe me (sorry to be crass), I have tried self-stimulation after a significant period of relaxation and meditation.... breathing exercises and calm state 'Zen' stuff for like an hour beforehand. And the same problem still occurred.

Obviously, it's possible that I was still not relaxed properly - pretty hard to turn from low CO2 stressed state to super relaxed in just one hour... but I'm not sure this is the problem. I'll keep exploring though.
Ah OK, sorry I was hoping it might be the one overlooked thing that turned things around for you. I can confirm I tried phenibut years ago and remember lasting longer, someone else mentioned it up thread. But it's a drastic solution. What about topical lidocaine? That's even a peaty substance...


Sep 27, 2015
Hi Nick,

Thanks for this again. It's really interesting to read / hear. When you say 'Hip Thurst at the top of a squat', do you mean pushing the hips out in front of the body like way out in front?

I have also reached the same conclusion RE: lower body training. I have completely stopped all squats and hip thrusts a few months ago. I figured the only way I could still train the muscles would be sled-pushing (which I don't have access to) or walking up steep hills trying to focus on the hamstrings doing the work rather than the quads.

This may be on to something... but I *really* feel like what has gotten me into the trouble in the first place (assuming the problem is even posture) is this lordotic lower back... one thing is for sure, I know my posture is sub-optimal. I struggle with alignment now due to imbalanced training - very quad-dominant, often tight lower back / hip flexors, unconsciously holding my belly in etc.

I'm very confused with which way to go!
From the GOATA perspective the tucking the pelvis as the top of the deadlift or squat can be seen as a kind of hip thrust. The mainstream point of view from like a Kelly Starret perspective is that the pelvis should be "neutral"/tucked the whole time but even then the tendency of the motion is towards a hip thrust where the pelvis is even farther forward than neutral to lock out.

In contrast, when you lift something heavy in real life (not in the gym) the goal is usually to carry it so you would stop the movement of lifting without that last lockout range of motion, unless that is the way you walk with the hips forward (front-chain or quad/hip dominant position). I do think a lordotic pelvis position with front chain dominance is totally different in it's effects than a lorditic position with glute and hamstring dominance. With front chain dominance the lordosis pulls on the spinal erectors and compresses the spine.

I wonder if for you it will require really balancing out the quad-dominance before the pelvic stability and everything around it can improve, since you can change the positions but if the muscle imbalance is still there it's always pulling you in the direction of your default compensations.

The seiza sitting position, side-fetal lying, and lying on your back on the floor with calves resting on a chair (so vertical shins, legs high enough that knees can point forward without the hips externally rotating, femurs pushing down into the hip capsule) are all positions where the hips and quads can temporarily relax so you might experiment with that for quick relief. But as long as the muscle imbalance remains I suspect the problem will remain each time you return to movement, and since sex is a hip thrust movement (arguably the only common hip-thrust movement for humans in nature) it won't really fix the problem very well.

Judd Crane

Feb 7, 2017
This is based on the ideas of GOATA, which for me created a huge improvement in some (more minor than yours for sure) PE issues that I believe stemmed from the additive effect of years of hip thrusting exercise (deadlift and squat) that trains positioning in movement that pressurizes and lengthens the hip flexors.
How did you manage this? By stretching glutes and hamstrings?


Sep 27, 2015
How did you manage this? By stretching glutes and hamstrings?
In general, by doing exercises and drills designed to change my gait pattern and postural loading pattern, and stopping all hip thrust exercises.


Sep 27, 2015
What about lunges?
I don't know much about lunges, my instinct is that they seem like an unnatural movement pattern to me. Since commenting here I have found that Devon Brown of One of a Kind Fitness has a squat and deadlift variation that eliminates the hip thrust aspect of the movement and doesn't cause the same pelvic area problems for me as the way I used to do these. Neither can be done properly with a barbell, requiring either using a hex bar, safety squat bar for the squat, or dumbbells, weighted vest etc. Finding this was very helpful for me because I had to stop doing the sled--I was doing it at a gym and the EMF levels there were really screwing with my heart during a heavy sled push.

Judd Crane

Feb 7, 2017
I don't know much about lunges, my instinct is that they seem like an unnatural movement pattern to me. Since commenting here I have found that Devon Brown of One of a Kind Fitness has a squat and deadlift variation that eliminates the hip thrust aspect of the movement and doesn't cause the same pelvic area problems for me as the way I used to do these. Neither can be done properly with a barbell, requiring either using a hex bar, safety squat bar for the squat, or dumbbells, weighted vest etc. Finding this was very helpful for me because I had to stop doing the sled--I was doing it at a gym and the EMF levels there were really screwing with my heart during a heavy sled push.
Are there any instructions or videos for these exercises available?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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