Kiehl's Skin Care Products Gave Me Erectile Dysfunction


Aug 24, 2013
For the last two months I have been having the libido and erection power of a 16 year old. I used to have severe ED but as any of you might know from my posts my health has improved more than I ever imagined it could. I had finally gotten to a point where my **** looked almost semi hard when flaccid, and had no problem maintaining erections again for an hour or more.

Then last week I went to Kiehls. I used to use a face mask of theirs that I liked. I bought three products: an anti aging cream, a clay face masq, and a cilantro orange anti-pollution masq (I went for that because topical cilantro can pull iron from the skin)

Three days ago I completely lost my semi-hard flaccid quality and outright can't even get hard enough to jack off. I couldnt for the life of me figure out why, since my health had been so good and stable. Turns out that hyaluronic acid, in the cream, is closely related to estrogen production. Estrogen stimulates it's increase. I realized the only thing which had changed in my routine was the Kiehls and now I'm sadly regretting having purchased them. I typically have a philosophy of never putting anything on my skin and hair that I wouldn't eat, and from here on out I'm never breaking that rule again. Who knows what other shitty stuff is in those products. .


Aug 15, 2015
Good on you. Throw that ***t outta the window. We're men. We are not supposed to put skin care products on our faces. Historically, men go out to get food for the family. We depend on our food and hormones and light to keep our skin in a very good shape. Even women are not supposed to put those nasty endocrine disrupter things on their bodies. I always warn the women in my family but they don't listen!


May 30, 2015
Austin, TX
Turns out that hyaluronic acid, in the cream, is closely related to estrogen production.
Interesting. Maybe they use increased estrogen to create a fuller face, which decreases visible lines.

I remember using some Kiehl products years ago because I was told they were quality, but ive never had ED.


Apr 30, 2015
I am not sure we can make this assumption about Hyaluronic Acid (HA). HA is found all over your body. We have to remember that taken as a whole, if you looked at all stress hormones, most of them do "good" things in the short run...give energy, promote growth of muscles and collagen, etc. There are lots of pubmed studies on how estrogen increases HA production, but I did not find much on HA increasing estrogen production. We cannot assume that it goes both ways or we would have to assume that things like increasing energy up cortisol production because the vice versa is true.

There are a couple of other things to consider, like the fact that oranges, vitamin c, and other fruits will increase production of HA in your body. Gelatenous cuts of meat will have small amounts of HA, as HA is found in your joints. Ray has talked a lot about stress hormones increasing collagen synthesis and how detrimental this is, but gelatin is a staple of the "ray peat diet." I just do not want to get caught in something that sounds logical when it is not. I am not saying that your face creams didn't cause your soft weiner, but that it may be a jump to assume it was the HA.

Here are the quotes from Ray I found on HA:

"In the adult, the PUFA and prostaglandins are known to increase collagen synthesis. Serotonin and estrogen, which interact closely with PUFA, promote collagen synthesis and fibrosis. In the fetus, hyaluronic acid, rather than collagen, is the main extracellular material in wound repair (Krummel, et al., 1987). Both it and its decomposition products have important regulatory “signal” functions in wound healing (Gao, et al., 2008), inflammation, and cell differentiation (Krasinski and Tchórzewski, 2007)."

"Later research has confirmed that view, showing that the bioflavonoids inhibit the enzyme hyaluronidase, which degrades the “ground substance” of connective tissues. At least one natural endogenous inhibitor of hyaluronidase has now been identified. The basement membrane that surrounds and unites the endothelial cells of capillaries is largely hyaluronic acid and collagen. It isn’t thrombogenic (Buchanan, et al.), despite the common belief that collagen is intrinsically a clot instigator. The breakdown of this ground substance is involved in growth and reproduction, so an excess of bioflavonoids in the diet could conceivably interfere with fertility and fetal development. Some bioflavonoids have been prescribed for menstrual problems, and are probably useful when the physiological inhibitor isn’t adequate.

Hyaluronidase is activated by shock, and also by estrogen. Both hyaluronidase and estrogen have been used in plastic surgery to “expand” tissue, weakening it and allowing it to be enlarged. During aging, hyaluronic acid (the major water-retaining component of connective tissue that’s broken down by hyaluronidase) decreases in the connective tissues, but increases in the blood stream. Shock allows hyaluronic acid to increase in the serum. Fragments of degraded hyaluronic acid are pro-inflammatory."

Also, perhaps not very scientific:

Video shows a long lived people consuming higher then usual amounts of HA through their root veggie diet.

As an aside, I am very open to the idea that HA consumed either internally or externally can cause an increase in Estrogen. I use a face cream that has some HA in it, so I would like to know so I could discontinue its use if this is the case. This seems like something to email Ray about as he has talked a bit about HA in the context of the body but not its consumption.


New Member
Apr 23, 2016
I know I don't have ED as a female, but I want to latch on to this subject as I have a weird reaction to oral hyaluronic acid too...

As a 48 year old I decided to try 20 mg oral hyaluronic acid to stave off wrinkles.
First of all, I noticed shorter sleep and then came a sense of unease, similar to anxiety AND too boot more difficulty reaching orgasm.

From past experiences I know I don't react well to exogenous estrogen, but these symptoms feel awfully familiar. So maybe it IS true - hyaluronic acid raises estrogen (and thus SHBG)? It would certainly explain my symptoms ... And probably Tarmander's ED too...


Mar 15, 2013
Kiehls is overpriced crap. You can make a face mask using clay, honey, or even aspirin, and use natural oils and butters (sparingly) to moisturise.

Was this the mask you bought? Rare Earth Pore Cleansing Masque | Kiehl's Since 1851

The 'active' ingredients are the only ones they disclose on this page - two types of clay, plus aloe vera - all of which are cheap as chips. The filler ingredients are probably mineral oil or some ***t. I can't believe people pay vastly inflated prices for this.


Apr 13, 2016
Cilantro can pull heavy metals out of your body's storage and redistribute them around the body, increasing their effects. Also, some clays are rich in heavy metals, though they usually stay locked in the adsorbent materials. Maybe the combination poisoned you.


New Member
Apr 23, 2016
@Tarmander : my sincerest apologies for botching up names!! I meant to refer to Natedawggh. Glad you're doing just fine, lol ...

Just wanted to corroborate his theory about hyaluronic acid - estrogen.

Turns out that hyaluronic acid, in the cream, is closely related to estrogen production. Estrogen stimulates it's increase
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