Matt Stone's April Fools Newsletter


Aug 9, 2013
There were some things in it which made me laugh, perhaps because they're not too far from the truth of what I sometimes read on here

Matt interviewing a fictional "Ray Peat Practitioner":

MS: Interesting. So what does your daily diet look like?

MG: Breakfast is a bowl of ice cream, a glass of baking soda and 4 cups of coffee. Lunch is a bowl of ice cream, 4 cups of coffee and a thimble of salt. Dinner is a grass-fed bison liver, 6 cups of coffee, 28 oysters, A gallon of bone broth, 2 gallons of milk, and a pint of Epsom salts. I also snack during the day to keep my metabolism up so I have 3 cups of coffee, a litre of orange juice and a litre of sugared milk every hour.

MS: What do you think about supplements?

MG: Well Ray says that supplements are unnecessary and potentially problematic, so I prefer that people get all their nutrients from food.

MS: So you don’t take any supplements then?

MG: Well I do take 10,000IU of Vitamin D as I spend so much time moderating my private forum that I don’t get any sunlight. Plus I take 8 grams of Vitamin C as you can’t trust oranges these days. And I take 100,000 IU of Vitamin A to balance out the Vitamin D and then I also take Vitamin B1, B3, B6 and B12 daily. I also take Vitamin E every day in case I eat food and need to balance out the PUFAs. But that’s about it. Oh and Vitamin K as well to balance out the 4 grams of aspirin I take daily. I also drink a pint of baking soda and a pint of Epsom salts daily but they don’t really count as supplements as you’re not really supposed to drink them. On top of that I take Thyroid-S that I have shipped in from Thailand and Cynomel and Cytomel that I get shipped in from Mexico. I also take 8 drops of Progest-E and 6 pregnenolone tablets daily as well as 10,000mg of Calcium Carbonate as I only drink 9 gallons of milk a day and need to cancel out the phosphate in my bison liver. Or is it phosphorous? I can’t remember. I also take some LSD each day as I heard Ray likes Aldous Huxley’s work. So on the whole, no, I don’t really use supplements.


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
:rolling :rolling :rolling :rolling Thanks for the great laugh aquaman!


Jan 1, 2013
aquaman said:
There were some things in it which made me laugh, perhaps because they're not too far from the truth of what I sometimes read on here

Matt interviewing a fictional "Ray Peat Practitioner":

MS: Interesting. So what does your daily diet look like?

MG: Breakfast is a bowl of ice cream, a glass of baking soda and 4 cups of coffee. Lunch is a bowl of ice cream, 4 cups of coffee and a thimble of salt. Dinner is a grass-fed bison liver, 6 cups of coffee, 28 oysters, A gallon of bone broth, 2 gallons of milk, and a pint of Epsom salts. I also snack during the day to keep my metabolism up so I have 3 cups of coffee, a litre of orange juice and a litre of sugared milk every hour.

MS: What do you think about supplements?

MG: Well Ray says that supplements are unnecessary and potentially problematic, so I prefer that people get all their nutrients from food.

MS: So you don’t take any supplements then?

MG: Well I do take 10,000IU of Vitamin D as I spend so much time moderating my private forum that I don’t get any sunlight. Plus I take 8 grams of Vitamin C as you can’t trust oranges these days. And I take 100,000 IU of Vitamin A to balance out the Vitamin D and then I also take Vitamin B1, B3, B6 and B12 daily. I also take Vitamin E every day in case I eat food and need to balance out the PUFAs. But that’s about it. Oh and Vitamin K as well to balance out the 4 grams of aspirin I take daily. I also drink a pint of baking soda and a pint of Epsom salts daily but they don’t really count as supplements as you’re not really supposed to drink them. On top of that I take Thyroid-S that I have shipped in from Thailand and Cynomel and Cytomel that I get shipped in from Mexico. I also take 8 drops of Progest-E and 6 pregnenolone tablets daily as well as 10,000mg of Calcium Carbonate as I only drink 9 gallons of milk a day and need to cancel out the phosphate in my bison liver. Or is it phosphorous? I can’t remember. I also take some LSD each day as I heard Ray likes Aldous Huxley’s work. So on the whole, no, I don’t really use supplements.

The 10,000IU of Vitamin D are definitely too high.


Feb 20, 2013
I find it quite amusing that both RP practitioner D.Rodd and M.Stone use a lot of
humor in their blogging. It seems like a defence mechanism, as if thy are hiding something.
A kind of distraction.


Aug 9, 2012
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Lol is right.

I think the "no supplements" is the rule few Peat folk follow, since we're all mostly veterans of the diet and supplement wars...


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Matt describes himself as an 'independent health researcher' and honestly I could easily call myself that too if I wished, a lot of people could. There are things about his work that I appreciate but it does get irritating when someone has based their living on predominantly Peat's work yet they turn around and poke fun at people who are simply healing through the study and application of the same research. Danny at least makes it clear that he is a community college drop out and encourages people to do their own research. I'm thankful for them both posting material that led me to discover Peat and I suppose it is like most things in life neither all good or all bad. I'm happy they have found success and I'm sure they do a lot more positive for the world than most diet and fitness gurus. There's really no reason to make fun of others that need to or have found healing through Peat's work though. I'm sure if either one of them had healed from something like cancer or MS the attitude might be a little different. So while I am grateful for what they have done the little jabs at people who take a more stringent approach seems unnecessary since all of our contexts are a bit different.


Feb 20, 2013
Blossom said:
Matt describes himself as an 'independent health researcher' and honestly I could easily call myself that too if I wished, a lot of people could.

We all are independent health researcher but we do not write books about things
we are not well informed. Fortunately, i found Ray Peat through other bloggers. I intentionally avoid those
"independent health researcher". In last 5-6 years many health bloggers been
talking about Ray Peat, some negative but curious. You would have found him if you continued
your search. The world of Health bloggers is not that big.
I think M.Stone doing real harm by giving out really bad advices.
It is one thing to say that sugar is bad for you, but saying RP is wrong about
sugar means you have studied RP's argument for sugar and then you verified it.
You will see lot of our members are ex-M. Stone followers. A healthy body builder can get
away with following some bad advice but for people with health issues they are very dangerous.
I think they are the reason RP is not well known. If i had found RP through M. Stone or D.Rodd
i probably would have bad impression about RP.


Aug 9, 2013
Mittir said:
Blossom said:
Matt describes himself as an 'independent health researcher' and honestly I could easily call myself that too if I wished, a lot of people could.

We all are independent health researcher but we do not write books about things
we are not well informed. Fortunately, i found Ray Peat through other bloggers. I intentionally avoid those
"independent health researcher". In last 5-6 years many health bloggers been
talking about Ray Peat, some negative but curious. You would have found him if you continued
your search. The world of Health bloggers is not that big.
I think M.Stone doing real harm by giving out really bad advices.
It is one thing to say that sugar is bad for you, but saying RP is wrong about
sugar means you have studied RP's argument for sugar and then you verified it.
You will see lot of our members are ex-M. Stone followers. A healthy body builder can get
away with following some bad advice but for people with health issues they are very dangerous.
I think they are the reason RP is not well known. If i had found RP through M. Stone or D.Rodd
i probably would have bad impression about RP.

I found RP through Matt. I don't think Matt disrespects RP's work at all, far from it. He says something along the lines of "RP is my favourite health writer" but doesn't agree with everything he writes.

I think what he laughs at is people's interpretations of RPs work. From reading this forum and others, you see many people who just think drinking OJ, milk and coffee with gelatin, and taking Thyroid (and plenty of other) supplements in varying degrees, is "RP style". Few seem to take any interest in logging food or monitoring temps/pulse. And then in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. People give advice on here, but it's mainly not coming from a position of health, it's coming from hearing something from RP and repeating it, and none of us have seen multiple people as clients and see real-life application of treating someone back to health.

I think what people don't give Matt credit for is that he actually consults with many clients and sees real life application of eating (you could see from the people who posted comments on his blog), and when you do this, you get huge amounts of data to begin to see patterns and see what works. And if he's seen certain things like starch working well, great.

I've read a few of Matt's books recently and love some of his stuff.


Jan 1, 2013
Mittir is dead spot on.
People often see health bloggers as some kind of authority that dispenses them from doing their own homework.
They actually aren't any different than your local brainwashed MD, except they don't need to pretend to care about morality or the hippcratic oath.
They do their lying unimpeded.

Right now Burzynski and Jim Humble (MMS) seem to be their favorite targets.

Rick Simpson is getting up there too.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I read several of his earlier books and wouldn't have found Peat if it hadn't been for Matt. I especially like the job he does of debunking paleo. We all have our own unique circumstances and if I had been in a better place health wise(and 20 years younger) I think his approach would have been all that I would have probably needed. I did also notice he is now selling a gluten free cookbook so in my mind that's a step in the right direction. I was disturbed at the previous joking that went on about gluten intolerance because for one reason or another it is a very serious issue for some. He does seem genuine and I'm sure he helps many people who just need to stop dieting themselves to death. Each and everyone of us has to decide for ourselves what approach we personally need to take for healing. I just so happen to fall into the group that has required a more strict approach and could also not tolerate gluten. I don't not like Matt because of that I just needed more. I appreciate the good in everyone but I'm still responsible for healing me at the end of the day no matter what any one else thinks of my methods! :D


Jan 1, 2013
Blossom said:
I read several of his earlier books and wouldn't have found Peat if it hadn't been for Matt. I especially like the job he does of debunking paleo. We all have our own unique circumstances and if I had been in a better place health wise(and 20 years younger) I think his approach would have been all that I would have probably needed. I did also notice he is now selling a gluten free cookbook so in my mind that's a step in the right direction. I was disturbed at the previous joking that went on about gluten intolerance because for one reason or another it is a very serious issue for some. He does seem genuine and I'm sure he helps many people who just need to stop dieting themselves to death. Each and everyone of us has to decide for ourselves what approach we personally need to take for healing. I just so happen to fall into the group that has required a more strict approach and could also not tolerate gluten. I don't not like Matt because of that I just needed more. I appreciate the good in everyone but I'm still responsible for healing me at the end of the day no matter what any one else thinks of my methods! :D

I very much doubt one can improve other's peoples health by mixing good and bad advice.
Like someone following Sally Fallon's recommandations, stopping the statins while hooking up on cod liver oil.
I don't see how that can possibly be a good thing.


Aug 9, 2013
burtlancast said:
Blossom said:
I read several of his earlier books and wouldn't have found Peat if it hadn't been for Matt. I especially like the job he does of debunking paleo. We all have our own unique circumstances and if I had been in a better place health wise(and 20 years younger) I think his approach would have been all that I would have probably needed. I did also notice he is now selling a gluten free cookbook so in my mind that's a step in the right direction. I was disturbed at the previous joking that went on about gluten intolerance because for one reason or another it is a very serious issue for some. He does seem genuine and I'm sure he helps many people who just need to stop dieting themselves to death. Each and everyone of us has to decide for ourselves what approach we personally need to take for healing. I just so happen to fall into the group that has required a more strict approach and could also not tolerate gluten. I don't not like Matt because of that I just needed more. I appreciate the good in everyone but I'm still responsible for healing me at the end of the day no matter what any one else thinks of my methods! :D

I very much doubt one can improve other's peoples health by mixing good and bad advice.
Like someone following Sally Fallon's recommandations, stopping the statins while hooking up on cod liver oil.
I don't see how that can possibly be a good thing.

dont' forget that A1 milk is poison and there's a major conspiracy hiding this fact.


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I think my vegan daughter could be helped by reading his material and implementing some changes based on his work. I would rather her read Peat of course but at this point just seeing her eat something besides raw veggies, nuts and soy would be a victory. I guess to me there is a continuum where some people just need to start eating first and then make healthier choices as they go along. I think that is what Matt is the best at, getting people off extremely damaging dieting programs. He may be no Peat, but I think in certain scenarios he helps people. My daughter is only 23 so it is possible that just eating more calories and absorbable nutrients could help her a lot. It's not the perfect solution but it would be a start and I think she represents the type of person he could help. Nothing is all good or all bad including Matt Stone. I bet many of his followers start to ask questions about Peat and that may explain his attempts at a humorous explanation. I don't think him calling Peat his 'favorite health writer' is fair. Matt is a health writer who owes much of his fame to ideas gleaned from Peat. Peat is a true scientist not simply a health writer.
Mar 21, 2014
Mittir said:
I find it quite amusing that both RP practitioner D.Rodd and M.Stone use a lot of
humor in their blogging.

It seems like they're playful and creative, perhaps it is a sign of good health?

I've often found it easier to understand a complex idea if the teacher uses humor, but it has to be done appropriately. I think humor can be a powerful communication tool or a distraction depending on the context.


Jan 3, 2014
I like him, think his attitude is great for when one gets a bit obsessive, it's very mentally healthy for those prone to take diets to excess, and I think he could save some people from eating disorder - hell ; sometimes I'll still read him for perspective ; and I found RP through him. But his approach really did me no good. All that time Ray was there in the background and I wish I'd noticed sooner.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Me too. I also appreciate humor but not at the expense of people who have fought to get their lives back. I guess that one is hard for people to relate to if they are focusing on less pressing matters. I still like them both (Matt and Danny)but I know Peat is behind all their success. I hope they remember that and treat him with the dignity and respect he deserves. :)


Dec 31, 2012
CellularIconclast said:
Mittir said:
I find it quite amusing that both RP practitioner D.Rodd and M.Stone use a lot of
humor in their blogging.

It seems like they're playful and creative, perhaps it is a sign of good health?

I've often found it easier to understand a complex idea if the teacher uses humor, but it has to be done appropriately. I think humor can be a powerful communication tool or a distraction depending on the context.

I couldn't agree more. Matt is 'playful' and is actually a very chilled person. I think he writes like he is personally.

I'm pretty sure if you showed Peat this fake interview he would laugh his **** off. I'm also certain he wouldn't get defensive. I think it was spot on especially the supplement bit. I know it was for me!


Dec 31, 2012
sueq said:
I like him, think his attitude is great for when one gets a bit obsessive, it's very mentally healthy for those prone to take diets to excess, and I think he could save some people from eating disorder - hell ; sometimes I'll still read him for perspective ; and I found RP through him. But his approach really did me no good. All that time Ray was there in the background and I wish I'd noticed sooner.

Agreed. He is great for perspective and not falling down the rabbit hole. I personally am not interested in his work any more. I've taken what I needed and moved on. He was a great introduction to not believing anything you read and contextualising health information in relation to your own situation. And like you said, to Ray Peat.
Nov 26, 2013
Wait a second I thought Matt Stone was a Ray Peat advocate! What exactly is this jokeful man's view?


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Such_Saturation said:
Wait a second I thought Matt Stone was a Ray Peat advocate! What exactly is this jokeful man's view?
He is, after all he said 'Peat is his favorite health writer.' I think he is a good guy with a few points of disagreement with Peat. I found Matt through Paleo and Peat through Matt and I'm sure that finding Peat saved my life. I won't complain about that. I may not agree with him 100% but what two people do you know that ever totally agree on everything? He has a broad appeal and I think in a round about way leads people to find Peat's work which I feel is important. There isn't much more for me to say but I try not to be a black and white person on issues generally so for me Matt's just a real gray area.
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