Low Libido Advice


Mar 5, 2018
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thanks for the pyramid, did not see it before.


Sep 23, 2017
Hello there, hopefully, you guys can help a little here. I'm sorry this will be a long one, I'm trying to give you every piece of information I can think of to help, I just need to be 'normal' again.

I have been suffering from what I assumed were low testosterone/andropause symptoms over the last 3 years. I finally got to see an endocrinologist who said it wasn't, so I booked a private endo who also agreed it wasn't low T. So now I'm stuck in limbo with no direction.

My libido (sexual interest and drive) is virtually absent, I can get an erection with stimulation but these go fairly fast, within about 20 seconds with no physical stimulus. I often need to use Cialis just to be able to have sex on the odd occasion I get 'frisky'

I'm male 44 not overweight and in reasonable condition. My bloods are as follows:

Serum testosterone 16.2 nmol/l
Free test (calculated) 0.214 nmol/l
SHBG 62nmol/l
LH 8.1
FSH 8.8
Prolactin 247
Testes are 15ml bilaterally
Pulse averages 78
Blood pressure is around 120/78
Thyroid just says normal
Cortisol is 455 nmol/l
IGF-1 37 nmol/l

I am on carbamazepine 600mg morning and 400mg evening. I am also on fexofenadine 120mg evening. These are my only prescription medications. I have been on B12 injections for over 1 year but I have decided to take myself off them as I don't have pernicious anemia and the last few I have felt better in the weeks before the injection, but not so good after it.

I have been on a very long term of oxytetracycline (18 months!!!) for head acne, but I decided to come off those in January 2018.

Since that blood test was taken I have been taking the following supplements daily

Zinc 30mg elemental morning
DHEA 25mg morning
Magnesium oxide 200mg morning
Vitamin D 10,000 IU weekly
St John's wort 3x daily (only last 2 weeks)

I used to take a multi vitamin (Centrum MEN) and add a B complex to it but have stopped those over a month ago. I have taken tryptophan for about a week over 6 months ago then stopped it. Also previous to that I have taken theanine, rhodiola and taurine. After reading a little more do you guys recommend an essential amino acid supplement? I was looking at this one:

Leucine 5g
Valine 2.2g
Lysine 2.2g
Phenylalanine 1.8g
Threonine 1.5g
Isoleucine 0.9g
Histidine 0.7g
Methionine 0.5g
Tryptophan 0.2g

I am looking at some glycine for night time. Any thoughts?

I drink coffee regularly, but not daily. I walk around 5-10 miles daily. I probably don't eat enough, I think it's between 2,000 and 2,500 calories daily. I have lost a lot of muscle tone so think I probably need more protein??

My symptoms:

Brain fog
Language skills are terrible
Memory issues
Poor concentration
Always tired
No motivation
White coating on the tongue
General fatigue
Low-grade anxiety - I sometimes have difficulty waiting on things I feel are important.
Don't dream any more
Sweat lots, more than I ever have
Don't fantasise sexually
Skin itching at night (hence the fexofenadine)
I have found I am quite pessimistic these days unless it's something that interests me.
I do sometimes have mood swings that are uncontrollable

Sleep; I can't remember the last time I had a refreshing sleep. I can usually get to sleep no problem, but staying asleep is much harder. I usually wake around 3 times at 2:30, 5 and 7:30 am. I don't feel refreshed when I wake.

Muscle loss; I have had quite a lot of muscle loss since January (since I started walking). I can put it back on, but struggle to keep it. I think I might not be getting enough protein and/or food in general?

Low/zero libido; I can't even fantasise about sex, it's like a switch has been turned off inside my brain

Erection; much softer erections. If I were a 10 before they are more like a 6 now. There's no 'pump' and it doesn't 'stand' on its own, even with Cialis. I no longer get spontaneous erections either. Doesn't seem to have as much sensation and is always flaccid and unresponsive unless masturbated. I have been thinking about eating more nitric oxide rich foods to try and 'pump' it more when erect.

Orgasms; sometimes I can reach orgasm easily, but probably 75% of the time I struggle to reach orgasm and often can't. It's as though I don't enjoy it as much, I assume because my erections aren't as hard as they used to be, the pressure is different.

Loss of joy; things just aren't enjoyable for me right now. I still have a laugh and a joke with friends etc.. but the little things aren't enjoyable

Joint pain; recently my joints are hurting, my thumbs and shoulders especially. this came on 3 days after my last b12 injection.

As you can see, all of the symptoms point to low testosterone, but both endocrinologists say no and after finding out that it's a lifetime thing since it shuts your own production down, I don't fancy trying it privately. That and the prostate cancer issue as my father has literally just been diagnosed.

The private endo did suggest that the symptoms were sympathetic with depression but he also stated that based on my interactions and that we were having a giggle that he didn't think I was depressed and I agree, I don't feel depressed, just frustrated that I'm broken and my Dr can't or won't help.

Could it even me a catecholamine issue?

I am seeing my GP on 21st August to try and get a vitamin/mineral breakdown so I can see if I have any deficiencies. Is there anything, in particular, I should/could ask for? Not that I expect my GP to give me a full vitamin and mineral panel of course :(

Any help or insights greatly appreciated, I really need this fixed soon.

Thank you for your input in advance.

Lets start with the walking. I also walk 5 miles a day and my libido has tanked. if you are walking 5-10 miles a day that could explain it. I'm okat with no libido right now caue i'm more concerned about weight loss and my back problems.

I am walking for weight loss and it does help because it increases ADRENALINE and that BURNS FAT but it also EATS MUSCLE which is what is happening to you. You are boosting your metabolism and it is eating you alive. you have to make sure you eat enough protein to keep that muscle on and also enough carbs though with all that walking it just might be killing your hunger or appetite because adrenaline is also an appetite suppressant.

ADRENALINE again cause constriction that is narrowing of the blood vessels especially the ones going to the groin so you might have a problem getting it up. this happens to many people who use METH or COCAINE they get horney but they can't get it up because of the adrenaline.

MAGNESIUM OXIDE is not good switch to MAG CITRAITE OR GLYCINATE. OXIDE CAUSE DIGESTIVE ISSUES and also can get lodged in the gut for a long time.

so stress, cortisol, adreainline, low testosterone possible high prolactin and also ENDORPHINS. a lot of exercise also increaes ENDORPHINS and they are just like HEROIN or OPIODS and they kill sex drive.

sounds like you needs to eat some big meals and then take a week off to just rebuild your body and your hormones and neurtransmitters. you are bushing your body and its just hanging on to stay alive and has not time or energy to build testosterone or dopamine.

go eat your favorite foods even it ifs junk food. go eat a couple of sundaes at mcdonalds. boost up your carb intake also and that will help lower cortsisol.


Mar 28, 2015
Daren, hello! PROLACTIN at 247?!? That high of prolactin will kill everyone’s libido on this forum. I think 8 or less is recommend for a healthy male and for women 12 or less (don’t quote me on those numbers though). You may want to seriously rethink those meds you’re taking....they could be the culprit. Has all your hair fallen out yet? You may thank prolactin for that too. I hope you get better soon.


Mar 28, 2015
If your prolactin level is indeed over 200 (ie. not a mistake) then your doc should recommend an MRI to rule out a possible prolactinoma. If no prolactinoma, then it must be the meds you’re taking. Also, do a search on this forum on prolactin and ways to lower it.


Feb 4, 2018
Are we talking about the same measure/ref range?

I had a test result as follows: Serum prolactin level 208 miu/L [0.0 - 500.0]


Aug 13, 2018
Sorry, everybody, I've been away for ages. Sorry to resurrect this post but I'm updating it so people can follow along. I'll be posting my most current meds and bloods later today.


Aug 12, 2020
Sorry, everybody, I've been away for ages. Sorry to resurrect this post but I'm updating it so people can follow along. I'll be posting my most current meds and bloods later today.
You recovered?

Also sounds like post finasteride syndrome


Aug 13, 2018
Right so, update: Since I last posted I have been put on TRT (50mg daily with 2.5mg progesterone). This is coupled with 50mg daily DHEA (my levels were non-existent). The TRT caused high estrogen so I am on Anastrazole 1mg twice per week. This seemed to help for a while, but here's the current situation;

Erections are fine, when I can get going, but have almost no sexual desire (the mental connection to get things going).

Here are my latest bloods:

Heamoglobin 166 (130 - 170)
HCT 0.548 (0.37 - 0.50)
Red cell count 5.15 (4.40 - 5.80)
MCV 106.4 (80 - 99)
MCH 32.2 (27.0 - 33.5)
MCHC 303 (300 -350)
RDW 13.4 (11.5 - 15.0)
Platelet count 247 (150 - 400)
MPV 10.2 (7 - 13)
White cell count 3.92 (3.0 - 10.0)
Neutrophils 65.6% 2.57 (2.0 - 7.5)
Lymphocytes 24.2% 0.95 (1.2 - 3.65)
Monocytes 8.7% 0.34 (0.2 - 1.0)
Eosinophils 1.0% 0.04 (0.0 - 0.4)
Active B12 61 (25.1 - 165.0)
Folate (serum) 8.9 (> 2.9)
Sodium 145 (135 - 145)
Chloride 94 (98 - 107)
Bicarbonate 25 (22 - 29)
Urea 4.4 (1.7 - 8.3)
Creatinine 105 (66 - 112)
Est. GFR 68 (no range given)
Bilirubin 7 (0 - 20)
Alkaline phosphatase 82 (40 - 129)
Aspartate transferase 19 (0 - 37)
Alanine transferase 37 (10 - 50)
LDH 202 (135 - 225)
Gamma gt 45 (10 - 71)
Total protein 67 (63 - 83)
Albumin 47 (34 - 50)
Globulin 20 (19 - 35)
Calcium 2.36 (2.20 - 2.60)
Uric acid 264 (266 - 474)
Iron 15.4 (10.6 - 28.3)
T.I.B.C 56 (41 - 77)
Transferrin saturation 28 (20 - 55)
Magnesium 0.86 (0.60 - 1.00)
Fasting blood glucose 5.1 (3.9 - 5.8)
Fasting triglycerides 1.6 (<2.3)
Fasting cholesterol 6.4 (<5) * see later
HDL % total 17 (20 and over)
LDL cholesterol 4.6 (Upto 3)
Non-HDL cholesterol 5.3 (<3.8)
HDL cholesterol 1.1 (0.9 - 1.5)
Ferritin 156 (30 - 400)
CRP high sensitivity 4.2 (0.0 - 5.0)
Haemoglobin A1c 5.5 (4.0 - 6.0)
HbA1c 37 (20 - 41)
Corrected calcium 2.33 (2.20 - 2.60)
Total T4 91 (59 - 154)
Thyroid stimulating hormone 1.56 (0.27 - 4.2)
Free thyroxine 16.1 (12.0 - 22.0)
Free T3 4.5 (3.1 - 6.8)
FSH 17.2 (1.5 - 12.4)
LH 15.7 (1.7 - 8.6)
Progesterone <0.2 (0.2 - 0.5)
Testosterone 17.4 (7.6 - 31.4)
Prolactin 278 (86 - 324)
Free testosterone 10.4 (5.0 - 21.0)

OK so prior to this blood test, my test was 43.1 and free T was 36.8.

Missing from this set is 17-beta-oestradiol which was 139 (<192)

About the cholesterol. I started to get chest pains which the Dr incorrectly assumed was angina. I spoke to my private dr who correctly diagnosed that the super high free T was to blame. Got that lowered and chest pains went away and cholesterol is dropping slowly. Do I have high cholesterol and angina anyway, maybe? Can't see any signs of it but my diet and lifestyle have changed so working on it just in case!!

So, with that info, anyone got any insight into lack of sexual desire? I was thinking maybe low progesterone?

Also, anyone chime in about the high FSH and LH, is this a bad thing? Does it mean that my brain is trying to make more T? I would consider coming off the T as I don't believe it delivered the required outcome. Been on for about 2 years now so is that even an option?
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