Magnesium and Gelatin


Jul 5, 2013
Quick question, wondering if someone could point me in the right direction. I know I read this before, but when supplementing magnesium, is it best to take it with calcium for balance? Also, I am looking for gelatin ideas, what do you guys do with it, do some of you just sprinkle it on food? Any good quick and easy ways to make use of it? Thanks all! Sorry if these have been asked, I tried searching and didnt find exactly what I was looking for, and im pretty new and still searching through older threads and still getting caught up on Peats articles and books. Thanks again!

EDIT: Also wondering how much magnesium I should be supplementing and calcium as well if not drinking a lot of coffee. I dont drink much coffee but try to drink teh milkz more these days.


Feb 7, 2013
Re: Magensium and Gelatin

mandance said:
Quick question, wondering if someone could point me in the right direction. I know I read this before, but when supplementing magnesium, is it best to take it with calcium for balance? Also, I am looking for gelatin ideas, what do you guys do with it, do some of you just sprinkle it on food? Any good quick and easy ways to make use of it? Thanks all! Sorry if these have been asked, I tried searching and didnt find exactly what I was looking for, and im pretty new and still searching through older threads and still getting caught up on Peats articles and books. Thanks again!

EDIT: Also wondering how much magnesium I should be supplementing and calcium as well if not drinking a lot of coffee. I dont drink much coffee but try to drink teh milkz more these days.
I don't personally supplement calcium as I consume adequate amounts of milk and cheese but if calcium supplementation is needed, Ray Peat recommends calcium cabonate in the form of eggshell or oyster calcium as the safest calcium supplement.

Ray Peat said:
Calcium carbonate (eggshell or oyster shell, for example) and vitamins D and K, can sometimes produce quick antistress effects, alleviating insomnia, hypertension, edema, inflammations and allergies, etc., but the regular use of milk and cheese can prevent many chronic stress-related diseases.

Here's long thread discussing eggshell calcium.

The only magnesium supplementation I'm currently taking is epsom salt baths, although I am going to try some magnesium bicarbonate and see how that goes. Ray Peat recommends magnesium carbonate and epsom salts as the safest magnesium supplements provided an allergic reaction is not caused by synthetic materials.

In Haidut's post in an earlier thread, he gives This Link to a recipe for making magnesium bicarbonate. You may want to give that entire thread a read and perhaps give the recipe a shot. I've not made it yet, so can't speak to it personally but Haidut has reported very good results.

Overall, however, I think it is best to get most of our nutrients from nutrient dense foods that promote a high metabolic rate and Ray Peat favors this approach as well. I think it's important to supplement only what is necessary and be sure to get your diet right first, unless of course serious illness or other factors provide a different context that necessitates a different course of action.

Ray Peat said:
I think the basic anti-aging diet is also the best diet for prevention and treatment of diabetes, scleroderma, and the various "connective tissue diseases." This would emphasize high protein, low unsaturated fats, low iron, and high antioxidant consumption, with a moderate or low starch consumption. In practice, this means that a major part of the diet should be milk, cheese, eggs, shellfish, fruits and coconut oil, with vitamin E and salt as the safest supplements. It should be remembered that amino acids, especially in eggs, stimulate insulin secretion, and that this can cause hypoglycemia, which in turn causes cortisol secretion. Eating fruit (or other carbohydrate), coconut oil, and salt at the same meal will decrease this effect of the protein. Magnesium carbonate and epsom salts can also be useful and safe supplements, except when the synthetic material causes an allergic bowel reaction.
(Bold is mine)


Ray Peat said:
Simply eating an adequate amount of calcium and magnesium can alleviate many problems related to stress and aging that are considered serious, such as heart arrhythmia, pancreatitis, and tissue calcification. The antiinflammatory, anti-allergy actions of calcium and magnesium are well established, and there is clear evidence that obesity and various emotional disturbances can result from their deficiency. Chronically high PTH can produce anemia, by a variety of mechanisms.

Since a very low sodium diet increases the loss of magnesium, by increasing aldosterone synthesis, simply increasing the amount of sodium in the diet can help some people to balance their minerals and minimize stress. During fasting and other intense stress, the kidneys destroy a large amount of protein to form ammonia to maintain their ability to excrete acids, so using a large amount of the alkaline minerals can reduce the protein catabolism.

A diet of milk and fruit, or milk and meat, provides a nutritional balance with generous amounts of calcium and magnesium.
(Bold is mine)


For gelatin, I've found it easy to incorporate this amazing food into my diet. The most efficient way for me is to put it in my coffee and lattes. I use 1 TB of gelatin, with generous amounts of cream or milk and sugar. It's a wonderful meal.

You can also make gummy bears and if you use the hydrolyzed Great Lakes gelatin (the green can), you can put it in cold drinks as well as it won't congeal. I use both kinds, depending on what I'm making. I drink OJ and milk smoothies and add it to them as well. My daughter adds it to her apple sauce!


Oct 21, 2012
Re: Magensium and Gelatin

I mix calcium carbonate in OJ and drink it before it all reacts into citrate. I have found that if i either dont take the calcium, or have no OJ, i get the twitching eyelid before long. I dont really like drinking vast quantities of milk so this is the best way for me.

Im convinced its all about balance.


Nov 21, 2012
Re: Magensium and Gelatin

Ive never liked OJ that much,but found i sometimes find it enjoyable to eat as a jellopudding or gummy with some raw cane sugar in it. And ive made maple syrup gummies a coup/e of times now,so thats how i use the gelatin.
Apart from the fact that its a great excuse to use my new Hello Kitty molds;)


Jul 5, 2013
Re: Magensium and Gelatin

Sweet, thanks everyone for the info! Excited to add the gelatin into my diet now.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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