I'm Completely Broken - Erectile Dysfunction, Fatigue, No Concentration


Mar 5, 2017
Guys, I am feeling completely broken and really don't know how to continue but I am not giving up and I know there has to be a fix.

I am 19, about to turn 20, I have always had problems with diet. When I was younger I passed out a couple of times, or I had blurry vision and thought I was gonna pass out again. Now I know this has to be some sort of whacked out blood sugar problems.

Anyway, when I was doing no gluten, low starch, intermittent fasting, higher fat, my energy was a lot better. But I crashed. And now following the Peat diet, I get some improvements but here is the kicker:

A couple weeks ago, I met this girl, we had a great connection, I was mentally super attracted to her and she was to me but I couldn't get it up. Like I had zero brain-**** connection. The next few times my erections didn't feel super full, I actually didn't feel anything during sex and lost my erection pretty fast. It's not anxiety, it has been like this for as long as I can think.

I never got morning wood in my life except for maybe 3 times in my life were I felt very androgenic for the day. I always feel low testosterone, low physical libido though my mental state is always horny.

I tried stopping porn and masturbation since I was 15, multiple times of going for periods over 100 days without masturbation, orgasm or porn and my penis was completely dead. I can't take this anymore. So many potential partners that I have to turn down because my body doesn't work.

On top of that, trying to eat normally, I just completely pass out of fatigue so my blood sugar seems to be out of whack. And all these problems leave me with no energy to pursue my passions and my business, because I can't concentrate and I just feel like I am broken.

I tried eating no carbs yesterday and my energy was consistent without any crashes, but my libido is completely non existent again and today in the shower I lost so much hair, so I know that this is not the way to go, it's just avoiding the problem in terms of blood sugar balance.

What can I do? Doctors don't help me because they say it's all in my mind and I am young and they don't even take real tests. I feel like one of those PFS guys where nothing seems to work, even though I never took finasteride.

Please help me, guys.


May 30, 2018
What would you estimate your average calorie intake has been over the last year? What about exercise? Since you're so young, if calories have been low I would just try upping calories to 4000-5000 (don't worry about any specific diet, just eat) and start doing sprint sessions and a full body weight lifting routine a few times per week. That should get some major T production going and boost androgen receptor sensitivity along with dopamine at your age. Probably best to leave the bone (or lack thereof) alone. Give it a good two months of consistency before considering adding anything else to the equation.
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Mar 5, 2017
What would you estimate your average calorie intake has been over the last year? What about exercise? Since you're so young, if calories have been low I would just try upping calories to 4000-5000 (don't worry about any specific diet, just eat) and start doing sprint sessions and a full body weight lifting routine a few times per week. That should get some major T production going and boost androgen receptor sensitivity along with dopamine at your age. Probably best to leave the bone (or lack thereof) alone. Give it a good two months of consistency before considering adding anything else to the equation.

I would estimate that I've been getting about 3000 calories consistently, especially when I was doing more Matt Stone like diet with Pizza and fast food. I thought about trying to up the calories to that amount (which would only be possible by "breaking" Peat rules i.e. incorporating starches etc) but the thing is as I said in my post, that I get so fatigued after these kind of meals, that it is no way to lift.

Also I lift since I have been 14 or so. I went through phases of heavy strength training, only compound moves 3 times per week and find that it was too taxing. Now I am doing much more relaxed "bodybuilding type" workouts with higher reps wich seems much more relaxing on my body and my muscle building results are way better. I also felt no correlation between strength training and T levels.

I feel like my main problems might be my body not being able to handle sugar correctly, my liver is probably not working correctly and I feel like I might have high cortisol symptoms. Like when I was with that chick in bed, and I had zero physical libido and my penis was shriveled up (the whole day actually, must be something that I did that day that completely killed it), she noticed even later when we were just laying there, how fast my heart was beating and how abnormally high my pulse was. I noticed that, too. Seemed like stress response, the same one I felt yesterday when I went low carb for too long. Who knows. Maybe not enough calories is the problem, but when I up them I just pass out into food coma and can't function normally.


May 30, 2018
I would break a lot of the typical Peat rules in your situation. Probably not much fruit if you're not digesting it well or feel like you're getting much energy from it. Instead lots of eggs, beef, rice, potatoes, cheese. Maybe 4000 calories worth as a minimum. If you haven't eaten much starch in awhile you'll feel drowsy at first but that should go away within a week or two. I had food comas after doing low carb and no starch before too. But I think overall starch is better for recovering from low calories and low carb than raw fruit/juice.
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Mar 5, 2017
I would break a lot of the typical Peat rules in your situation. Probably not much fruit if you're not digesting it well or feel like you're getting much energy from it. Instead lots of eggs, beef, rice, potatoes, cheese. Maybe 4000 calories worth as a minimum. If you haven't eaten much starch in awhile you'll feel drowsy at first but that should go away within a week or two. I had food comas after doing low carb and no starch before too. But I think overall starch is better for recovering from low calories and low carb than raw fruit/juice.

I've been trying exactly that for a long time already. When first dabbling with Peat's ideas I just raised my carbs and total calories and my main staples were beef, rice, potatoes, cheese and milk. Often even pizza. My calories and density should been really high but all it did was make me gain weight and feel super slow the whole day. I haven't been "low carb" for 2 years and even back then I was eating quite a bit of carbs coming from milk, potatoes and rice. It's just that I raised it even more. I was never like full keto, low-carb diet. Just yesterday I tried it once and saw that I don't have the fatigue after meals. I feel like starch is a double-edged sort. On one hand, it provides a lot of calories, but on the other hand, I can't seem to use the energy, my blood sugar goes crazy and I can't digest it.

Going rather strictly Peat, low-fat milk, coffee, lots of sugar, no starch, apple juice, gelatin, certain symptoms get better like the energy aspect. I still feel like sometimes my blood sugar might be out of whack and sometimes I might not be hitting enough calories but still libido kinda sucks.


Mar 5, 2017
Ever done any blood tests for sex(testosterone/estrogen/dhea/lh etc) or other hormones?

Yes, in fact, I went to a urologist when I was 15. I had my first girl and noticed my relatively weak erections and the fact that I never had any morning wood and spontaneous erections obviously freaked me out. He was like "it's all in your mind" and "morning wood doesn't matter" bull****. He decided to test for testosterone and said the results were normal. I didn't quite catch the number but I reckon it's been on the low scale.

I have taken 50mg pregnenolone a couple times now (only dose I can get my hands on) and on the one hand I feel like it might give me energy and on the other hand I feel like it might completely castrate me for a few days as one of the days I took it was when I met the girl.

On the other hand, a couple days ago I noticed beard growth on my cheek for the first time in my life out of nowhere so I think maybe I activated something with the preg.

I definitely feel like my hormones are out of wack or my hormones aren't working in the body correctly in terms of receptors like for the PFS guys.

Also to the commenter above, if it were as simple as upping calories, I should have at least have some libido back in the days, but I never even had morning wood ever in my life except a handful of times I can clearly think of, where I must have done something by coincedence, because these were the only times in my life were I woke up with a lot of energy, felt androgenic, dopaminergic and could feel other people treating me.

All my trials to increase my T, and decrease estrogen failed though. At first I did the classic eat more fats, avoid plastics, processed foods, sleep a lot which should have at least some effect but it didn't work. And now with Peats ideas, increasing the carbs, coffee, carrot for estrogen, fat soluble vitamins, I still don't really feel an effect.
Aug 3, 2016
Sounds like you need to work closely with an endocrinologist. Testosterone level can range is like 350-1100, so if you were 351, that might be "normal" to the doctor when it is not.
Should always get a copy of your blood work results to reference.

Do reviews on endo's in your area, or even anti aging clinics. See if any are good. You might have to save some $ and travel to see a good one.

This does not sound like it is due to calories causing this issue, because I'd guess you have eaten enough calories a day more than the handful times you had morning wood.

You may want to do a sleep study as well, make sure you don't have breathing issues/sleep apnea during sleep. Then it could be hormonal/neuro related to the morning wood.


Mar 5, 2017
Sounds like you need to work closely with an endocrinologist. Testosterone level can range is like 350-1100, so if you were 351, that might be "normal" to the doctor when it is not.
Should always get a copy of your blood work results to reference.

Do reviews on endo's in your area, or even anti aging clinics. See if any are good. You might have to save some $ and travel to see a good one.

This does not sound like it is due to calories causing this issue, because I'd guess you have eaten enough calories a day more than the handful times you had morning wood.

You may want to do a sleep study as well, make sure you don't have breathing issues/sleep apnea during sleep. Then it could be hormonal/neuro related to the morning wood.

That's my thinking as well. If it were a calorie issue, it shouldn't be like this all my life, especially my teenage years where a lot of people probably have suboptimal nutrition and no problems in that department.

I seriously think it was on the low end. That's what I am telling everybody I talk about with this. I know myself, that the normal scale is from 300-1100 ng/ml (or whatever the unit is) when in fact 300 is only normal for an 80-year-old male. I seriously think mine would have been on the very low end but then again, for years I have been trying every "natural", conventional way, and more "unconventional" peat ways and it hasn't had any effect.

Here in my country, there is no chance I'll get on any hormone therapy or doctors will help me in any way. I guess there is no way to spending money on a complete hormone panel. Either I search for a good doctor or I order one online, either way I will have to pay for it myself. 200 bucks is a bit steep for me without any support which is why I have been holding it off.

Can you tell me exactly what I should include in the test to avoid having to do one instead. Testosterone, free testosterone, dhea, estrogen, cortisol?
Aug 3, 2016
What country you from?
You should call/email all endo's in your country and talk to them.
Or take a trip to another country with good endo's or pharmacies that can help you.

You can check that site, and see all the various blood test. That's in the usa though, but it gives you an idea. There is a hormone section and male health.
Yes, all those sound good... I'd add igf, progesterone, thyroid, shbg, lh/fsh, vitamins, minerals, lipids, complete blood count.


Mar 5, 2017
What country you from?
You should call/email all endo's in your country and talk to them.
Or take a trip to another country with good endo's or pharmacies that can help you.

You can check that site, and see all the various blood test. That's in the usa though, but it gives you an idea. There is a hormone section and male health.
Yes, all those sound good... I'd add igf, progesterone, thyroid, shbg, lh/fsh, vitamins, minerals, lipids, complete blood count.

I am from Germany, but TRT is frowned upon here and any sort of hormone replacement for males. Add to that, that I am young dude and no doc treats it seriously but for me it is the most serious thing in the world.

BTW in terms of calories, there were periods were I was Intermittent Fasting 16 hours and eating during an 8 hour window (I read that it boosts T and HGH), I was sleeping 8 hours per night, with good circadian rhythm and wasn't in any stress, strength training 3 times per week, meditating, reading, and in my 8 hour eating window I was stuffing down a pound of ground beef, 8 eggs, a pound of chicken, greek yogurt, nuts, apples and bananas, milk shakes, and a huge portion of potatoes or rice, nut butters and fruit in my shake and coconut oil or protein powder. My calories should have been sufficient and still nothing.
Aug 3, 2016
I understand.
Keep searching for doctors, as you may have to travel to a country that does trt/hrt and you can fly back with 3-12 months supply... if that is the issue.
I'd do some blood work in the mean time so you have an idea what you may need to fix.

Other routes you can go in the mean time is order hormones online and try them out. I think there are a lot of countries in EU where you can get hormones from pharmacy or online.
Around 200mg/week of testosterone is common for trt in the usa.
Some also use nandrolone.
Or some doctors might try the clomid/hcg/estrogen inhibitor type to get your hpta back online if it's not already.
dhea/preg is another combo.
Could be another issue all together as erection issues can have various causes.
Good luck in your search!


Jul 29, 2015
I am from Germany, but TRT is frowned upon here and any sort of hormone replacement for males. Add to that, that I am young dude and no doc treats it seriously but for me it is the most serious thing in the world.

BTW in terms of calories, there were periods were I was Intermittent Fasting 16 hours and eating during an 8 hour window (I read that it boosts T and HGH), I was sleeping 8 hours per night, with good circadian rhythm and wasn't in any stress, strength training 3 times per week, meditating, reading, and in my 8 hour eating window I was stuffing down a pound of ground beef, 8 eggs, a pound of chicken, greek yogurt, nuts, apples and bananas, milk shakes, and a huge portion of potatoes or rice, nut butters and fruit in my shake and coconut oil or protein powder. My calories should have been sufficient and still nothing.
You need to push for blood tests. Everything is just speculation without them. You are flying blind and you'll be spinning in circles until you can actually figure out what is physiologically wrong with you. Can you order your own blood tests in Germany? You will have to do that if you can't find a doctor who is willing to cooperate with you. If your life is becoming unmanageable, you should do everything in your power to remedy that.


Mar 5, 2017
I understand.
Keep searching for doctors, as you may have to travel to a country that does trt/hrt and you can fly back with 3-12 months supply... if that is the issue.
I'd do some blood work in the mean time so you have an idea what you may need to fix.

Other routes you can go in the mean time is order hormones online and try them out. I think there are a lot of countries in EU where you can get hormones from pharmacy or online.
Around 200mg/week of testosterone is common for trt in the usa.
Some also use nandrolone.
Or some doctors might try the clomid/hcg/estrogen inhibitor type to get your hpta back online if it's not already.
dhea/preg is another combo.
Could be another issue all together as erection issues can have various causes.
Good luck in your search!

Thanks for the detailed response. I am definitely not gonna go into the hormone route and treat myself before knowing my hormone levels exactly. Having a doctor who would put me on weekly T injections would be optimal but won't happen. As I am in the topic for years now, I know quite a bit about TRT and also read how 150-200 mg/week doses seem optimal. Doctors here would probably maximally get you on some stupid gels that make everything worse.

I definitely have no other choice but get my hormones checked one way or the other. Maybe I will find something that sticks out and I can tackle naturally. If not hormones, don't wanna live like that till I am 30 and then get on TRT because it's the right age but then suffer for 10 more years.

Again, it's hard to get hormones shipped here. The only thing I could get was 50mg pregnenolone capsules, which I thought would be quite safe and might help me kickstart my natural production as it's downstream. Still unsure about the effects though.

Do you have experience with hormone therapy/TRT?


Feb 20, 2013
If you are eating high-calorie foods and your metabolism stays low you might have a chronic infection going on. Do you have any inflammatory diseases?
Might be worth trying an antibiotic to see if that allows your metabolism to increase by eliminating chronic infection.


Mar 5, 2017
If you are eating high-calorie foods and your metabolism stays low you might have a chronic infection going on. Do you have any inflammatory diseases?
Might be worth trying an antibiotic to see if that allows your metabolism to increase by eliminating chronic infection.

I tried aspirin and it helped with my bad breath and yellow tongue in another thread. I think one dose of Pregnenolone completely eliminated the yellow tongue, bad breath problem but it didn't help with libido at all.


Jan 25, 2014
Guys, I am feeling completely broken and really don't know how to continue but I am not giving up and I know there has to be a fix.

I am 19, about to turn 20, I have always had problems with diet. When I was younger I passed out a couple of times, or I had blurry vision and thought I was gonna pass out again. Now I know this has to be some sort of whacked out blood sugar problems.

Anyway, when I was doing no gluten, low starch, intermittent fasting, higher fat, my energy was a lot better. But I crashed. And now following the Peat diet, I get some improvements but here is the kicker:

A couple weeks ago, I met this girl, we had a great connection, I was mentally super attracted to her and she was to me but I couldn't get it up. Like I had zero brain-**** connection. The next few times my erections didn't feel super full, I actually didn't feel anything during sex and lost my erection pretty fast. It's not anxiety, it has been like this for as long as I can think.

I never got morning wood in my life except for maybe 3 times in my life were I felt very androgenic for the day. I always feel low testosterone, low physical libido though my mental state is always horny.

I tried stopping porn and masturbation since I was 15, multiple times of going for periods over 100 days without masturbation, orgasm or porn and my penis was completely dead. I can't take this anymore. So many potential partners that I have to turn down because my body doesn't work.

On top of that, trying to eat normally, I just completely pass out of fatigue so my blood sugar seems to be out of whack. And all these problems leave me with no energy to pursue my passions and my business, because I can't concentrate and I just feel like I am broken.

I tried eating no carbs yesterday and my energy was consistent without any crashes, but my libido is completely non existent again and today in the shower I lost so much hair, so I know that this is not the way to go, it's just avoiding the problem in terms of blood sugar balance.

What can I do? Doctors don't help me because they say it's all in my mind and I am young and they don't even take real tests. I feel like one of those PFS guys where nothing seems to work, even though I never took finasteride.

Please help me, guys.

If you humiliated someone,you will face the same. Go and seek forgiveness from the people you have hurt and then
start with diet,calories,hormones..


Mar 5, 2017
If you humiliated someone,you will face the same. Go and seek forgiveness from the people you have hurt and then
start with diet,calories,hormones..

Interesting. I thought about emotional causes but more in the sense of childhood trauma. I am gonna go reflect and see if I can find some case where I humiliated someone in that department. Any more thoughts on this topic, as it really peeked my interest and something that I am thinking about as well.


May 30, 2018
If you are eating high-calorie foods and your metabolism stays low you might have a chronic infection going on. Do you have any inflammatory diseases?
Might be worth trying an antibiotic to see if that allows your metabolism to increase by eliminating chronic infection.
Could be a possibility, I think that was one of my main issues. Do you have gut inflammation Deadpool? (Gut is swollen and protruding with water retention, coated white tongue are common symptoms)

Emodin and beta lapachone cleared it up better than anything. Then starch and other foods digested much better afterwards, where before it looked like a lot of food was coming out undigested and not providing much energy.


Mar 5, 2017
Could be a possibility, I think that was one of my main issues. Do you have gut inflammation Deadpool? (Gut is swollen and protruding with water retention, coated white tongue are common symptoms)

Emodin and beta lapachone cleared it up better than anything. Then starch and other foods digested much better afterwards, where before it looked like a lot of food was coming out undigested and not providing much energy.

Again, my tongue was coated and I had bad breath and definite gut issues for a long time which seems to clear up when I don't eat starch. After I took preg the first time a few weeks ago it went away (the tongue part). don't know if it's actually preg that helped or something else.

Anyways, there is definitely some underlying gut issues. Often times, my gut protrudes and I feel bloated especially after starchy meals.
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