I'm Completely Broken - Erectile Dysfunction, Fatigue, No Concentration



Guys, I am feeling completely broken and really don't know how to continue but I am not giving up and I know there has to be a fix.

I am 19, about to turn 20, I have always had problems with diet. When I was younger I passed out a couple of times, or I had blurry vision and thought I was gonna pass out again. Now I know this has to be some sort of whacked out blood sugar problems.

Anyway, when I was doing no gluten, low starch, intermittent fasting, higher fat, my energy was a lot better. But I crashed. And now following the Peat diet, I get some improvements but here is the kicker:

A couple weeks ago, I met this girl, we had a great connection, I was mentally super attracted to her and she was to me but I couldn't get it up. Like I had zero brain-**** connection. The next few times my erections didn't feel super full, I actually didn't feel anything during sex and lost my erection pretty fast. It's not anxiety, it has been like this for as long as I can think.

I never got morning wood in my life except for maybe 3 times in my life were I felt very androgenic for the day. I always feel low testosterone, low physical libido though my mental state is always horny.

I tried stopping porn and masturbation since I was 15, multiple times of going for periods over 100 days without masturbation, orgasm or porn and my penis was completely dead. I can't take this anymore. So many potential partners that I have to turn down because my body doesn't work.

On top of that, trying to eat normally, I just completely pass out of fatigue so my blood sugar seems to be out of whack. And all these problems leave me with no energy to pursue my passions and my business, because I can't concentrate and I just feel like I am broken.

I tried eating no carbs yesterday and my energy was consistent without any crashes, but my libido is completely non existent again and today in the shower I lost so much hair, so I know that this is not the way to go, it's just avoiding the problem in terms of blood sugar balance.

What can I do? Doctors don't help me because they say it's all in my mind and I am young and they don't even take real tests. I feel like one of those PFS guys where nothing seems to work, even though I never took finasteride.

Please help me, guys.

Try a strict GAPS diet

You have candida and the peat diet is making it worse


Mar 5, 2017
I read now that you're doing heavy exercises, see this:
Is Exercise Lowering Your Testosterone Levels?

"Research has shown that high-volume training can cause a significant decrease in testosterone, a hormone you need to pack on the muscle, Testosterone is also critical to overall health and to help you feel as good as you look. If you don't believe that, just Google America’s fastest marathoner, Ryan Hall. Hall recently retired from running due to chronic fatigue and low testosterone levels brought on by his years of relentless training."

Endurance Exercise Training and Male Sexual Libido. - PubMed - NCBI


Exposure to higher levels of chronic intense and greater durations of endurance training on a regular basis is significantly associated with a decreased libido scores in men. Clinicians who treat male patients for sexual disorders and/or council couples on infertility issues should consider the degree of endurance exercise training a man is performing as a potential complicating factor.

I wouldn't say I am doing heavy exercises. I used to do 5x5 strength training with heavy weights focusing on compound lifts (which were actually supposed to boost T ...). Now I do lighter exercise, no endurance exercise, though.

Over 1kg of animal flesh plus milk and yogurt and all that other stuff sounds taxing on the digestive system.

Pure rice? Who eats that? Do they have marvelous genital functioning?

Most people would lose their appetite after a few spoons of plain rice!

Rice is a grain so it is has a bad amino acid profile. It is high in arginine and low in lysine so the opposite of @TreasureVibe's Pauling protocol and therefore bad for cardiovascular / erectile health.

Rice needs to be mixed with meat and veg to make a more balanced meal. Potato and sweet potato are probably better foods.

Try eating 300g of white fish or chicken or beef with 300g boiled sweet potato, salted butter and mango chutney.

Keep your coffee, sugar and skim milk going for now to fill out the rest of your day. (Try to make gradual changes so that you can pinpoint improvements).

Well, I usually do beef and rice, or chicken and rice but again, if I eat a meal like this, my blood sugar crashes. Or I eat rice with butter. Yesterday was just an experiment because people said I need more carbs/starches and not liquid.

Not sure if you have tried iodine painting externally - but I have two close male friends that have worked with that successfully-

I used to take Iodine before discovering Peat, and it always seemed like giving me energy at first, but then after a while seemed to make problem. I have read about the testicle-painting protocol but never tried it.


Mar 5, 2017
Have you tried eating a high fat, high sugar diet (40/40/20 f/c/p), dropping all starches and dairy? So basically eating red meat, organs, fish, veg (green leafys, broccoli, carrots), fruit, tallow, coconut oil, cocobutter and then cane sugar/ cane sugar soda to hit your carb calories? From my experience and reading: The fat helps the sterilize the small intestine, spare sugar for the brain and provide for hormonal synthesis. The protein for lean mass. The carbs for endorcine function and energy. The green leafy fiber and fruit fiber protects the body from endotoxin by manipulating the microbiome.

Interesting. There were definitely days were I would eat a pound of ground beef, coconut oil and lots of sugar. Might be worth a try.


Mar 5, 2017
Try a strict GAPS diet

You have candida and the peat diet is making it worse

I definitely don't know what to believe about the whole candida thing anymore.
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Mar 3, 2013
Honestly, screw what people say on this forum about NO.


These drugs used sparingly are safe, and yes they increase NO but the NO increase is mainly localized to your penis and Viagra has a relatively short half life.

You can spend 2 years tweaking diet to "Fix" your penis or you can take a proven effective and safe method of achieving an erection in the form of a pill.

It would suck if your relationship suffers because of something that should be a normal reflex in men - erections.

Viagra increases nitric oxide which is a respiratory toxin.
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Jul 13, 2017
I cannot confidently give a specific advice by working with the presented information so far, so I won't aim that strictly towards the dark. But your problem is not the erectile dysfunction. At most it is a symptom, although that symptom itself possibly brings mental disturbances. There are few worse states for a man than a state of self-doubt in his manhood at the moment when a girl gazes at your eyes. At the moment when you have to be taken over by your innate gust for conquest, you are forced to think about the painful what if's. This eliminates the man-to-woman communication and can make the life a hell of a ride. See buddy, the body is like a motor, although far more complex, one of the most sophisticated system across the existence we call Being. One link out of order and everything becomes shaky, unstable and prone to damage. If you have heart issues, your sword won't shine up that good. If at all. If you are hypothyroid, things won't be perfect too. And a healthy thyroid gland isn't enough. Neither enough precursors. The liver plays a key role too. Your mineral dis/balance as well. If you are overwhelmed by stress, especially induced by some factors far more than others, then this pushes you and your body in a state of being in which a malfunction down there is rarely the biggest problem, although for each one of us, as men, it always is serious enough.
The lack of concentration may be caused by inflamation, messed up brain chemistry, too intense stressfull distractions and whatnot.

Do eat only food that in the recent past has been growing, blooming, running, swimming, flying or roaring. Make sure that all the nutrients, raw materials and precursors for the required hormones, neutrotransmitters, and the countless chemical reactions needed for optimal function are present. Do your best to lead a lifestyle that brings joy, struggle (not horror), happiness. A life that is fulfilling (not contentment), a life that brings benign changes in your physicality and personality. Challenge your intelectual capacity and your mental endurance, your will. A life that is intellectually and physically tasking. A challenging one. The hormones play a regulative role as an adaptive tool. You have to cause the processes of adaptation. Tough seamen are not made in flat seas. Embrace the waves. Seek for them. Go for a hike. Not simply outdoor. Read at least a book every week. Lift up the barbell above your head. The only time I've felt fatigue is the time when I've dared to attempt to lead a life of leisure and comfort.
I know that these things sound too broad. But issues that persist for years are rarely local, but systematic.

Meanwhile, read, read a lot and watch yourself. The tests from an endo is a wise move.


Mar 5, 2017
I cannot confidently give a specific advice by working with the presented information so far, so I won't aim that strictly towards the dark. But your problem is not the erectile dysfunction. At most it is a symptom, although that symptom itself possibly brings mental disturbances. There are few worse states for a man than a state of self-doubt in his manhood at the moment when a girl gazes at your eyes. At the moment when you have to be taken over by your innate gust for conquest, you are forced to think about the painful what if's. This eliminates the man-to-woman communication and can make the life a hell of a ride. See buddy, the body is like a motor, although far more complex, one of the most sophisticated system across the existence we call Being. One link out of order and everything becomes shaky, unstable and prone to damage. If you have heart issues, your sword won't shine up that good. If at all. If you are hypothyroid, things won't be perfect too. And a healthy thyroid gland isn't enough. Neither enough precursors. The liver plays a key role too. Your mineral dis/balance as well. If you are overwhelmed by stress, especially induced by some factors far more than others, then this pushes you and your body in a state of being in which a malfunction down there is rarely the biggest problem, although for each one of us, as men, it always is serious enough.
The lack of concentration may be caused by inflamation, messed up brain chemistry, too intense stressfull distractions and whatnot.

Do eat only food that in the recent past has been growing, blooming, running, swimming, flying or roaring. Make sure that all the nutrients, raw materials and precursors for the required hormones, neutrotransmitters, and the countless chemical reactions needed for optimal function are present. Do your best to lead a lifestyle that brings joy, struggle (not horror), happiness. A life that is fulfilling (not contentment), a life that brings benign changes in your physicality and personality. Challenge your intelectual capacity and your mental endurance, your will. A life that is intellectually and physically tasking. A challenging one. The hormones play a regulative role as an adaptive tool. You have to cause the processes of adaptation. Tough seamen are not made in flat seas. Embrace the waves. Seek for them. Go for a hike. Not simply outdoor. Read at least a book every week. Lift up the barbell above your head. The only time I've felt fatigue is the time when I've dared to attempt to lead a life of leisure and comfort.
I know that these things sound too broad. But issues that persist for years are rarely local, but systematic.

Meanwhile, read, read a lot and watch yourself. The tests from an endo is a wise move.

This is probably the best response I got so far and I feel like I get what you are saying!


I definitely don't know what to believe about the whole candida thing anymore.

What I believe is that when I went Paleo, ate 3 cloves of raw garlic a day, added psyllium shakes and started doing colonics, I saw big threads of candida leaving my colon some times when I was dumping.

And it cured my sluggishness, depression, brought back clarity and vitality


Jul 3, 2016
What have you noticed?
Sudden relaxation, much more smoothness and transition in conversation, no more stressed out feeling (even though I thought I didn't have that anymore, I still did), much less depressed, feeling better bodily, etc anxiety is also gone

Felt like my body was missing this for a long time.
Jun 28, 2016
Guys, I am feeling completely broken and really don't know how to continue but I am not giving up and I know there has to be a fix.

I am 19, about to turn 20, I have always had problems with diet. When I was younger I passed out a couple of times, or I had blurry vision and thought I was gonna pass out again. Now I know this has to be some sort of whacked out blood sugar problems.

Anyway, when I was doing no gluten, low starch, intermittent fasting, higher fat, my energy was a lot better. But I crashed. And now following the Peat diet, I get some improvements but here is the kicker:

A couple weeks ago, I met this girl, we had a great connection, I was mentally super attracted to her and she was to me but I couldn't get it up. Like I had zero brain-**** connection. The next few times my erections didn't feel super full, I actually didn't feel anything during sex and lost my erection pretty fast. It's not anxiety, it has been like this for as long as I can think.

I never got morning wood in my life except for maybe 3 times in my life were I felt very androgenic for the day. I always feel low testosterone, low physical libido though my mental state is always horny.

I tried stopping porn and masturbation since I was 15, multiple times of going for periods over 100 days without masturbation, orgasm or porn and my penis was completely dead. I can't take this anymore. So many potential partners that I have to turn down because my body doesn't work.

On top of that, trying to eat normally, I just completely pass out of fatigue so my blood sugar seems to be out of whack. And all these problems leave me with no energy to pursue my passions and my business, because I can't concentrate and I just feel like I am broken.

I tried eating no carbs yesterday and my energy was consistent without any crashes, but my libido is completely non existent again and today in the shower I lost so much hair, so I know that this is not the way to go, it's just avoiding the problem in terms of blood sugar balance.

What can I do? Doctors don't help me because they say it's all in my mind and I am young and they don't even take real tests. I feel like one of those PFS guys where nothing seems to work, even though I never took finasteride.

Please help me, guys.

I highly recommend Nathan Hatch's book F*** Portion Control. He's got a whole chapter on how to cure ED.


Jan 21, 2018
Guys, I am feeling completely broken and really don't know how to continue but I am not giving up and I know there has to be a fix.

I am 19, about to turn 20, I have always had problems with diet. When I was younger I passed out a couple of times, or I had blurry vision and thought I was gonna pass out again. Now I know this has to be some sort of whacked out blood sugar problems.

Anyway, when I was doing no gluten, low starch, intermittent fasting, higher fat, my energy was a lot better. But I crashed. And now following the Peat diet, I get some improvements but here is the kicker:

A couple weeks ago, I met this girl, we had a great connection, I was mentally super attracted to her and she was to me but I couldn't get it up. Like I had zero brain-**** connection. The next few times my erections didn't feel super full, I actually didn't feel anything during sex and lost my erection pretty fast. It's not anxiety, it has been like this for as long as I can think.

I never got morning wood in my life except for maybe 3 times in my life were I felt very androgenic for the day. I always feel low testosterone, low physical libido though my mental state is always horny.

I tried stopping porn and masturbation since I was 15, multiple times of going for periods over 100 days without masturbation, orgasm or porn and my penis was completely dead. I can't take this anymore. So many potential partners that I have to turn down because my body doesn't work.

On top of that, trying to eat normally, I just completely pass out of fatigue so my blood sugar seems to be out of whack. And all these problems leave me with no energy to pursue my passions and my business, because I can't concentrate and I just feel like I am broken.

I tried eating no carbs yesterday and my energy was consistent without any crashes, but my libido is completely non existent again and today in the shower I lost so much hair, so I know that this is not the way to go, it's just avoiding the problem in terms of blood sugar balance.

What can I do? Doctors don't help me because they say it's all in my mind and I am young and they don't even take real tests. I feel like one of those PFS guys where nothing seems to work, even though I never took finasteride.

Please help me, guys.
Guys, I am feeling completely broken and really don't know how to continue but I am not giving up and I know there has to be a fix.

I am 19, about to turn 20, I have always had problems with diet. When I was younger I passed out a couple of times, or I had blurry vision and thought I was gonna pass out again. Now I know this has to be some sort of whacked out blood sugar problems.

Anyway, when I was doing no gluten, low starch, intermittent fasting, higher fat, my energy was a lot better. But I crashed. And now following the Peat diet, I get some improvements but here is the kicker:

A couple weeks ago, I met this girl, we had a great connection, I was mentally super attracted to her and she was to me but I couldn't get it up. Like I had zero brain-**** connection. The next few times my erections didn't feel super full, I actually didn't feel anything during sex and lost my erection pretty fast. It's not anxiety, it has been like this for as long as I can think.

I never got morning wood in my life except for maybe 3 times in my life were I felt very androgenic for the day. I always feel low testosterone, low physical libido though my mental state is always horny.

I tried stopping porn and masturbation since I was 15, multiple times of going for periods over 100 days without masturbation, orgasm or porn and my penis was completely dead. I can't take this anymore. So many potential partners that I have to turn down because my body doesn't work.

On top of that, trying to eat normally, I just completely pass out of fatigue so my blood sugar seems to be out of whack. And all these problems leave me with no energy to pursue my passions and my business, because I can't concentrate and I just feel like I am broken.

I tried eating no carbs yesterday and my energy was consistent without any crashes, but my libido is completely non existent again and today in the shower I lost so much hair, so I know that this is not the way to go, it's just avoiding the problem in terms of blood sugar balance.

What can I do? Doctors don't help me because they say it's all in my mind and I am young and they don't even take real tests. I feel like one of those PFS guys where nothing seems to work, even though I never took finasteride.

Please help me, guys.

First of all, you are a very young man, and still physically developing as a man. Don't over react. Love is way more important than sex when it comes to women anyhow, so focusing on love and the relationship will be best for everyone in the long run. I'm about 3 times your age and can tell you that the body can change quite a bit between 19 and say 25 ish. Having said that, I can give you a few ideas on things that worked for me when my libido went to hell in my late 30's to early 40's. Diet is a factor for sure. The first building block for all hormones is cholesterol. The best source of raw cholesterol is raw egg yolks. I eat between 2 and 8 per day, and have for over 10 years now. Your body will convert the cholesterol into the hormones that it needs. Stay away from hormone supplements at your age. The pregnenolone that you are taking likely converting into estrogen, which is going to hurt your sex drive. Zinc picolinate, about 44 mg and magnesium at about 400 mg are helpful. Stay away from alcohol, it causes estrogen to build up due to effect on liver.
I d try that for starters and see if it helps you. Celery juice is also were good hydration.


Mar 5, 2017
First of all, you are a very young man, and still physically developing as a man. Don't over react. Love is way more important than sex when it comes to women anyhow, so focusing on love and the relationship will be best for everyone in the long run. I'm about 3 times your age and can tell you that the body can change quite a bit between 19 and say 25 ish. Having said that, I can give you a few ideas on things that worked for me when my libido went to hell in my late 30's to early 40's. Diet is a factor for sure. The first building block for all hormones is cholesterol. The best source of raw cholesterol is raw egg yolks. I eat between 2 and 8 per day, and have for over 10 years now. Your body will convert the cholesterol into the hormones that it needs. Stay away from hormone supplements at your age. The pregnenolone that you are taking likely converting into estrogen, which is going to hurt your sex drive. Zinc picolinate, about 44 mg and magnesium at about 400 mg are helpful. Stay away from alcohol, it causes estrogen to build up due to effect on liver.
I d try that for starters and see if it helps you. Celery juice is also were good hydration.

Thanks for the answer but in all honesty, I tried all of that and nothing worked.

My body doesn't seem to use the cholesterol to build hormones. I did the 4-8 raw eggs for months along with a super clean diet, 8+ hours of sleep, zinc and magnesium supps, I did all that. Ironically, I was also juicing fresh veges every night along with lots of celery and beets because it was supposed to be good for erections. Nothing. I think nothing of that worked to be honest.

Also the love thing, yeah sure it's important, but at the end of the day, it's both purely physical for both of us. She wants sex, I want sex, we both are horny, nothing wrong with that. It's just my **** that doesn't work.

Same thing happened in a loving relationship before. It's also not a head thing because I am uber-confident to be honest.


Dec 2, 2017
I got ED a few years ago in college. It hit me out of nowhere. It was literally like one day I’m having lots of hot sex and the next day its not responding to anything. I tried going out with hotter women but even that didn’t work. Screwed my head up big time. I lost confidence and stopped trying to meet new girls. It wasn’t like I was drinking or abusing myself either. I kept in excellent shape and watched what I ate. So I just abstained completely. Took a break. Then a few months later I decided to give it another try. Zip! Nada! So I went to the doctor for a check up and lab work and he said everything was normal. Eventually I went to another doctor and he prescribed me some viagra. I thought, But I’m too young for viagra! But I took one anyway and wow! There he is again just like old times! So I got back out to meet girls again and eventually found a really cute girl and we hit it off well. Later on when things progressed I took my pill and bang! My confidence quickly came back and I realized I didn’t need the pills anymore. So while viagra might not be exactly “healthy”, if it’s only for a short term it’s still a helluva lot healthier than the continual damage being limp does to your ego and mindset. Good luck man!


Sep 23, 2017
you sound like you have extremely high insulin sensitivity if you crash right after a meal. As PEAT says low iron can cause high insulin sensitivity

how is your iron levels?

what color is your poo, any black stools? intestinal bleeding can lead to iron lo

are you fat or thin? belly fat? fat thighs? or muscle and bulk?

do you do CARDIO?

do you breath through your nose or your mouth? breathing through the nose increases Nitrous Oxide.

do you wear glasses (high serotonin leads to myopia)

any allergies? hives?

some of what you have said in all your post points to adrenal issues also since the adrenals make a lot of hormones like cortisol, adrenaline, Testosterone etc.

from what i've read in my journey is that if you have high insulin you could have low or weak adrenals and if your adrenals.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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