Edging Without Ejaculation? Is It Safe?


Aug 2, 2017
Hey. Maybe this is not the right forum, i have asked and taken a look around other forums that are more suited for this type of thing but i always like to get an opinion from you lot!

So to combat my premature ejaculation i am practising edging 5 days of the week, either using a fleshlight or using lube (coconut oil) and ballooning (Basically means rubbing a very sensitive part of the head which is the underside of the head for me for most of the edging session.. maybe with some strokes here and there).

Now according to some folks on PE GYM and to Mantak Chia who is a taoist: they advise to only ejaculate like once a week (Probably less in Mantaks advise). That’s what would work for me anyway, once a week.I have been doing it already and have not noticed any negatives and i really like the routine, I can feel my sexual stamina increasing already.

Now my question is, is this safe? Is it safe to edge and balloon like Mon/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Sunday and only ejaculate on the Sunday?

Can doing this have any negative effect on the penis function it self? Has anyone honestly experienced anything that they can say 100% was directly caused by not ejaculating enough when edging?

Or can it have negative effects on prostate/testicles or anything at all?

Please keep the answer to either actual experience or something you 100% know is true.

I also could have mild mild hard flacid, is it still safe regardless of that?/

From what i’ve researched it seems perfectly safe and actual beneficial, i’m just double checking here :)

Thanks a lot!
Nov 21, 2015
Edging is very damaging and should not ever be done. You can masturbate to sensation occasionally if you feel you must. Edging does something very destructive.

Do you have a partner?


Aug 2, 2017
Edging is very damaging and should not ever be done. You can masturbate to sensation occasionally if you feel you must. Edging does something very destructive.

Do you have a partner?

Are you talking about the damage mentally (Dopamine etc??)

I don't have a partner but meet women, i have eased off since having a big issue with premature ejaculation and want to correct it before i get back out there.


Feb 13, 2016
Premature ejaculation is due to low GABA and high adrenaline. If you have PE then systemic health is probably not so good (low thyroid is likely, & potential for heart issues down the line is there). Probably better to focus on whole body health as opposed to mechanically trying to increase lasting time. Plus it obviously feels good to look at naked women but I think it's healthy to completely avoid porn.


Jun 25, 2019
I think it's fine. Healthier version is probably plateau edging and learning to feel when you need to slow down to not reach ejaculation. Hovering around ejaculation increases prolactin and I'd guess possible problems eventually with prostate/retrogade ejaculation/pelvic floor muscles if ejaculation is just a stroke away.

Sexual arousal and masturbation increase catecholamines slightly, that's not to say sex or other stimulating activity like playing video games wouldn't. The significant prolactin spike is from ejaculation.

So plateau edging for less than 20 minutes several times a week isn't that bad, depends what you compare it to. Edging for hours, edging to porn, ejaculating a lot or going back and forth in peak arousal (orgasm) are worse options IMO.


Aug 2, 2017
I think it's fine. Healthier version is probably plateau edging and learning to feel when you need to slow down to not reach ejaculation. Hovering around ejaculation increases prolactin and I'd guess possible problems eventually with prostate/retrogade ejaculation/pelvic floor muscles if ejaculation is just a stroke away.

Sexual arousal and masturbation increase catecholamines slightly, that's not to say sex or other stimulating activity like playing video games wouldn't. The significant prolactin spike is from ejaculation.

So plateau edging for less than 20 minutes several times a week isn't that bad, depends what you compare it to. Edging for hours, edging to porn, ejaculating a lot or going back and forth in peak arousal (orgasm) are worse options IMO.

Yes thats the goal ! To go for the plateau.. Thats what i was plannning, with no porn, being very aware of Pelvic floor muscles etc!


Jun 7, 2018
Edging is very damaging and should not ever be done. You can masturbate to sensation occasionally if you feel you must. Edging does something very destructive.

Do you have a partner?
Could you please detail more? And if not edging what would be the safer alternative? A tendency to PE would mean it is really fast coming to the zone of edging. When PE is a tendency avoiding edging would equal to avoid all kind of stimuli and arousal.


Dec 17, 2018
Could you please detail more? And if not edging what would be the safer alternative? A tendency to PE would mean it is really fast coming to the zone of edging. When PE is a tendency avoiding edging would equal to avoid all kind of stimuli and arousal.

If you really want to reduce PE take zinc. Should help. I agree with the others that edging is a stupid idea. Either do it or don't.
Nov 21, 2015
Could you please detail more? And if not edging what would be the safer alternative? A tendency to PE would mean it is really fast coming to the zone of edging. When PE is a tendency avoiding edging would equal to avoid all kind of stimuli and arousal.

It’s dangerous because it increases dopamine and perpetuates ED and the problem. Whatever you do in terms of masturbation has nothing really to do with how intercourse works out. It is very, very important to avoid any stimuli whatever, and any arousal or excitement, including and especially fantasy.


Mar 20, 2013
Avoiding "edging" is impossible if you have severe PE. Any degree of sexual stimulation, whether it's sex with a partner or solo masturbation, will result in "edging" pretty much immediately if you have PE. Attempting something like karezza will result in nothing but a prolonged edging session, if you're even able to penetrate and have intercourse for any length of time without ejaculation, which is unlikely.

PE is a serious neuro-biological disease. Anyone who lives with it would think the same thing. If you don't personally live with it, it's impossible to imagine what it's like. It's like your body has been hijacked. I'm not saying this to start a pity party, but to make it clear how serious it is. You can only understand how serious it is if you live with it, because the etiology of it is non-existent. The existing research does not clearly establish how serious of a disorder this is, because the mechanisms by which it happens are not understood. My guess is there is some very serious neuro-biological dysfunction going on.

The PE problem got much worse for me after several months on Rexulti (basically an updated Abilify), which works on 5HT-1A, 5HT-2C, Dopamine D2, and other receptors. But those have been researched in terms of PE and it's extremely suspect to me that after several months on this medication, my PE got 100x worse, and several months after stopping the medication, it never got any better.

The reality is, with PE, edging/ejaculating is the only option you have for sexual stimulation, whether it's with a partner or solo masturbation. It's either that or total abstinence.

I've never tried numbing sprays, or SSRI's (for PE, anyway), but those are the only current "cures" that exist. I'm too scared of the potential long-term negative effects of SSRI's to try them. Never tried a numbing spray but if I had a girlfriend again, I would give it a try.


There's so much in our culture about being a "stud," how important it is for a man to be good in bed, have great stamina, be a great lover, etc. And then the fact that "women talk" and the fear that if you perform "poorly" they're gonna tell all their friends about how much you suck in bed and laugh about it. Or, best case scenario, just silently judge you, be nice and sweet and "understanding," but in the back of your mind you know they're disappointed.

That's all BS. Seriously. I would recommend not giving up on sex, or waiting to have it, before you 'solve' your PE. Having had PE with actual sex in the past, I would rather have those memories than memories of me sitting alone in my room masturbating.

You have to take on this attitude: if you're gonna ejaculate quickly anyway, and can't do anything about it, would you rather do it alone, or with a partner? What would you prefer? Forget what women think or how they're gonna perceive you. What do you want?

For me, I know it would feel better with a partner. The only thing stopping me is worrying what they would think, or them being disappointed, etc. You gotta see through that and see it for the dysfunctional, self-defeating thinking that it is.

I remember a couple times my ex got pissed off, and was like, "You're so ******* selfish, let me finish first. This sucks. It isn't all about you, I want to feel good too."

As if I had control over it. It felt pretty awful to hear that, and to feel the frustration of being blamed for something that wasn't my fault, as if I did it on purpose. So I get it. There's a lot of stigma; people don't consider PE to be the neurobiological disease that it is, and will blame you for having it.

Still, as awful as that experience was (and some others), I'd still rather have that as a memory than just sitting alone in my room masturbating.

I know it sounds extreme to call it a disease, but I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. And I don't think anyone truly suffering from it would argue against calling it a disease.

Would you let any other disease define your life or who you are? Think of it that way.

I'm always hoping for a cure, some way out of this curse. But worst case scenario, say this is permanent: are you never gonna have sex with anyone for the rest of your life? I've had plenty of fun experiences despite having severe PE. Yeah, it was better before the meds royally screwed me, and I had at least some degree of staying power, and occasionally had actually above average stamina, once in a blue moon.

But even since then, I've had good experiences. You gotta get creative, and enjoy the experience with minimal stimulation. Intercourse is simply not an option for me these days. And I don't know if it ever will be again. You can do other stuff. Again, think of what you want.

If you're gonna decide you're not a man and you're worthless and need to hide yourself in the shadows because you have PE, you've already lost.

Ain't an easy battle to fight. But get yourself out there. You need to experience some kind of sex with a partner even while you have severe PE to start getting over the attachment you have to it. Like I said, even the worst memories I have of PE with partners are better than the idea of resigning myself to my room, completely sexless, for the rest of my life.

The only way out is through, as the saying goes.


Feb 14, 2017
Avoiding "edging" is impossible if you have severe PE. Any degree of sexual stimulation, whether it's sex with a partner or solo masturbation, will result in "edging" pretty much immediately if you have PE. Attempting something like karezza will result in nothing but a prolonged edging session, if you're even able to penetrate and have intercourse for any length of time without ejaculation, which is unlikely.

PE is a serious neuro-biological disease. Anyone who lives with it would think the same thing. If you don't personally live with it, it's impossible to imagine what it's like. It's like your body has been hijacked. I'm not saying this to start a pity party, but to make it clear how serious it is. You can only understand how serious it is if you live with it, because the etiology of it is non-existent. The existing research does not clearly establish how serious of a disorder this is, because the mechanisms by which it happens are not understood. My guess is there is some very serious neuro-biological dysfunction going on.

The PE problem got much worse for me after several months on Rexulti (basically an updated Abilify), which works on 5HT-1A, 5HT-2C, Dopamine D2, and other receptors. But those have been researched in terms of PE and it's extremely suspect to me that after several months on this medication, my PE got 100x worse, and several months after stopping the medication, it never got any better.

The reality is, with PE, edging/ejaculating is the only option you have for sexual stimulation, whether it's with a partner or solo masturbation. It's either that or total abstinence.

I've never tried numbing sprays, or SSRI's (for PE, anyway), but those are the only current "cures" that exist. I'm too scared of the potential long-term negative effects of SSRI's to try them. Never tried a numbing spray but if I had a girlfriend again, I would give it a try.


There's so much in our culture about being a "stud," how important it is for a man to be good in bed, have great stamina, be a great lover, etc. And then the fact that "women talk" and the fear that if you perform "poorly" they're gonna tell all their friends about how much you suck in bed and laugh about it. Or, best case scenario, just silently judge you, be nice and sweet and "understanding," but in the back of your mind you know they're disappointed.

That's all BS. Seriously. I would recommend not giving up on sex, or waiting to have it, before you 'solve' your PE. Having had PE with actual sex in the past, I would rather have those memories than memories of me sitting alone in my room masturbating.

You have to take on this attitude: if you're gonna ejaculate quickly anyway, and can't do anything about it, would you rather do it alone, or with a partner? What would you prefer? Forget what women think or how they're gonna perceive you. What do you want?

For me, I know it would feel better with a partner. The only thing stopping me is worrying what they would think, or them being disappointed, etc. You gotta see through that and see it for the dysfunctional, self-defeating thinking that it is.

I remember a couple times my ex got pissed off, and was like, "You're so ******* selfish, let me finish first. This sucks. It isn't all about you, I want to feel good too."

As if I had control over it. It felt pretty awful to hear that, and to feel the frustration of being blamed for something that wasn't my fault, as if I did it on purpose. So I get it. There's a lot of stigma; people don't consider PE to be the neurobiological disease that it is, and will blame you for having it.

Still, as awful as that experience was (and some others), I'd still rather have that as a memory than just sitting alone in my room masturbating.

I know it sounds extreme to call it a disease, but I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. And I don't think anyone truly suffering from it would argue against calling it a disease.

Would you let any other disease define your life or who you are? Think of it that way.

I'm always hoping for a cure, some way out of this curse. But worst case scenario, say this is permanent: are you never gonna have sex with anyone for the rest of your life? I've had plenty of fun experiences despite having severe PE. Yeah, it was better before the meds royally screwed me, and I had at least some degree of staying power, and occasionally had actually above average stamina, once in a blue moon.

But even since then, I've had good experiences. You gotta get creative, and enjoy the experience with minimal stimulation. Intercourse is simply not an option for me these days. And I don't know if it ever will be again. You can do other stuff. Again, think of what you want.

If you're gonna decide you're not a man and you're worthless and need to hide yourself in the shadows because you have PE, you've already lost.

Ain't an easy battle to fight. But get yourself out there. You need to experience some kind of sex with a partner even while you have severe PE to start getting over the attachment you have to it. Like I said, even the worst memories I have of PE with partners are better than the idea of resigning myself to my room, completely sexless, for the rest of my life.

The only way out is through, as the saying goes.

I know how you feel. How does alcohol affect your PE?


Mar 20, 2013
I know how you feel. How does alcohol affect your PE?

Not sure. I hardly ever drink alcohol these days, and can't remember the last time I had drunk sex, if ever. I'm sure me and my ex did that, but I can't remember.

"Whiskey ****" is a pretty famous phenomenon. So I'd be curious if alcohol would help, in amounts that wouldn't get you plastered. Not something I'd wanna rely on, though, so I'd use a lot of caution there. I used to go to parties very rarely, and use alcohol as social lubricant. I'd never get really sloshed. Just a buzz. And it helped a lot. Nothing against that.

But I used to drink 10+ shots of whiskey a night. It's nasty stuff. I wasn't having sex during that time period though, so I can't say. The isolation and lack of sex probably had a lot to do with my drinking problem!


Jun 26, 2020
NO IT'S NOT SAFE AT ALL! And whoever tells you that it is, is wrong!! I'm sure edging made me develop a varicocele. Even worse, I HAVE IT NOW ON BOTH SIDES! Edging is very bad especially if done for so long. Masturbation too is bad but only if it's done excessively. Masturbating once a week or two is kinda good but still IF YOU CAN STOP IT IT'S GOING TO BE BETTER FOR YOU TRUST ME!


Feb 18, 2018
PE is a serious neuro-biological disease. Anyone who lives with it would think the same thing. If you don't personally live with it, it's impossible to imagine what it's like. It's like your body has been hijacked. I'm not saying this to start a pity party, but to make it clear how serious it is. You can only understand how serious it is if you live with it, because the etiology of it is non-existent. The existing research does not clearly establish how serious of a disorder this is, because the mechanisms by which it happens are not understood. My guess is there is some very serious neuro-biological dysfunction going on.
I agree with this, I use to suffer from PE really bad it was horrible, and everyone would just think it's from being too excited or you just lack control, I could literally have hardly any libido but would still ejaculate fast . Thankfully I don't suffer with p.e anymore sometimes I find it hard to get off these days lol.


May 19, 2017
I agree with this, I use to suffer from PE really bad it was horrible, and everyone would just think it's from being too excited or you just lack control, I could literally have hardly any libido but would still ejaculate fast . Thankfully I don't suffer with p.e anymore sometimes I find it hard to get off these days lol.
That's awesome. What helped you the most to get rid of the PE?


Feb 18, 2018
That's awesome. What helped you the most to get rid of the PE?
Tbh I can't pin point what helped but I know that all theses things have helped . Cyproheptadine,T3, Cialis, testosterone , ATM the moment I'm on testosterone and Cialis and take T3 I think testosterone and Cialis are helping the most I've seen quite a few reports of Cialis helping also testosterone therapy helping people.


May 19, 2017
Tbh I can't pin point what helped but I know that all theses things have helped . Cyproheptadine,T3, Cialis, testosterone , ATM the moment I'm on testosterone and Cialis and take T3 I think testosterone and Cialis are helping the most I've seen quite a few reports of Cialis helping also testosterone therapy helping people.
Awesome, thank you!


Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA
As for the mentioned PE and antipsychotic medication someone eluded to, the receptors implicated in PE are mostly serotonin receptors. It depends, because of the 3 I have read about, too little activity and too much activity at those receptors seems to be the issue. 5ht1a, 5ht2c, and 5ht1b seem to come up a lot on the Pub Med articles pertaining to PE and Serotonin.
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