Fixing potassium deficiency without raising aldosterone?



I'm in a bind. I'm almost positive I have low potassium levels. I use Magnesium oil, drink plenty of milk for calcium, get plenty of sodium, use taurine, and I still have muscle twitching/fatigue/dry skin and hair/other symptoms of potassium deficiency. I don't have a lab anywhere near me that can test RBC levels of potassium.

My question is: If I greatly increase my potassium with supplements or diet, won't my aldosterone level increase making just me lose more potassium? It seems like I've run into this problem before. When I greatly increases my potassium, it was great for a day or two and then my twitching got even worse!

In theory, increasing salt intake along with the increase of potassium would help lower aldosterone. But would it work in practice?

Totally at a loss here. It seems to me impossible to reverse a potassium deficiency. I've had spasms and twitching for many years and I'm only 23 goshdarnit.

Nov 21, 2015
if you are low in potassium, when your muscles are twitching, take a bit of Litesalt or Nosalt. Do they stop twitching? If so, then you are low in potassium. Maybe there is a more scientific way to find out, but this is what works for me and others that I've shown this to. It doesn't take much, maybe 1/16th of a teaspoon dissolved in a few tablespoons of water.


May 3, 2015
Hi, funnily enough I just posted a quote on this in the ray peat quotes section (see below).

I have been reading Ray Peats articles all year but sometimes you don't pick up things until the third or fourth read!

There is another quote on how potassium is needed to dispose of sugar, which suggests fruit is superior to taking crystallized sucrose alone.

That is, if potassium is needed with refined sugar maybe other chemicals in orange juice are also needed.

I drink a litre of OJ a day and have some figs, dates, raspberries, mango, cherries, tomato etc. I have started having a pinch of salt twice a day.

Of course salt may be the same. Maybe that is best taken in celery or cows blood form...!

Here is the quote on aldosterone:

Ray Peat said:
One of the things that happen when there isn't enough sodium in the diet is that more aldosterone is synthesized. Aldosterone causes less sodium to be lost in the urine and sweat, but it achieves that at the expense of the increased loss of potassium, magnesium, and probably calcium. The loss of potassium leads to vasoconstriction, which contributes to heart and kidney failure and high blood pressure. The loss of magnesium contributes to vasoconstriction, inflammation, and bone loss. Magnesium deficiency is extremely common, but a little extra salt in the diet makes it easier to retain the magnesium in our foods.

Dark chocolate is high in magnesium if you want to try it in a food form!


Oct 4, 2019
en your muscles are twitching, take a bit of Litesalt or Nosalt. Do they stop twitching? If so, then you are low in potassium. Maybe there is a more scientific way to find out, but
Hi, funnily enough I just posted a quote on this in the ray peat quotes section (see below).

I have been reading Ray Peats articles all year but sometimes you don't pick up things until the third or fourth read!

There is another quote on how potassium is needed to dispose of sugar, which suggests fruit is superior to taking crystallized sucrose alone.

That is, if potassium is needed with refined sugar maybe other chemicals in orange juice are also needed.

I drink a litre of OJ a day and have some figs, dates, raspberries, mango, cherries, tomato etc. I have started having a pinch of salt twice a day.

Of course salt may be the same. Maybe that is best taken in celery or cows blood form...!

Here is the quote on aldosterone:

Dark chocolate is high in magnesium if you want to try it in a food form!
"4. Food Cravings. Food cravings can express the body's desire to balance chemistry. Fast oxidizers tend to crave fats, butter and red meat, foods which slow the metabolic rate. They may also crave sweets or carbohydrates if they do not eat enough fats and oils. Slow oxidation is associated with chronic low blood sugar. There is a tendency for sweet cravings and at times salt cravings, as the body does not retain sodium and potassium as well in slow oxidation, due to impaired adrenal glandular activity. (low aldosterone).""

fast oxidisers require less salt than slow oxidisers they retain it better

also "A lower energy state. About 80 to 85% of adults are in a slow oxidation state of body chemistry."

Most people who try to get help from peat diet are probably slow oxidisers...


Jun 25, 2017
Maintain ratio with sodium. 2 : 1 : 2 : 8 : 4 calcium:magnesium:phosphorus:potassium:sodium. Convenient when 800-1200 mg phosphorus.


Nov 17, 2019
"4. Food Cravings. Food cravings can express the body's desire to balance chemistry. Fast oxidizers tend to crave fats, butter and red meat, foods which slow the metabolic rate. They may also crave sweets or carbohydrates if they do not eat enough fats and oils. Slow oxidation is associated with chronic low blood sugar. There is a tendency for sweet cravings and at times salt cravings, as the body does not retain sodium and potassium as well in slow oxidation, due to impaired adrenal glandular activity. (low aldosterone).""

fast oxidisers require less salt than slow oxidisers they retain it better

also "A lower energy state. About 80 to 85% of adults are in a slow oxidation state of body chemistry."

Most people who try to get help from peat diet are probably slow oxidisers...
That theory of fast and slow oxidants doesn't convince me very much.

Children are fast oxidizers but prefer carbohydrates over fats. I don't think I've ever seen a child prefer fatty foods over carbohydrates.
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